Date: March 12th, 2025 12:51 PM
Author: Trust If Aryan
2002? Shit man. That's when this whole thing started.
See, I was thinking about making a change you know? So I started looking around and heard about this thing called the LSAT. Some type of test. Apparently, if you did real good on it, you this sweet three year vacation called a "full ride". All you had to do during the vacation was spend a few hours each day with some beta pussies and nutty sluts. Sounded good to me man! don't it?
Then, after that, they moved you to some city where your job was to be 'prestigious'. Yeah, I know, what the fuck does that mean? They'd pay you almost $200,000 a year to do this! Sure as hell beats a cop's salary. Anyways, the only catch I could see was that you apparently had to kiss ass to some jewdorks, but shit man, every boss in every job I ever had wanted me to kiss their asses too. Who the fuck cares if he's a kike?
So like I was saying, taking that LSAT sounded like a good idea at the time. I even signed up and paid for some classes with an outfit called the "Princeton Review" to get ready for that test. Things were going pretty well I guess until I was told to sign up for their computer discussion website. They called it the "PR Board". So I created an account, logged into that PR Board, and then the problems began.
Shit man, it's amazing how fast and easy it is to descend straight to hell. That PR Board really got me going...