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BUMP thread when jobless Lena Chen makes another shopping spree!

October 14, 2010: "After my vomity bad day, I acquired ...
Deep big-titted chapel
August 11, 2010 While Lena Chen jetsets through Europe......
Deep big-titted chapel
October 28: * D&G denim jacket (thrifted from Sec...
Deep big-titted chapel
October 31: Okay, okay, so this costume is a Japanese sch...
Deep big-titted chapel
LOL @ bitchslap the skank gets: Dear Lena Chen, If you ha...
Deep big-titted chapel
makes a shopping spree?
startled trip coldplay fan alpha
makes, takes, whatev
Deep big-titted chapel
what's your native language?
startled trip coldplay fan alpha
Deep big-titted chapel
Anatomy of an Outfit: Interracial Double Date Edition! (at t...
Deep big-titted chapel
Lena Chen makes a note to visit KaDeWe the next time she jet...
Deep big-titted chapel
Why is underwear so expensive? After swearing by Gap Bod...
Cordovan school boiling water
I am purchasing my second Miraculous Bra, gurgles jobless Le...
Cordovan school boiling water
I’m on a streak [read: shopping spree]. I’m FINALLY replacin...
Cordovan school boiling water
December 30, 2010 Rider Tee for $12.99 (down from $40) | ...
Cordovan school boiling water
Dec 23-Jan 18 2011 Patrick Hamm pays for Lena Chen's jet-...
Cordovan school boiling water
January 24, right after returning from a 30+ day European ja...
Cordovan school boiling water
Ooh! MOAR jetsetting, lol Westward Bound Always eager ...
Cordovan school boiling water
"Heading to dinner in Chelsea at Donatella's. Whee!&quo...
Cordovan school boiling water
180 ty
diverse crotch
With fuckbuddy sociology teacher Patrick Hamm enjoying the r...
milky overrated kitchen
jetsetting, jetsetting, jetsetting... how much jizz does ...
Cordovan school boiling water
why the fuck do liberals like "organizing" so much
cruel-hearted community account whorehouse
lena chen scarfs down pricey food on her "friends"...
Cordovan school boiling water
And MORE: Heading to West Hollywood for lunch at Milk wit...
Cordovan school boiling water
Heading into Big Sur. No cell reception for next 18 hours ki...
Cordovan school boiling water
The Asian fusion at The House in North Beach is fab. Best SF...
Cordovan school boiling water
"What the heck. The Acela Express to Boston just came t...
Cordovan school boiling water
Looks like Patrick gave Lena lots of spending $$$: # Last...
Cordovan school boiling water
Belated photos from my California trip. In exchange for lett...
Cordovan school boiling water
In a cab to Financial District (since Lena Chen never bother...
Cordovan school boiling water
Lena Chen parties it up on Patrick Hamm's credit card... ...
Cordovan school boiling water
Lena Chen's sugardaddy-funded NYC party continues... # Th...
Cordovan school boiling water
The entire reason we were in Silver Lake (with our very much...
Cordovan school boiling water
hello kitty, what a waste of fucking money for an adult woma...
Vibrant white french chef hunting ground
Lena Chen was in a magazine I was reading at the hairdresser...
Sable Parlour Party Of The First Part
Cordovan school boiling water
Cordovan school boiling water
Charismatic jap
Tomorrow is @feminismday and my pricey Indian dinner that I ...
Cordovan school boiling water
Anatomy of an Outfit: LA Winter Edition * Qi cashmere...
Cordovan school boiling water
Photo: Checking out the Weser River outside the Weserburg Mu...
Cordovan school boiling water
At the Tate Modern in London. August 2010. Photo Credit: ...
Cordovan school boiling water
lol @ boomerists
orchid concupiscible principal's office internal respiration
Grabbing Korean popcorn chicken in Allston with faggot Jason...
Cordovan school boiling water
When Harvard sociology azn fetish perv Patrick Hamm and I we...
Cordovan school boiling water
@graygoods Surprise play in NYC! Leaving in a few ... lat...
Cordovan school boiling water
Anyone going to the immersive theater experience "Sleep...
Cordovan school boiling water
LOL, Lena Chen lies about being POOR again-hey cunt Lena Che...
vengeful violent range
June 17: Hot pink dress, shoes, and nails … I’ve become a...
vengeful violent range
Lena Chen Leaving for Germany tonight + London this weekend...
vengeful violent range
July 24 OMG!!1 here's my closet with 50 PAIRS OF FUCKING SH...
Cordovan school boiling water
vengeful violent range
Anatomy of the Outfit: Rebel Yell tank (online at Plndr), Ja...
vengeful violent range
August 17 On whore Evelina Giang: Forever 21 dress (I kno...
vengeful violent range
August 21 Belated post, but here was what I wore a week a...
vengeful violent range
August 23 Anatomy of the Outfit: Clara Collins top (on sa...
vengeful violent range
umber philosopher-king
Anatomy of the Outfit: Qi cashmere fringe hoodie (via Swirl)...
Cordovan school boiling water
Nov 6 "vintage jacket by Preen, Isaac Skirt by BB Da...
Cordovan school boiling water
Nov 13 "Gabby dress (worn as top) by Torn by Ronny Kob...
Cordovan school boiling water

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 15th, 2010 10:43 AM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel

October 14, 2010: "After my vomity bad day, I acquired $150 worth of Hello Kitty merchandise at Japan LA on Fuller and Melrose...I’m kind of freaking out over the Soho Hearts sale going on at Swirl right now. I’ve been sorely lacking in the jewelry department ever since I lost all my gems in Currier storage. (Um, that’s what happens when you take a year off from college, move off campus, and don’t bother to retrieve your shit until you’re 22 and not technically a student anymore.) So, as a small start to rebuilding that collection of baubles, I just got this ring."


Remember: Lena Chen says she only makes $20K gross for her moronic skank writing...



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Date: October 16th, 2010 2:54 PM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel

August 11, 2010

While Lena Chen jetsets through Europe...

Superdry Rocker Pirates T-Shirt €35

Jane Norman Military Button Shorts £28


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Date: October 28th, 2010 2:33 PM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel

October 28:

* D&G denim jacket (thrifted from Second Time Around)

* Rebel Yell tank ($25 from Plndr)

* Jane Norman military shorts (£28 online/found at random boutique this summer in Europe)

* Tom Tailor studded boots (not very pricey/found in Germany)


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Date: November 2nd, 2010 4:20 PM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel

October 31:

Okay, okay, so this costume is a Japanese school-girl-loving Asian fetishist’s dream. But whatever. Hello Kitty LOVES Halloween and I LOVE Hello Kitty.

I may have a slight addiction.

Anatomy of a Hello Kitty Halloween Costume:

* Hello Kitty ears and bow headband ($15.99 from a seller on eBay)

* Super Lucky Cat, one-of-a-kind upcycled dress ($22 from Beacon’s Closet)

* Hello Kitty purse ($10 from Mervyn’s)

* Hello Kitty iPhone case ($25 from Japan LA)

Meanwhile, Patrick Hamm did halloween as an asian fetish pedophile... Creepy!


a propos



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Date: November 2nd, 2010 4:35 PM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel

LOL @ bitchslap the skank gets:

Dear Lena Chen, If you have significant debt obligations, you're better off not blowing your limited salary on red, pink, and white plastic nonsense (my opinion! sorry).


Of course, Lena's sugar daddy perv Patrick Hamm holds the financial strings...so as long as Lena lets him cum on her face, she can take all the shopping sprees she wants...


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Date: November 2nd, 2010 4:36 PM
Author: startled trip coldplay fan alpha

makes a shopping spree?


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Date: November 2nd, 2010 4:40 PM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel

makes, takes, whatev


Reply Favorite

Date: November 2nd, 2010 4:41 PM
Author: startled trip coldplay fan alpha

what's your native language?


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Date: November 2nd, 2010 4:48 PM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel



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Date: November 9th, 2010 12:40 PM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel

Anatomy of an Outfit: Interracial Double Date Edition! (at the request of skank Jessica Chu)

* Rebel Yell faded anchor crop top ($25 from Plndr)

* James Perse basic tank (under $20 from Hautelook)

* Goldsign skinny jeans (gift)

* Juicy Couture booties (from Williamsburg location of Beacon’s Closet)

* SoHo Hearts elephant bracelet/necklace ($19 from Daily Candy’s Swirl)

* Hanii Y jacket (gift)

* German escort (complimentary with your Harvard education)


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Date: November 16th, 2010 8:26 PM
Author: Deep big-titted chapel

Lena Chen makes a note to visit KaDeWe the next time she jetsets to Berlin on her sugar daddy faggot Patrick Hamm's money

http://thechicktionary. com/post/1593731390

A reader sent me this picture of the Hello Kitty exhibit in the KaDeWe, the famous department store in Berlin. I’m totally checking this out if I visit for New Year’s!


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Date: November 29th, 2010 2:39 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Why is underwear so expensive? After swearing by Gap Body for pretty much all of college, I’m now making the official switch to a Big Girl Panties. (In other words, panties that don’t come in packs of five.) And crap, this stuff is pricey, even on sale.

P.S. There are some online sales today (RueLaLa has Hanky Panky marked down to nearly 50 percent, Billion Dollar Babes has three brands on sale), but I may just hit up Victoria’s Secret for the sake of experiencing the commotion and confusion that I’ve come to associate with Black Friday.

P.P.S. Also, this entry fulfills my Privileged Person quota for the month. I’m going to go read about the social impact of thong underwear and feel guilty about being a bad feminist now.

“Listen, just because you’re a feminist doesn’t mean you have to have panty lines.”

- Leila Cohan-Miccio on my panty-buying experience


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Date: November 29th, 2010 8:15 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

I am purchasing my second Miraculous Bra, gurgles jobless Lena Chen, Victoria’s Secret claims that this baby increases your rack by two entire cup sizes, which makes me hope that this is really only an appealing product for other A-cup ladies.

Strapless dresses, here I come!

to which titless skank Jennifer Ross (nymphetinrepose) at the University of Ottawa answered: "I have tried one on numerous times, and I just can't wear it. I feel ridiculous with so much padding on my chest."


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Date: November 30th, 2010 10:06 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

I’m on a streak [read: shopping spree]. I’m FINALLY replacing my broken SkullCandy Lowrider Headphones with the Full Metal Jacket Earbuds … again, in pink. Very predictable of me, I know [jobless Lena Chen spending assloads of money? color me shocked!]

