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REMINDER: Only ~7% of gold is used in real world "industrial" applications.    04/16/24  (89)
Re: careers. The people that argued for passion over practicality were correct    04/16/24  (54)
Can’t think of anything more pathetic than “serving in the military”    04/16/24  (53)
Do you know how I did that recent trip to the Met?    04/15/24  (49)
Which four year period of your life would you relive?    04/16/24  (45)
Most overrated Scorsese movie? Departed /thread    04/15/24  (37)
RSF is pretty much the quintessence of “insufferable spoiled brat” isn’t h    04/15/24  (35)
Lmao Cochran really niggafied OJ’s house?    04/15/24  (34)
After age 40 the "scruffy" looks declines precipitously    04/15/24  (34)
🚨 4 1/2 days to BITCOIN block halving 🚨    04/16/24  (33)
What do you actually do when you get home from work / wfh    04/15/24  (31)
Seems plausible in a month Trump is sentenced to 160 years in prison    04/16/24  (30)
Palestine protestors SHUT DOWN O'Hare Airport.    04/15/24  (29)
Chris Rufo just assassinated new NPR CEO via retweets (link)    04/15/24  (29)
Stopped Payment On $100 Check For Shady Prole Goy Sprinkler Guy    04/15/24  (29)
Elon says he’ll charge a fee for all new Twitter accounts    04/15/24  (27)
why did globohomo throw harvey weinstein and epstein to the wolves?    04/16/24  (27)
whats tcr KFC order?    04/15/24  (26)
Rate Zuck’s wife wearing only a coat (no bra) feeling on a handsome    04/16/24  (26)
can’t believe they make boys wrestle these busty teens (video)    04/15/24  (25)
I just admitted everything to my wife. Here we go. Huge fight. Jesus.    04/16/24  (20)
Birdshit Gangman Stunna details her experience dating NYUUG!    04/15/24  (20)
The Real Reason Haredim Don't Want Their Children to Enlist in the Israeli Army    04/15/24  (20)
Russia will retaliate against Israel if they strike Iran - link    04/16/24  (20)
Tesla DYING, MASS FIRINGS announced    04/15/24  (20)
Asian pussy is an addictive substance    04/15/24  (19)
They dont like you and prefer if you died    04/15/24  (18)
How were all these celebrities almost instantly on board w current lib insanity    04/15/24  (18)
Holy shit Clint Eastwood is about to die    04/15/24  (17)
discovered the whatnot app yesterday evening. Today I won 130 auctions and spent    04/15/24  (17)
Guys with fat girlfriends on Ozempic must feel like VC investors that 10X’d    04/15/24  (17)
Anyone here live in a $3M+ house? What's the best thing about the house?    04/15/24  (17)
Sometimes I just can’t believe how fucking stupid you people are.    04/15/24  (17)
Israel will apparently retaliate against Iran - link    04/15/24  (16)
Turn on Fallout Episode 1    04/15/24  (14)
RATE this Oregon hs girl who won the 200m    04/15/24  (14)
History of human migration - video    04/15/24  (13)
Why are nocoiners so emotionally invested crypto? They've already lost.    04/15/24  (13)
Pro-Israel Conservatives Are Done With Tucker Carlson    04/15/24  (13)
XO POLE: Did ur dad hang around in his underwear around the house growing up?    04/15/24  (12)
POLL: How many WNBA teams can you name off the top of your head?    04/15/24  (12)
Life sucks and will only get worse. I'm going to kill myself    04/15/24  (11)
Rate the DIVERSITY of the US Olympic Basketball Team 2024    04/16/24  (11)
is the movie Hereditary scary af?    04/15/24  (10)
Jews should be exterminated. There, I said it.    04/15/24  (10)
LOL @ the hellhole of degenerates that NYC is (link)    04/15/24  (10)
Rate this WNBA player (link)    04/16/24  (10)
i have fucked literally every Israeli chick in Bal Harbour, FL and have to flee    04/15/24  (10)
Had ice cream with my kid yesterday after our hike. Asked for two scoops.    04/15/24  (10)
You know what? Fuck trump. Trying to hide his shitty conduct from the holy roll    04/15/24  (10)