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I previously posted a lengthy thread about creating my first...
fuchsia garrison
Post the WOC ones pls
Cyan Crawly Patrolman Hominid
brother im shocked you of all ppl don't have a SA profile. ...
fuchsia garrison
Kicking myself for not having done this before, but I've got...
Cyan Crawly Patrolman Hominid
if you pay, it isn't cheating HTH
thriller mustard associate
Sounds like an extreme waste of time, ljl at $1500
Marvelous church building
Translucent Free-loading School
Don't a large number of posters pay this for 1 hr with some ...
fuchsia garrison
If you are paying that much the girl is delusional or she is...
Marvelous church building
this sounds like scholarship... what is the CR rate for an o...
fuchsia garrison
If u pay extra for an "overnight" you are setting ...
Marvelous church building
explain on the overnighting and fleecing? Don't you just no...
fuchsia garrison
You are setting expectations wrong if you pay "extra&qu...
Marvelous church building
$500 is probably low but I agree with ur last sentence. In m...
ruby demanding temple mood
I'm open to it simply because it means im banging them 3 tim...
fuchsia garrison
I agree given how much you make, esp if she's an hour away. ...
ruby demanding temple mood
Marvelous church building
We are old men
Alcoholic charismatic international law enforcement agency
thats not really an update man
exciting bright parlour
brother im doing my best. I will not be in the intermount...
fuchsia garrison
first girl is hotter imo
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
much. she probably smells better too.
exciting bright parlour
She has many, many revolting tattoos
ruby demanding temple mood
far more attractive than the a slav with bolt-ons and manicu...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
Luckily he can fuck em both
ruby demanding temple mood
thriller mustard associate
This is the kinda advice im seeking... The $1500 a night chi...
fuchsia garrison
she definitely has that eastern european, russian, etc. over...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
FUCKKK enthusiasm is much more important to me. It sounds l...
fuchsia garrison
i would think the appeal of this is the variety, so go for b...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
the zoomer didn't give me a set rate just said a range so sh...
fuchsia garrison
why tf isn't she there right now?
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
the problem is im not there now. I fly in weds and she's co...
fuchsia garrison
180 please poast nudes
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
jfc for that rate, just take a trip abroad and sexpat. it's ...
heady brass chapel
this is like saying "why get sushi delivered when you c...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
and hes still right
exciting bright parlour
men with healthy t levels get horny so frequently that trave...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
do men with healthy t levels spend weeks texting women who m...
exciting bright parlour
brother if i had no sex drive i would rarely speak to women ...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
op hasnt actually "spoken" to any of them!
exciting bright parlour
i get it. what i'm saying is that being super horny is what ...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
i can def see how this happens because they're tons asking f...
fuchsia garrison
yeah i don't think you're getting scammed. it's pretty easy ...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
Also SA is incredibly acceptable in modern day culture. We ...
fuchsia garrison
there's a large contingent of extremely online shut-ins who ...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
Thanks, I'm generally a lurker here as I can't relate to mos...
fuchsia garrison
yeah i get hounded by a fan club that insists i'm larping as...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
i've texted with them for roughly a week trying to line up o...
fuchsia garrison
this all seems pretty dire "so there's an app where ...
up-to-no-good marketing idea resort
to be fair, the tattooed married woman is 23 and very hot in...
fuchsia garrison
she's going to record you like hvac to titillate her cuck zo...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
not seeing the downside here brother.
fuchsia garrison
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
pics now
thriller mustard associate
Marvelous church building
Global Capitalism and its consequences brother. I suspect...
fuchsia garrison
You still haven't fucked these chicks? Get after it! And enc...
ruby demanding temple mood
I'm pretty lazy with this, i pop on once a day and check mes...
fuchsia garrison
If you actually vibe w a chick and make it a regular thing, ...
ruby demanding temple mood
I'm honestly amazed ur talking to real people When I trie...
purple field nowag
he hasnt confirmed hes talking to real people yet lmao
exciting bright parlour
I tend to engage in conversations that I suspect a bot would...
fuchsia garrison
tell me more about her...
fuchsia garrison
18 blonde 5'4 110lbs acups art student
purple field nowag
who apparently fucked and suck with reckless abandon. Wer...
fuchsia garrison
never had the desire to, she worked hard for her money and e...
purple field nowag
This is stupid. You're stupid.
Cracking telephone doctorate
seems harsh, maybe he will find one with a heart of gold
pontificating nursing home dysfunction
brother i appreciate you chiming in again as you did on my p...
fuchsia garrison
Poppy mischievous principal's office
This is going to sound crazy but why don't you just get a gi...
chocolate provocative forum
i assumed op was over the age of 22, but otherwise you may b...
exciting bright parlour
I mean, if you really want to be a boss and a pimp, why not ...
chocolate provocative forum
brother... im paying for them to show up at my residence or ...
fuchsia garrison
No, you're definitely making the right call, champ. Fucking ...
chocolate provocative forum
Sorry you're so angry about the things wealthy successful me...
fuchsia garrison
That makes, uh, literally cheating on your wife with whores ...
chocolate provocative forum
everyone pays someone sooner or later.
Comical garnet stag film
I'm married with significant income and a divorce would cost...
fuchsia garrison
Cheating on your wife with prostitutes is the solution to de...
chocolate provocative forum
Marvelous church building
no children here brother. It's the alternative to me blowin...
fuchsia garrison
can she not biologically have kids? how old is she?
exciting bright parlour
