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10 Things I Hate About NYUUG (The Seoul Times)

10 Things I Hate About NYUUG By Otto Warmbeer - Mar 17, ...
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
RIP in Peace Otto also lol @ nyuug
Translucent hominid
spin, ratfucks
alcoholic opaque masturbator
copper new version
frum mildly autistic cuckold church building
dont forget he bought some used honda car from the mid 2000s...
Nofapping Institution Multi-billionaire
2004 honda accord runs perfectly. has gotten me TONS of p...
Sapphire coffee pot
Somehow this is your most outrageous claim.
excitant sooty site
ive fucked only 1 girl in it but i have gotten a lot of othe...
Sapphire coffee pot
that doesnt sound like a first world country to me, but ok.
Nofapping Institution Multi-billionaire
Sepia High-end Kitchen
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
Last pitiful self-bump.
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
Good effort, man. It just didn’t work. Revamp your idea and ...
soggy jap
This might be one of the most underrated threads of all time...
Sapphire coffee pot
This is like Marco Polo meets Beowulf. Of course, impot...
Sapphire coffee pot
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
It's an epic piece. Had Athelstan wrote an epic tale in...
Sapphire coffee pot
spin, ratfucks
alcoholic opaque masturbator
sticky stage headpube
Floppy messiness yarmulke
Doobsian embarrassed to the bone abode faggot firefighter
Mustard friendly grandma cruise ship
180 frozen hunting ground field
jfc the mental illness in OP
Histrionic Magical Parlor
Real-talk though, NYUUG is an entirely banal and uninteresti...
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
wed be soju bros IRL real talk my nigga
Sapphire coffee pot
fantasy-prone national internal respiration
vivacious poppy doctorate university
lulzy thread
fantasy-prone national internal respiration

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 17th, 2018 3:14 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration

10 Things I Hate About NYUUG

By Otto Warmbeer - Mar 17, 2018

For hopeful law school applicants, there are many different sources of information to help plot a course through the morass of applications, interviews, internships, the dreaded LSAT, and to figure out which schools are key in attaining one's career goals. At the forefront of this mission lies Autoadmit.com, founded over a decade ago by then law students at several prestigious Ivy League law schools. It is now widely considered one of the most prestigious law school admissions discussion boards in the world. Though the law changes, Autoadmit.com and its helpful paternal denizens do not­. A decade later, well known "posters" (on the board) are still freely offering good advice and conversation to young law hopefuls with clear eyes and full hearts wishing to fulfill a dream. One of those veterans goes by the pseudonym "NYUUG", which stand for "New York University Undergrad". While a controversial figure at times on the board, he has helped hundreds, perhaps thousands, of aspiring juris doctors achieve their career dreams. While the negative is mostly apocrypha, the following are the true (and inspiring!) facts about his life. Pay attention pre-laws, you might glean just the right combination of talent and dedication from NYUUG's life to motivate you to actualize your best self.

1- NYUUG lives in South Korea. As a native South Korean whose parents are both from South Korea, NYUUG found it a shock to live and gain an education in New York City. While New York City is a global capital and a utopian paradise for cosmopolitan travelers looking for exciting things to do and adventurous fellow travelers, it can be an arduous trek for the young university student who must observe around them the lavish parties, dinners, and theater shows of the financial and celebrity elites, while they themselves exist in meager shared apartments and struggle through pre-calculus and classes on deontology. While NYUUG was a part of the latter class of gotham residents, he never failed to succeed in his coursework, he inspired and motivated his classmates, and esteemed NYU professors who teach thousands of students over the course of their careers, when queried, did remember him as one who stood out among many. Despite his success and graduation with latin honors, NYUUG began to identify more with his South Korean identity. His parents had loved the wonders and opportunities of America, but in NYUUG's heart beat the heart of a true South Korean. He exulted in the korean food of his mother, he bathed in the scents and the gustatory pleasures that he knew compared quite favorably to some of New York's finest Zagat and Michelin rated eateries. He bravely chose to emigrate to his homeland, but while choosing to divine his own truth and follow his dreams, he knew he could never live outside the sensations and excitement of a global city. He chose Seoul, which only among London, Tokyo, and New York, are rivals for the title of world's best metropolitan area. In perhaps the best city in the world, he placed his flag in the most decadent, luxurious, and most famous district of all- Gangnam.

