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Asian American dating is a cesspool

Am the nowag from this thread: https://autoadmit.com/thread....
glittery vermilion national mother
What about those Cali azn gangs that are filled with tatted ...
curious party of the first part kitty
I want to believe they get mad pussy. But I have a feeli...
glittery vermilion national mother
They fuck nigs and spics. West coast ganglyfe is actually re...
curious party of the first part kitty
Sissy aznbois are fucking nerdy white chicks? This sounds to...
glittery vermilion national mother
I mean those BTS lookin niggas. I know some computer geek wh...
curious party of the first part kitty
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
"but there's probably not enough gangsta Azn pussy to g...
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
i cant even fathom why any east asian "male" wld s...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
Ignore TT he's a psycho who's mad Asian women won't have sex...
mischievous bonkers nursing home
im trying to help nowags but they are so stubborn and brainw...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
not all of us are as hopeless as SAD. i'm already planning t...
glittery vermilion national mother
I dunno he's made a lot of sense. If you're white you probab...
glittery vermilion national mother
Dude, we know how bad you have it Just go back to Asia an...
fragrant hateful stag film
That's the plan man.
glittery vermilion national mother
Good luck friend I hope you make it
fragrant hateful stag film
ty sir
glittery vermilion national mother
abnormal bistre personal credit line genital piercing
tommy notes that WGWAG is very possible in europe. it is AME...
White stage
what is about America that makes it different from Europe re...
glittery vermilion national mother
american womyn hate azn men. euro women hate them less
White stage
what makes americans hate azn men more than euros?
glittery vermilion national mother
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
its ANGLO countries, prob tied to just overall racism connec...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
What? Dude in Europe the white guys are noticeably taller an...
fragrant hateful stag film
TT makes stupid shit up all the time but people here want to...
mischievous bonkers nursing home
It's True. continental europe really is less racist against ...
White stage
the US is by far the most racially tense country in the worl...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
What? Europe had slavery before the US even existed.
Mustard community account tattoo
Europe has hotter girls too so if u just date an avg girl th...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
i'm not convinced white bros are doing much better. at least...
Trip Elite Stain
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
you're likely an over-the-hill (old) aspie with no social ci...
Walnut university factory reset button
(Baozhai 'Jenny' Wang-Goldberg)
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
Trip Elite Stain
you're precisely the kind of loser who self-deported due to ...
Walnut university factory reset button
Yes, Ill never be happy anywhere. You mad abt that, Chink?
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
i feel this way and im a jacked white 6 1 chad
Effete Demanding Church
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
I highly doubt this. I am a 50% White guy for attractivene...
lascivious organic girlfriend
"millions of asian american men are doing just fine.&qu...
glittery vermilion national mother
Rest assured to the extent they are doing well, it is the As...
lascivious organic girlfriend
Yeah, I can def see it in people I know. The deadness of emo...
glittery vermilion national mother
I appreciate that recognized I was not insulting you here. N...
lascivious organic girlfriend
I think anyone who is being honest can see this. Part of the...
glittery vermilion national mother
abnormal bistre personal credit line genital piercing
This is a followup to my comment below, but like are your wh...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
I think dating in general has gotten shitty in America for a...
glittery vermilion national mother
I agree with your sentiment about dating. I think it's ea...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
If it wasn't for my harsh Azn upbringing and xo it would be ...
glittery vermilion national mother
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
not everyone is a whiny depressed loser like you actual a...
Walnut university factory reset button
I didn't use to think this way. In fact if it weren't for xo...
glittery vermilion national mother
it's fucking hilarious how you make histrionic claims like &...
Walnut university factory reset button
Lots of claims there I dont think are accurate. "co...
glittery vermilion national mother
man stfu, you're entitled and spoiled beyond belief. the med...
Walnut university factory reset button
How can I not identify with him? He's an Asian American guy ...
glittery vermilion national mother
lol yeah just ignore the part where people (like both me, an...
Walnut university factory reset button
If push came to shove, I think I'd prefer a golddigger, who ...
glittery vermilion national mother
lol at you just grasping at straws now, now that your woe-is...
Walnut university factory reset button
youre quite hostile. to be charitable to your viewpoint,...
glittery vermilion national mother
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i'm asian and know way too many self-pitying losers like you...
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are you a woman? your tone is eerily similar to the criticis...
glittery vermilion national mother
Take trips to warmer cities: Nashville, Tampa, Austin, Scott...
Brindle address
ljl why do u pretend everyone is a furking rice farmer in as...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
shut up clown you're an unwanted sexpest who isn't even a...
Walnut university factory reset button
Ljl at u nowag trash I fuk ur slut women all the time, u nev...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
cmon lets be honest here. asians are not trying to fuck dirt...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
yes sexless incel AZNlosers definitely wld not want to furk ...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
lmao at this MAF asian bitch. she's clearly triggered by som...
marvelous menage brethren
Leaving the US is pointless as long as USD is the reserve cu...
Hilarious spot
jfc, such a retarded insular view of asia
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
Bitches are bitches. Bitter cuz this cute Fob Vietnamese ...
Hilarious spot
staying in US for bitches is insane even if u import one
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
SAD's stories was part of the motivation to write this threa...
glittery vermilion national mother
If you want to make a change, then find a way to revert thin...
Hilarious spot
Reverting to 1994 is impossible. It's as fantastical as the ...
glittery vermilion national mother
Mustard community account tattoo
OP you just need to move to California or NY, theyre everywh...
irradiated telephone heaven
I'm in MFH. I can get laid but it takes a lot of work and th...
glittery vermilion national mother
I'm in nyc too, tall white guy, and dating is very very toug...
Godawful area rigpig
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Rusted spectacular ladyboy
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Mustard community account tattoo
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
I'm open to criticism. And believe me, I have plenty of self...
glittery vermilion national mother
you're a dumb shit. women in asia are far more materialis...
Walnut university factory reset button
Interestingly enough, my parents (who love America and hate ...
glittery vermilion national mother
listen, you would be a loser if you were born in asia too. y...
Walnut university factory reset button
Not sure about this. My parents are proud of my accompli...
glittery vermilion national mother
abnormal bistre personal credit line genital piercing
totally agree with your assessment of the women there. OP...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
I'm kind of recent to xo so I don't know your backstory. How...
glittery vermilion national mother
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
1.5 gen is interesting. Do you think you could have found so...
glittery vermilion national mother
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
Are you in LA?
Seedy forum
MLK's plagiariazed dissertationcels rise up
Erotic Rehab Windowlicker
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
go back to home asian country; problem solved as a white am...
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yeah, the solution was presented in the other thread i made....
glittery vermilion national mother
Glad to get a shout out, but I don't want you to get discour...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
I appreciate the kind words Seriously though the best par...
Trip Elite Stain
HVAC poasted something once about this interview with a Cana...
glittery vermilion national mother
If I had more money, I'd definitely do what HVAC does. then ...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
she's working at the same Agency as the chubby Korean girl ...
Trip Elite Stain
ty. 180, gotta register with asian stars now.
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
update: reviews say she is interested in going to law school...
Trip Elite Stain
"Seriously though the best part about whoremongering is...
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
plan to start 'app dating' this year!
Trip Elite Stain
Nice to hear from you. Btw I hope you bag that annoying Kore...
glittery vermilion national mother
I said I wouldn't use names, but fuck it. Would you seriousl...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
Not an xo expert - what's tsinah's story? I was always o...
glittery vermilion national mother
XO scholarship seems to think most recent TSINAH might be a ...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
Being single is horrendously underrated
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Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
glittery vermilion national mother
you fucking beta chinks are really starting to piss me off. ...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
Some of your criticism might be valid. But I didn't lack eff...
glittery vermilion national mother
you are a self entitled beta chink who thinks the world owes...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
I grinded for most of my life with no complaint. Whatever I ...
glittery vermilion national mother
asian americans have the highest marriage rates in the count...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
i wouldn't have a problem getting married. the problem is th...
glittery vermilion national mother
is wangfei a chinaman or birdshit? the "us" here a...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
shut the fuck up poobah. your dating threads are nauseating ...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
lol, no need to be so aggressive, I was just asking. not ...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
because clearly you were just fucking hot bitches on the reg...
glittery vermilion national mother
my first girlfriend at 15 was a barbie doll - blond hair gre...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
do you realize that this is not typical for Asian American m...
glittery vermilion national mother
i am 5'9". i swam in hs but ran along with the jock cro...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
nothing makes me happier than to think that one of my bros (...
glittery vermilion national mother
then do what chinks have always done in america, keep your n...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
i'm not blaming the tribe. i think that the guys in Asia are...
glittery vermilion national mother
fair. just some of the shit i read here pisses me off. its l...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
Not Asian. But many times these threads sound no differen...
Brindle address
i thought he was a birdshit who married an Azn. he mentioned...
glittery vermilion national mother
i am taiwanese abc. i married a dirty south thai. fuck mainl...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
i'm a fellow taiwanese abc. congrats on the thai wife. i hop...
glittery vermilion national mother
i cant keep track of all you morse code monikers.
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
i should probably get a moniker and not be a pumo. once i le...
glittery vermilion national mother
wait, moniker outs us? ruh roh...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
my understanding is that there's some nutjobs on this forum ...
glittery vermilion national mother
lol at this self-indulgent bullshit here's the tldr: you'...
Walnut university factory reset button
the ad hominem stuff is really odd because its not the focus...
glittery vermilion national mother
you say you "only" want a fob peasant, but i'm sur...
Walnut university factory reset button
i dont know what the purpose of your constant self deprecati...
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
i'm trying to engage this pumo constructively without gettin...
glittery vermilion national mother
All dating is a cesspool, brother.
Talented drab preventive strike puppy
(Socrates) indeed, good sir
glittery vermilion national mother
Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive
Rusted spectacular ladyboy
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Heady bright senate
well brother you more than anyone have experience in knowing...
glittery vermilion national mother
Asian dude who did well in dating here to help you. I've bee...
Bronze Roommate
Not op. But I’m a dentist, Viet, 5’4”. Hel...
Hilarious spot
5'4" is tough brother, no doubt about that. You have to...
Bronze Roommate
Fuck that shit man. I guess it’s whores for life for m...
Hilarious spot
Also what sport
Hilarious spot
Tennis. He started playing pickleball which he said had been...
Bronze Roommate
5'10", 160lbs. I'm an average looking dude I suppose. N...
glittery vermilion national mother
Sounds like your gripe isn't with dating but rather the huma...
Bronze Roommate
Well I'm in agreement with you about NYC being a big part of...
glittery vermilion national mother
My late 30s white friend who constantly pulled hot chicks fo...
Bronze Roommate
The industrial revolution and its consequences...
glittery vermilion national mother
this is actually why every culture on earth had arranged mar...
embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit
You’re getting shit leads. Start mixing it up. How ...
Brindle address
Yup. I know a few guys who will do this then bitch about the...
Bronze Roommate
Erotic Rehab Windowlicker
Why did ITT get so many posts?
chrome locale marketing idea
Asian Chads gaping Asian Melvins and telling them to STFU. ...
Brindle address
Lol, some FOB chick said hi to me on bumble, then asked if I...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
nah, haven't followed up with her, and she hasn't reached ou...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
iono if some middle aged person can learn chinese fluently. ...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
seems like a very interesting book. definitely will check it...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
IIRC one of your major objections to heading to Asia was tha...
glittery vermilion national mother
the problem is that it's a dying language and culture. Chine...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter
sorry to hear about the failure with the Korean girl. i feel...
glittery vermilion national mother
Bumble sucks. Is coffee meets bagel still active? I could ba...
Bronze Roommate
hey, asianmos, how's two red beans? I think i saw someone me...
Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams
Only saw it mentioned here. It's really fobby which isn't ne...
Bronze Roommate
i'm the one who mentioned it. its not bad. i pay for most of...
glittery vermilion national mother
azn bros, I've never touched one of your women
slap-happy sweet tailpipe site
youre probably better off if they're Asian American. howe...
glittery vermilion national mother
I like blue eyed blondes with big tits
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who doesnt brother
glittery vermilion national mother
Not flame when I was in college I was roommates with this As...
Shivering histrionic casino
This sounds like chad fiction-flame but I'll bite. Third...
glittery vermilion national mother
It’s board legend Johnsmeyer. But this story is prett...
useless stage
Robbie William's Angels is a forgotten gem
Bronze Roommate