long story there, my wife is very late 30s, very early 40s. ...
fuchsia garrison
yeah cheating is fine in this scenario imo. nothing to do wi...
exciting bright parlour
thriller mustard associate
Why don't you do what a lot of richmos like Arnold do and pu...
chocolate provocative forum
"honey id like to divorce you but lets do it over a 10-...
exciting bright parlour
Lots of rich people literally do this. Also it makes more se...
chocolate provocative forum
im guessing hes talking more like a few hundred k to a coupl...
exciting bright parlour
this is correct... 1-2 million/yr rich not 100 million plus ...
fuchsia garrison
1-2 million a year is an insane amount of money. It's 99 per...
chocolate provocative forum
ok but now imagine *you* are the one making 1mm/yr by runnin...
exciting bright parlour
here is how champ... my business requires me to expend large...
fuchsia garrison
It sounds like a fair and honorable trade for you to free yo...
chocolate provocative forum
brother im in california... that is very much so the reality...
fuchsia garrison
I guess the answer is literally just sex with women for mone...
chocolate provocative forum
Thanks friend, will do.
fuchsia garrison
it's far more common for richmos to consent to sex outside t...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
"...when one loses their sex job"??? It's immor...
chocolate provocative forum
brother, im incredibly upset that a random autist on xoxo is...
fuchsia garrison
It sounds like you have really made your peace in life with ...
chocolate provocative forum
brother... America is on the fast track to complete collapse...
fuchsia garrison
I guess then it's totally pointless then to even try to figh...
chocolate provocative forum
i meant sex drive. it's not cheating if there is actual c...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
I know it's common and I'm COMPLETELY against it! I don't th...
chocolate provocative forum
I’m with you. In a weird way I think normal cheating i...
primrose mewling old irish cottage
Thank you. I can't stand any of these people. I hope they al...
chocolate provocative forum
telling your wife she can fuck other doods is about as gay/d...
exciting bright parlour
No, it obviously wouldn't. And who would want a wife who wou...
chocolate provocative forum
weve covered this like 20 times in the thread. he cant "...
exciting bright parlour
I guess then that makes the cheating on his wife a-okay!
chocolate provocative forum
none of this is responsive in addressing why you think fucki...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
If you formally separate in the legal, public sense, which i...
chocolate provocative forum
you started talking about "formal agreement" which...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
I have no idea what you're saying but I already gave you an ...
chocolate provocative forum
it's pretty simple. you said: "It's immoral to have ...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
If legal separation wasn't sufficient to end a formal commit...
chocolate provocative forum
i'm not arguing any of that. i've laid out exactly what i wa...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
If Maria is living in Borneo and Arnold is in Tibet and they...
chocolate provocative forum
most people would be able to understand. let me try to break...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
I still don't get it in the slightest. In a relative sense i...
chocolate provocative forum
"I still don't get it in the slightest" i see ...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
Guys, guys, guys, this is all well and good but... WHERE ...
Passionate Slap-happy Dog Poop
Yes obviously
ruby demanding temple mood
I would still go for tinder tbh. Any girl on SA is going to ...
primrose mewling old irish cottage
brother im not sure if you've been on tinder lately but its ...
fuchsia garrison
Right, you're not paying them for sex. You're paying them to...
chocolate provocative forum
There are married women on SA? WTF?? Women really are 180
Fragrant brethren
A not insignificant number are. I assume it's probably some...
fuchsia garrison
do these sluts let you bang them out raw and cum in them?
topaz foreskin tanning salon
That is yet to be determined but it does seem to not be unco...
fuchsia garrison
like many white women from the internet i bet some of them w...
Cream concupiscible hissy fit
i'm still traumatized by reading about paris hilton's valtre...
pontificating nursing home dysfunction
nearly everyone has hsv1. i got it when i was 10. i now have...
topaz foreskin tanning salon
first part sounds fine. last part sounds bad?
pontificating nursing home dysfunction
Can confirm this happened several nights ago per my other po...
fuchsia garrison
These women are average. You’ve been out the game too ...
Learning Disabled Ape Double Fault
i dunno about this but go on
exciting bright parlour
lol not you, gookfaggot
citrine casino
$1500 is insane. I guess maybe if she’s the spitting i...
Spectacular milk
What about this chick who wants $500 ppm? https://ibb.co/B6...
fuchsia garrison
Cute and not whorish. Please proceed.
Spectacular milk
I believe we are confirmed for this evening at 6 pm MST brot...
fuchsia garrison
fuckkk... she flaked at 4:30 pm, asked to reschedule to toda...
fuchsia garrison
belorussian hooker. probably has gappy thighs but blown out ...
thriller mustard associate
goes by the name "Rose", who knows if that's her r...
fuchsia garrison
blown out pussy just sounds like i'll be able to bang her fo...
fuchsia garrison
she's allegedly coming over tonight brothers but we will see...
fuchsia garrison
How does she feel about pitbulls
Marvelous church building
Apparently LOVES animals. Why do you ask friend.
fuchsia garrison
(guy who gets it)
pontificating nursing home dysfunction
looks old enough to be a millennial. pass.
exciting bright parlour
i mean at that rate if she's a good time I'm losing money no...
fuchsia garrison
The angles and lack of lower body visibility leave me worrie...
Spectacular milk
Does this change your opinion brother? https://ibb.co/nCW...
fuchsia garrison
The arms are a positive sign. I still think there may be a s...
Spectacular milk
Looking forward to finding out!
fuchsia garrison
LJL this chick rescheduled to today, fine. We had already d...
fuchsia garrison
Zang mi shen dan sex enhancer,kidney improvement - Poerkan
lake background story pervert
Vigorous pit
white men dont pay for sex, only asians do
These are all true saar Date: March 11th, 2025 10:34 PM ...
yeah bro very true, DEFINITELY
now fucktarded cumskins claiming this thread was created in ...

