Men really do transform into beta drones after marriage and kids
| screen master | 01/31/25 | | ,.,.,.,.,,.,..,:,,:,,.,:::,.,.,.,:.,,.:.,:.,:.::,. | 01/31/25 | | ..,;,.,;,.,;;,.,..,.,.,;... | 01/31/25 | | screen master | 01/31/25 | | ,.,.,.,.,,.,..,:,,:,,.,:::,.,.,.,:.,,.:.,:.,:.::,. | 01/31/25 | | screen master | 01/31/25 | | Candy Ride | 01/31/25 | | UhOh | 01/31/25 | | screen master | 01/31/25 | | Tyler, The Poaster | 01/31/25 | | Oh, you travel? | 01/31/25 | | Retro face diaper | 01/31/25 | | ......,,,,,,........, | 01/31/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: January 31st, 2025 9:44 AM Author: screen master
The older I get and the more people I meet, the more in-your-face this becomes. There are exceptions to this rule, but not many
I don't know if it's the testosterone drop, the wife nagging, the fear of losing everything, or a combination of all of these and more. But married guys with kids don't just become "betas," they transform into something even more extreme than that. They become provider drones who engage in only the most ridiculously pathetic surrogate activities and their "opinions" on the world become disgustingly tame and cowed
When I was a young adult, I used to admire family men, because I knew how hard it was for my dad and for the other family men I knew as a kid, and I anticipated it being very difficult for me too when I got to that stage of my life. But these guys are for the most part just damaged goods losers. And it's not like this is a foregone conclusion either: I've known plenty of married guys with kids who didn't transform into pathetic drone losers. It's just increasingly rarer and rarer to meet these guys
The modern world becoming a gay, retarded lib shithole is mostly due to these guys. You can try to blame it on women and Jews but that rings hollow when you realize that if these beta drone losers just didn't willingly go along with all their nonsense, it would never happen. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the marriage and feminism crisis is actually a good thing, because there needs to be a radical culling of these genes from the gene pool. Women need to stop reproducing with these guys and giving them *more* rights and privileges, not less, helps that happen
Btw this is the main reason why "zoomers" and younger kids are all gay and effete now: because that's what their dads are like. It's not the microplastics or whatever, although maybe that helps too. This shit is a disaster and women are right to complain about men and refuse to pair up with the losers
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Date: January 31st, 2025 9:48 AM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,,.,..,:,,:,,.,:::,.,.,.,:.,,.:.,:.,:.::,.
you sound like a genetic dead end
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Date: January 31st, 2025 9:51 AM
Author: ..,;,.,;,.,;;,.,..,.,.,;...
men: waaaaah, I cant do whatever I want anymore, have to grow up be responsible for children, waaaaah! life is so unfair waaaaaaaaah!
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Date: January 31st, 2025 10:24 AM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,,.,..,:,,:,,.,:::,.,.,.,:.,,.:.,:.,:.::,.
tbf the 3.8 billion year unbroken evolutionary chain that led to you will end with you because you’re unfit for your environment.
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Date: January 31st, 2025 10:24 AM Author: Oh, you travel? ( )
“Transform into”
That’s what they always were.
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