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:44 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Am the nowag from this thread: https://autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=4992580&mc=154&forum_id=2

I thought my dating life was shit. The few Asian American guys I know IRL have similar dating lives to me. No one is happy.

But I realize after reading about Lord Simp's Korean girl misadventures and SAD's life story that I probably had a decent dating life for a nowag.

SAD/Simp sound like they're probably in the top 10% of Asian male economic outcomes as well. So I can only imagine the shitshow that dating is for the average Asian American dude.

It's basically close to being castrated by society.

I think xo's alpha as fuck white blos have no idea how bad we have it here. I have only begun to become conscious of this on a wider scale from reading xo and tommy's rage against the USA.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:46 PM
Author: curious party of the first part kitty

What about those Cali azn gangs that are filled with tatted up Lao and Hmong dudes and such? I bet they get mad pussy. The problem isn't being NOWAG the problem is not being chad enough.



Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:50 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I want to believe they get mad pussy.

But I have a feeling it prob mirrors dating dynamics of insular Azn American groups (like the church crowd) where there's like 10 guys, 4 girls. I bet the top guys in the tatted up gang get laid, but there's probably not enough gangsta Azn pussy to go around for everyone.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:52 PM
Author: curious party of the first part kitty

They fuck nigs and spics. West coast ganglyfe is actually really inclusive, with beefs over turf rather than race alone.

Also thanks to hallyu sissy aznbois are able to fuck nerdy white chicks. The only demographic really left out are super striver NOWAG accountants and lawyers.


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Date: January 8th, 2022 11:54 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Sissy aznbois are fucking nerdy white chicks? This sounds too good to be true


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:56 PM
Author: curious party of the first part kitty

I mean those BTS lookin niggas. I know some computer geek who's like 5'8" from HK and he got some koreaboo wife. Granted, she's a whale and a shitlib, but...where was I going with this?


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Date: January 9th, 2022 9:41 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy



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Date: January 9th, 2022 9:40 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy

"but there's probably not enough gangsta Azn pussy to go around for everyone" was the best sino-rap album of the 1990s not flame


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:48 PM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

i cant even fathom why any east asian "male" wld stay in the US, asia is simply joyous and wonderful in nearly every way


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:50 PM
Author: mischievous bonkers nursing home

Ignore TT he's a psycho who's mad Asian women won't have sex with him


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:51 PM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

im trying to help nowags but they are so stubborn and brainwashed and braindead, its fuking pathetic and sad.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:52 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

not all of us are as hopeless as SAD. i'm already planning to leave. like i said in his thread, i'd date a Viet peasant who doesn't speak Engrish over a Azn American shrew with my same background.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:51 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I dunno he's made a lot of sense. If you're white you probably dont know how bad we have it here.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:52 PM
Author: fragrant hateful stag film

Dude, we know how bad you have it

Just go back to Asia and date and marry Asian women. You are NEVER going to be romantically successful in white countries as an Asian male


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:53 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

That's the plan man.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:53 PM
Author: fragrant hateful stag film

Good luck friend I hope you make it


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:01 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

ty sir


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:32 AM
Author: abnormal bistre personal credit line genital piercing


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Date: January 8th, 2022 11:55 PM
Author: White stage

tommy notes that WGWAG is very possible in europe. it is AMERICA that is strange


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:56 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

what is about America that makes it different from Europe regarding nowags


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:57 PM
Author: White stage

american womyn hate azn men. euro women hate them less


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:58 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

what makes americans hate azn men more than euros?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:59 PM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit



Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 9:42 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy



Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:57 PM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

its ANGLO countries, prob tied to just overall racism connected to the protestant church telling ppl for centuries to not do interracial dating, and then hollywood influence where joos berate AZNmen so they can fuk these subhuman AZNgirl sluts... anglo countries consume more hollywood bullshit than say EE or russia


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Date: January 8th, 2022 11:57 PM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:58 PM
Author: fragrant hateful stag film

What? Dude in Europe the white guys are noticeably taller and more handsome than the white guys in the USA. I'm sure it's even worse there for azn dudes

I mean I know a bunch of different Asian guys with white gfs/wives in the USA. It's possible, you're just always going to be at a huge disadvantage

Also I'm pretty sure most Asian guys want Asian girls as mates, even if they might want white girls as sex partners. Even less of them in Europe than in America


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:05 AM
Author: mischievous bonkers nursing home

TT makes stupid shit up all the time but people here want to believe he knows what he's talking about


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:06 AM
Author: White stage

It's True. continental europe really is less racist against asians. I've spend a couple years there and saw this. Not just azns, but blacks can get attractive white women as well. part of it is the median woman being more attractive, ofc


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:12 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

the US is by far the most racially tense country in the world, ppl are paranoid abt race and indoctrinated from birth abt race shit... europe didnt have slavery and all this nigga menance shit until recently


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Date: January 10th, 2022 9:49 AM
Author: Mustard community account tattoo

What? Europe had slavery before the US even existed.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:12 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

