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tariffs really are not a great idea

and i say this not just because i'm personally dependent on ...
Europe hates us and shits on our culture every chance they g...
europe is like a liberal arts barista on welfare mocking the...
internet guy
A variation on this chunk of one of my poasts, stated below,...
Germany should be the land-power anchor of NATO in Europe. T...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
“ but our greatest and probably only real cultural fri...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
We already have them and they already increased in 2017. Als...
Oh, You Travel?
i know the current arrangement is admittedly outdated and a...
USA has been asking nicely for decades on some of these and ...
We can say Jews here (TT6)
he needs some better trade people imo. dems are poopy on eve...
real quick, are you Jewish?
We can say Jews here (TT6)
nothing about these statements is jewish and i am strongly p...
are you suggesting that pro global capitalism isnt a jewish ...
We can say Jews here (TT6)
The person you are replying to is a true idiot, like a canno...
imagine if the races were reversed
We can say Jews here (TT6)
Tariffs on American Cars into the EU The European Uni...
We can say Jews here (TT6)
they only maek sense if u concurrently are cutting income ta...
AZNgirl ATC asking Copter to Fly to Her Pussy
Exactly this. Tariffs rule if you end income taxes. They suc...
Fucking Fuckface
Bottom 60% of incomes lose badly in this trade because they ...
don’t be a cuck we are doing Europe and Canada a fa...
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
yes and i mention this specifically above nothing cucky abo...
well there’s no time for the long game because Canada ...
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
europe isn't that bad outside of france, sweden, and the uk....
not that bad? EU and U.S. had about the same GDP per capita ...
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
talking about demographics, not their economies i don't kno...
they stifle a free economy because the “EU” is g...
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
i don't really agree with that and regularly see reporting c...
I've lived in the EU and the taxes really are too damn high ...
imagine if the races were reversed
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
If you couldn’t smell the rancid flame after this sent...
👍 just do enjoy your crumbling, deracinated free-for-all ...
“would undoubtedly answer a NATO call to arms against ...
On Clique
Cr and Canada spends a paltry 1.5% of GDP on defense
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
Yes and I am close to 100% certain about this The US is not...
This is stupid. The risk of a "real offensive" to ...
We can say Jews here (TT6)
(Great Power politics masterman)
Here’s a scenario. In two weeks, China declares it&rsq...
On Clique
NATO would be denuded and subsequently effectively dissolve,...
trump is absolutely right to tariff them even if theres not ...
internet guy
what they've talked about doing in the past is implementing ...
seeking screenrangement
they'd have to because for a time until the markets and stat...
Why do you important so much Swedish hardtack? Out your bran...
Edmonton Oilers
nutritious, low fuss, and easy to eat. i like the taste, it ...
Va bra
Edmonton Oilers
not exactly authentic but i'll take some pesto, load it up w...
Thots on pickled herring?
Edmonton Oilers
little that's good can come of fish that isn't eaten within ...
Said no real Scandinavian person ever
Edmonton Oilers

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 2nd, 2025 4:51 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

and i say this not just because i'm personally dependent on swedish hardtack imports

this doesn't make a lot of sense for trump to be economically bullying our long standing trade partners. europe is not just "not our enemy" but our greatest and probably only real cultural friend and ally in the world. these sorts of measures should be on the table but only find use selectively and used as economic pressures to achieve specific foreign policy goals. the europeans gripe and snoot at americans but they do also fundamentally respect the US and its power and would undoubtedly answer a NATO call to arms against a real threat to Western hegemony and that counts for quite a bit

i get that there's some longer set of objectives in mind and that in the long run it's probably going to spur innovation and industrial growth in the EU (as well as damaging the top-down class warfare of the "green agenda") but i doubt if this is really the best way to go about those aims. increased national investment in european ventures with american interests proportionally profiting off of growth and lessening our mutual dependencies on china and russia seems cr instead


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:28 AM
Author: Autoadmit.com

Europe hates us and shits on our culture every chance they get. They only are our “friend” because we write them checks and give them military protection free of charge