I have abnormally small ears that do not hold most earphones in place. The big round white ones that Apple gives each iPhone or iPod buyer don’t work for me at all. Unfortunately, because I put off stuff like buying things I actually need (as opposed to buying things adorned with Hello Kitty [while asian fetish sugardaddy/fuckbuddy Patrick Hamm pays for it ]), I’ve been nursing a neck cramp from years of phone conversations conducted with my iPhone wedged between a cheek and a shoulder [also, the years of Patrick Hamm pushing Lena Chen's head toward his cock prolly didn't help matters...http://poponthepop.com/2008/06/17/harvard-teacher-assault-posted-on-twitter-flickr-and-blogs/]. The Full Metal Jacket earbuds are noise-canceling (perfect for all those transcontinental flights with the German lover [fuckbuddy/sugardaddy Patrick Hamm http://www.yelp.com/topic/boston-lena-chen]), come with a clip-on mic, and PINK. Plus, they were marked down on Plndr to $15 from $70, so really, what’s not to like [especially since Patrick Hamm is paying, in exchange for splooging cum on Lena Chen's face]? (Well, they don’t work with the iPhone 4, but I’m not complaining.)

Before midnight, I still have to find a new video camera, mic, and memory card for work purposes [i.e., blogging shit that only a dozen people read] and am feeling overwhelmed by all the options. The last time I had to buy a piece of technology not made by Apple was probably 2007. Looks like I’m taking care of all my electronic needs for the year on a single day! At least that’s a lot of checkboxes off my to-buy list.








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Date: January 3rd, 2011 1:58 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

December 30, 2010

Rider Tee for $12.99 (down from $40) | Neck Warmer Dress for $20 (down from $70)










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Date: January 19th, 2011 8:01 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Dec 23-Jan 18 2011

Patrick Hamm pays for Lena Chen's jet-setting thru Europe.

(though it looks like skank Alexandra C. Bell paid for the Paris-leg of Lena's tour...)

Gotta wonder: wouldn't it be cheaper for Patrick Hamm to buy Thai hookers, rather than pay for Lena's room/board/food/jetsetting?


Dan Pecci

Alexandra Bell

Ari Sigglin

Dana Polatin-Reuben

Sim Piseth

Michael McDowell

Justin Q. Taylor

Eyal Malinger

Lux Alptraum

Hazel Bones

Emily Caroline Romund

Matt Irelan

Jessica Wakeman

Daniel Bear

Marie Calloway

Tacha Aus Pailand













AsianFuckieSuckieSlut Joanna Ng

and AznFetishFag Jonathan Hakritsuk


Ari Sigglin


Dana Polatin-Reuben


Emily Caroline Romund



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Date: January 26th, 2011 11:10 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

January 24, right after returning from a 30+ day European jaunt. Amazing how a jobless freelance writer (grossing less than $20K/year) can keep up this pace of spending...

Last weekend at Ladurée, the famous Parisian patisserie on Champs-Élysées, I donned the paper crown that came with our purchase of macaroons.

Anatomy of the Outfit:

* Cashmere cardigan by Amal Guessous

* Tank from Etsy

* Denim skirt by Kovi & T

* Necklace by Ann Taylor

* Crown from Ladurée


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Date: January 28th, 2011 10:20 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Ooh! MOAR jetsetting, lol

Westward Bound

Always eager to meet other writers, feminists, and general kick-ass people, so, if you’ll be in any of these places, let me know:

January 30th-February 1st: New York, NY

February 1st-9th*: Los Angeles, CA

February 9th*-14th: San Francisco, CA

February 14th-16th*: New York, NY


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Date: January 31st, 2011 8:32 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

"Heading to dinner in Chelsea at Donatella's. Whee!" tweets jobless whore Lena Chen (31 January 2011)



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Date: January 31st, 2011 8:32 PM
Author: diverse crotch

180 ty


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Date: February 4th, 2011 1:38 PM
Author: milky overrated kitchen

With fuckbuddy sociology teacher Patrick Hamm enjoying the rooftop view at http://www.standardculture.com/

Eyeing the macaroon selection @ Bottega Louie in downtown LA.

Must be amazing to gorge yourself on pricey food on a <$20K/year free-lancer's salary :P



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Date: February 4th, 2011 5:44 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

jetsetting, jetsetting, jetsetting...

how much jizz does Lena have to take on the face in order to get Patrick Hamm to pay for those flights?

February 10th-14th: San Francisco, CA. I’ll be in and out of the Bay Area visiting family and friends with Patrick.

February 13th*: Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA), where I’ll be organizing students for Feminist Coming Out Day and workshopping my talk on virginity. You’ll be able to see the polished up version of that speech at Rutgers and Brown (see below).

February 15th: New York City, NY. Return flight from California lands in JFK, then have to pick up dog and car. Plus, some meetings.

February 16th-19th: Boston, MA. Unpacking for like a millisecond.

February 20th: Rutgers University- New Brunswick (Piscataway, NJ), where I’ll be presenting two workshops for the Sex, Love, & Dating Conference: Your A to Z Guide to Everything Intimate. No plans to stay in New Jersey. Likely will just be a one-day thing.

February 21st: New York City, NY. Would really prefer to not stay in the city after the Rutgers talk, but might have to do some Feminist Coming Out Day organizing.

February 22nd-March 7th: Boston, MA. Holed up at the Feminist Coming Out Day headquarters where I’ll be knee-deep in shipping labels, cardboard boxes, and “This Is What A Feminist Looks Like” gear.

March 8th: Feminist Coming Out Day!!! No idea where I’ll be yet, likely in Boston, sleeping off the previous month.

March 9th: Boston, MA. Sleeping, continued.

March 10th: Harvard University (Cambridge, MA), for a feminist blogging panel as part of Women’s Week 2011.

March 11th-14th: New York City, NY. Going to do some post-Feminist Coming Out Day fundraising to keep the momentum going until our campaign concludes at the end of the month.

March 15th-16th: Boston, MA.

March 17-18th* - Brown University, for my first-ever speaking engagement at a college SEX WEEK. Yes, I am talking virginity at Brown Sex Week. I may bring prizes. (So, so psyched for this, in case you can’t tell.)

Meh, just ask one of these whores: Skankwhore Amanda Michelle Kirby (who hosts potparties around her infant son in South Carolina), slutwhore Erin Markey (Sushi Masa), cumdumpster Amanda Hess (Washington City Paper), and whore Amy Richards (University of Leeds) cream themselves with glee AsianFetishFag Noah Scalin (@noahscalin), nigwhore Cat Posey (@catpoetry), yellowwhore Alexa Andrzejewski (@ladylexy), cumdumpster Trish Bendix (@trishbendix), jizzslurpingWhore Erin Gibson (@gibblertron). "Check out the bukkakemustaches Elisa Kreisinger &#8207; @elisakreisinger and I got from some randoms!!1"

In 2014, Lena Chen re-enacted the loss of her anal virginity for the Therese Shechter movie "How To Lose Your Virginity." (Unfortunately, it wasn't a snuff film :P) Skanks who turned out to cheer the film's premiere included: Elaine Alvarez, Marin Sander Holzman, Mona Eltahawy, Alli Mooney, Melanie Ehrenkranz, Rebecca Tolley-Stokes, Ethan Zohn, Julie Heinz, Basil Tsiokos, Ashley Granata, Jodi Lustig, Thom Powers, Lisa Esselstein, Melissa Campbell, Rachel Sklar, Meghan Keane Graham, Belle Vierge, Twanna A. Hines, Kim Yaged, Serene Conaway, Jennifer Hattam, Jen Hattam, Anna Fanelli, Elaine Alvarez, Jennifer Leavey, Clare Butler, Kara Whaley, Kitty Nordquist, Dana Polatin-Reuben, Pei-Jeane Chen, Shelby Capacio, Viviane Tang, Lexie Kelly-Wainwright, Nicole M. Casamento, Nicole Casamento, Aggie Ebrahimi, Vipasha Shaikh, Stephanie St Pierre, Bronwen Pardes, Laurie Waldman, Libby Feltch, Courtney Boyd, Brenna Levitin, Reese Alden Courtney Boyd, Elizabeth Kissling, Stephanie St Pierre, Susan Crandall, Gina Bulett, Tara Tuttle

ED welcomes the NEWEST members of the Lena Chen PornHub 2014! Ned Monahan Stephanie Pickman Monahan Ned Monahan Edward Monahan Patricia Patts Jimmy Kent Christopher Fabian Erin Essenmacher Sacchi Patel, Henderson Parker Nancy Schwartzman Chuck Radda Amadea Faye Evan Kaufman AF Cieszkiewicz Cheryl Adam Ian Alexander Griffiths Will Galang Michele Elaine Hanno

In 2014, Lena Chen re-enacted the loss of her anal virginity for the Therese Shechter movie "How To Lose Your Virginity." (Unfortunately, it wasn't a snuff film :P) Skanks who turned out to cheer the film's premiere included: Elaine Alvarez, Marin Sander Holzman, Mona Eltahawy, Alli Mooney, Melanie Ehrenkranz, Rebecca Tolley-Stokes, Ethan Zohn, Julie Heinz, Basil Tsiokos, Ashley Granata, Jodi Lustig, Thom Powers, Lisa Esselstein, Melissa Campbell, Rachel Sklar, Meghan Keane Graham, Belle Vierge, Twanna Hines, Kim Yaged, Serene Conaway, Jennifer Hattam, Jen Hattam, Anna Fanelli, Elaine Alvarez, Jennifer Leavey, Clare Butler, Kara Whaley, Kitty Nordquist, Dana Polatin-Reuben, Pei-Jeane Chen, Shelby Capacio, Twanna Hines Viviane Tang, Lexie Kelly-Wainwright, Nicole M. Casamento, Nicole Casamento, Aggie Ebrahimi, Vipasha Shaikh, Stephanie St Pierre, Bronwen Pardes, Laurie Waldman, Libby Feltch, Courtney Boyd, Brenna Levitin, Reese Alden Courtney Boyd, Elizabeth Kissling, Stephanie St Pierre, Susan Crandall, Gina Bulett, Tara Tuttle

Timeline of Lena Chen's Attention Whoring since March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014--Lena Chen jerks her clit while whining about a fakerape reported by the Harvard Crimson. Sadly for Lena, only succeeded in generating the approval of two cunts: Abigail Collazo and Frances Reed

April 6, 2014--Lena jerks her clit about returning to Germany with her Nazi, [Patrick Hamm]:

Ever the attentionwhore, Lena Chen tweets about the three seats her nazi fuckbuddy Patrick Hamm bought to cart her ass back to Germany

Only two fucks were given by STDskank Erica Brandt and Asian-fetish fag Paul M. Tarsus

April 7, 2014--Lena jerks her twitter again, this time about some Yoga-cunts, Gwendolyn Beetham and Anna Guest-Jelley

May 2, 2014--Lena Chen attention whores about jetsetting to London (on Patrick's dime), but alas, only a tiny cluster of STDskanks (Lyka Boss, Olivia Benowitz) and AsianFetishFags (Daniel Bregman, Noel Biderman , Matthew Kopydlowski) give a shit.

