many online spaces are hollowed out bc everyone siloed away on discrete apps
| just look at it | 03/29/25 | | ,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,,..,..,.,,..,.,,. | 03/29/25 | | Oh, you! Travel! | 03/29/25 | | .,.,.;;,;.,..,:,,:,...,:::,...,;;.,.;.:...:.,:.::, | 03/29/25 | | Unakite Thirteen Hotel 69 | 03/29/25 | | chill alpha brown bro reading bronze age mindset | 03/29/25 | | just look at it | 03/29/25 | | chill alpha brown bro reading bronze age mindset | 03/29/25 | | Oh, you travel? | 03/29/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/29/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 29th, 2025 5:02 AM Author: just look at it
There is no longer any novelty in being a person connected to a server with the ability to chat/interact in the wake of proliferated social media sites. There is no longer any novelty in the written word thanks to AI chatbots
Twitter basically blew a hole in everyones heads & now noone cares about talking to strangers online, they just scroll & read other peoples thoughts, occassionally hitting the like button for pavlovian response input output
For example, MMOs as a genre are dead because you have zero value as a "human actor" theres no novelty about talking to a person online anymore, no magic there, so people just basically play these as 'straight games' while ignoring everyone, so the games die and are largely siloed experiences compared to yesteryear
XO's decline is also a great example, most threads are just XO posters acting as RSS feeds to bigger social media sites where they get their "fix" of input output and a bunch of middle aged indians using this as a staging ground for their gay siloed groupchats with other indians scheming on how to harvest the last remaining morsels of white human capital into their hives, maybe if you keep making 0 reply threads with X/Twitter links this will happen? idk
Date: March 29th, 2025 5:04 AM
Author: ,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,,..,..,.,,..,.,,.
twitter has been the biggest disaster for the internet since usenet got perma-trashed by dipshit college kids in 1993.
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Date: March 29th, 2025 5:21 AM
Author: .,.,.;;,;.,..,:,,:,...,:::,...,;;.,.;.:...:.,:.::,
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Date: March 29th, 2025 7:48 AM Author: chill alpha brown bro reading bronze age mindset
I posted a really good rant on Twitter about this recently
You want me to copy and paste it here or would that just set you off
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Date: March 29th, 2025 7:53 AM Author: chill alpha brown bro reading bronze age mindset
"Discord supplanted forums and subreddits so completely that when you're troubleshooting it's extremely rare to any breadcrumbs about your problem after like ~2018"
"Yup. This is a real problem actually
Reddit did irreparable damage as well. It was a Trojan Horse that choked out other forums, only to go turbo shitlib and delete/ban the userbase who contributed all the useful content
A new public forum for the intelligentsia is badly needed
Twitter doesn't fill this void, unfortunately. It does something different. Valuable and necessary, but different
People don't realize how important anon public forums were for advancing thought forward over the past ~30 years in many fields"
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