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:58 AM
Author: internet guy

europe is like a liberal arts barista on welfare mocking the guys who work productive jobs provide the taxes for the baristas welfare.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:24 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

A variation on this chunk of one of my poasts, stated below, applies here as well

Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:22 AM

Author: "'''""""'"'

You are confusing fringe party shock headlines (imported largely as "push" propaganda for domestic consumption) regarding NATO for actual meaningful political support for disentanglement from the coalition of victors that has defined the post-war era



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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:29 AM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

Germany should be the land-power anchor of NATO in Europe. They continue to refuse to accept this role and that causes a whole host of secondary imbalances and problems for the alliance.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:28 AM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

“ but our greatest and probably only real cultural friend and ally in the world”

With friends like these


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 4:53 AM
Author: Oh, You Travel?

We already have them and they already increased in 2017. Also look up Europe tariffs on US autos vs the inverse.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 4:58 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

i know

the current arrangement is admittedly outdated and a hold-over in many ways from the marshall plan and its legacy but for trade matters, especially with true allies (which almost all EU nations certainly are, most recently shown in the many actions european nations took upon themselves at cost in defiance of russia and for the benefit of the ill-advised american led efforts in ukraine) you need the delicate touch of a scalpel, not the oafish whacks of the mallet trump seems intent on using


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 5:01 AM
Author: We can say Jews here (TT6)

USA has been asking nicely for decades on some of these and harshly since at least 2016.

No real changes.

Now we force change. Also, Europe/Canada/Mexico have actively gotten into economic bed with Russia and China against our asking (and we subjected ourselfs to economic pain to distance ourselfs from Russia and Chia).

Now we force change.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 5:14 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

he needs some better trade people imo. dems are poopy on every foreign policy avenue EXCEPT for international trade, which the europhile state department neo-keynesians seem to be the most competent and pragmatic/realism-oriented on

i'm concerned that there are too many neo-austrian Milei style jingoist advisors in his ear. some of this stuff is needlessly aggressive and agitating, like the "gulf of america" change, which i still don't really understand beyond the barbaric justifications of the id. it's flimsy but i heard it was a simple lawyering way to get around environmental regs regarding drilling in the gulf of mexico (lol) which would also explain why chevron was so quick to adopt the language used in the executive pronouncement


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 5:20 AM
Author: We can say Jews here (TT6)

real quick, are you Jewish?


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 5:31 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

nothing about these statements is jewish and i am strongly pro-european and pro-white. my credentials in these matters and my sufferings on behalf of them are impeccable, impassioned, and consistent

the milei i criticize above is peak israeli puppet and the neo-austrian camp in economics is disproportionately jewish, whereas afaik most of the modern day keynesians are french, german, or politically centrist americans of an old-school progressive varietal. this said jews are often high quality in this field and shouldn't have their perspectives discounted or disproportionately diminished in debate just because of their ethnic or religious background

the distinction is messy but things that are more strictly "of politics" relating to the jews can sensibly have aspersions cast upon them due to distinct and persistent conflicts of interests that clearly play a part in actor decision making but the economic arts and sciences are a different beast for the most part


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 6:12 AM
Author: We can say Jews here (TT6)

are you suggesting that pro global capitalism isnt a jewish thing?


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 6:57 AM
Author: imagine if the races were reversed

The person you are replying to is a true idiot, like a cannot comprehend counterfactuals level idiot


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:22 AM
Author: We can say Jews here (TT6)


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 4:59 AM
Author: We can say Jews here (TT6)

Tariffs on American Cars into the EU

The European Union imposes a 10% tariff on passenger vehicles imported from the U.S.

Additional regulations and taxes, such as the Value Added Tax (VAT) (ranging from 19% to 25% depending on the EU country), also apply.

Tariffs on EU Cars into the U.S.