Europe has hotter girls too so if u just date an avg girl that is like dating a 7 or 8 in the US, i never said NOWAGS are killing it in asia but ive heard a lot of stories that they just feel its less racist in EE

i went all over EE and russia and noticed some chics really dig chocobar


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:56 PM
Author: Trip Elite Stain

i'm not convinced white bros are doing much better. at least your not Indian - they're banned from whores


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:05 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:57 PM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

you're likely an over-the-hill (old) aspie with no social circle, no personality, and no confidence.

obviously you're an incel.

stop blaming your race. millions of asian american men are doing just fine.

if you were white, you'd do a little bit better, but still suck ass at life because you're a loser, full stop.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2022 11:59 PM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

(Baozhai 'Jenny' Wang-Goldberg)


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:00 AM
Author: Trip Elite Stain


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:02 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

you're precisely the kind of loser who self-deported due to his noxious personality and is never happy anywhere, no matter where you go, because ultimately you can't escape yourself.

sit the fuck down you annoying loser.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:03 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

Yes, Ill never be happy anywhere. You mad abt that, Chink?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2022 2:56 AM
Author: Effete Demanding Church

i feel this way and im a jacked white 6 1 chad


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Date: January 9th, 2022 9:44 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy



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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:02 AM
Author: lascivious organic girlfriend

I highly doubt this.

I am a 50% White guy for attractiveness and 95%ile for income, and my options are essentially zero.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:02 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

"millions of asian american men are doing just fine."

whats your evidence for this? genuinely curious if you actually believe this


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:03 AM
Author: lascivious organic girlfriend

Rest assured to the extent they are doing well, it is the Asian deadness of emotion that gets them there. Of course you also have your off-the-handle with rage lunatic cohort and I'm not sure what the split is.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:07 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Yeah, I can def see it in people I know. The deadness of emotion is what makes us good grunts. It's similar to the ability of chinese deliverymen being able to work 16 hour days to no end without complaint.

Out of the Asian guys I know, everyone's dating lives suck. But no one seems to complain and it's almost a faux pas to even bring this shit up socially.

One of my friends was shocked to learn that dating sucked for me. He assumed just by virtue of me being able to date women of ok attractiveness at all, I was happy.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:13 AM
Author: lascivious organic girlfriend

I appreciate that recognized I was not insulting you here. Nor any asians for that matter. We both realize that they seem to have a certain robotic nature to them that can be beneficial for enduring suffering.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:21 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I think anyone who is being honest can see this. Part of the silliness of our time is that simple truths regarding race, like your observation, have become verboten.

Without insight like xo, I'd have kept going--vaguely discontent in my dating life--thinking I just had to bootstrap it more to succeed.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:36 AM
Author: abnormal bistre personal credit line genital piercing


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Date: January 9th, 2022 2:09 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

This is a followup to my comment below, but like are your white friends any happier? XO is probably probably has an instagram effect, where you might see just the good things that happen.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:42 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I think dating in general has gotten shitty in America for a straight male.

However, there's def a difference amongst racial lines from the white (even black/hispanic) guys I know. The guys with a similar background to me from different races def have it much easier to find more quality girls. It would take a lot of work and a bit of luck for me to do the same as they are.

Also I didn't mention it but I'm 5'10", average nowag who does work out several times a week (i.e., I'm not a fucking kpop star but I'm also not a short-mo)


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:55 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

I agree with your sentiment about dating.

I think it's easy to overestimate the number of chads on this board. Sure chads have their pick of pussy, but for nonchad whites, it might not be that much better than your situation.

You're fairly tall for an azn, with very good career, $$$, pedigree. I think your outcome is really good (and not "just for an asian", again, compare with ppl like TSINAH). You don't need to find many quality girls, just one you would want to settle down with.

MFH seems like hell for dating. I think you would like SF a lot more. Firing up CMB, there are a lot of pretty azn girls who would be looking for a guy like you.

Seriously, try moving out to SF before you move to Asia. You might find it better there.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 3:48 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

If it wasn't for my harsh Azn upbringing and xo it would be easy to be a type of Azn guy (maybe like wangfei) who thinks they're the shit. Relatively, i guess my life is okay compared to other Asian American guys but compared to Asia guys its likely not great, objectively.

I still have plenty of apps. CMB is good for Azn shrews looking to settle down. Hinge not bad. Bumble OK for conversion rate. Tinder is meh (banged a wgwag 4 on it though who was into anime).

As an aside, Man Francisco? I always thought it was one of the worst places for dating due to the ridiculous tech money and gender imbalance. I thought conventional wisdom was that NYC dating >> other big coastal cities


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 9:45 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy



Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:09 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

not everyone is a whiny depressed loser like you

actual asians (living in asia) go through much harder hardships than not getting tinder dates


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:13 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I didn't use to think this way. In fact if it weren't for xo I would probably trudge along in life thinking my dating life was normal.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:35 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

it's fucking hilarious how you make histrionic claims like "the house is on fire" while making 200k+/year, with complete financial and physical safety, in the freest and most prosperous country in the world, all because you can't get your dick wet with hot women, as you think you deserve.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:45 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Lots of claims there I dont think are accurate.

"complete financial and physical safety". I'm in MFH, which is becoming more dangerous (so no complete financial and physical safety). I work in law, subject to a lot of market forces, many of which are arbitrary and could lead to me being Latham-ed through no fault of my own.

"Freest and most prosperous country". Not sure about this -> in my short trips to Asia, the quality of life looks really good for even the average citizen.

"Dick wet with hot women as I think I deserve" -> I laughed at this. I'm not looking to be Hugh Heffner or have a chad lifestyle. I'm looking for something pretty basic. I'm not on SAD's level yet but I am looking for a relationship hopefully leading to marriage; however, marriage seems like a really bad deal with all the girls I meet.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:07 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

man stfu, you're entitled and spoiled beyond belief. the median asian person is still a factory worker slave - corporate slave at best.

and oh yeah you don't expect to be hugh hefner - you just identify yourself with SAD, who notoriously has slept with 300+ escorts and posts obsessively about random asian women online for years.

we all know what this is about. you feel entitled to pussy, but you're a limp wrist loser who would be a limp wrist loser on either continent.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:14 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

How can I not identify with him? He's an Asian American guy who comes from a similar educational/social background who poasts on xo.

I've never seen an escort or have been tempted to but I identify with his dating struggles. It's been shit.

Also whether I like it or not this guy's plight is something similar to what a lot of Asian Americans like me face. He might be a loser but I'm no better than him. Thinking I'm better than him and settling for some domineering shrew makes me part of the problem. I know assholes like this too (i.e., Asian American guys who deny there's a problem at all because theyre ok).

I'm beginning to suspect that Asian Americans are an incredibly demoralized, cucked, and dispirited subgroup. It doesn't matter if we have material wealth above that of a factory worker. Having a wife + family has traditionally been the bedrock of Asian culture. It has gotten us through the hard parts. I know my life is privileged and I dont have it as bad as a Foxconn iPhone worker; but thats the point, without a wife/family I can believe in, there's nothing to work towards and no future to have. At least the factory slave likely has a wife/family he believes in. It doesn't matter if I'm a billionaire if my personal life is meaningless.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:18 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

lol yeah just ignore the part where people (like both me, and your parents) tell you repeatedly that millions of asian men, in fact, in asia, marry golddiggers all the time! and, on top of that, have crushing work conditions and financial obligations that you couldn't imagine.

but keep identifying with sexpests/sexpats like SAD/TT. surely your race is the reason you're single at 35-40.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:27 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

If push came to shove, I think I'd prefer a golddigger, who was a good mom, to most of the careerist shrews I've met. At least our boundaries would be well defined.

The careerist shrews I've met want it all, which actually is more entitled than a golddigger just wanting my money.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:31 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

lol at you just grasping at straws now, now that your woe-is-me racial sob story got blown the fuck out.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:33 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

youre quite hostile.

to be charitable to your viewpoint, i guess i'm bitching but if xo isn't the forum to talk about such things, what is? that said, if you dont mind, what is your background? tommy seems to think you're an Asian-American woman. i have to admit you sound like one.

you seem convinced that Asian Americans have it much better, what makes you believe this? is it just the economic factors (i.e., not being a factory worker)


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 3:48 AM
Author: abnormal bistre personal credit line genital piercing


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Date: January 9th, 2022 9:47 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

i'm asian and know way too many self-pitying losers like you who think they deserve to bat 2-3 points above their looks+personality because of their amazing "career." hence they only go on dates with past-their-prime shrews, and wonder why life is so unfair that they, such wonderful robotic autists that they are, can't find a girl who loves them for more than just their money.

the average asian has such a worse life than you it's not even worth my time writing down the reasons. you are extremely spoiled, entitled, and delusional


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 9:59 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

are you a woman? your tone is eerily similar to the criticism an ex gave me once when i talked to her about how I thought NYC/US might not be so great.

i dont really put stock in my career and am fine with adjusting my point scale to whatever it is in reality. like i said I'm willing to marry an uneducated peasant if thats what it takes to find a good mother. i'm just telling you, the shrews i've met would not make good mothers and wives.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2022 1:44 AM
Author: Brindle address

Take trips to warmer cities: Nashville, Tampa, Austin, Scottsdale, etc.

