Bill Maher pwns (((Jon Lovett))) on the trans issue
| Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/25/25 | | """'"'"""'' | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/27/25 | | indecent box office | 02/25/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/25/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | hank_scorpio | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | gedood persoon | 02/26/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | butt cheeks | 02/27/25 | | rebellious piazza keepsake machete | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | vivacious juggernaut gunner | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | irradiated buff address jew | 02/25/25 | | Stirring up-to-no-good meetinghouse twinkling uncleanness | 02/25/25 | | Passionate Preventive Strike | 02/25/25 | | Titillating nubile menage | 02/26/25 | | rebellious piazza keepsake machete | 02/26/25 | | umber casino | 02/26/25 | | frum theatre | 02/26/25 | | mountain cat | 02/26/25 | | David Poaster Wallace | 02/26/25 | | evan39 | 02/27/25 | | butt cheeks | 02/27/25 | | butt cheeks | 02/27/25 | | concupiscible garnet really tough guy | 02/25/25 | | misunderstood french chef | 02/26/25 | | Histrionic claret indian lodge friendly grandma | 02/26/25 | | misunderstood french chef | 02/26/25 | | Thirsty spot | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | trip azure theater | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | vivacious juggernaut gunner | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | trip azure theater | 02/26/25 | | crawly motley wrinkle kitty | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | rebellious piazza keepsake machete | 02/26/25 | | misunderstood french chef | 02/26/25 | | Oh, you travel? | 02/27/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | vivacious juggernaut gunner | 02/26/25 | | Rambunctious potus | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | Rambunctious potus | 02/26/25 | | rebellious piazza keepsake machete | 02/26/25 | | Grizzly Den | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | sickened newt | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | sickened newt | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | crawly motley wrinkle kitty | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | crawly motley wrinkle kitty | 02/26/25 | | Diverse lodge fanboi | 02/26/25 | | misunderstood french chef | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | crawly motley wrinkle kitty | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | crawly motley wrinkle kitty | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | crawly motley wrinkle kitty | 02/26/25 | | misunderstood french chef | 02/26/25 | | vivacious juggernaut gunner | 02/26/25 | | indecent box office | 02/26/25 | | Submissive pearl dysfunction abode | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | mentally impaired french dog poop round eye | 02/26/25 | | Get Thee to the TRUMPery | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | Get Thee to the TRUMPery | 02/26/25 | | Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Bob Stinson | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Judas Jones | 03/05/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 02/26/25 | | ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,, | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Get Thee to the TRUMPery | 02/27/25 | | ....;;;;;;.;;.;.;.;;.;..;;;......;.;;.;.;.;;;;.. | 02/26/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 02/26/25 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 02/27/25 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 02/27/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/04/25 | | Generalfeldmarschall Abdul | 03/04/25 | | Get Thee to the TRUMPery | 03/04/25 | | lsd | 03/04/25 | | gedood persoon | 03/05/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/05/25 | | gedood persoon | 03/05/25 | | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | 03/05/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: February 25th, 2025 11:50 PM Author: Diverse lodge fanboi
Lovett's arguments are so disingenuous.
"It's only a few people, why do you care?"
"Lia Thomas is an edge case. That like, basically never happens."
"Studies show. Trust the science. Every study shows cutting kids dicks off saves their lives."
Maher: "Kooky parents like EPAH in places like San Francisco plant these dumb ideas in kids heads."
Lovett: "Yeah there are like, heh, two detransitioners but it almost never happens."
God this guy is so tiresome. Early life won't surprise you.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 9:48 AM Author: indecent box office
Early life and education
Lovett was born in Manhattan and grew up in Woodbury, Long Island in a Reform Jewish family of Ukrainian ancestry[2] that operated a box factory started by his grandfather.[3] He attended Syosset High School.
Lovett graduated from Williams College in 2004 with a degree in mathematics.[4] His senior thesis, Rotating Linkages in a Normed Plane,[5] led to a related publication on the same topic in American Mathematical Monthly.[6] Lovett was the Williams College class speaker at his commencement ceremony in 2004.[7]
After graduation, Lovett spent a year working as a paralegal and doing stand-up comedy on the side.[4][8]
Lovett secretly officiated the first same-sex marriage in the White House, before the Obama administration supported same-sex marriage.[10][11][12],_2010.jpg
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Date: February 26th, 2025 11:05 AM Author: indecent box office
it almost never happens
even if it does so what
everyone knows boys have no athletic advantage anyway
the real problem is creepy cis men stalking high school girls in the locker room!
