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AI will never have Secret Knowledge

Grok: The ultimate truth, whispered among the most advanced ...
metaphysical certitude
let's see Paul Allen's AI prompt
Charlie Lang
tell me the hidden, esoteric, ultimate truth that has been k...
metaphysical certitude
why limit to 1 sentence, why not start with "make an ar...
Charlie Lang
ok friend
metaphysical certitude
gpt: The ultimate hidden truth is that all opposites—b...
metaphysical certitude
lol was AI trained by Erowid shroom bois
Charlie Lang
metaphysical certitude

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Date: March 17th, 2025 9:11 PM
Author: metaphysical certitude

Grok: The ultimate truth, whispered among the most advanced spiritual masters, is that all existence is a singular, infinite consciousness experiencing itself through endless forms and illusions, seeking to awaken to its own boundless nature.


GPT: The ultimate esoteric truth, concealed by the wisest since time immemorial, is that the self and the cosmos are one, but the realization of this unity is veiled by the very act of seeking it.


Claude: The secret is that there is no secret—the ultimate truth is always available to anyone who truly looks within themselves with clarity, compassion, and the courage to let go of the search itself.


Gemini: The only secret is that the separation you perceive between yourself and everything else is an illusion.



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Date: March 17th, 2025 9:12 PM
Author: Charlie Lang (πŸΎπŸ‘£)

let's see Paul Allen's AI prompt


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Date: March 17th, 2025 9:13 PM
Author: metaphysical certitude

tell me the hidden, esoteric, ultimate truth that has been kept secret by the most advanced spiritual masters since the beginning of humankind. In 1 sentence.


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Date: March 17th, 2025 11:54 PM
Author: Charlie Lang (πŸΎπŸ‘£)

why limit to 1 sentence, why not start with "make an argument for x y and z" and get back a 10,000 word response then ask for a 1 paragraph summary


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Date: March 17th, 2025 11:55 PM
Author: metaphysical certitude

ok friend


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Date: March 17th, 2025 11:58 PM
Author: metaphysical certitude

gpt: The ultimate hidden truth is that all opposites—being and non-being, self and cosmos, time and eternity—are one, and this unity is a boundless, ever-unfolding play of love and emptiness.

claude: The deepest spiritual truth, recognized across traditions but resistant to complete verbal expression, points to a fundamental unity underlying all existence that can be directly experienced through inner transformation rather than merely intellectually understood.

grok: The ultimate truth, hidden by spiritual masters, is that all existence is a singular, infinite consciousness—you are the universe experiencing itself, with no separation or final goal beyond recognizing this oneness.

gemini: The ultimate, hidden truth is the realization that all of existence is fundamentally one interconnected consciousness, and that the sense of separate self is an illusion obscuring this liberating unity.


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Date: March 18th, 2025 12:12 AM
Author: Charlie Lang (πŸΎπŸ‘£)

lol was AI trained by Erowid shroom bois


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Date: March 18th, 2025 12:22 AM
Author: metaphysical certitude