Stop dating washed-up, “career driven”, NYC women.

Date normal, smart white women who just graduated college and might be looking for what you can offer.

The women are full on delusional in nyc. What you’re seeking is a needle in a haystack.

If you’re set on NYC, you need to screen for girls who have deep ties from the city they came from. Runaway from anyone who “loves NYC”.

Also note the “high-end” women visiting NYC. Where do all the women go after watching Hamilton or some other Broadway play? You need to find these post-play NYC watering holes and swoop in.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:13 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

ljl why do u pretend everyone is a furking rice farmer in asia?

and even if they were rice farmers they prob furk more than some beta bitch asian amerikkkan

dorks in vietnam date hawt as furk bitches


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:38 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

shut up clown

you're an unwanted sexpest who isn't even asian. do not talk in threads where actual asians are involved.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:39 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

Ljl at u nowag trash I fuk ur slut women all the time, u never have chance with Indian chicas on other hand... Sad!!!


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 4:43 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

cmon lets be honest here. asians are not trying to fuck dirty ass indians. its like a half step above niggresses.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 10th, 2022 1:31 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

yes sexless incel AZNlosers definitely wld not want to furk an attractive or even avg indian girl, they are gonna wait for a vietnamese virgin to appear out of the sky like jesus... great point bro


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 9:48 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy



Reply Favorite

Date: January 10th, 2022 1:27 AM
Author: marvelous menage brethren

lmao at this MAF asian bitch. she's clearly triggered by something here


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:18 AM
Author: Hilarious spot

Leaving the US is pointless as long as USD is the reserve currency and social media runs rampant. Give a peasant chick in Asia a smart phone and her birdbrain will flip to something similar to Asian American chicks.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:19 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

jfc, such a retarded insular view of asia


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:20 AM
Author: Hilarious spot

Bitches are bitches.

Bitter cuz this cute Fob Vietnamese pharmacist chick ghosted me.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:22 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

staying in US for bitches is insane even if u import one


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:25 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

SAD's stories was part of the motivation to write this thread. If you were my friend in real life, I think I would get pissed off hearing how bad things were and how passive you were in response. If its that bad radical changes are in order.

My friends and I dont really talk about how bad it is IRL re: dating. So coming to this realization has taken time.

The lack of self-respect and the tone of despondency in SAD's dating threads has really made me realize that as a group, we nowags are really retarded. The house is on fire and yet we keep trudging along doing the same dumb things.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:30 AM
Author: Hilarious spot

If you want to make a change, then find a way to revert things to how they were in 1994 instead of running away to a different country where you are the Fob starting over.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:34 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Reverting to 1994 is impossible. It's as fantastical as the "back to 1776" conservatives thinking they can realistically deport every non-white person in America


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:44 AM
Author: Mustard community account tattoo



Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:25 AM
Author: irradiated telephone heaven

OP you just need to move to California or NY, theyre everywhere there. If you’re already there and striking out, you’re probably just too ugly or awkward, sorry


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:28 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I'm in MFH. I can get laid but it takes a lot of work and the girls I get, I don't like for a long term relationship.

I'm at a point where I still have dating apps and stuff (just went out yesterday with a Azn shrew) but am not really putting in effort. As I'm an Asian Melvin lolyer, pussy then doesn't fall into my lap, but I think I'd prefer to be alone than to play the Game of Shrews.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:31 AM
Author: Godawful area rigpig

I'm in nyc too, tall white guy, and dating is very very tough...


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 9:54 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy

180 jjc


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2022 1:54 AM
Author: burgundy hyperactive resort


Reply Favorite

Date: January 16th, 2022 12:11 AM
Author: Mustard community account tattoo


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:29 AM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:34 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I'm open to criticism. And believe me, I have plenty of self-loathing so you can pile it on.

At the same time, yes, I am looking for a wife. However, no one I've met is wife material in terms of what I'm looking for. As I've mentioned in other threads its all washed up Asian American shrews who see me as a beta provider.

This is coming from a beta lolyer who puts up with a ton of shit. So I dont think I'm particularly picky.

As an example, the Asian American girls I dated used woke language to harangue me when they were unhappy (like one harassed me and told me I was "disrespecting her" etc when I tried to ghost her). I also got a sense that they were extremely materialistic and career oriented. Until I made biglaw partner money, they wouldn't be happy. They also tended to spend a lot of money (I'm a frugal guy). Quite a few of them also had mental issues/had a huge rap sheet of fucking white guys, which I didn't like.

The fobs I met/dated were better. But even then, they usually learned enough here to be annoying/try to dominate me. If I went to Asia I'd try to date as simple and uneducated women as possible if I were looking for a wife.

I wouldn't be looking to find a best friend for life in a wife. Just someone who would be a good mom and loyal to me. In that case I believe uneducated fob peasant definitely beats out Asian American shrew.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:36 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

you're a dumb shit.

women in asia are far more materialistic and demanding.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:39 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Interestingly enough, my parents (who love America and hate Asia) said the same thing to dissuade me from dating/marrying a fob. However, my experience dating fobs has been opposite to this assertion.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:40 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

listen, you would be a loser if you were born in asia too. your parents know this. that's why they warn you. don't let anyone like TT (who isn't even asian) dissuade you otherwise.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:49 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Not sure about this.

My parents are proud of my accomplishments here (which are however, rightfully lulzy to xo) and tell me I'd be throwing it away by leaving to Asia. I grinded for almost all of my life so far without many complaints. I even was one of the straight male nowags who won the academic game despite academia telling us Azns to fuck off.

However, the way I see it, even if I were to win the career game, what would be the point if I were stuck with a wife that I don't like? It'd just be grinding away to no end.

Also just one data point: on paper I'm far more successful than most of my male relatives in Asia. They seem to be doing better than me, or most Asian American guys I know, in the woman dept.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 3:57 AM
Author: abnormal bistre personal credit line genital piercing


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:17 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

totally agree with your assessment of the women there.

OP, consider moving to the west coast, far more laid back azns there. I think you'd be a catch. You'd have to tone down the resentment a bit though, as that could be off-putting.

But I get you, it's a bit frustrating when you see 8/9 azn girls going for some ugly white guy. But these are the striver chicks you wouldn't want to be with anyway. I wouldn't necessarily call them race traitors, but they probably have a bit of self-loathing going on.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:52 AM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:00 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I'm kind of recent to xo so I don't know your backstory. How is your wife ride or die? Is she Asian-American? How'd you find her, what was her background etc (at least with what youre cool with disclosing here)

The career thing comes up pretty early in dating. At least in NYC and amongst the 30s career woman crowd. I try not to bring up work (hate talking about it anyhow) or anything like that anyhow. However, I could sense that all the women I met were trying to gauge my social status when they met me, even when I didn't disclose job/background.

Also to qualify the rap sheet/mental issue thing too. I tried to avoid these types. In the very beginning they seemed just like normal people. However, when dating more, craziness/bad history would come out.

A case in point is an Asian American girl who told me she was conservative, shot guns, and voted Republican. Relationship with her was not much different from the liberal Asians.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:11 AM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:29 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

1.5 gen is interesting. Do you think you could have found someone like her amongst 2nd gen+ Korean-Americans? That said, what do you think of Korean Americans (or Asian Americans) generally -> would you want your kids raised here?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:45 AM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 8:17 AM
Author: Seedy forum

Are you in LA?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 10th, 2022 7:04 AM
Author: Erotic Rehab Windowlicker

MLK's plagiariazed dissertationcels rise up


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 9:57 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy



Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:18 AM
Author: Titillating Onyx Corner Lettuce

go back to home asian country; problem solved

as a white american, the US is my home country

my ancestors first came here in the 1600s

for me there's nowhere to go--you can go back to your homogenous high IQ homeland that's on the global rise

be happy


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:22 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

yeah, the solution was presented in the other thread i made. i'm already in the process of getting a passport for my parents country. i'm going to use this year to figure out the best way to get my ass over there in the best way possible.

that said, i'm just making general commentary on the sad state of affairs of Asian American dating/marriage.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 1:54 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

Glad to get a shout out, but I don't want you to get discouraged on my account. I wouldn't say my life trajectory is typical. I was kinda late to the dating scene. So I'm (clearly) very awkward and inexperienced.