2- NYUUG stays in shape. Earlier in NYUUG's college days he was physically small. He has openly admitted to many on the Autoadmit.com forums that, while he was tall compared to most other Asian-American males, he was so thin that he struggled to lift his groceries up to his apartment, and frequently experienced feelings of envy towards his more traditionally macho classmates. What impresses most about him today is that, knowing where NYUUG started, you would never recognize the new him. He has told of a time when, visiting relatives in New York, he walked by a alumnus of the same college at NYU who did not recognize him. Motivated by a combination of pride over what he knew he was capable of, and an aesthetic appreciation of the Herculean form, he endeavored to sculpt and reshape himself into something beautiful and capable of astonishing feats. He went from benching the barbell alone, a mere forty-five pounds, to benching his own bodyweight, and more since the writing of this article. Not able to perform a single pull-up, he now performs up to ten dead hang pull ups (considered difficult among the bodybuilding world) while wearing a belt of heavy iron weights on his waist. Where before he admired others, the strongest of the strong, in the gym, now he is admired amongst them. Where in his days at NYU and before, he feels he walked with his head aimed at the ground, taking small steps, he now strides confidently with the grace and power of a panther who stalks the verdant forests of the Amazon.

3- He takes care of his appearance. In a humble display of his beginnings, NYUUG talks about his feelings of shame that he experienced in his earlier years. He dressed in baggy, loose clothing, and didn't even cut his hair (which he kept in a loose bowl-cut pattern) for months on end. Now, with fire in his eyes, he quotes Socrates: "No man has the right to be an amateur in physical training. And it's a shame to grow old and not know the beauty of which your body is capable of." He has kept that as his motto since he began pursuing fitness and improving his sartorial skill. He now has a clean cut haircut, clear skin, and trim, fashionable clothes that can only be described as "urban couture". He recognizes the importance of spending..."investing" in your closet and in the soaps and products that one stocks in the lavatory. While previously spending his up to grad school life treating his body as a dumping ground for toxins akin to a government Superfund site, he now treats his body as a temple. In sincerity, he tells of the years it took to detoxify and purify the chemicals that had made their home in his fat and blood. He now feels energized and motivated to tackle the challenges of his jetset playboy Gangnam lifestyle. He never could have handled a small part of his day before, and used to simply collapse in exhaustion. Now he has the stamina and the style to keep the party going far into the night and beyond.

4- He is a reservist. Reticent about the South Korean law that requires military service until recently, NYUUG has admitted on Autoadmit.com that while he is 100% South Korean and 100% a patriot who loves his ancestral country, he unfortunately has not been able to serve the required minimum twenty-four months of military service that is required of all males of age, because he returned at an age where he was beyond the proper window. Culturally, it is of vital importance for a male South Korean to do his duty to his people and his country, and NYUUG feels this deeply, as his soul is a part and parcel of the Korean soul. He has voluntarily chosen to become a reservist in the South Korean armed forces. As he told me personally,"It is the responsibility of a Korean to sacrifice their life for the entirety of Korea and the Korean people, if necessary. That is what makes a Korean a Korean citizen. I really believe that." He is considered an exemplar of martial virtue by his family and close friends, and they make sure to send him letters and treats on the weekends during the summer when he travels to the bucolic lands adjoining Busan for weapons handling, military tactics, and physical training.

5- NYUUG has a master's degree. Certainly a specimen of human fitness and fashion, NYUUG finds the time to attend to his cerebral side. Of course, when he does deign to grace a school with his presence, he selects from only the best, most prestigious institutions. Looking to improve his career prospects and further sate his curiosity about the world around him, he applied to the number one ranked university in the entirety of South Korea- Seoul National University. There are 17,000 undergraduate and 11,000 graduate students, but atop the mountain NYUUG stands supreme. He completed all of his coursework weeks in advance, was a valuable contributor to classroom discussion, and is known for engaging student and professor alike in scintillating, fierce, intelligent debate over the finer points of management information systems and technologies. While he is a strong advocate for the life of the mind, NYUUG didn't tarry in this Ivory Tower, but eloped back to the real world soon after finals. He had accomplished what he had set out to do, but there was far more for him to conquer. He had sated his mind but his soul hungered for more.

