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Has nyuug gotten pwnd more than any poster in history?

Razzmatazz death wish address
Razzmatazz death wish address
gay exciting stead
im glad posters are still asking this in 2023
transparent step-uncle's house
nudist plaza mad cow disease
ive told my detractors EXACTLY how they can pwn me. and ther...
transparent step-uncle's house
your imaginary life is fabricated
honey-headed theatre toilet seat
lol you guys really havent learned anything since 07, have y...
transparent step-uncle's house
get some professional medical help now do the analysis agai...
honey-headed theatre toilet seat
it is impossible to attack the core of who you are, because ...
laughsome blue point alpha
I was going to say this is very unfair on Patrick Bateman, h...
honey-headed theatre toilet seat
Bateman is not a man of substance, which is the entire point...
laughsome blue point alpha
fluffy cerise trust fund
complete pathetic simulacrum of a "human" and on t...
Lascivious pozpig locale
THIS was the final ZINGER that ended me bro
transparent step-uncle's house
(studio gook)
Lascivious pozpig locale
It sounds like Nyuug might be employing a defense mechanism ...
Lascivious pozpig locale
you are getting pwned so hard and its so obvious. ljl at yo...
Lascivious pozpig locale
cumskins crying, losing hoap
transparent step-uncle's house
seek help you creepy mentally ill freak: Understanding Ny...
Lascivious pozpig locale
transparent step-uncle's house
and fizzkid as of this morning pwn3d me FOR GOOD. im FINISHE...
transparent step-uncle's house
Yes actually
yapping school
THE FINAL ZINGER, bro!!111111
transparent step-uncle's house
Sorry brother you’re a joke
yapping school
It's like watching Eliot Rodger survive into middle age
wonderful ratface resort
honey-headed theatre toilet seat
LOLLERCOPTER rofl:ROFL%3AROFL%3AROFL%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20...
slippery obsidian pisswyrm parlour
Lollercaust HARD@ studio gook
Costumed thriller antidepressant drug
cr lolleracaust It sounds like Nyuug might be employing a...
Lascivious pozpig locale
Korea has a rich cultural tradition of this sort of thing. L...
wonderful ratface resort
i'm not even sure what studio gook means and it's still funn...
laughsome blue point alpha
He lives in a little studio apartment in Seoul
Lascivious pozpig locale
He is a one-man video production studio.
wonderful ratface resort
at a certain point are you pwned proof like you are defamati...
Onyx codepig range

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 17th, 2017 7:35 PM
Author: Razzmatazz death wish address


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Date: December 17th, 2017 9:01 PM
Author: Razzmatazz death wish address


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Date: December 17th, 2017 9:04 PM
Author: gay exciting stead



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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:24 AM
Author: transparent step-uncle's house

im glad posters are still asking this in 2023


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:25 AM
Author: nudist plaza mad cow disease



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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:28 AM
Author: transparent step-uncle's house

ive told my detractors EXACTLY how they can pwn me. and there is only one real way, which ive laid out in great detail many times here. the only way to really pwn a poster is to attack the core of who he is.

all this bizarre jockeying for position, "zing" attempts, etc. just make me laugh. literally all a poster needs to do is visit Gangnam, then post how hard he is crushing it here and getting hotter girls than i do. then i would actually be pretty fucking done as a poster lol.

i did just this when i took my 2018 oslo sexcation and fucked 4 girls there, 3 of whom were white norwegian beauties. the entire trip is well-documented.

RSF came the "closest" because he has been to seoul twice, but even he failed to legitimately pwn me - he didnt fuck a single girl during either trip. xoxo still has yet to learn a simple lesson, "DONT FEED THE TROLLS"


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:33 AM
Author: honey-headed theatre toilet seat

your imaginary life is fabricated


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:34 AM
Author: transparent step-uncle's house

lol you guys really havent learned anything since 07, have you


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:36 AM
Author: honey-headed theatre toilet seat

get some professional medical help

now do the analysis again but assume this person was bullied for their late loss of virginity and also the bullies claimed it was due to the lack of female desire for men of his race and lack of masculinity of men of his race



Certainly, if an individual faced bullying or discrimination for their late loss of virginity, coupled with derogatory comments about their race and perceived masculinity, it could deeply impact their self-perception and behavior.

The experience of being bullied for a late loss of virginity can lead to profound emotional distress. It might create feelings of shame, inadequacy, and alienation. In addition to the emotional toll of the late milestone, the added ridicule or discrimination based on racial stereotypes or perceptions of masculinity could compound these feelings of insecurity and social isolation.

