ITT: "Sealclubber" explains what 'technical analysis' is (LINK)
| To be fair | 03/15/25 | | metapoaster | 03/15/25 | | To be fair | 03/15/25 | | sealclubber | 03/15/25 | | sealclubber | 03/15/25 | | final reason | 03/15/25 | | Stephen Asspenis | 03/16/25 | | To be fair | 03/16/25 | | Stephen Asspenis | 03/16/25 | | To be fair | 03/16/25 | | Stephen Asspenis | 03/16/25 | | To be fair | 03/15/25 | | Stephen Asspenis | 03/16/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/16/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/16/25 | | To be fair | 03/15/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/16/25 | | To be fair | 03/16/25 | | sealclubber | 03/16/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/16/25 | | sealclubber | 03/16/25 | | To be fair | 03/17/25 | | sealclubber | 03/17/25 | | Stephen Asspenis | 03/17/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/17/25 | | To be fair | 03/18/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/18/25 | | sealclubber | 03/17/25 | | Stephen Asspenis | 03/17/25 | | sealclubber | 03/17/25 | | Stephen Asspenis | 03/17/25 | | To be fair | 03/18/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 15th, 2025 4:16 PM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
Put those historical stonk price charts away, you retards. They're totally meaningless, and btw don't you know that even looking at them and noticing generalized patterns over the years constitutes 'technical analysis' which is a bunch of fake low IQ shit for idiots? *You're* not an idiot... are you???
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Date: March 15th, 2025 4:22 PM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
What the intelligent financial advisor actually said: "Bear in mind that past performance is not a guarantee of future success when you invest in ston--"
It's amazing how many times this dynamic plays out in all sorts of areas.
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Date: March 15th, 2025 4:47 PM Author: sealclubber
to be faggot,
what your thread title said is
"TSLA has lost >40% of it's value at least 5x since 2018 and always hit new ATHs."
and then you proceeded in your first two posts to say how stupid everyone is because
"To be fair,
Brilliant Jewish XO Pumos: "LOL u retard that's all totally irrelevant, history won't repeat itself again -- this time is totally different for reasons, and TSLA is never going to bounce back up again. Hope u sold it all becuz if not UR FUKT!"
"To be fair,
BTC has also lost >75% of it's value at least 5x since 2010, and every time it also rose once again to achieve new ATHs.
...guess what Brilliant Jewish XO Pumos have also been saying about BTC's latest dip?
so you doubled down on your stupidity. at least your stupidity is accompanied with arrogance. you're no better than a gambler being confident about a future result because of what you've seen in the past
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Date: March 15th, 2025 4:22 PM Author: sealclubber
to be faggot, resorting to one of the lamest fucking schticks on xoxo
getting humiliated and then posting a separate thread attacking someone because you're too much of a faggot to defend your idiocy in the original thread
btw, for anyone popping in
i quoted the definition of technical analysis from investopedia and it matched up with exactly with what to be faggot was doing
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Date: March 16th, 2025 8:03 PM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
Sorry bro, but any reference to a stonk's past performance -- no matter how generalized or high-level -- is "technical analysis," that's just the dictionary definition of it bro it's all right there.
BTW the experts all agree that "technical analysis" is a bunch of low IQ bullshit, so I hope you aren't one of those dumb midwit goys who does stupid shit like looking back at the historical performance of stonks and taking that performance into account when you're making speculative investment decisions about where you think they're likely to go in the future. People who do that are performing "technical analysis," and doing that sort of thing makes you a certified moron. You're not a moron, are you?
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Date: March 16th, 2025 11:12 AM Author: Cumbutt (gunneratttt)
one of my favorite's of all time
gold's value today is based partially on the assumption that some parts of spacecraft that will assist human's leaving earth will be made of gold!
my god, the corrosion resistant gold tipped circuit boards!
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Date: March 17th, 2025 12:19 AM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
So you're saying that gold is actually way more expensive than silver and copper because gold has a bunch of very useful traits that give it an "intrinsic value" as a physical material which can't simply be boiled down to "ooooo it's so prettty and shiiiiiny, I liiiiiike it"?
You sure about that, bud?
Because as I understand it, the "price" of any commodity is determined by the global demand for that commodity. And last time I checked, <7% of gold is actually being used for any sort of industrial application in the modern world -- meaning that the global demand for gold's utility in industrial applications only accounts for <7% of its current "price" in the global marketplace. Here's a source on that:
As of 2023, ~50% of the global demand for gold came from the "oooo it's soooo prettttty" trinkets and baubles sector, and another ~45% of the global demand for gold either came from investors who want to use it as a vehicle for bald financial speculation (BTC is now widely used for exactly this same purpose and yet you scoff at the suggestion that this use gives BTC any "intrinsic value") or from central banks who want to use it as a vehicle for storing wealth and hedging against inflation (same comment as above).
So what am I missing here? Because to me, it looks like ~93% of the current "price" of gold in the global marketplace can be directly attributed to "oooo it's shiny and pretty" plus two other uses which you yourself have previously stated DO NOT IN AND OF THEMSELVES afford a commodity any sort of "intrinsic value" in your opinion.
Pretty confused here... suffice to say, I'm really looking forward to you clearing this up for me.
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Date: March 18th, 2025 3:37 AM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
CR, my thesis is that putting aside the ~7% of its current global market valuation that comes from legitimate industrial use cases, >90% of gold's global market cap can be boiled down to a bunch of humans looking at gold and thinking to themselves, "oooo I wanna own that" (either because they just genuinely like it, or because they think other people really like it and they therefore want to use it as a vehicle for speculative investment). Which is a fine use case, to be clear. I'm not the one who has a problem with calling that a valid source of value for a commodity. Sealclubber is.
But -- and this is an odd case! -- he ONLY seems to have a problem with that calling that a valid source of value when it comes to BTC. Very interesting!
Somehow, the fact that hundreds of millions of people all around the globe also now want to buy and hold BTC is evidence of what a total scam that bullshit is... even though in his view, the very same phenomenon functions as FURTHER PROOF of how INNATELY PRECIOUS physical gold is, for, uh... "reasons."
It's almost like this "Sealclubber" guy is legitimately a low IQ retard who can't actually explain how or why these two phenomena are different from one another in a defensible way.
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Date: March 18th, 2025 5:55 AM Author: Cumbutt (gunneratttt)
"the only thing that makes something valuable as a currency is peoples faith in it. otherwise it would trade only at the value of its utility, like everything else."
"sound right."
"regardless of how silly an individual may think it is to use one specific shinny metal as a currency, it's just a fact that people do."
"likewise, bitcoin is undeniably a store of value and used in the same way gold has. this has happened for over a decade now, and peoples faith in it is high. so even if someone thinks it's retarded, they cannot deny that it simply is a fact."
"btc has no intrinsic value and will someday be worthless. btw im not shorting btc or anything, even though i have unwavering faith in my prediction."
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Date: March 17th, 2025 1:31 PM Author: Stephen Asspenis ((zurich is stained))
"Because as I understand it, the "price" of any commodity is determined by the global demand for that commodity."
i read what he's saying here to mean that no commodity has intrinsic value and its value is derived from the price people are willing to pay for it. he goes on to say that gold, for instance, is mostly not being used for whatever it generally can be used for. it's valuable because people have decided that it is, not because it has inherent value.
i could be wrong, though. i am retarded and gay.
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Date: March 18th, 2025 3:40 AM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
Can't wait to see what sealclubber has to say about my analysis of gold above!
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