6- He loves women. Degreed, fit, a champion of men's fashion straight from the pages of GQ or Esquire. You're asking yourself if there is more to life. NYUUG asked himself this very same question. When you have reached the summit, where to then? For NYUUG, he grew wings and flew. Always a devoted believer, there was a time in NYUUG's life when he thought to love a woman was to defile, ruin, and corrupt her. Over time, as the fog of his old life evaporated under the hot sun of his new exalted one, he came to see things differently. He became a study of the latins: Don Juan, Giacomo Casanova, Dante, De Sade, among others. One day the realization came upon him that women want to be loved. And due to his generous spirit he knew that this is how we would give back. The enjoyment he received from his wit, his conversation, his adonis-like figure, his accomplishment...it was not for him that he acquired, did, became those things. It was for the world at large. Like the giant supernova growing continuously outwards he wanted to consume, or rather to be consumed and warm the hearts of mankind. Some have called him the enfant terrible because they dispute his intentions. But none of his conquests have had a bad word to say of him. Swedes, Italians, Koreans, Norwegians, Turks, tender hearts, bitter nags, models, the loved and those unloved have all fallen under his swoon. How did he meet such a variegated group of belles femmes?

7- He is a world traveler. From the shores of the Big Apple, Lady Liberty proudly heralding opportunity to countless millions, among them a small Korean boy with a dream and a light in his breast, to the frigid fjords of Norway, to the Continent, to countless other cities, towns, provinces, hotels, bars, dancehalls, and more. NYUUG has seen them all, and not just seen, he has been the kind of poster that can not only brag about going, but doing. He has sucked the marrow out of life. He has made friends (and a sparingly few enemies), eaten, danced, fought, loved all across the world. And to little regret. He denies that he has no regrets, but as he has grown in wisdom has found his own truth, that he would rather be and live in such a way that he would not have regrets. So he has gone and he has seen and he has done, and not so that we may be in awe of him, but in the same way a star shines above casting its gentle glow on the firmament aside and whole of humanity below. Travel made him well rounded, it made him worldly, and it grew in him a love for all that is best in humanity, well paired with a soft tolerance of the slights and affronts of those who aren't bad, but haven't gone as far...yet. In one forum post he posited his belief that anyone could change themselves as he has, if only they had the will and the sort of mentors that helped him salvage his own life.

8- He is confident. In the same way that an officer who was once a simple private carries themselves differently from the officer who graduated from the academy, NYUUG lives his philosophy. He is supremely confident in his thoughts and his actions. He has earned this by taking the high road at every step. "There is no easy way. I had to master myself completely. I know it sounds strange, but in a way I had to kill the old me, the weak me, and replace him with NYUUG the winner, the alpha male, NYUUG the strong. I'm just not the same person. It was hard." It is clear that in NYUUG's case, success has bred more success. He has transformed from a minor player into a significant actor who wins in the office, in the gym, in the club, in the coffee shop, and on the Autoadmit.com forums. Of course he has gained critics as a consequence, but he does not trouble himself with criticism. He is his own biggest critic. "No one can be harder on myself than I already am. I don't even think about those guys." Like a hammerhead shark he takes his mission to inspire young Autoadmit novices and acolytes to succeed seriously, and nothing can stop him from coming at his goals relentlessly.

9- He never, ever, ever gives up. There is an old story that says that three Japanese can beat three Koreans, but one Korean will always beat one Japanese. While traditionally the lesson of the story is that Japanese are great at cooperating with each other, what I take away from this is the idea of the strong Korean man who sits alone on his throne. This idea of the man as indomitable force has its roots in ancient philosophy and folk tale. NYUUG was personally inspired by Cu Chulainn, a legendary Gaelic hero who chose to battle the sea itself with his sword. Anyone could understand the NYUUG of his NYU years calling it quits and resigning themselves to a life of abject misery, but it was precisely the thin line of hope that runs through all of us that he held onto. He never let go. NYUUG has spent years working towards his glory, towards a victory over the weaknesses of his past and those innate to the human condition. Winston Churchill himself would be proud of what he has achieved.