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 4:58 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

I previously posted a lengthy thread about creating my first Seeking arrangement profile and how it completely blew my mind.

It has continued. I've realized that many many chicks on here only check their messages once a week at best, sometimes longer. As a result the quality of potential candidates has been improving.

Again I've been trying to filter out the obvious whores and/or strippers for the time being.

So far I have a meet up scheduled Thurs with the tatooed girl who was previously posted. https://ibb.co/nnxwGXm

She is married but very clearly has some sort of kink for something like this.

Currently talking to this girl: https://ibb.co/vJH6cVQ

Who wants to do overnights but at $1500 which is steep for this shit but she's an hr away and by far one of the hotter chicks on here. https://ibb.co/1Lc58Hp

Casually talking to several other very hot chicks who I seem very interested based on pics and personality alone so while we haven't talked about money, all of them are routinely texting me throughout the day. Obviously they all want to be paid, but it does seem that if you're decent looking with a decent personality, that the number is very flexible.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 6:55 PM
Author: Cyan Crawly Patrolman Hominid

Post the WOC ones pls


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 7:26 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

brother im shocked you of all ppl don't have a SA profile. You should pay the 130 bucks or whatever it is for premium ASAP and create one. WOCs will literally be flocking to you.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 14th, 2025 2:09 PM
Author: Cyan Crawly Patrolman Hominid

Kicking myself for not having done this before, but I've got a GF now and I'm not a cheatmo


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2025 4:37 AM
Author: thriller mustard associate

if you pay, it isn't cheating



Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 4:59 PM
Author: Marvelous church building

Sounds like an extreme waste of time, ljl at $1500


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:01 PM
Author: Translucent Free-loading School


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:04 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Don't a large number of posters pay this for 1 hr with some random hooker?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:07 PM
Author: Marvelous church building

If you are paying that much the girl is delusional or she is only trying to fuck old men


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:08 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

this sounds like scholarship... what is the CR rate for an overnight with a top 10 percent sugar baby?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:15 PM
Author: Marvelous church building

If u pay extra for an "overnight" you are setting yourself up to get fleeced

I think $500 is the maximum for any kind of meetup of whatever duration

Don't think "top 10%"

You don't want the best one, you want the right one


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:17 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

explain on the overnighting and fleecing? Don't you just not pay until the next morning...


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:20 PM
Author: Marvelous church building

You are setting expectations wrong if you pay "extra" for overnight, like if the ceiling is $1500 then that's what she expects

Ultimately you want a girl who is basically decent and conscientious as weird as that sounds

I always gave them money upfront

If they flaked then great, saved me from getting scammed or robbed etc


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:21 PM
Author: ruby demanding temple mood

$500 is probably low but I agree with ur last sentence. In my experience it's WAY better to find a sugar baby who is really into you and who you can afford to spoil.

Overnight thing is interesting ... my sugar baby has pushed for that and I said no! Probably makes them feel like less of a whore


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:23 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

I'm open to it simply because it means im banging them 3 times as opposed to once or twice.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:26 PM
Author: ruby demanding temple mood

I agree given how much you make, esp if she's an hour away. If you get along and she doesn't seem insane, you could easily convert that to a much lower monthly allowance with weekly hangouts


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:33 PM
Author: Marvelous church building


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 7:26 PM
Author: Alcoholic charismatic international law enforcement agency

We are old men


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 4:59 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

thats not really an update man


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:06 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

brother im doing my best.

I will not be in the intermountain west until this week. After that I will be out there extremely frequently and should have adequate updates at that time.

Just trying to post some content for my bros.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:00 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

first girl is hotter imo


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:02 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

much. she probably smells better too.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:02 PM
Author: ruby demanding temple mood

She has many, many revolting tattoos


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:04 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

far more attractive than the a slav with bolt-ons and manicured eyebrows and probably fucks way better too


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:04 PM
Author: ruby demanding temple mood

Luckily he can fuck em both


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2025 4:41 AM
Author: thriller mustard associate


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:05 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

This is the kinda advice im seeking... The $1500 a night chick is def not slavic. Think traditional early to mid 20s, hot hooters waitress.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:07 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

she definitely has that eastern european, russian, etc. overly done up bolt-ons vibe. subjectively that's not my thing but if some guys didn't go crazy for it they wouldn't do it, so maybe it's yours.

hot tatted up zoomers will suck and fuck you with reckless abandon.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:08 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

FUCKKK enthusiasm is much more important to me. It sounds like the married zoomer is a good call.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:09 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

i would think the appeal of this is the variety, so go for both!

what's the zoomer charging?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:16 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

the zoomer didn't give me a set rate just said a range so she could make sure it was worth the drive would be fine. But said "i like to work for it anyway" with a wink and a nudge emoji.

She's super tan, thin and i like the zoomer tattoos so i offered her 400-500 and plan on paying her 5 the first time and then renegotiating future meet ups assuming we're compatible to a significantly lower rate


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:18 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

why tf isn't she there right now?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:19 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

the problem is im not there now. I fly in weds and she's coming over thurs.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:20 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

180 please poast nudes


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:01 PM
Author: heady brass chapel

jfc for that rate, just take a trip abroad and sexpat. it's cheaper and easier.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:03 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

this is like saying "why get sushi delivered when you can just fly to tokyo and buy it from tsukiji"


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:04 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

and hes still right


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:09 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

men with healthy t levels get horny so frequently that traveling internationally for sex is somewhat inconvenient


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:11 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

do men with healthy t levels spend weeks texting women who might not even be real?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:14 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

brother if i had no sex drive i would rarely speak to women in any capacity.

yes, being horny is exactly the reason why someone would do something like this.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:15 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

op hasnt actually "spoken" to any of them!


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:17 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

i get it. what i'm saying is that being super horny is what makes dudes do dumb shit like get fleeced in romance scams.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:19 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

i can def see how this happens because they're tons asking for a little help now before we meet lol or who are trying to sell photos/videos.

I say no to all of it and don't even engage. I tend to do flirty banter and not much beyond that. Chicks who are interested tend to do more reaching out then the obvious pros, bots or jail house entrapment bros.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:24 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

yeah i don't think you're getting scammed. it's pretty easy to identify. idk why people are so convinced it's a scam when women are on fuck apps and will fuck for free, do onlyfans for money, etc. it's beyond the pale that women will fuck for cash (world's oldest profession) in 2025?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:30 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Also SA is incredibly acceptable in modern day culture. We live in a very popular area of socal, with lots of extremely hot chicks, a much higher than normal concentration of pros or ex pros in the surf, skate, snowboard realm which also attracts a certain caliber of women.

My wife and I have been here a long time and are fairly connected so we know tons of these chicks. I would say at least 25% are straight up on the app and openly talk about it, Another 20% are probably on there under different names and are just slightly more incognito but all the signs are still there... Expensive hotels in far off locations with only photos of them and no real job or significant income that would allow for that.

My wife has even commented "like wow it seems like every girl who's single now is on only fans or fucking rich guys for money/vacations"


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:43 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

there's a large contingent of extremely online shut-ins who insist that nothing every happens even though they don' haven't socialized since covid. it is odd that on a misogynistic chatblog where everyone claims women these days are complete whores are saying "no way dude girls won't fuck for money trust me i know these things you're getting scammed."