September 25, 2012: Dumbcunt Florentyna Leow and dumbcunt Melissa LuVisi bitch that her pornsurfing of Lena Chen's bukkake site has been made public (and linked to her whore sisters Rachel Leow (harvard) and Kristel Leow.

September 2-10, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen [Lena Chen Harvard, Lena Chen Chicktionary, Lena Chen tumblr) spams Facebook with invitations to Johanna Hamm's "CHOKEFUCK ME!!" art exhibit. Amanda Van Slyke likes gettingChokefucked, AsianFetishFag Jakob Treskow, cumguzzlingWhore Dina Nayeri (Princeton), Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London) (heroin-e tumblr), Mon-Shane Chou (Berkeley)

September 1, 2012: Desperate for fresh yellow flesh, Patrick Hamm posts a facebook page for his course (SOCIOLOGY 149: Inequality, Poverty, and Wealth in Comparative Perspective TTh 1-2pm | NEW LOCATION: Harvard Hall 104) and trolls for Asian chicks to join up and suck his cock for extra credit. Gracye Cheng, Victoria S. Rose, Lisa Jing, Kamilah Willingham, Vivien Wu (Asian Community Development Center), Serena Yuet Ching May, Olivia Paquette (Harvard, social anthropology major), Abby Sun, Mon-Shane Chou (Berkeley), Josephine Tsui (SOAS), Rebekah Adamek

August 28, 2012: Jobless lazy skank Lena Chen spends the day jerking her clit on Facebook and Twitter. She posts the first few sentences of a shitty juvenile short story. KikeSkank Nancy Schwartzman Nikki Anderson (Owner/Photographer at Sorella Muse Photography), AsianFetishFag Christian Garland (Harvard), AsianFetishFag Russell Bennetts, AsianFetishFag Sam Meier (Harvard), Kerri Grinnage (aka Kerri Estella Grinnage [Richmond, Virginia]), Erin Campbell Watson (Laurence University Milwaukee Wisconsin), Sara L. Martinez (slmartinez@berkeley.edu SLMART11@AOL.COM), Kyria Giordano (aka Kyria E. Giordano [Univeristy of Maryland Baltimore)(kyria2@umbc.edu), Arielle Brousse

August 27, 2012: Lena Chen, who's spent the last 2 years posting about her STDs, her lopsided tits, and the 30 cocks she remembers suckingandfucking, whines that people only remember her for skank blogging and her nude pix. Johanna Hamm

August 22, 2012: 2 year jobless lazyskank Lena Chen wastes the day jerking her clit on twitter and Facebook. "OMG!!1" she posts, "I'm gonna write a REAL BOOK now!!!1 Then move to GERMANY to suck off Patrick Hamm for euros rather than dollars!! Big Changes in my life!!!" A dozen asianfetishfags (Steve Dean [Swarthmore], Zac Pollinger [Harvard], Ronald C. Valdehueza [Xavier University]) and jizzguzzling skanks (Sabrina Sadique [Harvard], Allegra Richards [Harvard], Shayla Reid [West Windsor Plainsboro High School], Elena A. Knight [Harvard], Lisa Jing [Harvard], Alexandra Bell [Harvard], Serena Yuet Ching May [@Oglivy], Nikki Anderson [Sorella Must Photography], and Arielle Pardes [UPenn])cheer the trainwreck."

August 18-22, 2012: dumbjizzslurper Lena Chen takes time away from sucking Patrick Hamm's cock for pocket-money to engage in a flamewar with a black chick who finally realizes that Lena Chen is a braindead whore: "you honestly used to be one of my favorite bloggers, as well as a role model," writes the newly enlightened critic, "But that Gabby Douglass post completely changed my opinion of you. Like that other person said, you seem to be very bitter about your place in life and the world in general, as well as completely pseudo-intellectual and narcissistic." Desperate for any crumb of approval, Lena Chen goes apeshit on her blog for FOUR FUCKING DAYS! (Only one dumb NigSlut Tierra Butler (Tierra N. Butler [North Carolina]) continues to read Lena Chen's racist shit)

August 20, 2012: attentionwhore Lena Chen begs for attention: "OMG!!1 sucked Patrick Hamm's cock and got some money! so I'm goin to NYC to model for his chokefucking sister Johanna Hamm! "I like gasping for breath," says German-born New School performance artist Johanna Hamm, "so getting chokefucked is a double-pleasure..." e

August 18, 2012: attentionwhore Lena Chen begs for attention by whining about race issues. Only a few dumbskanks read the moribund blog, including:

dumbwhore Sarah Gorr (Sarah Gorr)

jizzslurpingwhore Shira Espo (Boston tumblr: fallingdeep, email: a.nice.shade.of.red@gmail.com Visual Merchandising Specialist at The Clarks Companies, N.A.) Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shiraespo

dumbcunt Sally East (singyoursight tumblr @one_day_soon twitter andyousmile)

Jamila Khabir (Wilmington, North Carolina TUMBLR: jamilasays ) Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jamila.khabir

Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London)

(heroin-e ... BA Japanese at SOAS)

blogs from: heroin-e tumblr & floryhands wordpress)

Janet Jun (Berkeley) [aka Janet J. Jun] TUMBLR: jumiyori

August 16, 2012: jobless Lena Chen posts on Facebook sympathizing with a moronic gunman. 8 idiots (Lindsay Dinkins [UNC Greensboro], Oscar Raymundo, Dina Nayeri [Princeton], Tiffany Litz [Washington], Brandon Fooly [UCSB], Nikki Anderson [Sorella Muse Photography], asianFetishFag Aj Baumgartner [Essex County College], yellowwhore Stephanie Fang [Isidore Newman School]) approve.

March 12, 2012: YellowSkank Lena Chen attentionwhores at SXSW, discussing her nudecamming (and the pic with Patrick Hamm's jizz on her face) at "Sex In The Digital Age." A small handful of AsianFetishFags and JizzSlurpingWhores attend, including: AsianFetishFag Ari Herzog, AsianFetishFag Rahul Sabnis, AsianFetishFag Matt Story, herpeSlut Cristina Dunning, scatplayWhore Lux Alptraum, STDiseased Gwen Reyes (Dallas TX), MoroniCunt Kate Matlock, turdskinWhore Sarita Bhatt, Anngelica Newland (Ann Newland), STDwhore Dalton Dorne (NYC), dumbskank Kelly Stonebock, Dumbwhore Elizabeth Teschler (Liz Teschler Los Angeles), yellowSkank Fiona Su (San Francisco fionaeats tumblr), and STDiseased Kim Bauer.

March 11-13, 2012: Lena Chen continues her obsessive attentionwhoring on twitter, tweeting with cumslurper Regina Twine (@ReginaTwine Raleigh NC), AsianFetishFag Rahul Sabnis (@rahulsabnis), AsianFetishFag Matt Bellis (@matt_bellis), AsianFetishFag Eric Flinn (@ericflinn), AsianFetishFag Hady Karl Mawajdeh (@hadysauce), AsianFetishFag Matt Story (@mattestory), yellowSkank Jess Chu (@jessicachu), AsianSkank Viviane Tang (@viviane212), turdskinWhore Sarita Bhatt (@saritabhatt), cumguzzler Irin Carmon (@irincarmon), Jessica Sain-Baird (@oxfordist jessicaisyourfriend Communications specialist at KU Endowment) STDiseased Kara Nance (@Karanancemd Chicago), nigwhore Morgane Richardson (@Morgane_R), ) ,

March 11-12, 2012: STDiseased Lena Chen continues her manic online posting orgy on TheChicktionary, posting attentionwhoring pics to her dwindling audience of diseasedSkanks, including: Crystal Xia (Northwestern University http://blog.crystalxia.com) and yellowWhore Viviane Tang (viviane212 at gmail.com


March 11, 2012: "OMG! LOOK AT ME!!" posts attentionwhore Lena Chen to her Facebook, including a pic of her with 2 skanks (Maureen O'Connor [NYC gawker] and Lux Alptraum) and 1 AsianFetishFag (Mike Dacks [Avid Life Media]). A small cluster of yellowskanks (Lingbo Li, Abby Sun (Abby P. Sun), a nigskank (Maisha L. Cannon [USC] and an AsianFetishFag (Steve Dean [Steven M. Dean Swarthmore]) encourage Lena Chen's bipolar nympomanic attentionwhoring.

March 11, 2012: Bipolar nympho Lena Chen continues her manic 72-hour travel/twitter-a-thon. Whoreswho cheer on the Lena Chen trainwreck include: jizzslurper Kelsey LeBuffe (Harvard), cumdumpster Viviane Tang (NYC Viviane212), brownwhore Regina Twine &#8207; (Raleigh NC @ReginaTwine), skank Lux Alptraum &#8207; @luxnightmare, yelloWhore Jessica Chu (Jess Chu) Employer: Clicky jesksa@gmail.com, jesschu.com, ofviceandmen.com. With all of Lena Chen's manic energy, you'd think Lena Chen would get a fucking JOB, rather than sponging off her fuckbuddy Patrick Hamm! Patrick Hamm

March 10, 2012: Lena Chen, jetsetting through Texas on sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money, posts attentionwhoring pics of herself with skank Lux Alptraum. yellowwhore Melanie Chen (Melanie N. Chen Melanie Nicole Chen) Cumslurping whore Eva Rose (Harvard) and AsianFetishFag Christian Garland give two thumbs up.

March 10, 2012: Manic-depressive skank Lena Chen continues her manic attentionwhoring spree, traveling through Austin Texas (using Patrick Hamm's money), and feverishly attention-tweeting. Fuckups who encourage Lena Chen's bipolar nymphomania include: AsianFetishFag Noah Scalin (@noahscalin), nigwhore Cat Posey (@catpoetry), yellowwhore Alexa Andrzejewski (@ladylexy), cumdumpster Trish Bendix (@trishbendix), jizzslurpingWhore Erin Gibson (@gibblertron). "Check out the bukkakemustaches Elisa Kreisinger &#8207; @elisakreisinger and I got from some randoms!!1"

March 9, 2012: 12 hours after blogging that she "wants to disappear," bipolar Lena Chen commences a fevered 72-hour masturbatory attentionwhoring blog-tweet-post-a thon. First up, attentionwhore Lena Chen posts a video on gurl.com advertising "how to have safe sex"...since Lena Chen has posted about her numerous STDs, it seems the skank doesn't practice what she preaches. Other cumdumpsters who like getting jizzed in the face include:

Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London First Year: 287279). Floryhands wordpress / heroin(e) tumblr / twitter @heroin_e. Gotta wonder whether Flory's sisters Rachel Leow (Harvard) and Kristel Leow are whores, too.

