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I don't know what's more mentally ill, NextDoor or LinkedIn.

hairraiser clown locale
wts nextdoor like?
Sepia Wild Toilet Seat Heaven
Like 80% of it is about dogs. People complaining about othe...
hairraiser clown locale
which is more prole--owning a dog or having a linkedin accou...
comical indigo hall selfie
wtf is nextdoor
provocative school
linkedin is severely mentally ill i don't have a page but...
Supple White Tanning Salon
You should checkout NextDoor, brother.
hairraiser clown locale
Speaking of spas, do you know where I'm NOT having my daught...
hairraiser clown locale
Nextdoor is on a different level of mental illness and petty...
Cracking Stock Car Institution
effete amber ape
LinkedIn by a mile. NextDoor is just real America
Scarlet awkward tank juggernaut
I live in a lib suburb surrounded by other lib suburbs (some...
effete amber ape
hairraiser clown locale
linkedin powerusers are mentally ill gc sycophants nextdo...
Sinister contagious volcanic crater brethren
LinkedIn and it’s not close.
Vivacious market fat ankles
frozen vermilion garrison

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: April 26th, 2023 11:59 PM
Author: hairraiser clown locale


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:03 AM
Author: Sepia Wild Toilet Seat Heaven

wts nextdoor like?


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:05 AM
Author: hairraiser clown locale

Like 80% of it is about dogs. People complaining about other people's dogs in the park or the dog run or whatever. Or people noticing bad dog-walkers being mean to dogs. Or people complaining about people tying up their dogs while they're in a shop.

They should call it NextDog.


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:06 AM
Author: comical indigo hall selfie

which is more prole--owning a dog or having a linkedin account?


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:06 AM
Author: provocative school

wtf is nextdoor


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:07 AM
Author: Supple White Tanning Salon

linkedin is severely mentally ill

i don't have a page but i always see screenshots and get the general atmosphere


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:07 AM
Author: hairraiser clown locale

You should checkout NextDoor, brother.


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:11 AM
Author: hairraiser clown locale

Speaking of spas, do you know where I'm NOT having my daughter's haircut done again? Le Posh Salon on 83rd and Broadway!! My daughter has been getting her hair cut there for years. This past week we were in for a cut and I asked if they would be willing to donate a token gift certificate in any amount to my daughter's public middle school auction. They told me to go home and call the manager, who was apparently not in that day. So I did. I called the next day. What ensued was *ridiculous*!

A simple "Sorry, we don't do that" would have been acceptable, but instead they gave me the run around for *5 days*-- never allowing me to connect with the manager and using the rudest communication style I've ever experienced, making me run through the nature of call in all its excruciating detail each and every time, then upon hearing the work "donation" rudely cutting me off with "call again later." The term "unprofessional" doesn't even begin to cover it.

FINALLY, on day 5, they told me that in order for me to speak to the manager, Olga, (who, by the way, they claimed was also actually the owner so that I wouldn't escalate the call) I would have to come back down to see her at the salon in person! "If you want to talk to Olga she said you have to come into the salon in person and hope to find her here."

After telling the receptionist to just forget it, that I was no longer interested in getting a donation from them and would also never frequent their establishment again-- and that I'd be posting my experience with their salon-- Olga miraculously called me back two minutes later. However, not to finally process a donation of a measly $20 gift card, which was my initial request, but instead to give me a longer run around and then a final claim that “we already gave your daughter a donation" because when she was in for her haircut last week they "gave her a deal" by not charging to have her bangs blown out!? What?!?! Keep in mind, we specifically asked *not* to have her hair blown after the cut-- we never have it blow dried. The stylist asked, however, if she could please just put some heat on the bangs to see if her attempt at curtain bangs fell right, and I agreed-- it was a 30 second procedure at best. I truly could not believe the audacity of suggesting THIS was Le Posh's middle school auction donation!?

Anyhow, if you want to support community businesses that have even a little bit of class and treat their customers with respect, and as importantly care at all about our UWS neighborhood by supporting our local institutions, you'll be wise to stay clear of this grubby little shitshow of an operation.


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:12 AM
Author: Cracking Stock Car Institution

Nextdoor is on a different level of mental illness and petty bullshit.


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Date: April 27th, 2023 1:07 AM
Author: effete amber ape


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Date: April 27th, 2023 12:15 AM
Author: Scarlet awkward tank juggernaut

LinkedIn by a mile. NextDoor is just real America


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Date: April 27th, 2023 1:07 AM
Author: effete amber ape

I live in a lib suburb surrounded by other lib suburbs (some of which are rich) and Nextdoor is truly next-level. LinkedIn is mostly people trying to make a buck - which I respect - with some sprinkled-in clueless careerist women aged 22-35 who blur the personal and professional or think people give a shit about their self-care or great realizations/proclamations and other make the world a better place bullshit, etc.


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Date: April 28th, 2023 9:12 AM
Author: hairraiser clown locale


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Date: April 28th, 2023 9:16 AM
Author: Sinister contagious volcanic crater brethren

linkedin powerusers are mentally ill gc sycophants

nextdoor is just old people bitching about shit


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Date: April 28th, 2023 9:17 AM
Author: Vivacious market fat ankles

LinkedIn and it’s not close.


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Date: December 3rd, 2024 7:07 AM
Author: frozen vermilion garrison
