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Wait, so are the Jews shutting down TikTok, or using it to corrupt & parasitize?

Xo says the Jews own a multi-billion-dollar stake in TikTok ...
Domesticated bateful area nowag
self-centered fat ankles
it was the latter, but they recalibrated after realizing Tik...
contagious kitty cat library
claret corner milk

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Date: January 19th, 2025 4:21 PM
Author: Domesticated bateful area nowag

Xo says the Jews own a multi-billion-dollar stake in TikTok and are making a killing paristizing off the masses on TikTok, and also say Jews are behind the scheme to shut it down. So which is it?


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Date: January 19th, 2025 4:22 PM
Author: self-centered fat ankles



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Date: January 19th, 2025 4:25 PM
Author: contagious kitty cat library

it was the latter, but they recalibrated after realizing TikTok is redpilling people against Jews, so the tradeoff isn't worth it.

just like they are recalibrating by shifting to the 'right' superficially w/ Trump, denouncing 'campus radicals' (pro-Palestine), and moving away from muslim immigration to Indians, etc.

the agenda (white genocide) remains the same, it's just a tactical adjustment.


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Date: January 19th, 2025 4:49 PM
Author: claret corner milk