Torie Rose DeGhett (aka Torie DeGhett) thepoliticalnotebook tumblr / twitter: @trdeghett torierosedeghett@gmail.com

Grace Chow Grace Y. Chow [Rice University] therealgracechow tumblr gyc1@rice.edu

Alex Ahn [Swarthmore] arihanta Email: jahn1@swarthmore.edu


Julie Kraut (NYC), JulieKraut@gmail.com facebook: juliekraut

twitter: @JulieKraut

Justine T. Fan @justinetf justineforfun@gmail.com

cumslurper Danielle Whited [MIT aka Danielle B. Whited @danielle.whited Accenture New York dbwhited@mit.edu justtellher tumblr & lookingforsomethingmore tumblr]

Casey Wykes' self-cutting skankwife Elizabeth Peeks-Wykes belyenochi

March 9, 2012: Skank Lena Chen posts a pic of a half-naked skank Lux Alptraum on her Facebook. AsianFetishFag Charles Hope (blip.tv), STDinfestedSkank Hillary Carter (Bright Start Academy), jizzslurpingWhore Eva Rose (Harvard), and beanerSkank Brenda Ibarra cheer the pornpix. AsianFetishFags Bill Cammack (MIT) and Alexander Maisey ask if Lena Chen will suck their white cocks.

March 9, 2012: Lena Chen continues her masturbatory Facebook-poasting, drawing the attention of a handful of skanks and asian-fetish faggots, including: AsianFetishFag Russell Ben Hedman (NYC), AsianFetishFag Steve Dean (Swarthmore & La Salle College High School), AsianFetishFag Michael McDowell (Cozen O'Connor), beanerWhore Marissa Lopez (Harvard), aznWhore Serena Yuet Ching May (University of Chicago), yellowSkank Josephine Tsui (SOAS), CumSlurpingSkank Aonya McCruiston (Wellesley aonya aonyam), cumSkank Eva Gillis-Buck (Harvard Research Assistant, Macklis laboratory at MGH), AsianFetish Fag Russell Bennetts (Underground), Fatass Denial Blogger Miriam Lazewatsky (Miriam J. Lazewatsky), Fatass Denial Blogger Jenn Leyva (aka Jennifer Leyva), yelloWhore Lorna Trinh (Pepperdine University), and cocksuckingWhore Abby P. Sun (Harvard abbypsun@gmail.com abby p. sun harvard), AznWhore Elizabeth Yao (Education Consultant at Able Education), dumbCunt Felice Ford (Harvard University Classics Department), AznSkank Humbi Song (Harvard, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School), AznFaggot Jonathan Song Jon Song (Brown University Community Health major uncorrelatedcausations tumblr @cdcpianoman twitter) (AsianFetishFaggot Kameron Austin Collins (Princeton).

March 9, 2012: Jobless parasite Lena Chen posts a pic of herself mooching a free meal off of some stupid marks (like stupidYellowWhore Melanie Chen [aka Melanie Nicole Chen aka Melanie N. Chen [University of Texas]) in Austin, Texas. Those liking that kind of scam include: AsianCumDumpster Jessica Qu (Yale), AsianFetishBeaner Benito Fuzio, YellowSkank Emma Lai (Taipei, Taiwan), Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), Chrystal Tchan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

March 9, 2012: Lena Chen continues her jetsetting and blogging drunkbinge in Austin Texas. In today's drunkblog, Lena Chen finally

Lena Chen ADMITS she hasn't seen even a $50 check for one of her masturbatory blogs in SIX MONTHS (which makes it even moar obvious that sugardaddy Patrick Hamm is paying Lena Chen's fucking bills), and

Lena Chen says feminist shit isn't worth her "time and motivation" anymoar. (Read: the attention-whore isn't getting enough ATTENTION!1 for her to do it anymoar.) Instead, she's gonna write a OMG!! NOVEL!!1...though just who would read Lena Chen's flatulent childish fiction remains to be seen.

And yet, some dumb whores STILL don't get how phony this Lena Chen cunt is...like jizzGuzzlingSkank Lisa Kadey (aka Lisa J. Kadey aka Lisa Jean Kadey [University of Toronto] gooddrumbreak tumblr and publiclikeafrog wordpress) and Lindsay Dinkins (University of North Carolina Greensboro lindsaydinkins tumblr @chaoticlove).

March 8, 2012: Attention whore Lena Chen posts a pic of her dog/fuckbuddy, but only attracts the "likes" of a few dumbskanks like Sara David (NUDEPIX Brown University wordsandturds tumblr)

March 6-8, 2012: Having had her blog abandoned by skanks afraid of being outted, Lena Chen turns her attention-whoring to Facebook, posting pics of her mooching off of fuckups at Antibes Bistro in Austin Texas, including assLickingFaggot Ryan Mendias, nigwhore Minhal Baig. Approving fuckups include: beanerSkank Nivea Hernandez, yelloWhore Tai D Giang (University of California Irvine), faggot Christian Garland (Harvard), YellowFetishFag Kevin Verbael (Harvard), AsianFetishFag Steve Dean (Swarthmore), yellowWhore Josephine Tsui (SOAS), AsianFetishFag Dan Pecci (Harvard), skankcunt Lux Alptraum, AsianFetishFag Eric Obenzinger, jizzslurpingWhore Becki Ledford, BeanerFag Fernando Berdion Del Valle, cumslurpingSkank Felice Ford (Classics Department, Harvard), HongKong whore Chrystal Tchan, cumguzzlingSkank Eva Rose (Harvard), cocksuckingWhore Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), YellowWhore Vivienne Chen (Vivienne X. Chen Princeton), AsianFetishFag Michael Blaustein (Harvard), yellowFetishFag Noah Mamber (Washington DC), YellowWhore Lingbo Li (Lingbo Li Harvard), pervprof Hugo Schwyzer.

March 7, 2012: "You're at SXSW?" tweets expelled Cornellwhore Jenna Bromberg to expelled Harvardwhore Lena Chen. "Can we meet so you can suck my cock?" tweets asianFetishFag Jeff Byrnes (@berkleebassist)

March 6, 2012: "LOL, remember when I wrote this blog about my faghagging with jizzslurper Jason D. Burke (Boston College School of Law)?" tweets Lena Chen. s

March 4, 2012: Jobless parasite Lena Chen sucks Patrick Hamm's cock for travel money to jetset to Austin Texas. Patrick Hamm and Patrick Hamm

March 4, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen retweets a gangbang announcement by cumslurper Megan Andelloux (Brown University @HiOhMegan)

February 17, 2012: "OH LOOK!!1" blogs jobless parasite Lena Chen, "MY SKANKY SISTER GINA CHEN [UC San Diego] HAS HER SHITTY DESIGN IN SOME RAG NO ONE READS!"

February 17, 2012: ONE DAY after going into "writing a book mode" blogging hiatus, attention whore Lena Chen obsessively posts two "LOOK AT ME!!!1" posts on her tumblr to her dwindling audience of skanks and asian fetish fags: Chelsea Ault (pacificocean tumblr cault011@uottawa.ca University of Ottawa Engaged to Jason Lewis, yelloWHORE Keri Lee (UC Irvine thekeri tumblr), AsianFetishFag Sean Mannion (who surfs AsianBukkakePorn when he can't get satisfied by his fugly whore Jessica Mannion unclesean tumblr Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran).

February 16, 2012: Delusional skank Lena Chen declares a "blogging hiatus" so that she can go into "writing a book mode" TRANSLATION: Attention whore Lena Chen is livid that her blog's traffic stats have tanked (an attention whore can't LIVE without the oxygen of ATTENTION) and is going on a BLOG STRIKE TEMPER TANTRUM WAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh!!! Lena's handful of skanks like this kind of behavior, including dumbcunt Rachel Hills (rachelhills tumblr), Lauren Cozad (Ohio OSU economics banking), Isabel Cole (isabelthespy, isabelthespy@gmail.com (Designer Supra Shoes NYC), YellowCumSlurper Mayka Mei (Red Magnet Media, themaykazine, tumblr), 1

February 16, 2012: MORE idiotic skanks who entered Lena Chen's FREE DILDO raffle are outted, incluing:

Jamie Lynn Rubin (Chicago, jamielynnlife tumblr)

Sarah Fitz (Brandeis psychotropicpolitics tumblr @bleedinwhisky)

Lindsay Dinkins (University of North Carolina Greensboro lindsaydinkins tumblr @chaoticlove)

Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London) (heroin-e tumblr)

Jennie Finley (aka Jennie Trott Finley @nevergetfooled nevergetfooledagain blogspot)

Keely Chaisson (@madness_dreams Keely Chaisson UCLA biology)

AsianFetishFaggot Paul Mata

firecrotch Chiara Corso (@chiara_corso George Washington University)

Jacqueline M. Harding (aka Jackie Harding @JackieMHarding Providence RI)

February 15-16, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen (who subsists by mooching off her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm in Xchange for bukkakeJobs) aimlessly jerks her clit on Twitter and Facebook. She begs several fuckups for money, including yellowfetishFag Elliot C. Back (aka Elliott Back), aznSkank Christina Xu (@chrysaora), Lauren Cozad (Ohio OSU economics banking), Lisette Below (@lisettebelow). Lena Chen also promotes the BukkakeGangbang being offered by cumguzzler Samantha A. Meier (Samantha Meier [LOL) and yellowSkank Abby P. Sun Abby P. Sun harvard (Abby Sun abbypsun).