The United States imposes a 2.5% tariff on passenger cars imported from the EU.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 5:21 AM
Author: AZNgirl ATC asking Copter to Fly to Her Pussy

they only maek sense if u concurrently are cutting income taxes (incl reducing withholdings so ppl's paychecks are higher)


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:30 AM
Author: Fucking Fuckface

Exactly this. Tariffs rule if you end income taxes. They suck if you just layer then on top.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:16 AM
Author: .....;;,,.........;.;.;.;.,;,;,;.;.;,;

Bottom 60% of incomes lose badly in this trade because they don’t pay much if any income tax and spend every dime they earn, so they get boned viciously by inflation.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 5:38 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)

don’t be a cuck

we are doing Europe and Canada a favor by putting pressure on them


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 5:44 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

yes and i mention this specifically above

nothing cucky about this line of inquiry. it's a hotly debated topic even and especially amongst the more informed portion of the pro-trump right. there are obvious concerns in the short and moderate length about these actions, depending on how they're implemented, creating more price pressures on american households at a time where most average americans are already feeling a very nasty squeeze from inflationary pressures and plain jane pricing exploitation from BIGCORP

the president i supported for 3 electoral cycles lands a lot of hits in this game of battleship but it doesn't mean he doesn't miss from time to time and sincere criticism in the discourse helps to keep the administration focused and honest


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 6:11 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)

well there’s no time for the long game because Canada and Europe are being Californianized at a breakneck pace. as usual Trump is a bit too crude but fuck if we don’t have their attention now


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 6:21 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

europe isn't that bad outside of france, sweden, and the uk. the noise is a lot louder than what the demographic data actually says

but yeah canada is absolutely doomed to a jeetpocalypse and political disintegration without heavy intervention


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 7:06 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)

not that bad? EU and U.S. had about the same GDP per capita 15 years ago and now we are 50% ahead of them

last innovations they had were Nokia and Skype

it’s a backwater


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 7:14 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

talking about demographics, not their economies

i don't know if it's sustainable within the strictures of the rapey dog eat dog globalized economy or good for europe long term in-context but as far as i understand it the route many eu nations chose was prioritizing average citizen quality of life and providing domestic stability through stifling the tigerishness of pure unrestrained capital by building out these easily controlled/very politically legible specialized satellite economies with a few niches that serve(s) (a) major trading partner(s) e.g. a hub european nation like germany or france or the US while heavily regulating outcomes and leaning in on the "public" part in the "private-public partnerships" corporatist idea that underpins business-state interactions over there (less so in some parts of eastern europe that seem to be leaning in more and more on some sorts of simulacrum of the american model. this type of thinking seems to be a teutonic orientation)

the metrics they use to define economic success or good corporate functioning are sometimes to often very different from the ones we use to determine these things in the states. they're using a different language while tuning for different outcomes, but we still judge them by metrics their citizens seem to see as abhorrent or irrelevant to the actual thrust of more european notions of political economy


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 7:23 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)

they stifle a free economy because the “EU” is globohomo’s political wing. the elites there don’t want “startups” or any kind of competition

the people also get raped on taxes and in return they get “free” healthcare and education and good public transportation. it’s the return of feudalism but the serfs don’t have to live in a barn


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 7:35 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

i don't really agree with that and regularly see reporting coverage showing political referenda and legislation in these countries that is more against the essence of globohomo than much of anything that comes out of the US these days. european awareness of national culture (and its fundamental opposition to globohomo's molestations through economic maximization and political deference to economic expediency) and its enshrined defense of the hallmarks of these things via legislation

getting raped on taxes isn't actually a big deal when the benefits provided by competent, humane, and often genuinely innovative public services keep general quality of life & quality of government high and the national culture & ethos coherent from all segments of the national polity being well-served and socio-economically pulled upwards. ime, few would complain about the progressive income tax scheme we have in the US at present if the social services that our money went to, you know, actually *worked* and provided successful outcomes at a rate even half as well as e.g. denmark's or norway's instead of being these black boxes of squander and decay that end up metastatizing the very issues they are set out & funded by the public to alleviate and resolve

there's a point where a person really does not individually need nor meaningfully benefit w/r/t a sense of attainment or accomplishment from any more money and labor becomes a relatively low-stress eudaemonic activity due to a lack of profit-squeezing/labor exploiting pressures in the workplace and the visible and ever-present societal dividend being disbursed to the public--- your fellow citizens, countrymen, and ideally, co-ethnics---from the taxes taken by the state