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:44 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Thanks, I'm generally a lurker here as I can't relate to most of the autist shut ins whose lives revolve around this board but also tend to forget that same thing when they are offering unsolicited advice. So I appreciate the perspective.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:48 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

yeah i get hounded by a fan club that insists i'm larping as a chad thundercock when the shit i've shared is pretty ordinary for average looking dudes that leave the house and aren't painfully autistic.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:17 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

i've texted with them for roughly a week trying to line up options for my first week out there.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:02 PM
Author: up-to-no-good marketing idea resort

this all seems pretty dire

"so there's an app where you can pay women to be your sugar baby"

"Oh wow, they must be hot young things, right?"

"I'm meeting up with a tattooed married woman"


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:03 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

to be fair, the tattooed married woman is 23 and very hot in like a cheerful youthful way. She just has a bunch of the random zoomer tattoos... But I actually appreciate it.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:05 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

she's going to record you like hvac to titillate her cuck zoomer husband. eventually you'll be convinced to allow him to suck you off in a force-bi cuckold kink.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:06 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

not seeing the downside here brother.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:08 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2025 4:43 AM
Author: thriller mustard associate




Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:07 PM
Author: Marvelous church building


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:11 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Global Capitalism and its consequences brother.

I suspect you'd have more options in socal or nyc if you were looking to do this. However, its tough for me to do in SoCal given that I'm married and inevitably there would be numerous mutual acquaintances with my wife or something that would inevitably expose me.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:04 PM
Author: ruby demanding temple mood

You still haven't fucked these chicks? Get after it! And encourage them to sext you and send nudes so we can follow along


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:07 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

I'm pretty lazy with this, i pop on once a day and check messages and send the occasional text.

How common is sexting and nudes in this environment?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:12 PM
Author: ruby demanding temple mood

If you actually vibe w a chick and make it a regular thing, they think of you like a rich boyfriend and will enthusiastically do pretty much whatever you want. Money well spent imho.

If you just want to meet with a girl once or infrequently, probably can't demand nudes as effectively.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:08 PM
Author: purple field nowag

I'm honestly amazed ur talking to real people

When I tried in NYC it was 60% strippers/run through hookers, 30% black guys in jail trying to entrap you and maybe 10% real chicks

Had one uni student who straight up told me she was hooked on my money and would do anything to keep me

Was paying her $500 per visit w no time limit

She was so hot


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:09 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

he hasnt confirmed hes talking to real people yet lmao


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:14 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

I tend to engage in conversations that I suspect a bot would have a hard time with. Also, I'm firm on no money pre-meet. I also shy away from the chicks who look like obvious hookers or strippers as well as anyone over the age of 30 which seems to have worked out well.

Some very clearly are on here much more than others. For ex the married chick hasn't even logged on aside from our message exchange since we've switched to text.

Others are very clearly on there every single day, multiple times per day and are more than likely "career girls". They also tend to jump to the chase much quicker.

I've largely been excluding WOCs primarily because of safety reasons. chicks with multiple hair colors, tons of tatoos, ultra ultra skinny, and or otherwise look to be strippers or on drugs i also exclude.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:31 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

tell me more about her...


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:40 PM
Author: purple field nowag

18 blonde 5'4 110lbs acups art student


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:43 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

who apparently fucked and suck with reckless abandon.

Were you able to negotiate down a lower ongoing rate and if so pls EXPLAIN


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:46 PM
Author: purple field nowag

never had the desire to, she worked hard for her money and earned it


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:15 PM
Author: Cracking telephone doctorate

This is stupid. You're stupid.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:25 PM
Author: pontificating nursing home dysfunction

seems harsh, maybe he will find one with a heart of gold


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:25 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

brother i appreciate you chiming in again as you did on my prior post. Pls explain.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:22 PM
Author: Poppy mischievous principal's office



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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:23 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

This is going to sound crazy but why don't you just get a girlfriend?


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:28 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

i assumed op was over the age of 22, but otherwise you may be right.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:34 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

I mean, if you really want to be a boss and a pimp, why not get 2 girlfriends. But ljl at paying these prostitutes to pretend like they're you're gf. Just find some chick who wants to be there.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:38 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

brother... im paying for them to show up at my residence or a bar that is a 2 min walk away for a drink to then go back to my place and fuck for several hours.

Yeah I could go and get a hooker, but the quality to price is much lower, i would suspect the enthusiasm would be more fake and contrived and finally im not interested in dealing with pimps or even career hookers knowing where im living.

At least on SA there's some element of dating in that they have to look at your photos and find you somewhat attractive or interesting, there's usually some back and forth banter to decide whether you guys would actually connect, etc.

Much more similar to tinder, just wih the algorithm reversed since im willing to pay 300-600 per meet up which is very little in the scheme of things. Gf's, much like wives, become increasingly expensive as life goes on.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:39 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

No, you're definitely making the right call, champ. Fucking thoroughly vetted whores while your wife is alone at home is a great fucking life decision. Can't believe I didn't think of this sooner.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:45 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Sorry you're so angry about the things wealthy successful men have done since the beginning of civilization.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:54 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

That makes, uh, literally cheating on your wife with whores well and good, brother. A terrific life decision. Hope it all goes swimmingly for you. May you plow through SA chicks with impunity while your wife sits at home alone. Really great call. You're right this is all about me and my insecurities...


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Date: January 14th, 2025 6:25 AM
Author: Comical garnet stag film

everyone pays someone sooner or later.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:33 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

I'm married with significant income and a divorce would cost way too much plus my wife deeply loves me. However, I don't really enjoy fucking her and have left her twice over 15 years for other women who were more fun to fuck but turned out to be nightmares in addition to the blowing up my life consequences.

This seems like a much simpler, easier outlet and the money is effectively a rounding error, particularly in comparison to how much my wife costs.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:35 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

Cheating on your wife with prostitutes is the solution to dead bedroom and expensive divorce? Dad of the year over here folks lol


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:37 PM
Author: Marvelous church building


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:42 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

no children here brother. It's the alternative to me blowing up my life, divorcing a women who loves me, and financially destroying myself.

I have run the numbers of the cost of a divorce, I have actively intiated steps toward divorce in the past during other relationships, and I keep coming back, but not without causing significant emotional pain to my spouse.

