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Living in Hawaii is 180 as fuck, just FYI    04/18/24  (35)
Is this a good photo to throw onto dating apps/social media?    04/18/24  (25)
The first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film was a bizarre spectacle    04/18/24  (13)
Alpha Turd Run GOOGLE fires 28 Shitlib Employees for "Protesting" in CEO Office    04/18/24  (13)
Pakistan is getting in bed with the USA now, getting the jump on India    04/18/24  (8)
It is your fate.    04/18/24  (7)
In order to be successful and do what you want to do in life, you may have to le    04/17/24  (7)
just bought a RC Helicopter    04/17/24  (6)
i'm Handsome btw    04/18/24  (6)
Donald Duck tp. Who is he? Seems to be taking xo by storm.    04/18/24  (6)
Anyone have experience hiring project managers/executive assistants?    04/18/24  (5)
Why is Lee Trevino so forgotten?    04/18/24  (5)
Tiktok bill gonna pass now - link    04/17/24  (4)
Louisiana swamp houseboat life seems 180 AF - video    04/18/24  (4)
a quarter pounder is $8 in lib states    04/17/24  (4)
NPR Chief Resigns In Face Of Blistering Attacks From Chris Rufo    04/18/24  (4)
Large french fries costs $20 now    04/17/24  (3)
video from xoxo meetup    04/17/24  (3)
Woman brings corpse into bank to apply for a loan - video    04/18/24  (3)
Which non-HOF/non-allstar white NBA player has best career highlights?    04/18/24  (3)
Leafs star Auston Matthews finishes season with 69 goals    04/17/24  (2)
AI controlled F-16s can now dogfight    04/17/24  (2)
Zelensky when he gets the first installment of the $60 billion - pic    04/17/24  (2)
Alcohol and cigarettes kill your sperm    04/18/24  (2)
the united states of america is literally third world now    04/18/24  (2)
Largest conurbation in North America with no professional sports team?    04/18/24  (2)
when did penussy officially lose it's luster to you?    04/17/24  (1)
Are there really sub 500 teams in the NBA playoffs    04/17/24  (1)
pussy luster tp    04/17/24  (1)
colombian president promises wife he will fight antisemitism (nyt headline now)    04/17/24  (1)
Reminder: This is the “White America” you want to “protect and preserve”    04/18/24  (1)
World's current top athletes competing (video)    04/18/24  (1)
Reminder: For every SLAMPIG, there is a PITMASTER.    04/18/24  (1)
Supposedly spaceporn used to smoke weed and watch Rick & Morty, but I don't know    04/18/24  (1)
i get HPPD when i hear the opening notes to Luniz I Got 5 On It    04/18/24  (1)
I DON'T SEE NATHAN WRONG    04/18/24  (1)
I'm a man. I'm a scholar. I am somebody.    04/18/24  (1)
Paging Luis & DBG re Gorgeous IRAN    04/18/24  (1)
Why does Garfield hate Mondays so much. He doesn’t even work iirc    04/17/24  (1)
Shitlibs want America to stop Russia and China but not Iran? WTF?    04/17/24  (1)
Sites like Tripadvisor make you realize what pedantic, petty fags people are    04/17/24  (1)
Pet llama goes on rampage in Idaho, kills family of five    04/17/24  (1)
to the tune of "Love Shack" -- "SLAM PIG, oh SLAM PIG... SLAM PIG--oooh SLAM PIG    04/18/24  (1)
Rate this Birdshit Lady State Dept sent to Speak to Gorgeous CCP Chinaman    04/18/24  (1)
BROKEN NIGGER MALES    04/18/24  (1)
texting with my ex gfs ex best friend she hates rn, gonna pipe her for fun    04/18/24  (1)
Bonham was almost fired after Page heard this song    04/18/24  (1)
Should I take job?    04/18/24  (1)