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 7:50 AM
Author: imagine if the races were reversed

I've lived in the EU and the taxes really are too damn high for what you get, provided you're in the top say 20% of intelligence and/or ambition. The European quality of life trade-off is a nice idea, but in practice it results in almost no innovation because innovation is mobile and innovators leave the EU. It also results in a crushing bureaucracy that stifles freedom. The EU is a wonderful place to be in the bottom 50% of the wage and talent distribution but a terrible place if you're in the top 10% of skill, intelligence, or work ethic. I don't just mean the cognitive elite, even hardworking plumbers in the US can readily earn more than 99% of Europeans could ever hope to earn, and they can keep much of it too because taxes are lower. It's a really tough situation because you just can't split the difference between supporting high achievement and guaranteeing a high quality of life for every last person no matter how unproductive. You largely have to go one way or the other.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 7:54 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:19 AM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

If you couldn’t smell the rancid flame after this sentence I don’t know what you’re doing here:

getting raped on taxes isn't actually a big deal when the benefits provided by competent, humane, and often genuinely innovative public services keep general quality of life & quality of government high and the national culture & ethos coherent from all segments of the national polity being well-served and socio-economically pulled upwards.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:03 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

👍 just do enjoy your crumbling, deracinated free-for-all "nation-state" of identity-less economic mercenaries held together by capital's hedonic Krazy Glue, tech and biohealth anesthetics, and a schizophrenic hodge-podge of increasingly illegible cultural benchmarks largely produced by foreigners then

if the State can't afford to hire the best and the brightest, if the State doesn't take a meaningful and effective interest in the welfare of its citizens and produce accountable results to the public from this interest, if Americans can't decisively determine where the collective begins and the individual ends, the country will continue to hurtle towards the darkness of the libertarian exploitation-by-the-ultra-wealthy abyss as it reliably has been for decades now

Europe could learn and apply a lot from the American models, failures and successes, and the US could do the same with even more from the European same-such


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 7:56 AM
Author: On Clique

“would undoubtedly answer a NATO call to arms against a real threat to Western hegemony and that counts for quite a bit”

I don’t believe this at all. Do you think Belgium or Spain would send troops to defend a theoretical attack on the US? Or even funnier, our new NATO ”allies” Sweden and Finland?

I’m not a fan of unnecessarily picking fights like Trump seems to do, but let’s be real about how utterly full of shit and useless many of our “allies” are.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 7:57 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)


and Canada spends a paltry 1.5% of GDP on defense


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:15 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

Yes and I am close to 100% certain about this

The US is not going to be meaningfully attacked domestically but in the event of a war in one of the designated buffer zones against Russia or China the Europeans across the board would undoubtedly send material support and likely troops if requested. A real and unquestionably defensive war against one of our two major geopolitical enemies of the US would be a sobering and emboldening moment for the entirety of NATO imo

Also Sweden and especially Finland (our defense ties are actually pretty solid with the Finns---they signed upwards of ten bases to US military access after their accession to NATO, and the only reason they joined NATO as late in the day as they did was due to a mutual understanding between D.C. and Helsinki that the defense relationship there was better kept at a less formal level to avoid needless agitation of Russia) would be more likely to show personnel support than e.g. Portugal or Spain. The US wouldn't necessarily need or even call on them for real personnel support for stability reasons (economic CBA) but they would definitely open the coffers and send material as requested---within the NATO command structure there have been provisions laid out for a long time for smaller nations to provide specialized defense support (e.g. Estonian armored cavalry, Latvian artillery, and so on) in the event of an outbreak of war with Russia or Chyna

NATO's treaty obligations are serious business. Even France, who was always historically iffy about full NATO CoC integration, has made it very clear that in the event of a real offensive threat to NATO that they'd be providing full support

That said, this sort of conflict would pretty much would never happen, but even with this odd NATO tertiary ghost conflict in Ukraine, broad European support within parameters acceptable to a fair balance between American and European political & economic considerations has been generous and forthcoming without much American coercion or cajoling needed


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:24 AM
Author: We can say Jews here (TT6)

This is stupid. The risk of a "real offensive" to the US is 0% while for Europe is greater than 0%.