The last of which she said, look if its just sex, i dont really care what you do, but if you love this girl i guess you need to try it and figure out if that's what you want. That led to me going on a 6 month spree just a few steps below zurich before realizing the chick i had left her for was unstable and an alcoholic.

Therefore, yes fucking mid 20 yr olds on seeking is a healthier solution for me.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:43 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

can she not biologically have kids? how old is she?


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:49 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

long story there, my wife is very late 30s, very early 40s. kids is a long story including biological components. We considered adoption for a while before recently deciding we weren't gonna do it (she initiated the conversation re: no kids and I was fine with it).

We are however a great team, we're both very driven, extremely motivated, similar senses of humor, but sexually she's never really met my needs in a whole host of ways. So if i could go back 10 or so years would I have gotten married to her? No... But I wouldn't have gotten married to anyone.

Now, for the reasons mentioned above I'm somewhat stuck and there's no good objective reason to leave and the financial cost would be devastating as we both came from utterly nothing and I built a very successful business that she has played a non insignificant role in as well.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:51 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

yeah cheating is fine in this scenario imo. nothing to do with the sexless marriage just the fact that you guys dont have kids and, lets face it, theres no reason for you to be married in the first place.


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Date: January 15th, 2025 4:46 AM
Author: thriller mustard associate



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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:57 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

Why don't you do what a lot of richmos like Arnold do and publicly separate but don't initiate divorce, continue to use joint bank accounts and move on with your lives. And then slowly come to a divorce agreement over like a 10 year period so that by the time everything is signed you've both completely figured everything out and it's all just a formality. This is what a lot of richmos do. Insane you ever got married without intending to have kids. Marriage without kids is a complete joke imo.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:59 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

"honey id like to divorce you but lets do it over a 10-year period like the kennedys so its more financially advantageous for me ok"


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:00 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

Lots of rich people literally do this. Also it makes more sense than what he's doing now which is disgusting and despicable.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:03 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

im guessing hes talking more like a few hundred k to a couple of million/yr "rich" not "im already a billionaire" rich like arnold schwarzenegger. those are different beasts in divorce.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:06 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

this is correct... 1-2 million/yr rich not 100 million plus rich.

In one the divorce has little material impact. In the other the impact is financially semi-catastrophic.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:08 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

1-2 million a year is an insane amount of money. It's 99 percentile in the US. 10x the average HHI in America. Your business is worth 10 median working families. So how can this be "catastrophic" financially? What would you materially lose? You're sleeping in a van?


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:34 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

ok but now imagine *you* are the one making 1mm/yr by running a business and risking having it cut to shreds by geting a divorce. having to, for example, sell your house and pay to have everything moved, keep your house and having to liquidate stocks to pay off your wife for the "equity", sell your business and/or having to keep your business and liquidating stock to pay off your wife, having to pay hundreds of thousands in alimony for years, having to pay lawyers, etc. it 100% is financially devestating. no one gives a rats ass that people in timbuktu make only 1 dollar per day in situations like this, nor should they.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:47 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

here is how champ... my business requires me to expend large amounts of capital up front. I have a shit ton of employees (20ish) who all cost money and rely on me to feed their families. Also I took big risks and spent a lot of money i didn't have and barely scraped by for the first 5 years of the business in the hope that it would start to pay off in the second 5 years of the business (which it is).

If I get a divorce they will look at the length of marriage... over 10 years, they will look at my wife's contribution... not insignificant, they will look at my wife's earnings using what she has made the past 5+ years... an insignificant amount of money, they will look at all the school and things I did while she worked under the guise that she supported me during school (not the case but that's what the court will see).

All of that means I would owe her more than half. The 2 million dollar home we own outright would be hers. Then I would need to buy her out of a business generating 1-2 mil per year which would be valued out using a 10x profit model, meaning it would cost me at least 3 million to buy her out PLUS ongoing alimony at a standard of living she's accustomed to.

All of that combined means that in the event of a divorce 1) I'd likely need to lay off employees, laying off employees would result in me having to scale down my business, which in turn would mean i'd make less money to buy her out and pay for her alimony.

My standard of living would take a huge hit, I'd go to likely living in a shitty 1 bdrm apartment, I would not be able to take off to the mountains for 3 months a year, I would not be able to take nice vacations, I would not be able to bang seeking arrangement whores with reckless abandon.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:52 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

It sounds like a fair and honorable trade for you to free yourself of literally being a terrible person who cheats on his wife with whores.

I'm sure the court wouldn't split up your business to the point where you couldn't make enough money to maintain her lifestyle anymore. That seems insane. They would really have to hate you. I think you're imagining the absolute worst, like the court just seizes a profitable business and condemns you to poverty? I doubt that. You can prove your business is growing they will see that is the way you generate income to pay her off. That would be really nutty if the court destroyed your ability to repay.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:07 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

brother im in california... that is very much so the reality. The issue is the monthly payments would be so high it would severely hamstring my business which has numerous months where we operate at a loss only to make large profits randomly throughout the year.

Now how am I going to come up with a 40k alimony payment every month friend?


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:13 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

I guess the answer is literally just sex with women for money then. You've hit the nail on the head. Cheat away, friend!


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:27 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Thanks friend, will do.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:02 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

it's far more common for richmos to consent to sex outside the marriage when one loses their sex job and would rather not fulfil their marital obligations.

why are you ok with him fucking other people while married so long as they don't live under the same roof? i thought your issue was about it being sinful. but if that's not it, it's not immoral if she consents, there aren't kids involved, and he's doing it when he would be away from home anyway.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:06 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

"...when one loses their sex job"???

It's immoral to have a formal commitment to someone and cheat on them regardless if they say, "oh, it's totally fine I don't care." Sure, it's a free country and it's impossible for society to police this stuff. But I have every right to look down on it. I guess it "just works" for some people and their individual situations but I still think it's gay as fuck.

A formal separation at least begins the process of divorce even if it takes a long time to hash out the financial ramifications with the court. Everyone knows that Arnold and Maria ended their relationship back when he got caught screwing the maid and moved out even though it took ages to finalize the divorce. No one said Arnold was an immoral faggot for fucking other women post separation while waiting 10 years for the ink to dry. Much better than "just do whores" OP


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:10 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

brother, im incredibly upset that a random autist on xoxo is going to look down on me.