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Date: February 26th, 2025 11:38 AM Author: Diverse lodge fanboi
I agree. I have seen this. They all sputter about it. They trip over their words. It seems like they are all yearning for, or on the verge of, saying something to the effect of, "Well the facts don't really matter in this case. What matters is that we do the Right Thing. There's a moral issue here that's more important than our factual understanding, and, frankly, you're being a jerk for even bringing up any of these points. Because it's not about the Science really, it's about people's feelings. And what matters here is, there are trans kids, it's very real, it's not at all a woke Hollywood phenomenon. These kids are born in the wrong body and that's just a fact. So, you know, stop being a jerk, stop bringing up these 'points' or counter-arguments because they're really just meanspirited. And you're one of those right-wing dickheads, you sound like one of those, you know, Trumpian 'MAGA' lunatics right now. You're feeding the other side, here. So just cool it. Just stop. This is about right and wrong, not about bone structure and muscle density. We all know the moral issue at play here and you're either on the right or wrong side of history. So cool your jets."
This is what they are all trying to get out, while shouting down and drowning out the opposition like Brownshirts.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 11:58 AM Author: Diverse lodge fanboi
I can't sit through this makes me too uncomfortable. Watching this fag sputter makes me vomit.
"I've thought through this really more than you think I have."
Maher: *rolls eyes* "Oh, really...?"
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Date: February 26th, 2025 3:21 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"in this emergent space ...."
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Date: February 26th, 2025 11:50 AM Author: Diverse lodge fanboi
One of my former friends adopted a black kid and he cannot get through a single sentence without dropping "my Black son." Utterly pathetic. Uses it as a crutch, a shield, a sword, everything.
Now imagine having a trans kid. The power must be overwhelming. "My trans dotter." It's intoxicating to these people. The ultimate trump card. No matter what happens in their lives they will always be able to play the my trans kid card. And they do. They all do this. "You could never understand, you don't have a trans kid."
It's all FOMO. Once one celebrity did it, it shook these people to their core. They couldn't IMAGINE life without a trans kid. Think of how hard they cheat to get their kids into Ivys, and now imagine something 1000x more powerful than that. You HAVE to have one!
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Date: February 26th, 2025 11:28 AM Author: Diverse lodge fanboi
and EPAH who has not one but TWO!
perhaps unsurprisingly they grew in SAN FRAN FUCKING CISCO
million dollar jeopardy question what could be going on in SAN FRAN FUCKING CICSCO related to there being so many trans kids there?!?
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Date: February 26th, 2025 11:21 AM Author: Grizzly Den
maher: "when trump said 'there's only two sexes' - again, pendulum swinging way too far to stupidity. obviously sex is more complicated than just two sexes."
even maher's stated "concerned libertarian" policy stance on this is doomed to failure when he and his boomer ilk are so deeply perma-libbed into acquiescence. that's how we got here in the first place.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 12:00 PM Author: crawly motley wrinkle kitty
what is the best response to these:
"It's only a few people, why do you care?"
"Lia Thomas is an edge case. That like, basically never happens."
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Date: February 26th, 2025 12:30 PM Author: indecent box office
some suggestions ...
"It's only a few people, why do you care?"
A: That's a form of reasoning you don't accept in similar situations and neither do I. Suppose a woman or a black or an Asian claims that they have suffered unfairly because of their sex or heritage based on some scenario. We don't accept "yeah but what happened to you doesn't happen often so we will ignore it." And we shouldn't say that to a girl competing in high school athletics who says that she doesn't want penises in the locker room when she's changing and that the boy has a massive advantage in the sport. When she raises that claim of discrimination we should take it seriously and run it to ground like with do with all such claims.
Moreover, what do you mean by "only a few people"? What is the number of times biological males would have to win sports competitions for biological females before you'd care? Suppose I could show you a list of hundreds of such cases. Would it matter then? (there are such lists, btw.)
Finally, if it's only a few cases and you suggest it's a de minimus issue then we don't need any law or rule to include biological males in female sports. Your argument cuts against you as strongly as it cuts for you.
"Lia Thomas is an edge case. That like, basically never happens."
A: See above. Under your own reasoning, then, excluding Lia Thomas is nbd.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 1:10 PM Author: Submissive pearl dysfunction abode
this is the standard lib playbook. the wrap their positions in a veneer of a reasonableness while taking it far beyond their PR position.
it's the same with gun control. the NRA learned a long time ago that they have the oppose every new gun regulation because all of it is a path to abolishing gun ownership. libs will say "hey, want just want reasonable laws to ensure gun safety", but as soon as they're in power they try to ban them.
it was the same with abortion. first it was "it should be "safe, legal, an rare" and then when they got power they pushed all sorts of laws that are abhorrent to the average american. with trans shit they'll say it's about parents, children, and their doctors and deny parents having an input on their child's medical decisions.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 2:01 PM Author: Generalfeldmarschall Abdul
And yet they never drop the mask. They never do a mea culpa. They're either true believers like the Bolsheviks (no document in the Soviet archive so much as alluded to any doubt about their faith in Marxism-Leninism) or they are so conceited by their lust for power that they think any price is worth winning. And probably some combination of the two.
The closest we will ever come is someone like Cenk admitting Dems had nothing to offer in terms of populist economics, or Bernie claiming to want to listen to regular people. But even that MINIMAL level outreach is extremely rare and fringe within the party.