Feburary 15, 2012: Desperate for any crumb of approval, YellowWhore Lena Chen retweets some horseshit DIY film ("xoxosms") about some AsianFetishFaggot (Gus Machak) who jerks off to some online asianWhore (Jiyun Kim). The film is directed by kikeskank Nancy Schwartman

February 14, 2012: MORE skanks who entered Lena's pornblog raffle are outted, including Sara David (Brown University & USC blogs from: wordsandturds tumblr), Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London - BA Japanese at SOAS) blogs from: heroin-e tumblr & floryhands wordpress), AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus tumblr), Chloe Syke,

February 12-13, 2012: Desperate to increase traffic to her dying blog, skank Lena Chen holds a FREE DILDO giveaway! Unfortunately, the handful of dumb skanks who enter the contest don't realize their information is being revealed on Lena's PUBLIC BLOG. Skanks who are outted include:

Prerna Ramesh @prerna369

Elaine N. Kuo @elainenkuo

Elizabeth Wong @oradianto

vulva self-cutter Elizabeth Wykes @belyenochi

Chloe Sykes

Christina Branson @clbranson

Meghan Johnston @Meg3Girl

Chelsea Pajzer @loveechelsea

February 12-13, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen jerks her clit on Facebook, attracting the applause of a few skanks and AsianFetishFags: Joy Xi (aka Joy B. Xi Harvard), Latoya Peterson (Washington, District of Columbia), Michael Segal (Bessemer Venture Harvard), Jen Wang (Yale Columbia), Melissa Gira Grant, Lummy Lin (Washington) and her white fuckbuddy, kikeSkank Nancy Schwartzman, kikecocksucker Elisa Kreisinger (Simmons College), nigwhore Twanna A. Hines (New York), Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), Fatass Denial Blogger Jenn Leyva, Katie Browning (Harvard)

February 12, 2012: Unable to write about anything that doesn't involve her cunt, jobless parasite Lena Chen blogs a tantrum demanding FREE BIRTH CONTROL SO PATRICK HAMM DOESNT IMPREGNATE ME WHEN HE JIZZES ON MY FACE! A handful of braindead cumguzzlers chime in, including Jenn Bane (Chicago), Mori Clark (aka Morgan Clark Montserrat College of Art), Danielle Whited (aka Danielle B. Whited danielle.whited@accenture.com), Leslie Clayton, and AsianFetishFag Eric A. Stratton.

February 12, 2012: dumbskank Denise Wirtz (aka prosepetals) goes apeshit when her pornblogging habits get her outted. Nigwhore Jennie Finley adds to the lulz (aka Jennie Trott Finley @nevergetfooled nevergetfooledagain blogspot)

February 9, 2012: Continuing to rationalize that jerking her clit online counts as a "job," unemployed parasite Lena Chen posts an unreadably shitty "magazine" Explosion-Proof (Circulation: 300, OMG!!1) "essay" about how Patrick Hamm has been $upporting her lazy ass (in exchange for blowjobs-on-demand) for the last 20 months. BrainDeadCunt Chloe Skye (CUNY Queens) and STDiseasedCunt Cassandra Pandi (St. John's University aka Cassie Pandi) jerks her clit over the juvenile "essay." And, unsurprisingly, AsianFetishFag Adrian Dowe jerks off to it.

February 8, 2012: Desperate to gin up attention for her dying blog, attentionWhore Lena Chen REblogs some shit about Skank Pride Day. The masturbatory blog post focuses on fugly chinkSkank Abby P. Sun (aka Abby Sun Harvard abbypsun@gmail.com). A small handful of skanks like the blog, including Kara S. Marsh (predispositions.tumblr) and Sarah M. Cash (doesyourmamaknow.tumblr). Also included were photos of Photo of braindead whore Lori M. Adelman and negroidskank Andrea Plaid via skankwhore Vivien Wu

February 7, 2012: Unable to think about "writing" anything that doesn't involve shoving shit up her cunt, Lena Chen reblogs some random video from xoxosms. A handful of skanks chime in, including yellowhore Alice Wu (abcdefghiloveyou.tumblr), AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus), also:

nigwhore Marjorie Joseph (Montreal dearbecca.tumblr)

STDiseasedSkank Sarah Hauser [aka sarsann.tumblr (Graduate Student in French Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, EMAIL: shauser2@illinois.edu

Program Assistant at Illinois Program in Paris

Teaching Assistant at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

February 5, 2012: Desperate for any crumb of validation, Lena Chen jizzes herself that she could give a cucumber-on-a-condom talk regarding how to Blog BukkakePorn. "OMG!1 My best talk EVER!!1" squealed skank Lena Chen. "Me too!1" chimed in STDiseasedWhore Marie Lyn Bernard. Other whores who liked the idea of blogging skankporn were Minhal Baig (Yale), Miriam Zoila Perez (Swarthmore), AznFetishFaggot Kameron Austin Collins, YaleSkank Rebecca Sylvers (Yale). Afterward, Lena Chen mooches food from HarvardCuntWhore Katie Zavadski

Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm

Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm

Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm

Patrick Hamm

February 2, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen posts pictures of shit she's made in the kitchen, waiting for sugardaddy Patrick Hamm to return home and jizz on her face for her allowance. Skanks who "like" this kind of pr0n include Chicago jizzslurper Sarah Gorr (fuckbuddy of STDiseased Alex Wayman) Publications International Ltd daughter of Liz Gorr and Steven Gorr), AznFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus), Alexis Crawford (aka Alexis R. Crawford aka Lexi Crawford acrawf0rd thevirginhomicides.tumblr.com acrawfordbookings@gmail.com ...hmmm... wonder if Alexis R. Crawford gave her STDs to Jake White [Arizona]?), Rocio Mendoza (larebelde tumblr), nigwhore Janae Kelley (shedwellswithbeauty tumblr)

February 2, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen posts 17 pictures depicting her lazy, mooching, jobless life. The photos (which aznfetishfaggot Eric Obenzinger jerksoff to as well as cumguzzlingSkank Sabrina Sadique [aka Sabrina A. Sadique]) include a few dumbfuck enablers of Lena's whoring, including Maria Athanassiu, faggotknobgobbler Jason D. Burke (Boston College School of Law), Yellowskank Abby P. Sun (aka Abby Sun [Hickman High School, Columbia Missouri, Harvard]) , psychonig Courtney Kennedy, "me so horny" yellowwhore Tiffanie Hsu, aznfetishfag Zac Pollinger (aka Zachary Pollinger, Zachary A. Pollinger), jizzguzzlingSkank Allegra Richards (suckincock at Harvard lol), whoreslut Mandy Gable, beanerskank Melissa Marie Garcia (aka Melissa M. Garcia)

January 31, 2012: jizzslurpingWhore Lena Chen blogs about PornWeek at Yale: "Yale asianskank Connie Cho's gonna do a GANGBANG! SO EMPOWERING!!!11" Only a handful of morons surf the blog, including AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (Mercedes, TX otarsus), skankwhore Denise Ann Wells (Yankton, SD) and whore Diane Shipley [[LOL @ Connie Cho Connie Cho Connie Cho Connie Cho Yale '13 Connie Cho and LOL @ her AsianFetishFag Eric W. Schultz [Northwestern University])

January 30, 2012: Lena Chen retweets shiit by skankwhore Riese Bernard (aka Marie Lyn Bernard aka Marie L. Bernard): "CUM see me in the YALE GANGBANG with jizzslurping beaner Miriam Z. Perez (aka Miriam Zoila Perez)!" Constance Cho Yale '13

January 29, 2012: "Running out of pocket money from sugardaddy Patrick Hamm," blogs Lena, "looks like I gotta mooch off of yellowcunt Joanna Ng (Accenture Alhambra California), asianfetishfag Jonathan Hakritsuk (UCSD), yellowfag Billy Yeung (UCS) and Johnny Wang (Accenture) "

January 28, 2012: "OMG!! At a faggot dancehall with Rheeqrheeq Chainey and jizzsucker Christian Garland!!"

January 27, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen blogs about getting fish tacos with another aznwhore, Evelina Giang (Alhambra California) "Love the pics of Patrick Hamm's jizz on your mouf!" squeals yellowskank Elizabeth Yao (South Setauket, NY)

January 26, 2012: "Stole my SKANKsister Gina Chen from classes at UCSD to whisk her to lunch at George's On The Cove!!" blogs Lena.

January 26, 2012: Jobless parasite whore Lena Chen spends another day of unemployment jerking her clit and posting shit to thechicktionary. Despite a full day of attentionwhoring, Lena Chen only attracts the eyes of a fast-dwindling circle of fucked-up jizzslurping skanks and asianfetishfags (Leanne Mirandilla [Dartmouth blogging as touchofbedlam], Diane Shipley (dianeshipley) cumslurpingWhore Diane Shipley, yellowhore Alice Wu (abcdefghiloveyou), brownskank Ace Amulong (prettyspectacular), asianskank Anjela Ramos (heartsnatcher & asiancracker), Erin M. Justice (erinmjustice), whore Rachel Hills (rachelhills), cumslurper Danielle Whited [MIT aka Danielle B. Whited @danielle.whited Accenture New York dbwhited@mit.edu justtellher tumblr], cokewhore Megan Baker (New York University, Megan Baker [FU Berlin], York High School Megan Baker) (AKA appropriation ohnomegan megan@meganbaker.net) Hayley Fisher [infectiousizzy], JapSkank Joanne Nishinaka (Los Angeles) Schurr High School & California State University- Fullerton], Denise A. Wells (aka deniseawells Denise Wells Yankton, SD) (Yankton South Dakota... uhoh, Denise A. Wells probably doesn't want her son Cameron Wells (Yankton SD) to find out about her whoring!). Megan Baker (NYU)

January 25, 2012: "OMG! Yellowskank Evelina Giang (yes, THAT Evelina Giang) and I basically inhaled a small piglet yesterday. Figures that I wind up visiting home during DineLA week. This was not exactly part of my post-Asia, start-eating-like-a-normal-person game plan," posted lazyskank Lena Chen. AznFetishFaggot John Esperanza (johnesperanza . tumblr) jerks off to yellowporn.

January 25, 2012: Lena Chen reveals that she pitched a fit at customs in Beijing, when they asked her about her STDs. "My herpes," screeched Lena Chen, "is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" A handful of STDiseased skanks surfed the page, including Amy Khuu (aka xtsamy on tumblr, Milpitas High School), Catherine Parkinson (Dallas, TX) 'kaki" (sailorv@gmail.com), Stella Shi (St. Louis) NYC (blogs at chimeless [tumblr] and http://www.whimsically.me http://flavors.me/stella), STDiseased Fatasskank Miriam Lazewatsky (aka Miriam J. Lazewatsky who now blogs at danishmodernlady (danishmodernlady.tumblr.com Gotta wonder what mommy and daddy Barbara Lazewatsky and Joel Lazewatsky think of their daughters SKANKBLOGGING...not to mention brother Dan Lazewatsky [and his slutwhore Haley Moore] and aunt Audrey Lazewatsky), and yellowwhore Viviane Tang (viviane212).

January 24, 2012: Jobless lazycunt moocLinkhes off of other whores (HUGETITTIED Tara Moross, aznskank Evelina Giang, and nigwhore Rheeqrheeq Chainey) clubbing at Soho House in West Hollywood.