Also made this thread so others could enjoy the content not because im seeking board approval. I'm an extremely infrequent poster and often go weeks or months at a time without even checking the site. I couldn't care less what the general xoxo consensus is.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:13 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

It sounds like you have really made your peace in life with your endorsement of cheating on your wife with whores. I bet you sleep like a baby. I'm glad really. And you know, America's moral decay is of no consequence - not only to me, a bort autist, but to any of us. We should just all stop caring. Now please gas yourself.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:49 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

brother... America is on the fast track to complete collapse. Our entire system is a house of cards that is about to go up in flames faster than the palisades just as soon as the last boomer takes his dying breath.

I have no kids, and there is no god or afterlife. I'll enjoy my wealth and the world in which we live. I couldn't give a fuck less about the moral decay of this country when the American system is solely focused on making the billionaire class richer at the expense of quite literally everyone else.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:59 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

I guess then it's totally pointless then to even try to fight back. It's all over. Give up, and go home. Don't even vote, things will never change or get better. There's no point in having principles anyway. Good luck my hedonist coomer friend.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:16 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

i meant sex drive.

it's not cheating if there is actual consent. and the "formal agreement" exists even if you're separated, so i don't understand why you're ok with sex outside the marriage in that case but not here. i think you have a myopic view that because you cannot fathom being in a relationship where a partner is permitted to have sex with others that no one would permit it. but it's pretty common.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:21 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

I know it's common and I'm COMPLETELY against it! I don't think women ever truly "consent" to this stuff. They just get brainwashed and/or think it's the best outcome for them, but they're never really into it. I don't endorse when CSLG does it either. Even tbtp for all the bort has criticized her behavior knew that his actions are immoral and wrong. We have to set a standard here on XO for morality. We're not going to endorse any polycule nonsense no matter how many people "agree" to it. It's garbage and everyone knows it. Elon's behavior in relationships is trash tier and no it doesn't "make it okay" because he's rich as hell. He's a horrible partner and father and no one should look up to him on social issues. If his "message" is we should turn to clannish middle eastern Emir behavior, that's just trash. It's misogynistic, anti-western, and anti-christian. I get that you want to tear down all the walls of normalcy and burn western history to the ground and replace it with "anything goes" but so long as I'm here I'm going to enforce traditional western values like don't literally cheat on your wife (with prostitutes, PI clients, or whatever).


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:23 PM
Author: primrose mewling old irish cottage

I’m with you. In a weird way I think normal cheating is better than open marriage or swinger. That stuff is just gross, ick factor off the charts.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:28 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

Thank you. I can't stand any of these people. I hope they all die.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:31 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

telling your wife she can fuck other doods is about as gay/degenerate as it gets. but if she tells you you can do it you would lie and say no youre the only one for me then in the unlikely event a hot, nice 20yo wants to have sex with you your conscience would be clear.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:33 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

No, it obviously wouldn't. And who would want a wife who would accept being cheated on? Lol I would dump any chick with low self esteem and no self respect.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:50 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

weve covered this like 20 times in the thread. he cant "dump" her because hes "married" and would get his finances destroyed.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:53 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

I guess then that makes the cheating on his wife a-okay!


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:32 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

none of this is responsive in addressing why you think fucking outside the marriage is ok if you're separated but not if the relationship is ongoing.

i don't think this is good because it's sinful and also don't think it's good for society. but that doesn't make it immoral or cheating. i feel the same way about divorce too. i'm just trying to reconcile your position here, but you're jumping right into imagining i'm advocating for some hedonistic free love society.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:35 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

If you formally separate in the legal, public sense, which is recognized in many jurisdictions, the relationship, barring reconciliation, is officially over. Insofar as divorce is legal at all, this is as close as you can come to a legal divorce less however long it takes for the court to be satisfied about the separation agreement. You still think this is fucking nonresponsive? How could this not be any clearer? What's missing from the picture? Do you really not get it because I can spell it out again just ask.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:43 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

you started talking about "formal agreement" which could only be marriage. and then take the position that this cannot be altered via consent. but the marriage still persists throughout the separation. so, whether or not they are separated, the "formal agreement" still exists. fwiw separation can occur while they are under the same roof.

i think what you meant to say is "i don't think married people fucking others is a good thing regardless of whether they are ok with it." which is fine. but that has nothing to do with what you said to justify it. you can just say "i think it's degenerate and bad for society for people to have sex with others while married, even if it's secret and there is consent."


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:48 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

I have no idea what you're saying but I already gave you an example of Arnold and Maria separating a decade before the divorce was finalized. Again to the extent that anyone believes that no fault divorce should be legal at all what more could they have done to end their relationship than a legal separation? I don't have a clue what you're arguing other than for the sake of being argumentative. Was it immoral that they both had relationships while still legally married to each other, because the marriage continued? Maybe, but their relationship was over, publicly, and not just in the literal sense but also very much in a legal sense as well as California recognizes legal separation. At that point everyone understands that while the marriage may have continued for a long time it was merely a case of two parties dividing their assets in a way that pleased the court, which took place a decade after they were no longer in any kind of romantic relationship. Are you still puzzled about any of this? What is wrong or immoral in your view about this situation? Because if you're against divorce in any form that's a fair but separate discussion.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:59 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

it's pretty simple. you said:

"It's immoral to have a formal commitment to someone and cheat on them regardless if they say, "oh, it's totally fine I don't care."

formal commitment = marriage. the marriage still persists during separation. therefore, fucking while separated would still be immoral under your first argument.

what your position actually seems to be is "it's always immoral to have sex with others while in a relationship." and that a separation is sufficient to terminate the relationship. but that has nothing to do with the "formal commitment" part. because to you the actual commitment, such as getting married intending for it to be open, or altering the actual commitment to permit it later, is immoral.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:12 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