10- He has a big heart. Based on what you know about NYUUG now, it is obvious that he is a special person. From misanthrope to philanthrope, his life has lead him on a terrific and fantastic journey. But what sets him apart from the other top one percent champions of human accomplishment is his regard for others. He is kind to a fault, always willing to meet up with friends, family, and even anonymous Autoadmit.com posters for a glass of soju if they happen to cross paths near one of his favorite stomping grounds, where all the staff know his name and smile at his entrance. Wherever he goes, there are friends, or friends to be.

Keeping all of this in mind, take a moment to reflect that this is not a historical man in books, though he may be one day. We are lucky enough to live in a time where legends walk the earth alongside us, and in that respect we truly do live in a golden age. If you are ever in South Korea, Gangnam in particular and NYUUG walks by you, you will know him. By his warm smile, by his open, honorable mien. But you will not be moved to reverence. Because he will embrace you in his arms as an equal. NYUUG once wrote "Why do I do this? Because anyone can do this. I'm the proof."


Otto Warmbeer is an independent correspondent for The Seoul Times (http://www.theseoultimes.com). He is currently taking a much needed sabbatical north of the border, and working on his new novel on the significance and meaning of the flags of the world.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 4:49 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 6:47 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 8:42 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 8:44 PM
Author: Translucent hominid

RIP in Peace Otto

also lol @ nyuug


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 9:10 PM
Author: alcoholic opaque masturbator

spin, ratfucks


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 9:30 PM
Author: copper new version


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 9:39 PM
Author: frum mildly autistic cuckold church building


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 9:48 PM
Author: Nofapping Institution Multi-billionaire

dont forget he bought some used honda car from the mid 2000s. hes a true baller and a scholar.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:25 PM
Author: Sapphire coffee pot

2004 honda accord

runs perfectly. has gotten me TONS of pussy.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:27 PM
Author: excitant sooty site

Somehow this is your most outrageous claim.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:29 PM
Author: Sapphire coffee pot

ive fucked only 1 girl in it but i have gotten a lot of other action in it

consider how rare it is for a guy to have his own apartment and car here. you dont need a ferrari to get bitches here. you just need a car.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 19th, 2018 2:52 PM
Author: Nofapping Institution Multi-billionaire

that doesnt sound like a first world country to me, but ok.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 19th, 2018 3:00 PM
Author: Sepia High-end Kitchen


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2018 10:15 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 1:09 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 8:09 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration

Last pitiful self-bump.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 8:10 PM
Author: soggy jap

Good effort, man. It just didn’t work. Revamp your idea and try it again nex5 quarter.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 8:11 PM
Author: Sapphire coffee pot

This might be one of the most underrated threads of all time.

Epic as fuck. 180^180


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 8:13 PM
Author: Sapphire coffee pot

This is like Marco Polo meets Beowulf.

Of course, impotent cumskin rage is why this thread is getting no love.



Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 8:23 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration



Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 8:25 PM
Author: Sapphire coffee pot

It's an epic piece.

Had Athelstan wrote an epic tale in Wessex praising Ragnar Lothbrok, would they have received said tale with enthusiasm?

History will recognize the greatness that impotent cumskins refuse to acknowledge.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:11 PM
Author: alcoholic opaque masturbator

spin, ratfucks


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 8:29 PM
Author: sticky stage headpube


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:15 PM
Author: Floppy messiness yarmulke


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:17 PM
Author: Doobsian embarrassed to the bone abode faggot firefighter


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:24 PM
Author: Mustard friendly grandma cruise ship


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:25 PM
Author: 180 frozen hunting ground field


Reply Favorite

Date: March 18th, 2018 10:31 PM
Author: Histrionic Magical Parlor

jfc the mental illness in OP


Reply Favorite

Date: April 8th, 2018 10:05 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration

Real-talk though, NYUUG is an entirely banal and uninteresting poster. If you see his moniker you can within 90% accuracy predict the combination of "cum skin" and "first world country" stock phrases you are about to read. Entirely confirms the boring cuckold asian male nerd psycho stereotype.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 8th, 2018 10:06 PM
Author: Sapphire coffee pot

wed be soju bros IRL real talk my nigga


Reply Favorite

Date: April 8th, 2018 10:09 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration



Reply Favorite

Date: April 8th, 2018 10:07 PM
Author: vivacious poppy doctorate university


Reply Favorite

Date: August 19th, 2018 11:37 PM
Author: fantasy-prone national internal respiration

lulzy thread