January 24, 2012: Dumbcunt Lena Chen OUTS various STDiseased peeps who

answer a survey of hers while logged into their public Facebook accounts: Denise A. Wells (aka prosepetals Denise Wells aka Denise Ann Wells [Yankton, South Dakota]) Blogs from prosepetals (prosepetals.tumblr.com) Twitter: @DeniseAWells Email: denyceangel_40@yahoo.com and deniseawells40@gmail.com poor kid Cameron Wells

Oh, look, skankwhore Alla Goldman (James E. Rogers College of Law University of Arizona) (aka @allagoldman aka missmala . tumblr) got caught surfing dogPORN! lol

Elizabeth Wykes [Whatcom Community College] Blogs from: belyenochi (belyenochi.tumblr.com) [Bellingham, WA] Looks like STDiseasedWhore Elizabeth Wykes also has MENTAL ISSUES, according to her Google+: Elizabeth Wykes - Jul 18, 2011 - "Calling Whatcom psychiatric," wrote skankwhore Elizabeth Wykes, after learning her fugly STDiseased azz had been pumped-and-dumped yet AGAIN...

WARNING: Elizabeth Wykes (aka Elizabeth Peek aka Elizabeth Peek-Wykes) is a psychotic CUTTER... And has posted sexpics of herself with Casey Wykes. But, hey, as long as Elizabeth Peek sucks Casey Wykes cock like a champ, no probs!

FATASS DENIAL BLOGGER Margitte Kristjansson (UCSD) (aka Margitte L. Kristjansson aka Margitte Leah Kristjansson) PIC OF FATFUCK MARGITTE KRISTJANSSON HERE Blogs at: riotsnotdiets (ROFL), margitteleah.com Twitter: twitter.com/MargitteLeahFrom Seattle, Washington Born on 7 December 1985 Ph.D. Student at University of California at San Diego University of Washington B.A., Communication 2005 – 2009

Yellowskank Hazel Marie Alim (aka Hazel M. Alim) Blogs from: hmla0809 (hmla0809.tumblr.com) Studying Accounting at Pepperdine University,

Erin Elliott (Illinois Central College Sophomore, Majoring in Multimedia) Email: erinkeb@hotmail.com DOX: Erin Elliott / 111 Alternate Street /Peoria, IL 61603 (309) 687-5309 "I have two little kidlets: Jas [Elliott] and Cody [Elliott] and my partner, Andy Elliott." Flickr – caotica Tumblr: suprafae (suprafae.tumblr.com) Twitter: leonitafeliz

aznskank Monica He (aka Monica Mu He) [MBA Rice University] monica.he@rice.edu Eden Prairie Senior High School Tumblr: moomu (moomu.tumblr.com) BONUS: Monica Mu He blogs about how she got her multiple STDiseases HERE: [Monica Mu He]

nigwhore Ebony Vandross (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and Curry College 2006)

AznSkank Viviane Tang (NYC) Blogs from: Viviane212.tumblr.com and... VivianeSexCarnival.blogspot.com (Wow...another yellowslut with STDs! What a surprise!)

Farah Momin (Graduate Student, New School University NYC) Manager: Applied Brilliance. Blogs from: blerg (blerg.tumblr.com) Email: farahmomin@gmail.com

yellowskank Dena Vongchanh (Las Vegas, from San Jose CA) Blogs from: theamusingdee (theamusingdee.tumblr.com)

AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (Mercedes, Texas) Blogs from: otarsus.tumblr.com...Librarian Paul Mata FIRED for surfing asianporn from his workplace

YellowSkank Elizabeth Yao (University of Michigan) Brenda Gimotea Depasupil, HUGE TITTEDskank Tara Moross (Harvard),

DUMBcunt Amanda Van Slyke (Edmunton Alberta, Bellerose Composite High School) Blog: www.amandavanslyke.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/flurtsite Email: vanslykea@hotmail.com flurtsite (ooh...someone should tell a few peeps about pornsurfingSkank Amanda Van Slyke: Rosella Eleanor LaFevre from MLTS Magazine - 267-918-9789Donna Barker from Cariwest - 780-906-2682Christie Lavan from the ACWS- 780-456-7000

Whoreskank Allyson Lieberman (UPENN Medical School)

Kate DeMazza (University of Mary Washington) who slurps only VEGETARIAN jizz, tyvm. Kate DeMazza aims to begin the first circle clitjerk at UMW. http://twitter.com/katedemazza

Isabel Cole (isabelthespy, isabelthespy@gmail.com (Designer Supra Shoes NYC)

STDiseased Fatasskank Miriam Lazewatsky (aka Miriam J. Lazewatsky who now blogs at danishmodernlady (danishmodernlady.tumblr.com) Miriam Lazewastksy, who has yet to be institutionalized by Dan Lazewatsky or his cocksuckingWhore Hayley Moore

January 22-24, 2012: Jobless whoreParasite Lena Chen returns from her 3-week

jetsetting tour of Asia (paid for by sugardaddy Patrick Hamm) and spends two days

jerking her clit on the internet (BIG surprise). lol Erin Flanagan

January 17, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen poasts a picture of herself in Hong Kong (traveling on sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money). Dumbcunt nigwhore Taryn Marshall (Fullerton College) apparently likes yellowskanks to sell their orifices for pocketmoney...

January 16-17, 2012: filthywhore Hanne Blank @hanneblank Baltimore, Maryland, USA dirtycunt Katie Stack aka Katie M. Stack @KatieMStack Minnesota @antipretty_yyc skank Kendall Rae blogs about the HPVsores on her lips/cunt/anus. AsianFetishFag Satchel Kornfeld (American University, Washington DC) tweets: "Just got BookofKink in the mail! I'm gonna spank to it tonite!" (Satchel Kornfeld's Facebook: http://facebook.com/Lehctas)

January 15, 2012: @hugoschwyzer "Sentiment goes both ways," tweets whore Lena Chen to pervprof Hugo Schwyzer, "I wanna suck that cut cock of yours again!!" "Trying to bring fatandtheivy [= Fatass Denial BloggerWhore Jenn Leyva Check out her ACNESCARS HERE:] here for a fatass activism event."

January 13, 2012: Moronicunt Lena Chen posts shit on her blog that's supposed to pass for "wit":

Patrick Hamm: You LA girls. You're tough as shit, aren't you?

Lena Chen: Yep. And so is my pussy.

Patrick Hamm: I love it.

Lena Chen: Ugh.

As insipid as this horseshit is, a handful of stupid skanks and AsianFetishFags claim to "like" it, including halfAsianSkank Erin Flanagan (San Diego from Portland @emikohiilani) who, just like cumdumpster Lena Chen, has posted NUDE photos of herself on her blog (curvesthewords.tumblr.com): for Erin Emiko Flanagan NUDE Erin Flanagan NUDE Erin Flanagan TITS/FACE/PUSSY/Ass, go here: http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=1853607&forum_id=2 (More Erin Flanagan blogs here: http://erinemiko.tumblr.com/

http://www.facebook.com/eflanagan2 ) erinemiko.tumblr.com

January 11, 2012: "Happy Birthday!" tweets Lena Chen to diseasedSkank Lesley Kinzel (Boston)

January 9, 2012: "Hey, can I crash at your place?" begs Lena Chen of YellowFetishFag Evan Kornbluh. "I can suck your cock REAL good!" "I can SUCK COCK," writes Miriam Lazewatsky (Miriam J. Lazewatsky) "too!"

January 8, 2012: "So excited I'm SQUIRTING IN MY PANTIES," tweets whore Nancy Schwartzman (Brooklyn, NYC) to skank Lena Chen, brownslut Samhita Mukhopadhyay, STDiseasedWhore Heather Corinna (Seattle).

January 8, 2012: Lena Chen blogs about her cunt again, describing how she relieved the itching/burning/etc after Patrick Hamm infected her with ANOTHER STDisease. "Yeah, I got herpes," replies Allyson Lieberman (UPENN Medical School Allyson Lieberman) then shares her "holistic" relief from the scorching open sores.

January 7, 2012: "Puked my brains out," blogs Lena Chen, showing once again that she's unable to write about anything that doesn't involve one of her diseased orifices...nigho Letrice Moten (Letrice Goodson) pops in on whore Lena Chen's Facebook.

January 5, 2012: Thin-skinned whores Lena Chen, Sady Doyle, Jaclyn Friedman, nigwhore Zerlina Maxwell, and stupidcunt Danielle Citron try to cobble together a discussion panel titled, "WAAAAHHH!! I GOT BUTTHURT BY PEOPLE WHO MAKE FUN OF ME!!"

January 3, 2012: 'Surprisingly," tweets ungrateful cunt Lena Chen, humilating the guy who pays her rent/food/travel/etc "my rapist sugardaddy Patrick Hamm didn't find it "fundamentally irritating" when I revealed he has feelings like rest of us'

January 3, 2012: Jobless Lena Chen leaves for a 3-week Asian vacation. Needless to say, sugardaddy Patrick Hamm is paying. As a result, Patrick Hamm spends the next 5 days fuckingALL of Lena Chen's holes...until Patrick Hamm gives Lena Chen ANOTHER STDisease (see January 8, 2012)

January 3, 2012: Jobless Lena Chen spends the day jerking her clit on Twitter. "Spank that cunt!" cheers nigwhore Zerlina Maxwell (NYC). "I'm jerking my clit too," tweets April Yee (Dubai and Abu Dhabi) "lol!"








Reply Favorite

Date: February 5th, 2011 1:39 PM
Author: cruel-hearted community account whorehouse

why the fuck do liberals like "organizing" so much


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Date: February 5th, 2011 1:33 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

lena chen scarfs down pricey food on her "friends" dime...

In the car with sugardaddy Patrick Hamm and whore Evelina Giang and Wesley Wong enroute to dinner at Fraiche in Culver City


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2011 6:55 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water


Heading to West Hollywood for lunch at Milk with Rupert

Johanna Hamm (chokefucking runs in the family...



Moritz Hamm

Susanne Hamm-Leitl

Susanne Hamm-Leitl, Vorsitzende

"Mit dem Bündnis für Familie in Osnabrück lassen sich konkrete und nachhaltige Wirkungen erzielen, die den Alltag von Familien erleichtern."


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Date: February 10th, 2011 7:51 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Heading into Big Sur. No cell reception for next 18 hours kids :) Hey whore Tracy Clark-Flory: you in town? I need to you buy me pricey food!


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2011 3:17 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

The Asian fusion at The House in North Beach is fab. Best SF meal so far. OMG!!1


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Date: February 22nd, 2011 11:50 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

"What the heck. The Acela Express to Boston just came to a full stop because electrical sparks started flying from the side of the train. UM."