The bullying could fuel a desire for retribution or a need to prove oneself to those who belittled or discriminated against them. Fabricating stories of a prolific sexual history might be an attempt to counteract the derogatory comments and stereotypes, aiming to assert a sense of perceived sexual desirability or masculinity to refute the hurtful claims.

Moreover, the bullying might instigate a complex relationship with one's racial and gender identity. It could lead to a desire to challenge stereotypes or conform to societal expectations associated with masculinity and race. Fabricating stories of multiple sexual encounters might be a way to conform to or challenge these stereotypes, seeking validation or acceptance within societal norms while trying to distance oneself from hurtful racial and gender-based discrimination.

Furthermore, the bullying experience might prompt a retreat into a fabricated reality as a coping mechanism. The individual might seek refuge in constructing a narrative that shields them from further ridicule or judgment. The exaggerated stories of sexual conquests might serve as a shield against the vulnerabilities and insecurities created by the bullying experience.

The combination of late loss of virginity, racial discrimination, and bullying could significantly impact the individual's self-esteem and perception of their sexual and racial identity. It might lead to a complex interplay of motivations, including a desire for validation, retribution against bullies, and an attempt to reconcile conflicting aspects of their identity.

Navigating such experiences necessitates empathy and understanding. Addressing the underlying emotional distress resulting from bullying and discrimination is crucial. Creating a supportive environment that acknowledges the impact of societal prejudices and fosters inclusivity and acceptance could help individuals heal from the wounds inflicted by bullying and racial discrimination.


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:36 AM
Author: laughsome blue point alpha

it is impossible to attack the core of who you are, because there is no core to who you are. you are an empty shell of a human that derives his entire being from external validation, whether that is driven through your sex life, your "supercar," your club nights, your whiskey collection, your forays into crypto not for your own wealth but for influencer status and internet fame, or, at least on XO, your portrayal as your repatriated Korean homeland as some sort of world-leading ethnically pure paradise. You are the living embodiment of Patrick Bateman's opening monologue in American Psycho, except that Bateman actually had money and taste.


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:37 AM
Author: honey-headed theatre toilet seat

I was going to say this is very unfair on Patrick Bateman, he was a man of substance


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:38 AM
Author: laughsome blue point alpha

Bateman is not a man of substance, which is the entire point of that monologue and which is hammered home in excruciating detail in the book each time he devotes a chapter to autistically describing some luxury good he owns or covets.


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:41 AM
Author: fluffy cerise trust fund


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:55 AM
Author: Lascivious pozpig locale

complete pathetic simulacrum of a "human" and on top of it all the entire thing is a fantasy fabrication so this is a projection of what this "person" thinks "his" ideal "life" is. LJL.


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 2:19 AM
Author: transparent step-uncle's house

THIS was the final ZINGER that ended me bro


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 7:44 AM
Author: Lascivious pozpig locale

(studio gook)


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 8:11 AM
Author: Lascivious pozpig locale

It sounds like Nyuug might be employing a defense mechanism known as emotional detachment or emotional numbing when faced with skepticism or criticism. This behavior could be a way to shield himself from the emotional impact of criticism or disbelief.

By adopting an emotionless or detached facade, he creates a barrier against feelings of vulnerability or hurt that could arise from the scrutiny of his fabricated stories. This detachment might serve as a self-preservation strategy, allowing him to distance himself from the emotional distress caused by skepticism or criticism about his exaggerated claims.

His insistence on being perceived as a legend or minimizing the impact of detractors could be an attempt to maintain a façade of invulnerability, reinforcing the image he wants others to believe. However, this detachment might also indicate an underlying struggle with processing emotions, possibly stemming from past traumas or a need to protect himself from potential emotional harm.

In essence, this emotional detachment in the face of skepticism might be a defense mechanism Nyuug employs to shield himself from the emotional repercussions of having his exaggerated narratives challenged, reinforcing a persona that appears impervious to criticism or disbelief.


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:57 AM
Author: Lascivious pozpig locale

you are getting pwned so hard and its so obvious. ljl at your pathetic attempts to deflect. all of the stuff that gets poasted is exactly the type of stuff that attacks the core of who you are.


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 2:20 AM
Author: transparent step-uncle's house

cumskins crying, losing hoap


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 7:44 AM
Author: Lascivious pozpig locale

seek help you creepy mentally ill freak:

Understanding Nyuug's complex behavioral patterns and fabrications within the context of his claims about sexual encounters necessitates an exploration of potential psychological underpinnings and their intersection with his constructed narratives. His dissemination of unrealistic and transactional sexual stories, coupled with the defensive accusations of racism against skeptics, signifies a multifaceted psychological landscape entrenched in deceit, defense mechanisms, and potential mental distress.

