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Have you ever met anyone high-up in the arts?

Not Hollywood, I mean arts arts like stuff from 200+ years a...
Godawful tripping friendly grandma
I know lots and lots, including Lena Dunham's dad... it's al...
mildly autistic internet-worthy resort
What’s he like Can u stomp his daughter
Unhinged electric ceo
WASPy and aloof, his daughter wasn't famous yet and seemed t...
mildly autistic internet-worthy resort
Silver tantric chapel halford
yeah I know more than a few Curtis and Juilliard grads. I...
Lascivious shaky mad-dog skullcap
Have you ever met a M&A lawyer with a similar aura?
Flickering step-uncle's house
A couple. Extremely talented - like you hear them play their...
Violent international law enforcement agency cumskin
Yes. They're all frauds
saffron idea he suggested clown
I personally know a very successful artist around the age of...
mahogany indian lodge wagecucks
I've actually decided to quit writing to become an AMERICAN ...
mildly autistic internet-worthy resort

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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:16 PM
Author: Godawful tripping friendly grandma

Not Hollywood, I mean arts arts like stuff from 200+ years ago that's mostly not porno.

I knew a bunch of these people as a kid. I was watching some videos recently and it triggered my memory.

These people really do seem mega-fucking sophisticated. It's hard to explain but they seem like they could handle basically any situation more gracefully than a pleb would, like in addiction to all the productions they worked on, they also took care to build themselves into some sort of work of art.


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:18 PM
Author: mildly autistic internet-worthy resort

I know lots and lots, including Lena Dunham's dad... it's all surface but it's a cool way to live


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:32 PM
Author: Unhinged electric ceo

What’s he like

Can u stomp his daughter


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:33 PM
Author: mildly autistic internet-worthy resort

WASPy and aloof, his daughter wasn't famous yet and seemed twitchy and annoying... she was in a gaggle of rich girls snickering in the corner


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:22 PM
Author: Silver tantric chapel halford



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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:26 PM
Author: Lascivious shaky mad-dog skullcap

yeah I know more than a few Curtis and Juilliard grads.

I had a few lessons with a famous Juilliard piano pedagogue. (you can probably guess who). This sounds weird, but she was literally radiant. Like there was a level of brilliance that emanated from her, even when away from the instrument. She moved very gracefully. The kind of person you'd see on the street and think, "this person is VERY good at what they do, whatever it is"


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:35 PM
Author: Flickering step-uncle's house

Have you ever met a M&A lawyer with a similar aura?


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:32 PM
Author: Violent international law enforcement agency cumskin

A couple. Extremely talented - like you hear them play their instrument or sing or whatever and you're like "holy shit." They're poor and happy.


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:33 PM
Author: saffron idea he suggested clown

Yes. They're all frauds


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:33 PM
Author: mahogany indian lodge wagecucks

I personally know a very successful artist around the age of 40 and a very successful art dealer around the age of 45.

The artist is 150+ IQ & schizotyple and the dealer is a 120 IQ manipulative sociopath.


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Date: November 22nd, 2017 1:34 PM
Author: mildly autistic internet-worthy resort

I've actually decided to quit writing to become an AMERICAN ANDREAS GURSKY