Um, it's not like Lena Chen has a JOB. So wtf is she doing on an Acela Express???

I hope Harvard sociology pervteacher Patrick Hamm got sucked off GOOD for buying Lena that upgrade


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2011 11:52 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Looks like Patrick gave Lena lots of spending $$$:

# Last stop before heading to Penn Station for my train ride home: the Strand bookstore. about 13 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

# Plans to get Bon Chon (Korean fried chicken) with @jingtastic [fired McKinsey whore Jing Yang [Zoe Yijing Yang] for lunch today -- yum! about 19 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone


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Date: February 24th, 2011 1:06 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Belated photos from my California trip. In exchange for letting Patrick Hamm fuck my ass all morning (NO LUBE OWWWW!11], he drove me from from Los Angeles (where my mom Lily Yanchang Chen lives) to San Francisco (where my rich restaurant owner dad lives) and made stops along the Pacific Coast Highway. When we saw that it was nearly sunset, we quickly pulled into the nearest beach (I think this was Salinas River State Beach) and snapped some photos as the sun went down. Then I sucked sociology teacher Patrick Hamm's cock again.


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Date: February 26th, 2011 11:32 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

In a cab to Financial District (since Lena Chen never bothered to learn to drive, preferring to let others chauffer her lazy skank ass around). Yes!! So happy to be sucking Rob Prior's cock in exchange for crashing on his "couch." ;) Turning his apt into @feminismday's NYC headquarters in the AM; but the price is steep: Lena Chen and guttertrash skank Melissa Gira Grant have to give him a 3some, OMG!!1

Yup, I'm on the Lucky Star, sans wifi (total false advertising) en route to NYC to lead @feminismday street team at #feb26 #foleysq rally :)

Hey whore Jessica Chu: My stylist was some brown latina slut Yanira Araujo (Janida)!

February 26, 2011: Desperate to convince herself that her busywork counts as a "job," Lena Chen sucks off Harvard sociology asianfetish perv Patrick Hamm to buy her an Acela ticket for yet ANOTHER aimless jaunt to New York City. Lena Chen (Lena Chen's alibi is that she's "organizing" for Feminist Coming Out Day 2011. As expected, the event only draws a tiny handful of worthless slutwhores, like fuckup halfbreed hapa Alisha Ramos [Alisha D. Ramos history/sociology Harvard '12], whore Shelby Knox, braindead skank Steph Herold [who loves getting her womb vacuumed #ihadanabortion], whoreskank shemale Sam Meier [Sociological and Medical Perspectives on Transgender Identities] and fired McKinsey slut Jing Yang [whos made her fuckbuddy Holden Groves [UCSD Med School] promise to vacuum her cunt the next time his cum dribbles from her mouf into her twat])

February 26, 2011: Jobless skank Lena Chen tweets about her latest pointless jaunt to NYC to do some worthless busywork: "In a cab to the Financial District [since Lena Chen never bothered to learn to drive, preferring to let others chauffeur her lazy ass around] So happy to be sucking Harvard '10 Rob Prior's cock in exchange for crashing on his "couch" ;)! Rob Prior [economics Harvard '10]) is turning his apt into @feminismday's NYC headquarters in the AM [but the price is steep: Lena Chen and guttertrash whore Melissa Gira Grant (melissagira) have to give him an oral 3some, OMG!!1 lena chen nude]."

February 25, 2011: Invested in rationalizing her letting scores of cocks plug her cunt, Lena Chen blogs yet again about the STDs infesting her cunt. Coincidentally, Lena Chen also tweets to Lehigh University skank Jessica Chu [jesksa@gmail.com] about the "latina skank" Yanira Araujo (aka Janida at Avanti) who styled her hair at pricey Avanti in Boston--an expense no doubt funded by Harvard sociology perv Patrick Hamm, to stop spoiled cunt Lena Chen from her incessant whining about lacking income.

February 24, 2011: Lena Chen posts MOAR pictures of her aimless jetsetting trip to California. Fuckbuddy Patrick Hamm footed the bill, of course, in exchange for shooting his blobs of semen on Lena Chen's face again (pic of Harvard Patrick Hamm's blobs of semen on his student Lena Chen's face here).



Reply Favorite

Date: February 27th, 2011 2:53 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Lena Chen parties it up on Patrick Hamm's credit card...

# Dressed entirely in fired McKinsey whore Jing Yang jingtastic 's clothes! Love this outfit about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

# Someone's not having enough fun tonight .... about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

# The night has made a definite turn for the better. about 3 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

# whore @ShelbyKnox Wiliamsburg for the night but staying in financial district about 5 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ShelbyKnox

# Full of carbs. Time for a drink? So glad I get to enjoy a weekend in NYC for a change, instead of working! (squealed jobless skank Lena Chen) about 5 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

# @ShelbyKnox ahh I tried to find you after you spoke. I was busy hawking shirts from a distance. Plans tonight? about 6 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to skank Shelby Knox


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Date: February 28th, 2011 11:11 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Lena Chen's sugardaddy-funded NYC party continues...

# Three and a half hour boltbus and I'm home. No more new York trips until march 17th, whew! Now I gotta suck Patrick Hamm's cock for spending money on the NEXT trip! about 11 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone


At Mei Li Wah in Chinatown in search of the best barbecue pork buns in manhattan. Need my sugardaddy to wire me moar $$$ about 19 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

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Photo: Um, this is adorable. When I was in LA, I visited Japan LA’s new store location (around the block... http://tumblr.com/xvv1mnvzbn about 22 hours ago via Tumblr

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Brooklyn bowl with azn fetish faggot Rob Prior, azn fetish faggot Nick Molina (JP Morgan), fired McKinsey whore Zoe Yang, and Harvard whore Alisha Ramos hah 1:28 AM Feb 27th via Twitter for iPhone




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Date: March 2nd, 2011 6:26 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

The entire reason we were in Silver Lake (with our very much non-hipster friends) in the first place is because we wanted to try Ricky’s Fish Tacos. Hands-down, these are the best fish tacos I’ve ever eaten. And this comes from someone who once had a major domestic dispute over the making of fish tacos in her own home. (They’re one of my fave foods and are impossible to get in Boston. Harvard sociology perv Patrick Hamm can’t stand the smell of oil.) I’m taking local recs if y’all have any suggestions for a good fish taco joint.

no wonder the bitch is getting FAT again...gorging herself with pricey food left n right


Reply Favorite

Date: March 2nd, 2011 6:27 PM
Author: Vibrant white french chef hunting ground

hello kitty, what a waste of fucking money for an adult woman


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Date: March 2nd, 2011 6:29 PM
Author: Sable Parlour Party Of The First Part

Lena Chen was in a magazine I was reading at the hairdressers couple days ago...it was about how many sex partners you have had


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Date: March 2nd, 2011 7:55 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water





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Date: March 3rd, 2011 4:52 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

I'M GOING TO LADY GAGA!!!!!!! WE WILL BE ON THE FLOOR!!!! Much <3 to the guy who jizzes on my face, Patrick Hamm, for a most fabulous and totally unprompted gift :)


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Date: March 5th, 2011 2:01 PM
Author: Charismatic jap



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Date: March 8th, 2011 9:53 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Tomorrow is @feminismday and my pricey Indian dinner that I stuffed in my gaping gob last night is kicking my fat ass. AHHH. Still so much aimless busywork left to do...but FIND A JOB is not one of them!


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Date: March 8th, 2011 2:19 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Anatomy of an Outfit: LA Winter Edition

* Qi cashmere hoodie (via Swirl)

* Walter top (via Beyond The Rack)

* Loeffler Randall shorts (via Swirl)

* Napapijri wedges

* Necklace from Pull My Daisy

* Tarina Tarantino skull bracelet from Second Time Around


Reply Favorite

Date: March 14th, 2011 11:20 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Photo: Checking out the Weser River outside the Weserburg Museum of Modern Art in Bremen, Germany. Summer... http://tumblr.com/xvv1rijp6q


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Date: March 14th, 2011 3:17 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

At the Tate Modern in London. August 2010.

Photo Credit: Harvard sociology perv Patrick Hamm, who fucks his asian students



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Date: March 14th, 2011 3:18 PM
Author: orchid concupiscible principal's office internal respiration

lol @ boomerists


Reply Favorite

Date: March 14th, 2011 8:55 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Grabbing Korean popcorn chicken in Allston with faggot Jason D. Burke and cuntwhore Melanie A. Garcia :) we haven't had a group hangout in ages!




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Date: March 15th, 2011 8:02 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

When Harvard sociology azn fetish perv Patrick Hamm and I went to the Tate Modern last summer, he took some gorgeous black-and-white photos on his camera. This is just one of me goofing off.



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Date: March 17th, 2011 9:30 AM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

@graygoods Surprise play in NYC! Leaving in a few ...

late late late late gotta get to nyc by 6pm crap. 33 minutes ago via web

wonder if Lena did oral or anal to get azn fetish perv Patrick Hamm to buy the ticket :P





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Date: March 17th, 2011 7:43 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Anyone going to the immersive theater experience "Sleep No More" at the McKittrick Hotel in NY? I'm surprising azn fetish perv Patrick Hamm w tickets for tonight

@loisbeckett [cumslurping San Francisco whore Lois Beckett] Grr... Well, I'll be in town a couple days before! Looking forward to sunny California weather

San Francisco #feminists! Come to An Evening w/ Gloria Steinem feat. @ShelbyKnox @LatoyaPeterson @miriamzperez [turdskin whore Miriam Z. Perez] & me!

Just got a shellac manicure. AMAZED. So so shiny and smudge-free. No chipping for two weeks, I've been promised. about 2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

so...who's paying Lena Chen's bills?







Reply Favorite

Date: June 22nd, 2011 9:09 AM
Author: vengeful violent range

LOL, Lena Chen lies about being POOR again-hey cunt Lena Chen! STOP LYING!

I have a lot of empathy for Aster’s perspective. There are many folks who simply can’t “live more sustainably” or “do their part” without great sacrifice, and I think this is what’s missing from most of the dialogue on diet and nutrition. My mother grew up farming with her mom; I grew up coupon-clipping with mine. Between her wariness for canned/frozen food and her penchant for bargain hunting, we were able to eat healthily despite not being well-off. (Though like the author of the above quote, I consumed a lot of cheap protein at times.) I lived in a suburb of Los Angeles, so we were lucky; there are far fewer economically diverse options in most other places. The dietary options of poor people are limited everyday due to the cost of food, the availability of supermarkets, and the time needed to prepare healthful meals.