If legal separation wasn't sufficient to end a formal commitment it wouldn't exist as a legal concept formally recognized in many if not all to states. I assume if reconciliation occurs it would require some sort of recommitment within the context of that marriage post separation. If this seems absurd, and to an extent, it is, at least it reflects a more natural progression of human relationships than the one in the court system. Whether or not people are together does not always coincide with the courts timeline of when it finalizes a separation agreement. This seems prima facie understandable to everyone but you. People don't sit around literally waiting for the ink to dry if they have already broken their commitment to their partner and separated. It would be impossible for the court to wade more deeply into people's lives than settling the disputes that come up in divorce law. Insofar as morality is concerned breaking a marriage vow is itself immoral and we should explore the abolition of divorce altogether. But that is impractical and would never happen. I have no idea why you are arguing that person should sit around and wait for the ink to dry on their divorce agreement. People move at a faster pace than the bureaucracy, but separations are recognized for good reason — it is the date of the end of the relationship, regardless of the outcome of the divorce. This seems simple and intuitive to anyone.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:24 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

i'm not arguing any of that. i've laid out exactly what i was asking you twice and you've screeded past it both times.

you think that me trying to tease out your logic must mean i'm arguing against it and are addressing arguments you think i have in my head, but what i was asking was narrow and simple, and not addressed here. and it can't be addressed because it's not logically reconcilable, which i why i said "i think what you meant was..."

your imagination of the legal significance and purpose of separation is off. it's not "permitted" it's required in many states and historically. and the purpose is to *encourage* reconciliation, which doesn't require any formalized recommitment. it's a hurdle that's required *before* a divorce is initiated in some states, not an independent formal legal relationship status. i think you may be confused because you think i'm prodding you about the ethics, but it was really just the "formal commitment" part, because that formal commitment is not changed by separation.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:51 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

If Maria is living in Borneo and Arnold is in Tibet and they both hate each other and it's over they've already broken their commitment and the court will fail to get them to reconcile regardless of the historical intent of the statute. I still have no idea what you're talking about. Please refrain from intimating what you think I'm saying. I've said everything I could possibly say on this topic and I still have no idea what you're getting at beyond being argumentative. There's no logic to tease out, everything has already been iterated. I think you're not as articulate as you may imagine when trying to tailor a narrow question. If someone reads it 5 times and still doesn't understand, it's on you.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 8:05 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

most people would be able to understand. let me try to break it down:

you: if you X while A it's immoral. you have to at least B to X morally.

me: but A always still exists during B.

X = having sex with someone who isn't your wife

A = marriage

B = separation


the FORMAL COMMITMENT still exists during separation. and you've said that the ACTUAL COMMITMENT (e.g. consenting to an open relationship) doesn't matter, it's always immoral during the FORMAL COMMITMENT. but that doesn't logically follow, because the FORMAL COMMITMENT still exists during separation. so your position can only be that what you meant by FORMAL COMMITMENT is a RELATIONSHIP regardless of the FORMAL COMMITMENT status, which you think is always immoral to have sex outside of regardless of the ACTUAL COMMITMENT between the parties.

i've invited you explain where i'm wrong here in your logic but you keep screeding past it and now are just slinging adhoms.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 8:15 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

I still don't get it in the slightest. In a relative sense it's better to break up with your wife and see other people while a divorce is pending than to cheat on her and string it along. This isn't rocket science. No one cares about the formal commitment in the legal sense. The personal commitment or lack thereof supercedes the court's determination in the moral case. What is so hard to grasp? You are being so obtuse and autistic. Obviously marriage still goes on until a court is trivially satisfied with the divorce agreement which in cases with massive amounts of assets could take ages to unwind. Do you not grasp that people separate and move on long before marriage is legally dissolved by the state? Jesus Christ this is not rocket science. I'm not screeding past anything, you have not substantially refuted anything I've said. Your argument is that marriage goes on until the state rubber stamps the agreement, and that means a formal commitment is ongoing until such time as a judge says 'aye'? Yeah I guess that's true in the strictest interpretation, but in practicality both parties move on decades in some cases before the state comes to a conclusion. And during that proverbial interregnum most people partner up to with others and move on. This is the difference between a commitment in the eye's of the law and a commitment between individuals or between individuals and a religious entity. The state is not the final arbiter of whether or not people are still together. They are a necessary bureaucratic institution that has the painful task of itemizing people's lives which is as far from romantic bond as anything. People's interpersonal commitments to each other supercede the legal union in the eyes of the law. Fuck I feel like I've written a SCOTUS ruling here.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 8:27 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

"I still don't get it in the slightest"

i see that

"No one cares about the formal commitment in the legal sense."



Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 10:20 PM
Author: Passionate Slap-happy Dog Poop

Guys, guys, guys, this is all well and good but...



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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:43 PM
Author: ruby demanding temple mood

Yes obviously


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 6:14 PM
Author: primrose mewling old irish cottage

I would still go for tinder tbh. Any girl on SA is going to be deeply deranged. Don’t fool yourself. They’re probably even more likely to fuck with your in real life or blackmail you. If I were you I’d just try to find a real mistress. Even the old fashioned hotel bar hookups work. I’ve fucked like 5 chicks on work trips just sitting at the hotel bar. Cute girls and didn’t have to pay them anything.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:06 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

brother im not sure if you've been on tinder lately but its not great.

I've had several real mistresses... the problem is I'm not paying them so i get convinced we're in love with each other. The transactional nature of SA makes it much easier for all parties to have healthy separation


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:15 PM
Author: chocolate provocative forum

Right, you're not paying them for sex. You're paying them to go away.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:25 PM
Author: Fragrant brethren

There are married women on SA? WTF?? Women really are 180


Reply Favorite

Date: January 13th, 2025 5:34 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

A not insignificant number are. I assume it's probably some combo of cuck fantasies, unhappy marriages, or whore fantasies where they get to act out being a whore without actually being a whore (in their minds).


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:31 PM
Author: topaz foreskin tanning salon

do these sluts let you bang them out raw and cum in them?


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:50 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

That is yet to be determined but it does seem to not be uncommon... I also have a vasectomy and stds are flame provided you stay away from high risk factors like trannies or WOC escorts.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 5:53 PM
Author: Cream concupiscible hissy fit

like many white women from the internet i bet some of them will ask you to wrap it up but abandon that after a couple minutes of fucking. horny women really seem to love the feel of an actual cock + getting creampied. if you get an std test i bet you'll be fine and lol at getting pregnant that would be the greatest windfall of desperate whore's life.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 14th, 2025 10:15 AM
Author: pontificating nursing home dysfunction

i'm still traumatized by reading about paris hilton's valtrex prescription. such a hot young thing, presumably struggling with an uncomfortable problem. i know most people get hsv1 in childhood etc


Reply Favorite

Date: January 14th, 2025 2:02 PM
Author: topaz foreskin tanning salon

nearly everyone has hsv1. i got it when i was 10. i now have it on my asshole lips.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 14th, 2025 3:11 PM
Author: pontificating nursing home dysfunction

first part sounds fine. last part sounds bad?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 19th, 2025 12:34 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Can confirm this happened several nights ago per my other post...

