Why are white people so resentful that they're becoming a minori
| Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | disturbing titillating famous landscape painting | 03/03/13 | | adventurous free-loading stage milk | 03/03/13 | | Provocative legal warrant | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | Provocative legal warrant | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | Provocative legal warrant | 03/03/13 | | thriller mad-dog skullcap | 03/03/13 | | bearded rehab foreskin | 03/03/13 | | exciting erotic forum | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | exciting erotic forum | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | Useless business firm | 03/03/13 | | exciting erotic forum | 03/03/13 | | Mewling blathering cuckold set | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | Chestnut excitant heaven | 03/03/13 | | Ruby self-absorbed water buffalo pit | 03/03/13 | | bearded rehab foreskin | 03/03/13 | | Pearl insanely creepy space ratface | 03/03/13 | | Provocative legal warrant | 03/03/13 | | Mewling blathering cuckold set | 03/03/13 | | Purple hyperventilating hell | 03/03/13 | | bearded rehab foreskin | 03/03/13 | | yapping ruddy stag film | 03/03/13 | | Provocative legal warrant | 03/03/13 | | Pearl insanely creepy space ratface | 03/03/13 | | effete floppy sex offender house | 03/03/13 | | yapping ruddy stag film | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | tripping candlestick maker keepsake machete | 03/03/13 | | yapping ruddy stag film | 03/03/13 | | thriller mad-dog skullcap | 03/03/13 | | tripping candlestick maker keepsake machete | 03/03/13 | | thriller mad-dog skullcap | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | effete floppy sex offender house | 03/03/13 | | thriller mad-dog skullcap | 03/03/13 | | yapping ruddy stag film | 03/03/13 | | thriller mad-dog skullcap | 03/03/13 | | Topaz Menage | 03/03/13 | | Rusted National Fat Ankles | 03/03/13 | | Purple hyperventilating hell | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | Rusted National Fat Ankles | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | Purple hyperventilating hell | 03/03/13 | | Flatulent seedy base toaster | 03/03/13 | | heady cordovan headpube meetinghouse | 03/03/13 | | effete floppy sex offender house | 03/03/13 | | rambunctious lodge stock car | 03/03/13 | | Provocative legal warrant | 03/03/13 | | Rusted National Fat Ankles | 03/03/13 | | thriller mad-dog skullcap | 03/03/13 | | rambunctious lodge stock car | 03/03/13 | | adventurous free-loading stage milk | 03/03/13 | | yapping ruddy stag film | 03/03/13 | | rambunctious lodge stock car | 03/03/13 | | yapping ruddy stag film | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | canary voyeur | 03/03/13 | | carmine curious depressive | 03/03/13 | | Red Infuriating Dog Poop Mediation | 03/03/13 | | Slate Flirting Gay Wizard | 03/03/13 | | Red Infuriating Dog Poop Mediation | 03/03/13 | | evan39 | 03/26/25 | | awkward talented degenerate | 02/18/25 | | awkward talented degenerate | 02/19/25 | | awkward talented degenerate | 02/19/25 | | awkward talented degenerate | 02/19/25 | | awkward talented degenerate | 02/25/25 | | nyuug | 03/24/25 | | nyuug | 03/26/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 3rd, 2013 8:28 PM Author: Slate Flirting Gay Wizard
so many ir8 losers who have no historical perspective. so much mad
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22749510) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 8:31 PM Author: Slate Flirting Gay Wizard
sure, but there's no intellectual justification to it.
why are there so many smug people on this forum that think it's their god given right to be an ethnically dominant political force?
(And at the same time SCREAM when you point out that being white has major perks and almost no down side)
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22749537) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 8:37 PM Author: Slate Flirting Gay Wizard
of course, of course.
but on XO, the stuff you described is widely recognized to be stupid. but there is a huge contingent of psycho pumos ranting about the Jews engineering a genocide against white people instead of having an ounce of self-awareness
why -- have we just been invaded by tons of weird internet racists?
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22749576) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 8:30 PM Author: exciting erotic forum
obvious flame
anyone with an IQ over 80 should be able to recognize why a race that is currently the majority in a country would not want to become a minority
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22749533) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 8:41 PM Author: Pearl insanely creepy space ratface
OP you conveniently ignore who built civilization...
hint: it wasn't aztecs or africans
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22749607) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 8:45 PM Author: tripping candlestick maker keepsake machete
Whites pretend like there's no such thing as white privilege.
Yet they get all worried at the thought of being a minority. Its kind of proof that they're full of it and are aware of the privilege that comes with being the majority race.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22749646) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 8:52 PM Author: thriller mad-dog skullcap
there are a lot of anti-white policies currently implemented in america. for example, a lot of federal and local governmental agencies have unspoken or partially-acknowledged rules that 30% or so of the staff has to be minority, no matter what. whites actually banned the use of IQ-based hiring tests and civil service exams for themselves in order to artificially bolster the minority share of the workforce.
not all minorities benefit equally, of course. east asians do get things like minority business grants, but get hit otherwise on a lot of these AA policies.
whites in the US voluntarily hobbled themselves relative to their own potential to give minorities a "leg up," and in return they have mostly gotten resentment and vague threats of future "payback."
and the whites at the bottom of the economic pile really get screwed - big business gave a lot of their jobs away to illegals, and their salaries have been stagnant for decades.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22749730) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 8:52 PM Author: Slate Flirting Gay Wizard
I remember asking another poster what they considered the peak of Western civilization and they said Edwardian England.
When I pointed out that Edwardian England and 2013 India have the same level of economic prosperity, I got no response.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22749729) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 9:19 PM Author: Red Infuriating Dog Poop Mediation
factionalized societies without a clear majority group tend to decohere and lose stability over time. even people with many common elements (such as the various swiss factions) have found it easier to go with soft separation via strong federalism than try and fight over a centralized nonmajority state.
but in the US, we can't do the same thing nearly as easily, because our divisions are inside of states rather than just between them.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22750013) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 9:23 PM Author: Slate Flirting Gay Wizard
this assumes that racial factions are permanently settled, which they aren't.
seriously, the people on this board have such a grand time mocking the idea that races are social constructs but they still don't fucking get it.
Latinos will be brought into the fold
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22750055) |
Date: March 3rd, 2013 9:39 PM Author: Red Infuriating Dog Poop Mediation
there's no real such thing as "hispanics." that's a term that increased in usage during the nixon administration as a way to describe different populations that came out of colonial spain.
most hispanics in the US are mexican, but that is not a unified population, either. you see the reformation of some of the same social divisions that exist in mexico itself. lighter-skinned spaniard descendents with less amerindian admixture tend to inhabit a different world from the amerinds. not all mexican/guatemalan amerinds even speak spanish.
mexican culture is different from US culture because it is based on different historical facts, different social dynamics, and different cultural mythologies. some tend more toward the european/western side of things (for example, mexico's literary elite certainly work in the european/latinate tradition) and some only casually intersect with that world.
when the number of migrants is smaller, perhaps you do have a shot at inculcating them with what they'd need to become petit-Americans, and squeeze out some of their more malign tendencies (early teen pregnancy, disdain for education, severe mistrust of the state and social cartelization).
but the digestive acids of american culture are not almighty. people wonder why something like the cartel crisis is possible in mexico. because it fits into mexican culture. beheadings, mutilations, quasi-religious ritualistic slayings, proxy human sacrifice, state corruption, secret societies... it's a function of the environment.
now, can we eliminate those cultural impulses just because the migrants hopped over a border? to an extent. but to what extent...
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2197480&forum_id=2).#22750182) |