I'm also probably too picky when it comes to looks. I've had a fair share of good dates, but wasn't really interested in them, so didn't pursue.

From what I've gathered from your threads though, your dating life seems pretty good. You're well established in your career and you are getting dates with pretty girls. I wouldn't move to Asia if I were in your shoes. If you're like me, culturally we're too American to fit in in Asia. Plus my (asian language) skills would place me in the retard category if I moved to Asia.

You shouldn't let the woe is me, I'm not white get to you. I think I got over that phase back in middle school, but being white isn't necessarily all it's chalked up to be. Sure, maybe dating would be better if we were 6'3 chads, but there are lots of white people I definitely wouldn't trade places with. (You can imagine the poasters I would be referring to here. Won't mention them by name.) Overall, I'm fairly happy with my life.

I think after some self-reflection, I wouldn't mind trying to find and settle down with a nice and pretty asian-american woman, even if they are a bit of a striver. I know I won't get the tinder success stories people mention here, getting laid on first dates, etc., but some of these tinder conquests aren't that pretty. I think the way to go if you want to sleep with women is just to pay--HVAC has some really pretty asian girls he's poasted.

In summary, maybe our one night stand game isn't as great as chad's, but I think we have a better shot at forming meaningful relationships with azn-american women/fob, but did their UG here. Some of my distant relatives/not super close friends have really wholesome and beautiful families, which is probably more common than chad's outcome.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:15 AM
Author: Trip Elite Stain

I appreciate the kind words

Seriously though the best part about whoremongering is that you reduce/eliminate the amount of power women have over you

Once you realize you can do anything you want to a 25 year old Asian girl for $300, you don't sweat shrews. When guys say they want a relationship, it's usually because that's the only way they can get sex.

I suppose there is some guys that get sex from 4 different girls for free every month, but that's not realistic even for attractive guys


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:30 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

HVAC poasted something once about this interview with a Canadian guy that I thought was on point about the nature of women.

I'm not an escort guy as I'm probably a low T dork who doesn't crave pussy that bad but I don't judge and am starting to see its appeal


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:59 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

If I had more money, I'd definitely do what HVAC does. then when I get bored, try to settle down with a respectable person.

There are very few people here pulling in 7-9 appsluts. The pics I do see, most are very unappealing.

HVAC, I noticed Daisy's webpage was down. Pity, since she moved to the top of my list over chubby korean girl. Though she's a bit shorter than I would like.

Looking forward to my trip to Dallas next month. Gotta pick out an asian girl/plan ahead.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 7:01 AM
Author: Trip Elite Stain

she's working at the same Agency as the chubby Korean girl

her name is Lani at Asian Stars now!


Reply Favorite

Date: January 10th, 2022 1:33 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

ty. 180, gotta register with asian stars now.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 10th, 2022 9:22 AM
Author: Trip Elite Stain

update: reviews say she is interested in going to law school! a true law teen. these girls lie about everything but this is a weird thing imo

probably just going to marry some dork


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 10:06 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy

"Seriously though the best part about whoremongering is that you reduce/eliminate the amount of power women have over you"

how many more whores until you're "over" your divorce, you think?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 10th, 2022 6:52 AM
Author: Trip Elite Stain

plan to start 'app dating' this year!


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:23 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Nice to hear from you. Btw I hope you bag that annoying Korean fob. Youre making a lot of mistakes (who doesnt) but at this point I think youre balls deep. It might be better for you to get to the fucking than bowing out at this point. Maybe just keep at it until you hit pussy then treat her like she deserves once you've made it in. Sometimes you have to go full retard.

That said, I'm not discouraged on your account, I'm just musing over how shitty life is here for our kind.

Wrt dating, I'm starting to think its a canary in the mine of how self-defeating life here is for straight Asian American dudes. Terry alluded to this in not wanting to raise kids here above and how 2nd gen Korean-Americans were too far gone.

On an individual basis, I could be ignorantly "happy" with my life if I didn't think too hard or fight for something better. Like I said, I grinded most of my life without complaint. It's not as if life with the pick of the litter of Asian American shrews would be hell 24/7. It'd probably be 95% ok, and 5% bad/annoying. But this may not be a good thing.

It's about achieving one's potential and pushing oneself. I dont want to settle for some cucked shit if I have the chance to do something else. Places like xo have been eye opening for examining my status as an Asian dude in the US critically. For instance, the sad thing is some of my friends (like my HS friends whose careers stagnated) looked up to me, thinking that I was perfectly happy and an example of what they could do if they just made more money/worked harder. If I wasn't honest and self critical, I would be part of the problem spreading BS. It would have been very easy and ego boosting to pretend like I had it figured out. But then I'd be like Boxer from Orwell's Animal Farm saying you just had to work harder/be cooler/date widely/etc. The problem I really believe is structural, not individual for us.

I could find a fob here but what would be the point? Where would our kids end up? Would my sons/daughters face the same issues? Would they speak an Asian language well enough to go back if they wanted? They likely would face the same problems. This is the part of me that is looking to go to Asia, re-hookup to the motherland (or as xo calls it, our bughive), leave America, and not look back.

That said, I'm pretty confident in my ability to find something job-wise if I had to slink back to the US in defeat, even if its a step down from my current career. What I can't get back though is my youth. I'm still single, fairly young enough where I have the ability to make the change. If I don't do it now, the golden handcuffs and inertia is only going to get worse. I'm willing to quit and be a "loser" overseas if that's what it takes to experience something new.

As an aside, it's just kind of unfortunate that I'm coming to this realization during covid travel restrictions.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:45 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

I said I wouldn't use names, but fuck it. Would you seriously trade places with someone like TSINAH? Sure the US has its faults, and shitlib cancer is spreading, but I absolutely would not move to Asia.

Take a good friend of mine. Chinese american, prestigious UG, met a very pretty and kind FOB but UG in US, and married her and moved to Shanghai. Her family is well off, so they have a nice flat. He has a very respectable career. But I don't think he's happy there. The culture is too materialistic. They have no passion or real interests. He speaks chinese like an 8 yo. He told me they went to Disneyland once, and he asked his wife in poor chinese what that one cartoon character was. And a nearby little girl looked at him like he was retarded.

The only country I could see myself moving to is maybe Singapore. Far more western, and I suspect life there might not be too bad. The weather is awful though, and the country does has its own share of issues.

I think it's important how you raise your kids. If you stay in the US, be the father figure you would want your daughter to marry. Don't raise her to go for some dorky whitey. I see same race asian families to be overall more cohesive and respectable than mixed ones.

Ignore the haters who claim they trace their roots back to the mayflower. I like XO a lot for the political content and some of the board memes. But there aren't a lot of wholesome families here, so maybe this isn't the best place to get advice on raising a family.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 3:01 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Not an xo expert - what's tsinah's story?

I was always on board the "we're American can't go back to Asia" camp until recently. I guess what's changed my mind is seeing how bad things are here. Of course your point about language and culture is important. We'd be the rough equivalent of fobs there. At the same time there's some significant differences from our parents Kims Convenience generation:

Language/Culture: I know your friend isn't as much a part of society as he wants due to language/culture but that's the price one pays for a lot of other advantages, like living in a homogenous society where your kids won't question their own self worth based on race. It's a trade off but a good life based on the right values increasingly seems stacked in favor of Asia. Maybe an aside, but God only knows what future indignities are waiting in the next several decades for America as well. I don't think the lib thing is going back in Pandora's box.

Family: for fucking sure I wouldn't want to raise a family in America. Even expensive private schools have CRT and all sorts of other nonsense. The only acceptable alternative would be some conservative, likely 95%+ white place: but in a place like that my sons would be bullied and my daughters would be raised to want handsome.

Time Running Out: I think America has a limited runway of cultural and hard power. We're on the decline. The best time to leave if one ever considers it might be now, while there's still some currency left.Even in law, I'm asking around and people are saying that any dork in biglaw could have lateraled to HK/SG 10 years ago but now they're asking for fluent Mandarin (i.e, native) speakers in addition to the standard credentials. I've been making inquiries and while it wasn't as great as it was before, an American education and background still has some cache overseas. If we became kind of an irrelevant country with a prestigious past (like Spain or France), there just wouldn't be anything overseas to take advantage of. I've been looking but I get the sense I can find a respectable job in a place like Taiwan, Singapore, HK, or SE Asia (China seems to be a black box).


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 3:18 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

XO scholarship seems to think most recent TSINAH might be a fake, but here's a thread from today


he's in his mid/late 30s I think. white, fat, bald(ing), 300k in debt, makes very little, maybe 60k. brags about living the life, yet begs for money here. lies about his dating life and his hot organic gfs. kinda sad in general. poasts good board content though.