Started with condoms, the whole time of which she was moaning in my ear how much she couldn't wait to feel my uncovered dick inside of her. After about 30 mins of fucking she took the condom off under the pretense of wanting to blow me more (of which she was incredibly good at) and then promptly hopped on it while moaning in my ear how irresponsible it was until I was like no worries i just had a vasectomy.

To which she started riding my cock with increasing fury and begging me to cum inside her.

Was a truly 180 experience for all involved.


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Date: January 13th, 2025 6:29 PM
Author: Learning Disabled Ape Double Fault

These women are average. You’ve been out the game too long to realize. Go on tinder and you can easily land similar while explicitly saying you need to be “discrete”


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Date: January 13th, 2025 7:08 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

i dunno about this but go on


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Date: January 14th, 2025 3:14 PM
Author: citrine casino

lol not you, gookfaggot


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Date: January 13th, 2025 8:10 PM
Author: Spectacular milk

$1500 is insane. I guess maybe if she’s the spitting image of some girl you never got in your youth or something.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 14th, 2025 6:59 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

What about this chick who wants $500 ppm?





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Date: January 14th, 2025 10:29 PM
Author: Spectacular milk

Cute and not whorish. Please proceed.


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Date: January 15th, 2025 6:42 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

I believe we are confirmed for this evening at 6 pm MST brothers and she's coming straight to my place.

Says weed and water are her jam so I guess we'll get stoned as shit and see what happens.


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Date: January 16th, 2025 10:29 AM
Author: fuchsia garrison

fuckkk... she flaked at 4:30 pm, asked to reschedule to today or fri.


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Date: January 15th, 2025 4:47 AM
Author: thriller mustard associate

belorussian hooker. probably has gappy thighs but blown out pussy


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Date: January 15th, 2025 5:24 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

goes by the name "Rose", who knows if that's her real name or not (it was some variation of that on Seeking), she's 25 according to her profile and her photos seem to match that.


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Date: January 15th, 2025 6:44 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

blown out pussy just sounds like i'll be able to bang her for hours... im in.


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Date: January 15th, 2025 5:18 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

she's allegedly coming over tonight brothers but we will see.

Kinda interested in this chick who wants 300-400 per meet "but obviously I don't expect that if we're going out to dinner or something first!" She's ukrainian but has been in the us since age 2.



She wants to meet up either tmw or fri, whatever works for me. Can confirm she's definitely NOT FAT but does have a tattoo between her tits and enjoys pole dancing (but not a stripper). I don't mind chicks like that as opposed to many on here who apparently want a 18 yr old mormon virgin and the ppm is hard to beat.


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Date: January 15th, 2025 5:19 PM
Author: Marvelous church building

How does she feel about pitbulls


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2025 5:21 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Apparently LOVES animals. Why do you ask friend.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 16th, 2025 7:59 AM
Author: pontificating nursing home dysfunction

(guy who gets it)


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Date: January 15th, 2025 5:43 PM
Author: exciting bright parlour

looks old enough to be a millennial. pass.


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Date: January 15th, 2025 6:41 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

i mean at that rate if she's a good time I'm losing money not sleeping with her.


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Date: January 16th, 2025 9:16 AM
Author: Spectacular milk

The angles and lack of lower body visibility leave me worried about potential tank ass here


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Date: January 16th, 2025 10:28 AM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Does this change your opinion brother?


She has also self identified as "slim" and I feel like most chicks who are anything other than thin or at least thin-average mark themselves as "athletic" although some stripper/hooker and/or bodybuilder type chicks mark themselves as athletic too. Fats mark themselves as curvy.


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Date: January 16th, 2025 10:40 AM
Author: Spectacular milk

The arms are a positive sign. I still think there may be a sizable ass involved here.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 16th, 2025 1:47 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

Looking forward to finding out!


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Date: January 16th, 2025 6:15 PM
Author: fuchsia garrison

LJL this chick rescheduled to today, fine. We had already discussed rate, where we were meeting etc.

Then she goes "I should ask this before hand, will you be paying me tonight. Just wondering because it is a bit of a drive for me."

I respond "i mean... i guess it sorta depends, if it's a m&g and things go well, and we go from there, yeah, if we show up have a drink and realize not a good fit then i'll pay for your drink and i guess i can throw you some gas money. But happy to jump on a video call before hand to prove I'm a real person."

Respond: "It seems like you are looking for more of an escort, so unfortunately I am going to pass."

LJL what the fuck do you think you are doing on this fucking site. And she thinks I'm gonna pay her 300-400 for a fucking nice to meet you drink?

I'm gonna start being ruthless with these whores.


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Date: January 16th, 2025 9:18 AM
Author: lake background story pervert
Subject: Zang mi shen dan sex enhancer,kidney improvement - Poerkan

Zang mi shen dan extracted from all natural Chinese matrials, designed to imrpove male daily energy, no fatigue, no dependence, one capsule lasts to 120 hours



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Date: January 19th, 2025 1:44 PM
Author: Vigorous pit



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Date: March 11th, 2025 10:51 PM
Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)

white men dont pay for sex, only asians do


Reply Favorite

Date: March 11th, 2025 10:51 PM
Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)

These are all true saar

Date: March 11th, 2025 10:34 PM

Author: backroom poasting couch



Reply Favorite

Date: March 12th, 2025 10:04 PM
Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)

yeah bro very true, DEFINITELY


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Date: March 12th, 2025 11:07 PM
Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)

now fucktarded cumskins claiming this thread was created in 2015 LOLLERCAUST after getting ASSRAPED by NYUUG

Date: March 12th, 2025 10:22 PM

Author: Bob Stinson

Your “receipts” are from 10 years ago. Chances those people are still poasting and poasting in this thread? You are mentally ill

