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lol cant believe I simped over my 'wife' for half a year u guys were right    04/16/24  (6)
Video: 2pac was GAY    04/16/24  (3)
Swedish Sailor becomes King of New Guinea Cannibal Tribe (link)    04/16/24  (3)
These Resident Evil & Dead Space games are too scary to play lol fuck    04/16/24  (2)
XO completely unusable over last couple hours?    04/16/24  (2)
Report: Clarence Thomas slips into COMA in Intensive Care (not flame)    04/16/24  (2)
Opinions on Trello app?    04/16/24  (2)
Go starve die bet in streets fuck amerikkkans    04/16/24  (1)
Rate this statement just made to me by a priea    04/16/24  (1)
'Persian Wolf': Iranian bodybuilder Hadi Choopan wins Arnold Classic title    04/16/24  (1)
Boom did you "file" your diapers    04/16/24  (1)
EPAH is more successful than ZZ, right? But who is smarter?    04/16/24  (1)
And here's to you, Subramanian... Jesus loves you more than you will know    04/16/24  (1)
Stomping in all the skulls of the frauds who've cheated me fags    04/16/24  (1)
Should've called them all out from the beginning ear shit frauds    04/16/24  (1)
Had a dream where I won $3.1 million AUD in gold    04/16/24  (1)
Ho Lee Fuk- Doobs getting JACKED for next IFNB Twinkshow (low)    04/16/24  (1)
might host a local tv show not flame lol    04/16/24  (1)
great thread Subrahmanyan    04/16/24  (1)