Date: February 1st, 2025 11:45 PM
Author: contagious space stain
lol, she shits rainbows and rides unicorns
"Monica and her husband left Venezuela under threats of political persecution in 2019. She found out she was pregnant more than six years after arriving in the US, and almost couldn’t believe it. “I laughed, I cried, I thanked God.” Instead of going to the supermarket that day, she went out to buy a pair of tiny baby shoes – and left them out for her husband as a surprise. “He was not expecting that! But he was so excited.”
Two weeks later, Trump took office and signed an executive order to end birthright citizenship.
Seeking Venezuelan citizenship for their child would be impossible – both Monica and her husband were outspoken critics of their country’s authoritarian government and its autocratic leader, Nicolás Maduro, and contacting the government could put them in danger. Besides, there are no Venezuelan consulates in the US, which means there is no way for the couple to register their newborn."
a true political refugee who didn't have a baby right away and hasn't had her legitimate case heard in five years
sure, baby, sure
btw, she and her husband were not supposed to seek refuge in the usa, but the next closest safe country, right?