Took my half Asian kids to Sons of Norway pancake breakfast. Bad experience
| daniel gay luis | 03/22/25 | | disassociated consumer | 03/22/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/22/25 | | daniel gay luis | 03/22/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/22/25 | | oh, you travel? | 03/22/25 | | daniel gay luis | 03/22/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/22/25 | | oh, you travel? | 03/22/25 | | daniel gay luis | 03/22/25 | | butt cheeks | 03/22/25 | | people you know | 03/23/25 | | '"'"'"''" | 03/23/25 | | saibaman | 03/22/25 | | Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv | 03/22/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/22/25 | | Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv | 03/22/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/22/25 | | Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv | 03/22/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/22/25 | | Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv | 03/22/25 | | potluck | 03/22/25 | | Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv | 03/22/25 | | low effort MASE alt troll account | 03/22/25 | | When I grow up I want to be a pumo | 03/22/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/22/25 | | evan39 | 03/22/25 | | daniel gay luis | 03/22/25 | | AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis | 03/23/25 | | | 03/22/25 | | Gay Grandpa | 03/22/25 | | | 03/22/25 | | Nippon Professional Baseball | 03/23/25 | | people you know | 03/23/25 | | ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,,..,.,.,.,.,..,.,, | 03/23/25 | | daniel gay luis | 03/22/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/22/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/23/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/23/25 | | butt cheeks | 03/23/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/23/25 | | '"'"'"''" | 03/23/25 | | shitlib shibboleth | 03/23/25 | | oh, you travel? | 03/23/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 22nd, 2025 5:53 PM Author: daniel gay luis
Went to the local Sons of Norway hall this morning. They do a big event where you get pancakes, Norwegian omelette, lefse, desserts, coffee etc. Absolutely great food. Place was packed full, old people, families with their blonde kids in traditional nordic outfits etc. So many hot blonde women. It feels so incredible to be surrounded by people who look like you, and I know my kids will never know the feeling. My kids were the only non-white people there.
When we entered, the old guy handing out raffle tickets said while looking at my kids "what part of Norway are THEY from?" And laughed. Then after breakfast they called all the kids up to perform a Nordic song. My kids went up and one of the adults put nordic hats on them and I heard people in the crowd laughing.
They raffled off a 10 day trip to Oslo and my ticket was off by 1 digit. Probably for the best as my family would get even more stares and derisory comments over there.
One of my sons later cried on the way home and asked why he couldn't have blonde hair like me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't lose sleep at night wondering the same thing. I really wish I could go back and change my life and marry a white girl or just a non asian. There are no fun cultural events for half asians.
On the plus side the placemat had some funny jokes making fun of Swedes:
Date: March 22nd, 2025 6:13 PM Author: AZNgirl pouring Starbucks coffee on Dad's Penis
rofl been to both, i recall in oslo lookin for islamic kebab shops, this was in 2015 or so
for stolkholm i went there in like 1999 or something i remember being shocked there were turd and nowag and sand nigga kids walking arnd, i was like wtf
i was in a hostel in stolkholm it had like 20 beds just in a big huge room and the dood next to me was a swarthy fellow but i saw him one night and he was full nude and i saw his gigantic cock it was totally exposed right in the bed next to me i still remmember that turd cock it was massive like the himalayas or something thats what i think of when i think of stolkholm hth
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 6:06 PM Author: low effort MASE alt troll account
Irl lmao'ing
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 9:29 PM
Who in there right mind would marry an Asian? What the hell were you thinking?
I dated an AZNgirl once. She gave the best head of my life. She sucked and fucked like a champ. Offered to eat the ass too but I was too skittish.
I remember her riding me raw, no pill, and I just pulled out at the last second and came on her back and ass. There was a little Elliot Roger who didn't get conceived that day.
I had a great time using her body to jerk myself off. But for the love of God why would you MARRY this person? Madness!
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Date: March 23rd, 2025 9:38 AM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,,..,.,.,.,.,..,.,,
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Date: March 23rd, 2025 1:37 AM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
there are "Ole and Lena" jokes and "Ole and Sven" jokes.
Ole (Norwegian) and Sven (Swedish) went on a fishing trip to Canada and come back with only three fish.
Ole says, “The way I figger it, Sven, each of them fish cost us $400.
Well, at dat price it’s a good ting we didn’t catch any more of em than we did,” says Sven.
Lena: “Der is trouble vit da car, sveetheart. It has vater in da carburetor.”
Ole: “Vater in da carburetor? Dat is ridiculous.”
Lena: “Ole, I tell you da car has vater in the carburetor.”
Ole: “You don’t even know vat a carburetor is. I’ll check it out. Ver is da car?”
Lena: “In da lake.”
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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:03 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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