Date: March 15th, 2025 3:40 PM
Author: Oh, You Travel? ( )
47m ago
The purpose of life is to Express Phenotype imho. If that’s not enough for you, then chances are you have a bad phenotype.
28m ago
Could you clarify what you mean?
My understanding of the phrase "expressing a phenotype" is that a given gene is "activated" such that it takes effect in a person. For example a person bearing the gene for brown eyes and blue eyes would find the brown eye "phenotype" expressed since it is a dominant gene and the person would have brown eyes.
Going by that understanding of the definition, it sounds like you are saying "just being alive is good enough, there is no need for any kind of codified 'purpose'" Is that correct?
1m ago
Life is phenotype expression. Internet posting is phenotype expression. A man shouts his height into the void not out of vanity but because the impulse to declare one's form is written into the marrow of existence. Single-celled organisms extend flagella, birds flare their plumage, and men type 5’10” into comment sections. Im 5’10 btw fwiw.
Every organism propagates itself. That is the whole of it. A man expresses his virtues—strength, wit, cunning—in the hope that some woman, somewhere, will take notice. If his raw materials fail him, he turns to other means. He builds, he calculates, he retreats into thought. The intellectual tries to transcend the flesh with his mind. The Engineer shapes the world with his hands. And for those whom reality denies, there are Game Consoles; virtual worlds—chambers of electronic light where bad phenotypes dissolve into nothing.
The question is not whether you express your phenotype. You have no choice in that. The question is whether it carries you forward or leaves you shouting into the dark