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contagious athletic conference background story
It reads like a meticulous description by Franzen of him giv...
Rebellious Supple Step-uncle's House Legend
you should definitely submit this to your Creative Writing p...
maniacal electric whorehouse
Very Tactful Site
he should title it "McBeef 2"
Very Tactful Site
contagious athletic conference background story
contagious athletic conference background story
Seems like a see-are way to get yourself reported to the aut...
Sooty exciting institution fanboi
contagious athletic conference background story
it started off great, continued to be mediocre, and ended ba...
Mind-boggling Incel
I immediately lost interest
bisexual nofapping cuckoldry
the last paragraph is awful
dark senate

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Date: August 17th, 2012 2:25 PM
Author: contagious athletic conference background story


a·mok [uh-muhk, uh-mok] noun

(among members of certain Southeast Asian cultures) a psychic disturbance characterized by depression followed by a manic urge to murder, a state of murderous frenzy.

It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer an orange-haired joker gunned down the fourth wall of a Colorado cinema, and I didn’t know what I was still doing in Boston. I’m weird about shootings. The idea of killing people makes me sick, but when confronted with the rampages, the national tragedies, my impulse is to empathize not with mourning families or fallen victims, but with the perpetrator. He’s usually one of the losers or freaks, a social outcast, the kind of role I had always been assigned no matter my environment. What happened in Aurora had nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t help wondering who I would’ve become if luck hadn’t intervened, if it would’ve been me pulling the trigger instead, only in a different place at a different time.

Frank said it was the most morbid thought in the world. (But of course, how could he relate to the character of the underdog?)

Boston was bad enough. The sun rose at 6 in the morning, warming the black-tarred streets and mansard-roofed homes of a noiseless city. By the time I woke hours later, the temperature in our centrally air-conditioned penthouse unit had risen above 80 degrees, a result of leaving the windows open overnight for fresh air. A heatwave was sweeping through the country, its rays as indiscriminate as the aim of the joker, ravaging residents of coast and country alike. I couldn’t bring myself to do anything, least of all to write...


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Date: August 17th, 2012 2:27 PM
Author: Rebellious Supple Step-uncle's House Legend

It reads like a meticulous description by Franzen of him giving some hobo a dark-alley blowjob.


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Date: August 17th, 2012 2:28 PM
Author: maniacal electric whorehouse

you should definitely submit this to your Creative Writing professor. it will lead to good things.


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Date: August 17th, 2012 2:30 PM
Author: Very Tactful Site


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Date: August 17th, 2012 2:30 PM
Author: Very Tactful Site

he should title it "McBeef 2"


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Date: August 17th, 2012 2:30 PM
Author: contagious athletic conference background story



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Date: August 28th, 2012 3:56 PM
Author: contagious athletic conference background story


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Date: August 17th, 2012 2:29 PM
Author: Sooty exciting institution fanboi

Seems like a see-are way to get yourself reported to the authorities


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Date: August 28th, 2012 1:28 PM
Author: contagious athletic conference background story


a·mok [uh-muhk, uh-mok] noun

(among members of certain Southeast Asian cultures) a psychic disturbance characterized by depression followed by a manic urge to murder, a state of murderous frenzy.

It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer an orange-haired joker gunned down the fourth wall of a Colorado cinema, and I didn’t know what I was still doing in Boston. I’m weird about shootings. The idea of killing people makes me sick, but when confronted with the rampages, the national tragedies, my impulse is to empathize not with mourning families or fallen victims, but with the perpetrator. He’s usually one of the losers or freaks, a social outcast, the kind of role I had always been assigned no matter my environment. What happened in Aurora had nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t help wondering who I would’ve become if luck hadn’t intervened, if it would’ve been me pulling the trigger instead, only in a different place at a different time.

Frank said it was the most morbid thought in the world. (But of course, how could he relate to the character of the underdog?)

Boston was bad enough. The sun rose at 6 in the morning, warming the black-tarred streets and mansard-roofed homes of a noiseless city. By the time I woke hours later, the temperature in our centrally air-conditioned penthouse unit had risen above 80 degrees, a result of leaving the windows open overnight for fresh air. A heatwave was sweeping through the country, its rays as indiscriminate as the aim of the joker, ravaging residents of coast and country alike. I couldn’t bring myself to do anything, least of all to write...


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Date: August 28th, 2012 1:30 PM
Author: Mind-boggling Incel

it started off great, continued to be mediocre, and ended badly


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Date: August 28th, 2012 1:33 PM
Author: bisexual nofapping cuckoldry

I immediately lost interest


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Date: August 28th, 2012 1:39 PM
Author: dark senate

the last paragraph is awful