Did you grow up poor? Have your food options been limited by cost? Chime in via the comments or the following Food & Social Justice poll (which I started yesterday as part of a discussion on vegetarianism):

The Chicktionary: Food & Social Justice (via lenachen)

Along the same lines: http://blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com/health-news/elitism-on-a-food-stamp-budget/

What also gets lost in the bullshit hysterics over poor people buying tons of junk on food stamps is the reality that there’s a whole underclass that doesn’t even qualify for food stamps. You have to be a US citizen, for one. My parents say my brother’s birth was the thing that helped us out most in our early years in the US: we qualified for the WIC program, which does not require citizenship and provides new mothers with discounts on essentials like milk and eggs. Junk food was not a choice.

(via lenachen)


Reply Favorite

Date: June 22nd, 2011 9:12 AM
Author: vengeful violent range

June 17:

Hot pink dress, shoes, and nails … I’ve become a caricature of myself, haven’t I? I know it seems improbable that the above outfit wasn’t a pre-coordinated effort, but you’ll just have to take my word for it.

Anatomy of a Very Pink Outfit:

Jumper by Sharagano (from the Beacon Hill location of Second Time Around)

Heels by Seychelles (from 344 in Back Bay)

Clutch by Kate Spade (online)

Manicure in “Fiesta” by Essie

A rare snapshot in glasses :)


Reply Favorite

Date: July 5th, 2011 6:00 PM
Author: vengeful violent range

Lena Chen

Leaving for Germany tonight + London this weekend. Looking forward to seeing Alexandra Bell and Rachel Hills :) And Ham Let too, of course!

June 27 at 2:19pm · LikeUnlike ·

People who like this


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azn fetish boi Ethan Fosse



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cunt Rachel Hills


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whore Andrea Plaid


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skank Alexandra Bell



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cumslurper Katie Zavadski

Harvard · Brooklyn Technical High School


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whore Gracye Cheng

Harvard · Roosevelt Institution


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asian fetish boi Nathan Fosse


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cunt Twanna A. Hines


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Date: July 28th, 2011 4:33 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

July 24

OMG!!1 here's my closet with 50 PAIRS OF FUCKING SHOES!!11



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Date: July 28th, 2011 5:20 PM
Author: vengeful violent range


Sunglasses shopping with huge titted Tara Moross in NYC last week. It looks like I'm going to eat her tits.


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Date: August 5th, 2011 1:41 PM
Author: vengeful violent range

Anatomy of the Outfit: Rebel Yell tank (online at Plndr), Jane Norman shorts (got these in Germany), Hanii Y cardigan. Not pictured: Rainbow sandals (got these in summer of 2006 and they’re still amazing!).

dumbwhore Elizabeth Wykes (Bellingham, WA Whatcom Community College) approves

Email: cowfaced@gmail.com

Yahoo: cowfacedummy

Skype: cowfaced


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Date: September 4th, 2011 8:24 PM
Author: vengeful violent range

August 17

On whore Evelina Giang: Forever 21 dress (I know, I couldn’t believe it either), Banana Republic wedge heels, belt of unknown origins (from some store in Boston).

On Me: Plenty by Tracy Reese dress, Napapijri platform heels.

And yes, I routinely make my friends describe everything they’re wearing, juuust in case I want to obtain an item for myself ;)

Photo Credit: faggot Wesley Wong CSU Fullerton 2010

apparently beaner whore Sara Lorraine Martinez aka Sara Martinez aka Sara L. Martinez (slmartinez@berkeley.edu SLMART11@AOL.COM)likes cumslurping like Lena does


lol, check out this PornSurfing whore Mary Grace Sunga (George Mason University, Nursing 2013)...what is it with these me-so-horny azns blogging about the blowjobs they give??? http://shesnotcute.tumblr.com

oh...so does pornSurfing whore Elizabeth Wykes, a twenty year old living in Bellingham, Washington. twitter: @belyenochi http://belyenochi.tumblr.com/ (Bellingham, WA Whatcom Community College) Email: cowfaced@gmail.com. Yahoo: cowfacedummy


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Date: September 4th, 2011 8:47 PM
Author: vengeful violent range

August 21

Belated post, but here was what I wore a week ago to my birthday brunch. Except “brunch” should be plural, because I first went to The Meatball Shop, then to Antibes Bistro, then a quick stop at BaoHaus (for Taiwanese gau bao, which I made at home last night because I am AWESOME), yet another stop by The Meatball Shop, and visits to two bars (The Living Room, Cake Shop) before we settled on Happy Hour at Verlaine … which was followed by my much longed-for feast of Peking duck (yes, with the steamed buns!). Five of us ate this whole thing even after eating the previous 24 hours away. Yum yum yum.

Other things I did not blog from my birthday weekend:

1. A lively debate over whether a friend should engage in scat with a partner even if he isn’t into it himself. Naturally, this took place at dinner immediately prior to the serving of the main course to my birthday dinner.

2. An “after-party” that involved 70% of my guests leaving for a gay club (Urge) and me passing out on Patrick’s friend’s couch after one too many lychee martinis. I’m a little sad I never made it to a gogo dancer for a birthday lapdance.

3. The opening of red envelopes! I got a few from California last week but was waiting to open the one my mom gave me for my birthday. Whenever I’m home, she always gives me hong bao containing small amounts of money upon my departure, because they’re considered good luck tokens ensuring safe journey. I always keep the most recent one in my wallet. Receiving a red envelope from my mother as a gift, however, is rare and special :)

Anatomy of the Outfit: Plenty by Tracy Reese dress, Napapijri platform heels. (In a similar look, I wore the exact same designers the day before.)

apparently azn me-so-horny whore Justine Fan (aka JustineTF aka Justine T. Fan [UCSD] enjoys cockslurping


Works at BabysitterStudied Underwater Basket Weaving at University of California, San DiegoLives in Sierra Madre, CaliforniaFrom San Gabriel, California


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Date: September 4th, 2011 8:52 PM
Author: vengeful violent range

August 23

Anatomy of the Outfit: Clara Collins top (on sale at Rescue), Prps jeans, Dolce Vita booties (eBay), and Y-3 hoodie (eBay).


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Date: October 29th, 2011 1:21 PM
Author: umber philosopher-king


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Date: November 4th, 2011 12:19 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Anatomy of the Outfit: Qi cashmere fringe hoodie (via Swirl), Marc Jacobs top, Loeffler Randall shorts (via Swirl), Napapijri wedges, Leyla bag.

Photo Credit: Patrick Hamm

swirl reblogged this from lenachen and added:

Cute! We’re loving it!

jdotcole [bukkakeporn surfer Jacob Genzuk (Law Clerk at Law Offices of Lawrence D. Rohlfing & Candidate for Juris Doctor, Class of 2012 at Chapman University School of Law)] said: Are these the courts by Macy? I haven’t been there in forever..

renscribbles [cumslurper Breean Cozad sister bukkakeporn surfer Ren Cozad (Ohio State University @renchirps)] liked this


Reply Favorite

Date: November 7th, 2011 12:04 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Nov 6

"vintage jacket by Preen, Isaac Skirt by BB Dakota, Cmon Vogue Tank Dress, vintage heels by Stuart Weitzmann and Diana Clutch by Lauren Merkino."


Reply Favorite

Date: November 13th, 2011 7:54 PM
Author: Cordovan school boiling water

Nov 13

"Gabby dress (worn as top) by Torn by Ronny Kobo (via Swirl), Corey Lynn Calter shorts (via Peachfrog in Williamsburg), stockings by Cynthia Rowley (via Swirl), and stone onyx bead bracelet by Alisa Michelle (via Swirl)."





KikeSkank Nancy Schwartzman Keep writing, lovely lady. We need your voice! Channel PWV and know that your words mean something to so many people. XO

Nikki Anderson (Owner/Photographer at Sorella Muse Photography)

AsianFetishFag Christian Garland (Harvard)

AsianFetishFag Russell Bennetts

AsianFetishFag Sam Meier (Harvard)

Serena Yuet Ching May (Digital Strategist at Social@Ogilvy)


You know who REALLY loves anal?

STDskank Kyria Giordano (aka Kyria E. Giordano [Univeristy of Maryland Baltimore)

kyria2@umbc.edu kyriaeg tumblr

You know who REALLY luvs anal? nigWhore Kerri Grinnage

KERRI ESTELLA GRINNAGE. Richmond, Virginia | 804.389.1730

kerri@kerriestella.com | kerriestella.tumblr.com | twitter @kerriestella

Mom: Kyle Grinnage


You know who REALLY luvs anal?

annierebekah liked this


You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Annie Rebekah Gardner (Boston)

Location: Cairo; Bio:

You know who REALLY luvs anal? Annie Rebekah Gardner is an STDskank a getting

her MA in Migration and Refugee Studies at the American

University in Cairo CMRS (Annie Gardner aka Annie R. Gardner)

annie.rebekah@gmail.com heeey girl heeeey

carry-onbaggage liked this

You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank erin campbell watson



Lawrence University

Milwaukee Wisconsin



HY Connect

Partnership; 51-200 employees; Marketing and Advertising industry

June 2012 – Present (3 months)

PR Intern

Cramer Krasselt

Privately Held; 501-1000 employees; Marketing and Advertising industry

April 2012 – June 2012 (3 months) Greater Milwaukee Area

Account Coordinator

HY Connect

Partnership; 51-200 employees; Marketing and Advertising industry

September 2011 – March 2012 (7 months) Milwaukee

Web content development & organization. Media lists. Publicity tracking. Social media execution & planning. Website editorial team. Press releases by the dozen. Jack-of-all-trades.

slmart11 liked this

You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Sara Martinez

apparently beaner whore Sara Lorraine Martinez aka Sara Martinez aka

You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Sara L. Martinez (slmartinez@berkeley.edu SLMART11@AOL.COM)likes cumslurping

like Lena does


kratlee liked this

You know who REALLY luvs anal? kathryn ratcliffe-lee that (new jersey) STDskank



wordsandturds liked this


You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Sarah David



Arielle is what a high school teacher might call a 'young woman of poise.'


You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Arielle Brousse

Assistant Director for Development at Kelly Writers House

Greater Philadelphia Area

Museums and Institutions

Arielle Brousse's Overview


Assistant Director for Development at Kelly Writers House


Grantwriting and Development Communications Coordinator at The Franklin Institute

Administrative Assistant, Development Department at The Franklin Institute

Children, Youth and Families Intern at The William Penn Foundation


University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania

Grantwriting and Development Communications Coordinator

The Franklin Institute

LOL Stephanie Fang

Isidore Newman School