They should support us for the defense we provide them, not the other way around.



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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:43 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

(Great Power politics masterman)


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:15 AM
Author: On Clique

Here’s a scenario. In two weeks, China declares it’s taking back Taiwan and warns the US Navy to leave the area. The US refuses, China invades, and manages to sink a US ship or two.

What exactly is Europe doing? Would they declare war on China, sever diplomatic relations, ban Chinese imports, send some ships/troops to help? They would do none of those things. Maybe a strongly-worded statement from some bureaucrat in Brussels.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:22 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

NATO would be denuded and subsequently effectively dissolve, then. That's not likely to happen at all. NATO is popular and widely considered to be a boon by the actual political class and the elites of most of its European member nations

You are confusing fringe party shock headlines (imported largely as "push" propaganda for domestic consumption) regarding NATO for actual meaningful political support for disentanglement from the coalition of victors that has defined the post-war era


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 8:56 AM
Author: internet guy

trump is absolutely right to tariff them even if theres not one specific policy goal trump is looking for. even if just to force them into spending and budgeting better.

the EU is dependent on the american taxpayer for everything. it relies on amrican financing of our tech sector and universities for innovation. Students loans in america ultimately fund R&D at universities here.

for defense spending its even more blatant. its not *just* nato. europe and canada benefit from the huge amounts of research and development and manufacturing in the US. europe benefits enormously from the US's support in ukraine and that has nothing to do with nato. the EU would have been forced long long ago to massively increase its defense spending if the US taxpayer didnt support them.

for foreign aid, the US provides 4 out of every 10 dollars worldwide despite us economy being between 1/4 or 1/6.5 (depending on how you count it) of world gdp. in other words, americans are more generous on a relative basis than germany, france, norway, etc. which instead spend on their own people.

the us doesn't need the EU. the EU needs the us. we can basically manufacture everything here. we don't but we could. why should the EU be able to rely on american spending at home and abroad while devoting their own budgets to their own people? penalize them.

despite all of this europeans have an incredibly unearned snobbery toward the usa. and trump is right to tariff them for the mockery alone.


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:00 AM
Author: seeking screenrangement

what they've talked about doing in the past is implementing these tariffs in conjunction with lowering taxes on americans

which would be 180, both because it would be good for us as citizens, and also because it would allow them to buy the loyalty of a ton of voters and continue to beat libs in elections going forward

they've been remarkably true to their word thus far on other things. so i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt on this too. we'll see what unfolds


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:13 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

they'd have to because for a time until the markets and states involved correct and meet at a state of equilibrium it would effectively be not all that different from raising taxes, and in a way that, as i understand it, ends up being decidedly regressive


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:00 AM
Author: Edmonton Oilers

Why do you important so much Swedish hardtack? Out your brand of knäckebröd...


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:07 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

nutritious, low fuss, and easy to eat. i like the taste, it costs close to nothing, and is a suitably joyless puritan food that i can grimace at heartily as i eat it

reminds me that i'm living on the pirate ship of state. i get a few different brands but nothing exotic. wasa's rye and their GF sesame are good and skedvi's barley & sourdough


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:09 AM
Author: Edmonton Oilers

Va bra


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:12 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

not exactly authentic but i'll take some pesto, load it up with ground peppercorns, and dip it in that. it's a good meal replacement


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:12 AM
Author: Edmonton Oilers

Thots on pickled herring?


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:23 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

little that's good can come of fish that isn't eaten within a week of leaving the water imo


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:26 AM
Author: Edmonton Oilers

Said no real Scandinavian person ever


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Date: February 2nd, 2025 9:27 AM
Author: "'''""""'"'