Ya, HK maybe 20 yrs ago maybe would have been a pretty cool place to live. Once the British were gone, the Chinese there were def top of the pecking order, still western culture. If you were ethnically chinese and spoke english, you'd be like a white chad in the US. These days, with mainland Chinese influence, probably not a great place to move to. But maybe this is another thing to point out. What seemed like a good place changed for the worse. You might think certain Asian countries are good, but think 20 yrs down the road. I don't think they'll be any better. Singapore might still be a good option, but I couldn't stomach the year round tropical heat.

As bad as the US is getting, I don't think raising kids in Asia would be any better. The people are brainwashed there. Talked to an app chick and basically got really upset that I implied Taiwan wasn't part of China. Sure they are 180 on some social issues, but they are also authoritarian, and you would bring your children to an oppressive environment.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 2:16 AM
Author: Multi-colored orchid sanctuary

Being single is horrendously underrated


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 2:20 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:16 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:03 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

you fucking beta chinks are really starting to piss me off. stop blaming our race for your plight, it just reeks of self hatred and low confidence. you should be reading the low t threads and figuring out how to get some. the problem is you, not the geography. lolzy that your solution is to find a fucking country ass retard peasant.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:14 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Some of your criticism might be valid. But I didn't lack effort in my case.

I treated dating in my heyday like a second job. I even downloaded this weird Chinese app called 2 red beans that opened up a bunch of fobs. I also did the NYC social circuit stuff of rock climbing, hiking, skiing, wine tasting. Like a true dorky *Beep Beep* autist I tried a ton of shit.

I met and dated a fair # of women even as a Melvin. My criticism doesn't come from not having anyone or being in crushing loneliness, it comes from seeing what I can get and deciding its a bad deal. In fact I enjoy being alone more now than meeting girls and entertaining them with inane banter.

In fact no matter how much a loser the guy is, I don't think any self-respecting male should take the deals that are offered by the shrews I met. This is why I think geography and American culture is the problem. It goes even more so for Asian American men because of our shitty social status in Western society. If you think white guys have it bad, I think Asian men in America are in the abyss: its amazing how humiliating and cucked many of my friends relationships are.

If you think its just an individual issue, and the solution is just to be more chill and alpha, I would wager you're part of the problem.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:21 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

you are a self entitled beta chink who thinks the world owes him just because you checked off a few checkboxes in life, your social circle is obviously just an echo chamber of yourself, and you portray that as the asian experience in america. fuck you for bringing us down.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:28 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

I grinded for most of my life with no complaint. Whatever I have done I dont think it entitles me to anything. It's why I said I would be happy with an Asian peasant if that works. I probably would have made a good black slave in Uncle Tom's Cabin.

I've never let shit get to me for a long time until I started thinking about my other Azn bros and what we may have lost by our parents' coming to America.

If Asia didn't exist I would just put up with this as reality and not make this thread. As pathetic as it is, sites like xo have changed my mind with regards to how I view society and life. They've been more eye opening than a lot of the discussions I have with people I interact with IRL.

If there's an asian experience in america that is completely different I have no hesitation being open minded and changing myself to adapt to it. I just don't see it and you don't make an argument besides just an unsubstantiated assertion.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:33 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

asian americans have the highest marriage rates in the country while also keeping the lowest divorce rates. now some of them might have cucked and settled, but the numbers say the majority are married and stay married. you are the outlier.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:37 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

i wouldn't have a problem getting married. the problem is that the Asian American shrews Ive dated would completely dominate me in very humiliating ways.

adding to this, our demographic is so cucked that I know many Asian American guys so desperate they're willing to pay a heavy price for any acceptable girl to be with them. if the guy does anything the girl wants that can lead to stable marriage rates.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:32 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

is wangfei a chinaman or birdshit? the "us" here and calling OP "chink" throws me off.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:35 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

shut the fuck up poobah. your dating threads are nauseating to read. it literally is an exercise in what NOT to do. as a chink, i am ashamed of you.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:38 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

lol, no need to be so aggressive, I was just asking.

not everyone can be as successful as you are.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:38 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

because clearly you were just fucking hot bitches on the reg without any problem as soon as you hit puberty


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:47 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

my first girlfriend at 15 was a barbie doll - blond hair green eyed german stock. i didnt date asian until i realized that birdshits werent going to work out, this was sometime in college. then i went through the entire spectrum of asians until i found my wife. i might be an anecdotal anomaly, but many of my asian friends were just like me. there is some truth to clique theory.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:54 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

do you realize that this is not typical for Asian American men?

are you also 6'5", barrel chested and a fullback on your HS football team


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:59 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

i am 5'9". i swam in hs but ran along with the jock crowd sometimes i guess that probably made my experience a little different than my fellow nerd brothers. but it was typical of my asian social circle then and still is today. i just dont understand portraying the tribe as a bunch of beta cucks because it just isnt true. there are alpha chinks all over asia and the us. just because you guys dont see it doesnt mean its not there.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 4:03 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

nothing makes me happier than to think that one of my bros (especially a 5'9" taiwanese abc) was able to have a chill, fratty experience.

but my aim is to point out reality: what you experienced is a top 1% thing. maybe us book dorks are just being manic depressive about this but i'm telling you this is my empirical experience, and one that seems corroborated by many others

i was on the tennis team btw in HS. LJL i know.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 4:10 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

then do what chinks have always done in america, keep your nose down, shut the fuck up, and fucking figure it out. dont cry racism, jfc dont be so fucking millennial, dont be a nig. go autistic and figure it out but dont blame the fucking tribe. somehow 18% of the world population (chinks) are breeding.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 4:13 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

i'm not blaming the tribe. i think that the guys in Asia are doing ok.

i'm blaming the Asian American guys for sitting on this problem and for those that suggest the problem doesn't exist. you're clearly an anomaly and i think that gives you bias in how you see things.

if we took a poll of all asian american guys i'm almost certain the vast majority of them were not fucking green-eyed German chicks regularly in HS


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Date: January 9th, 2022 4:26 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

fair. just some of the shit i read here pisses me off. its like one big depressing circle jerk.


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Date: January 15th, 2022 2:04 AM
Author: Brindle address

Not Asian.

But many times these threads sound no different than the VICTIMIZED black man of today,


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:38 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

i thought he was a birdshit who married an Azn. he mentioned something about being in Taiwan a lot and having an Asian wife. but i guess he could be a chinaman?

in any case he fits the old trope of the "just be alpha" guy


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:42 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

i am taiwanese abc. i married a dirty south thai. fuck mainlanders.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 3:44 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

i'm a fellow taiwanese abc. congrats on the thai wife. i hope to find someone even dirtier


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:50 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

i cant keep track of all you morse code monikers.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 3:52 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

i should probably get a moniker and not be a pumo. once i leave biglol i'll prob do this as it doesn't matter if i'm outted


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Date: January 9th, 2022 11:47 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

wait, moniker outs us? ruh roh...


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:50 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

my understanding is that there's some nutjobs on this forum that like to fuck with people if they figure out who you are. with a moniker they can start to connect the dots from the details we give out

if i told practice group and narrowed down LS it'd be pretty easy to google me and figure out who i am. but i guess once i leave i wouldn't mind if people knew who i am. i try to write like i talk IRL as much as possible. hence no name calling and racist slurs just for the shits and giggles


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Date: January 9th, 2022 9:38 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

lol at this self-indulgent bullshit

here's the tldr: you're a 4-5, buttressed by your amazing "career" into a 5-6, but you chase after and think you deserve 6-7s, hence you naturally end up with past-their-prime settling careerist shrews

wow, so hard life you have. this country is so racist and unfair. must be time to move to asia.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 10:04 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

the ad hominem stuff is really odd because its not the focus of this thread. we can satisfy that by just agreeing i'm a basement dwelling 2-3 wanting 8-9s if you want. as an aside, i've dated all shapes and sizes. like I said, I'm not a picky person. i mean jeez, i'm talking about marrying a fob peasant as the way to go for guys like me.

but that isn't the focus of this. my main point is that dating life for the average Asian American guy must be really bad. if it is bad for me (someone whose done okay by conventional standards) that it must be really shit for the Joe Onepack Asian guy making $50k.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 10:31 AM
Author: Walnut university factory reset button

you say you "only" want a fob peasant, but i'm sure you expect her looks to be higher than what you can get in the US.

if you're getting dates from career shrews in the US, then i'm sure you can get dates with non-shrew women who are a step or two below. but no, you want it all - you want feminine, prime age, and 1-2 points better looking women, but this time you'll go peasant.