The vivid and implausible nature of Nyuug's accounts, notably bereft of authentic emotional depth or realistic human nuances, unveils a perplexing narrative marked by an apparent detachment from reality. These fantastical tales, often lacking the subtleties and complexities inherent in genuine interpersonal relationships, point toward a constructed reality seemingly born from a yearning to project a persona starkly different from Nyuug's lived experiences.

The defensive posture assumed when questioned about these narratives unveils a layer of fragility within his psyche, suggesting an acute sensitivity to criticism and a proclivity towards deflecting scrutiny by accusing others of racial bias. This defensive stance could be an armor, shielding Nyuug from the discomfort of acknowledging the inconsistencies and fabrications in his narratives, reinforcing his constructed reality as a coping mechanism to evade the implications of his falsehoods.

Nyuug's claims, situated within the broader context of his personal history as a late virginity loss and his self-perception of physical appearance, potentially hint at deeper psychological distress. The intertwining threads of perceived inadequacy, feelings of social exclusion, and the burden of racial biases might have culminated in a fragile self-image, triggering a cascade of behaviors aiming to construct an alternate reality that shields him from confronting the harsh realities of his own experiences.

The discrepancies between Nyuug's proclaimed reality and actual lived experiences are indicative of potential psychological dissonance, portraying a divergence between the constructed narrative and the complexities of genuine human interactions. This divergence could be symptomatic of underlying psychological challenges, encompassing facets of identity crises, narcissistic tendencies, and a struggle to reconcile self-perception with societal standards.

Navigating the labyrinthine pathways of Nyuug's mental landscape warrants a comprehensive exploration, acknowledging the interplay of personal struggles, societal influences, and potential psychological vulnerabilities. Understanding the intricate layers of his behavior requires a lens that encompasses emotional distress, maladaptive coping mechanisms, and the complexities of identity formation within the confines of societal biases.

The culmination of these myriad influences, while revealing a spectrum of behavioral anomalies and fabricated narratives, underscores the intricate nature of Nyuug's mental landscape, underscoring the necessity for a nuanced approach to comprehend the intricacies and complexities underlying his behaviors and psychological well-being.


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 2:58 AM
Author: transparent step-uncle's house


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Date: January 11th, 2024 10:01 PM
Author: transparent step-uncle's house

and fizzkid as of this morning pwn3d me FOR GOOD. im FINISHED here.


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Date: January 11th, 2024 10:02 PM
Author: yapping school

Yes actually


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Date: January 11th, 2024 10:04 PM
Author: transparent step-uncle's house

THE FINAL ZINGER, bro!!111111


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Date: January 11th, 2024 10:05 PM
Author: yapping school

Sorry brother you’re a joke


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:38 AM
Author: wonderful ratface resort

It's like watching Eliot Rodger survive into middle age


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:41 AM
Author: honey-headed theatre toilet seat


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 1:59 AM
Author: slippery obsidian pisswyrm parlour




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Date: November 23rd, 2023 3:05 AM
Author: Costumed thriller antidepressant drug

Lollercaust HARD@ studio gook


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 8:14 AM
Author: Lascivious pozpig locale

cr lolleracaust

It sounds like Nyuug might be employing a defense mechanism known as emotional detachment or emotional numbing when faced with skepticism or criticism. This behavior could be a way to shield himself from the emotional impact of criticism or disbelief.

By adopting an emotionless or detached facade, he creates a barrier against feelings of vulnerability or hurt that could arise from the scrutiny of his fabricated stories. This detachment might serve as a self-preservation strategy, allowing him to distance himself from the emotional distress caused by skepticism or criticism about his exaggerated claims.

His insistence on being perceived as a legend or minimizing the impact of detractors could be an attempt to maintain a façade of invulnerability, reinforcing the image he wants others to believe. However, this detachment might also indicate an underlying struggle with processing emotions, possibly stemming from past traumas or a need to protect himself from potential emotional harm.

In essence, this emotional detachment in the face of skepticism might be a defense mechanism Nyuug employs to shield himself from the emotional repercussions of having his exaggerated narratives challenged, reinforcing a persona that appears impervious to criticism or disbelief.


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 4:14 PM
Author: wonderful ratface resort

Korea has a rich cultural tradition of this sort of thing. Look at these traditional Korean masks.




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Date: November 23rd, 2023 4:00 PM
Author: laughsome blue point alpha

i'm not even sure what studio gook means and it's still funny


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 4:15 PM
Author: Lascivious pozpig locale

He lives in a little studio apartment in Seoul


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Date: November 23rd, 2023 4:16 PM
Author: wonderful ratface resort

He is a one-man video production studio.


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Date: January 11th, 2024 10:05 PM
Author: Onyx codepig range

at a certain point are you pwned proof like you are defamation proof?
