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Unmarried femcel sister is 30 next month & is depressed    04/23/24  (19)
Pretty 180 how everyone hates Jews now    04/23/24  (13)
Pro tip: Leaving this place will go a long way toward curing your mental illness    04/23/24  (12)
Look how completely unsafe this jewish woman is on a college campus in 2024    04/23/24  (7)
Trump currently ranting in court about how mean Biden is to Israel    04/23/24  (7)
If China did Pearl Harbor style attack on San Francisco, then wld u love China?    04/23/24  (6)
Are campus protests just a scheme by smelly Arabs to fuck white girls in tents?    04/23/24  (5)
I need to go to the upper west side today but am terrified for my life    04/23/24  (4)
180 how Trump keeps dozing off during his trial    04/23/24  (4)
good morning    04/23/24  (3)
4/23 will be a major test re Jewish control of US politics    04/23/24  (3)
The Praetorian Guard: The maker and breaker of emperors    04/23/24  (3)
Consuela has spent decades analyzing Wikipedia entries on historical events    04/23/24  (3)
But I did feel safe this morning.    04/23/24  (3)
happy St. George's Day for those who celebrate    04/23/24  (3)
Karen's Kum Kumsumption    04/23/24  (3)
"State Street" sounds like a boy band.    04/23/24  (2)
White Supremacist jews blocking you on twitter for identifying them as jewish    04/23/24  (2)
Rate this Atlanta antifa chapters statement on Biden's Morehouse commencement    04/23/24  (2)
Retired Royal Navy officer - UK can’t build shit, should buy from USA    04/23/24  (2)
jews are natural troons    04/23/24  (2)
Shit threads for shit people.    04/23/24  (2)
Wife benched 490. What should I do?    04/23/24  (2)
"OMG Becky! Before Pajeet showed me his Monitor Lizard, he shat in the street!"    04/23/24  (1)
Good job banker jews. Suppressed Occupy Wall St and ended up w/ full on 4th Reic    04/23/24  (1)
balls & boners    04/23/24  (1)
Bernie Sanders: “women fantasize being raped by three men simultaneously.”    04/23/24  (1)
Tommy, how do you fight the urge for that sweet lizard pussy?    04/23/24  (1)
LOL @ women    04/23/24  (1)
GJR texting Vinny Beedle 'u up?' at 1:15 am    04/23/24  (1)
The reason the protests are happening is because the Jews want them to happen.    04/23/24  (1)
So NYPD doesn't care abt crime except when it's Anti-Kikes protesting at Univs?    04/23/24  (1)
Should I replace 5 windows in house myself or hire it out?    04/23/24  (1)
I’m Aryan.    04/23/24  (1)
Australia to Elon Musk: FUCK YOU bitch boi    04/23/24  (1)
Met a Larry David-looking motherfucker w/ his hair dyed purple like a lesbian    04/23/24  (1)
Alec Baldwin not fucking around with Free Palestine protestor    04/23/24  (1)
I thought GOATUS POTUS was pronounced "SCOTUS POTUS"    04/23/24  (1)
Bill Barr: “I’m voting for Trump”    04/23/24  (1)
*sons of Joseph Smith chattelizing drug addicts so some fag can buy funkos*    04/23/24  (1)