shrewd strategy, but doesn't fit with your narrative of hopelessness and oppression


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Date: January 9th, 2022 11:12 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive

i dont know what the purpose of your constant self deprecation is. are you even aware that you do it? do you enjoy sounding like your fucking tiger mom breaking yourself down?

your self talk must be the equivalent of extreme self lashing, and you should just kill self, otherwise, reflect on where that is coming from and stop it. no flame.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:17 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

i'm trying to engage this pumo constructively without getting into a pissing match. im not a psychiatrist but it seems like i've triggered her (likely a she) on some personal level. however, she may have a point and if letting her call me a loser (on an anonymous obscure chatboard) is what i need so she can get to making a substantive statement, well that's ok by me.

i'd like to think i'm self critical from objective reality and not from just reflexive tiger mom beatings. i really do believe the things i'm saying in this thread, it's not just some way to feed self-deprecation (well at least, I hope).

i do believe in a better future, but its not in America.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 4:19 AM
Author: Talented drab preventive strike puppy

All dating is a cesspool, brother.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 4:21 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother


indeed, good sir


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 4:26 AM
Author: Idiotic poppy coffee pot depressive


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 10:09 AM
Author: Rusted spectacular ladyboy


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 11:13 AM
Author: Crawly insecure messiness roast beef


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 7:16 AM
Author: cracking mad-dog skullcap property


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Date: January 9th, 2022 9:12 AM
Author: deep arousing sneaky criminal indian lodge

lollercausting HARD ITT


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 9:48 AM
Author: razzle-dazzle balding associate temple


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Date: January 9th, 2022 9:49 AM
Author: Heady bright senate


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Date: January 9th, 2022 9:57 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

well brother you more than anyone have experience in knowing how much of a lollercaust Asian American dating in NYC can be


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Date: January 9th, 2022 11:25 AM
Author: Bronze Roommate

Asian dude who did well in dating here to help you. I've been with the same girl for 2 years now though so I don't know first-hand how much COVID changed everything.

I've always heard NYC is the easiest dating market for guys and that girls outnumber guys there.

Preliminary questions: what's your height? Are you above avg? How do you dress? How many dates are you getting and do you find the women you meet attractive? Are you getting rejected or are you usually the one who decides you're not interested? What are you looking for?

Sounds like you're flexible on chicks but not liking what you see. Maybe you should narrow it down. Also if you get appoint well enough with a chick, after you start sleeping together you can always steer her in certain directions affecting her personality and values.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 11:53 AM
Author: Hilarious spot

Not op. But I’m a dentist, Viet, 5’4”. Help me navigate my way to success


Reply Favorite

Date: January 9th, 2022 12:14 PM
Author: Bronze Roommate

5'4" is tough brother, no doubt about that. You have to get creative. I know two short Asian dudes whoo found girls. Not sure how they meet them but one is very successful, social, and plays a sporty regularly with lots of Asian friends. I think have a social circle helps. His fiancee is a nurse. You gotta find girls who aren't all about looks which also means you probably can't be either.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:15 PM
Author: Hilarious spot

Fuck that shit man. I guess it’s whores for life for me


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:16 PM
Author: Hilarious spot

Also what sport


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:27 PM
Author: Bronze Roommate

Tennis. He started playing pickleball which he said had been really fun with all kinda of people


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Date: January 9th, 2022 11:58 AM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

5'10", 160lbs. I'm an average looking dude I suppose. No non-asian women have given me genuine compliments on my looks. However, a few Asian girls have told me I'm handsome.

It's not getting dates or laid that is the problem. In LS and after I was really thirsty so I put myself out there a lot. I would have dates every week. I've dated plenty of women, which has come with its highs and lows. In the beginning I was getting blown out a lot but later I got better where the tables were turned. I'm at a point where the problem isn't getting leads, its about motivation: what is the point of all this? Can I find what I'm looking for?

After getting older I feel like I just don't give a shit. I'm tired of putting in the motions now. The women I meet are exhausting. I just want someone who genuinely will not care about my social status or needing me to make millions in the future, love children, and be happy taking care of the home. That's why I was thinking of finding a foreign Asian peasant.

To answer your questions though. Style-wise it's whatever, I used to dress like a metrosexual faggot before but now I just wear whatever. I don't think I have a problem with confidence. I'm not intimidated by girls looks like I used to be, which has gotten better through experience. I say whatever is on my mind now though. On the flip side, a female friend has told me that I'm too much of a grumpy old man in my 30s, and that its not a good look for the ladies. Whatever. But I think I'm only fun now after I drink and can disassociate.

I have tried to steer women. In my last relationship I tried like hell to have her understand my values and what I thought the purpose of a good life is. Among women in MFH she was probably someone closest to what I wanted. But like a good interviewee but poor employee, she was great at knowing what I wanted to hear but her actions reflected differently. It felt like I was playing office politics to an extent in a relationship. I knew from her social circle and what she did in her life outside of us that in her heart she wanted the shrew starter pack of wealthy cucked husband. She just knew that I always was willing to walk away/had one foot out the door so I think she bit her tongue and told me what I wanted to hear so I would deepen my commitment. I truly believe that she'd roll back all of her concessions she made if I got married to her. I consider myself lucky I didn't settle for her.

It took experience and discernment to even know that this would likely happen if I committed to her.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:21 PM
Author: Bronze Roommate

Sounds like your gripe isn't with dating but rather the human condition. How are you gonna complain about dating shrews who are looking for a successful guy when you yourself are the male equivalent high end wage cuck? If you want someone different maybe you need to stop saying yuppie millennials in Manhattan. Also if you're a grouchy old man, the problem is probably half you.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:24 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

Well I'm in agreement with you about NYC being a big part of the problem for me. I really just want a simple woman which is why I'm thinking of finding an Asian peasant overseas.

The grouchiness is indeed a real problem, I don't want to end up a perennial complainer like SAD. Which is why I'm aiming to make significant changes in my life.

My overall point though is that dating for Asian American dudes is generally, a real nightmare, even looking at it from a relatively privileged position.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:35 PM
Author: Bronze Roommate

My late 30s white friend who constantly pulled hot chicks for as long as I've known him complains about the dating market. My girl's 29 year old sister in NYC complains about dating. Welcome to the club. It seems to transcend race though the extent of suffering is somewhat subjective so it's hard to say who has the worst experience.

I think the shopping around mentality and disposability of modern dating has really ruined things.


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Date: January 9th, 2022 12:39 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

The industrial revolution and its consequences...


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Date: January 10th, 2022 1:32 AM
Author: embarrassed to the bone orchestra pit

this is actually why every culture on earth had arranged marriages for most of human history, the current dating bullshit in US is absolutely insane by historical standards


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Date: January 15th, 2022 2:18 AM
Author: Brindle address

You’re getting shit leads.

Start mixing it up. How are you meeting these women? What are common factor possibly skewing your sample size?

Of the top of my head it’s your geography (NYC), race (date cheery white girks not insufferable Asian Americans), and a woman’s occupation. Maybe date nurses instead of “women in finance”. Go for artists/musicians instead of “directors of social media”.

You said you put in effort before and now you’re going through the motions. Well put the effort into the methods you use in selecting your sample. Do whatever you can to surprise yourself. Hang out outside Alvin Ailey and take a nice quadroon with svelte legs on a date.

You just need to go full mad scientist and experiment the hell out of your methods to diversify your “data”. Or else you’ll be person 10795368 saying “nYc dating is tough”.


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Date: January 15th, 2022 3:36 PM
Author: Bronze Roommate

Yup. I know a few guys who will do this then bitch about their nurse GF not providing intellectual conversation. No shit. You can't have it all. That's another thing guys need to realize. Finding the right woman is a lot about knowing what trade-offs you're willing to make. If you're unwilling to "settle" for nothing less than the perfect girl, good luck.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 10th, 2022 7:08 AM
Author: Erotic Rehab Windowlicker



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Date: January 15th, 2022 1:52 AM
Author: chrome locale marketing idea

Why did ITT get so many posts?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2022 2:23 AM
Author: Brindle address

Asian Chads gaping Asian Melvins and telling them to STFU.

Whites and other races feeling the plight NOWAG.

Chads all around laughing and counting their blessings...


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Date: January 15th, 2022 4:57 PM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

Lol, some FOB chick said hi to me on bumble, then asked if I spoke chinese. promptly unmatched me when I said no.

No mention of looking for chink speaking chinaman in profile. These people...