The Plan A is obviously to circle the wagons, hope Trump fails economically, and return with a repackaged agenda which will be more of the exact same. And the whole messaging will be about undoing Trump's four years.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 2:08 PM Author: Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine (gunneratttt)
yeah, both parties have to be big tents with different factions because we are a two party system. classic libs like maher and actual leftists like bernie aren't shitlibs. but those factions lost control of the party and many don't realize it. that's why you see berniebros like rogan and classic libs like musk jumping ship. two of the most prominent "GOP" people are not conservative at all. they jumped ship from a party that has lost their mind.
fuck, trump was a dem for years. he's an NYC property developer.
clinton's tacklebox full of buttplug class of 2014 tumblr woketards are manning the ship and the only reasonable dems left are people like carville and maher who are constantly shouting about how dems are alienating ordinary people with their insanity.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 2:20 PM Author: Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine (gunneratttt)
yeah they are out of touch boomers. that's why gen xers like rogan and musk jumped ship. tbf as i get older time becomes relatively closer and so i can understand why boomers still think it's obama circa 2009. especially leaders that are insulated within the establishment and underestimate how influential those "young whippersnappers with their crazy gender ideas" really are. or even just UMC boomers who live in idyllic lily white enclaves.
people like maher, carville, etc. often seem genuinely shocked and angry. like this clip. maher is just incredulous and even he's being a dutiful lib saying shit like "well obviously there are more than two genders BUT..."
when you've lost when the people that are willing to tolerate *some* insanity say you've gone too far.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 2:42 PM Author: Generalfeldmarschall Abdul
Their reward structure was so out whack. Of course you would stay later at the office to get a little more work done... if they were paying you boatloads of money! I read an article once about some professional basoon player in the symphony orchestra, who made, wait for it, ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS in his career, entirely on real estate. He didn't just buy a house, he bought lots of houses. Back when they were, you know, dirt cheap. So yeah I'm sure he worked extra hours and slaved away what have you. But his money was worth thousands of times in real dollars what it is now. And he was born in like the 20s or 30s I can't remember. Just do have a grandfather who played the economic game flawlessly or you end up in the Thunderdome, goy! It's that simple.
Conversely everything they say about Millenials are lazy or Gen Z it's like, this is the exact shit they used to say about the lack of productivity in the Soviet Union. No one wants to work harder when you can get more. But when the result of more effort is more money people do work harder. And Gen Z they know they're never going to own a home or get married and have a normal life of course they are going to quiet quit what have you. There's nothing in it for them. No future.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 2:52 PM Author: Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine (gunneratttt)
exactly. the best thing about ITE was watching the boomers that got shitcanned suddenly realize that the cradle to grave lifestyle doesn't exist anymore.
ultimately everyone is self-interested, that's why communism failed. and capitalists race to the bottom too. the whole theory of western democracy is based on the idea that the people will curtail that. as it happens usually it takes some time. this isn't the first gilded age the US has had. the american revolution itself was a popular revolt against an entrenched and capricious aristocracy.
boomers are just the last generation the system as is worked for. and they're on the rainbow bridge now too. we should've let COVID take em' out!
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Date: February 26th, 2025 2:20 PM Author: Get Thee to the TRUMPery
lol'd when Lovett gave the heart surgery analogy. For those not inclined to watch, he argues that the fact that some trans kids get surgery and later regret it is akin to necessary, life-saving heart surgery "not working out."
*sits back with a smirk and folds arms smugly*
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Date: February 26th, 2025 4:40 PM Author: Generalfeldmarschall Abdul
And Lovett absolutely squirmed at the slightest pushback.
Funny thing is cons do not flinch and are not precious at all about the topic. There's absolutely nothing a shitlib can say about the trans topic that's going to make an anti trans person flinch or uncomfortable.
Imagine being so fragile on the topic that you can't handle another shitlib mocking your ridiculous analogy to the point you get genuine flustered and irate. And yet here we are.
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Date: February 26th, 2025 3:09 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Date: February 26th, 2025 10:11 PM
Author: ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,
Libs are going to die on this hill even though they've now been checkmated on the issue since (i) its obvious to everyone with a brain men have an advantage in sports and (ii) the EU countries stopped trans surgeries because they didn't work and in the US we're not publishing studies because the studies are showing it does't work.
Even the "it should be between a kid and their doctor" argument is tainted now because libs are hiding the research from the kids and doctors (because it doesn't show cutting off a kids private parts does anything for suicide rates).
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Date: February 26th, 2025 11:04 PM
Author: ....;;;;;;.;;.;.;.;;.;..;;;......;.;;.;.;.;;;;..
How does Maher pwn Lovett when he mocks Trump at the 2:00 mark for saying there are only 2 sexes?
Both of these fags need to be shot
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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:42 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
hs girl wins triple jump by three feet over second place.
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Date: March 5th, 2025 9:47 AM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
the all time record for TJ by a girl is over 44 feet, but that record is national and is decades old.
last year a couple of girls jumped just longer than this boy did but they were seniors.
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Date: March 5th, 2025 12:34 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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