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2022 5:00 PM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


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Date: January 15th, 2022 5:16 PM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

nah, haven't followed up with her, and she hasn't reached out either. kinda bored of her.

i think it's a lost cause at this point. I'll have the command of an 8 yo with a weird American accent.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 15th, 2022 8:39 PM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


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Date: January 16th, 2022 12:48 AM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

iono if some middle aged person can learn chinese fluently. i mean, i could always send the kids to learn chinese, especially if their mom speaks it.

but maybe it's worth the effort to at least learn to read and write. accent won't be an issue there, and if i'm half as smart as i think I am, should be able to learn the written language as well as some of these fobs can read/write engrish.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 16th, 2022 11:56 AM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


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Date: January 16th, 2022 1:27 PM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

seems like a very interesting book. definitely will check it out.

So is your Chinese any good now, after going through that book? 1500 or 3000 with book 2 is pretty good. Isn't that almost good enough to read a newspaper (5000ish)?

The only odd thing is that it doesn't have pronunciation. So I can learn to recognize the character and its meaning, but cannot speak it out loud. But I guess I have to put the work in... (EDIT: looked at the preview again, looks like they do have the pinyin, so that's good)

At the risk of further outing myself, I do speak Cantonese fairly decently, so I am able to connect with part of my culture. When I went to Guangzhou a number of years ago, I was able to blend in pretty well. I asked a cab driver about a particular place, and he said, oh I'll write it down for you. Then I admitted, I couldn't read or write and he was honestly surprised. Told him I was an ABC and he didn't quite believe me, said my spoken cantonese was a native's. What I gathered from him is that it's a dying language in that region (and even in Hong Kong) as Beijing is forcing everyone to learn and adopt Mandarin. Very different from just a few decades ago. Seems to be a huge stigma. Lots of racism(?)/regional biases, I guess much in the same way we might look down on someone with a southern drawl. I didn't mention this earlier, but girl who unmatched me on Bumble instantly, only did so after I responded I could speak some cantonese, but no mandarin. So even these fobs prefer some non-chinese speakign white guy over an ABC who can only speak cantonese.

Life probably would have been pretty 180 for me if Hong Kong stayed the way it was maybe even 10-15 years ago.


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Date: January 16th, 2022 2:48 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

IIRC one of your major objections to heading to Asia was that you'd be speaking at an elementary level forever. You seem talented at languages based on your story. I think you could do a whole lot better in Asia, even now in somewhere like HK, than you're giving yourself credit for.

I'm terrible at languages. My mandarin is utter shit. I mostly speak to my parents in Engrish. But I can already get a sense that I could function OK in Mandarin with just a few years of really dedicated study. Since I made my previous thread I've found that there's a pretty big ABC community in places like Taiwan, HK, SG, even SE Asia. They run businesses, do all sorts of stuff. Many of them don't speak Mandarin (or Cantonese) very well. I already get a sense their quality of life wouldn't be as good if they were in the USA/West.

Give it another decade and the rise of China/Mandarin monoculture will prob wipe out a lot of the advantages we still have now. Yeah its not Hong Kong of 1997 but they still respect a Westernized background/we'd have advantages in moving there. I'm starting to think that'll slowly change so it seems increasingly important for someone like myself to go back before the paradigm shifts completely.

The more I think and learn about this, the more I'm starting to realize that ABCs (hell all nowags) will incur serious opportunity costs in not going back to Asia.


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Date: January 16th, 2022 5:23 PM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

the problem is that it's a dying language and culture. Chinese government wants everyone to speak Mandarin. Main places are HK and Guangzhou. HK is being taken over, and in Guangzhou, native canto speakers are at sub 50% and dwindling.

and I get the sense that mainlanders look down on cantonese speakers.

I don't think I would ever fit in anywhere in Asia. Plus, in my field, even in Cantonese speaking areas, it's all mainland mandarin speakers that run the show.

With the political turmoil and unrest in HK, it'll be like advising someone to move to Brazil bc they speak Portuguese.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 16th, 2022 3:33 PM
Author: Naked razzmatazz hell trump supporter


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Date: January 16th, 2022 3:55 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

sorry to hear about the failure with the Korean girl. i feel like you should seal the deal if only for the glory of the nowag peoples.

it was stupid and born out of insecurity but sometimes before when i heard a Asian girl had fucked numerous white guys, just to test myself i would ramp up the bullshit and tell her what she wanted to hear just to seal the deal. (that was what i alluded to before about one girl being woke and pissed after i ghosted her. she even emailed my firm email. she told me i disrespected her by not responding to her. i played Romeo, told her what she wanted to hear and then didn't talk to her after. she was a mediocre white guy loving asian girl who thought i would make a great beta husband after being pumped and dumped for years).

if you can bring her out and have a chance to reverse the milquetoast presentation you gave before, i'd recommend you do it. i bet it'll feel great once you are able to get her


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Date: January 15th, 2022 5:04 PM
Author: Bronze Roommate

Bumble sucks. Is coffee meets bagel still active? I could basically match with any Asian girl on that app.


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Date: January 15th, 2022 6:46 PM
Author: Confused Cerise Space Laser Beams

hey, asianmos, how's two red beans? I think i saw someone mention it here. just downloaded. lots of pretty fobs. but unsure how it'll pan out.


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Date: January 16th, 2022 12:30 AM
Author: Bronze Roommate

Only saw it mentioned here. It's really fobby which isn't necessarily a bad thing if that's your bag. I've never tried it.


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Date: January 16th, 2022 3:00 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

i'm the one who mentioned it. its not bad. i pay for most of the apps i use. its a small cost when you think about the time investment/potential of a date. the higher conversion rate you get is generally worth the money. one caveat though is if you live in a less populated area with less fobs, you'd prob burn through the prospects fairly soon (just cancel paid subscription then).

with two red beans, you probably have to use some chinese. its fobs looking for a more chinese kind of guy. my mandarin is total shit so i usually used it as an opener and transitioned to english. once you have the hook and they're willing to meet, fobs are usually much easier to date than a Azn-American. once they met me in person they usually sort of overlooked the fact that i basically was a twinkie who couldn't speak chinese.

my sweet spot seemed to be fobs that did a masters degree or something like that in the US. their english was good enough but they also weren't so insufferably Americanized as the ones who came earlier.


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Date: January 16th, 2022 2:49 PM
Author: slap-happy sweet tailpipe site

azn bros, I've never touched one of your women


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Date: January 16th, 2022 3:13 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

youre probably better off if they're Asian American.

however, if they're 180 Vietnamese women, according to xo consensus, it seems like youre missing out


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Date: January 16th, 2022 3:40 PM
Author: slap-happy sweet tailpipe site

I like blue eyed blondes with big tits


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Date: January 16th, 2022 3:49 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

who doesnt brother


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Date: January 16th, 2022 3:00 PM
Author: Shivering histrionic casino

Not flame when I was in college I was roommates with this Asian bro my sophomore year bc I transferred in. It was a random pairing. I always dreamed of having a 180 roommate in college so I always tried to include him and stuff. Day 1 he came to rugby with me and was surprisingly OK but ended up not coming back. He had this expressionless “big” face and everyone called him the Asian Michael Meyers. We were in my common room and one time he walked in and this guy played the Halloween theme on his computer. Everyone laughed and my roommate cracked a very small smile. Only time I ever saw him smile.

There was this Asian chick who lived on our floor. She was super cheerful and smiling all the time. Great body but typical Asian girl face. She was 17 turning 18 in a few months. She always wore those boxer shorts and would be all flirty. Grew up in westchester and was like third generation.

My roommate was in love with her but she was creeped out. He would always ask me advice on how to get with her. Against my advice he called her into the room one day where he had like this stupid piano and played Robbie Williams “Angels” on it for her. She started crying bc she thought it was so sweet. She hung out with him that night but didn’t hook up obviously. He was on cloud 9.

The next weekend he went home for some family event and we all went downtown and we’re drunk out of our minds. I fucked her brains out three times in one night no condom. The last time I fucked her in his bed (we were drunk and he was away remember). I remember some of the cum dropped onto his bead spread and we were hysterical laughing.

Neither of us ever mentioned this out of respect to him. Out of control lmao.


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Date: January 16th, 2022 3:07 PM
Author: glittery vermilion national mother

This sounds like chad fiction-flame but I'll bite.

Third generation Asian American from westchester sounds about as awful as it can get. If you pumped and dumped her, she deserved it.

One of the points of this thread is in explaining how awful dating Asian American women are.

To me they embody the worst parts of Asian and Western culture. They tend to have status/materialistic Asian values, but also the Western woke bullshit. They seriously blow.


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Date: January 16th, 2022 3:44 PM
Author: useless stage

It’s board legend Johnsmeyer. But this story is pretty similar to one of his other classics


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Date: January 16th, 2022 4:46 PM
Author: Bronze Roommate

Robbie William's Angels is a forgotten gem
