LJL at UVT and NYUUG thinking prostitutes are normal for whites
| medicated chapel hominid | 01/21/15 | | Black frozen wagecucks | 01/24/24 | | 180 headpube state | 01/21/15 | | fragrant startling liquid oxygen ticket booth | 01/21/15 | | concupiscible set | 01/21/15 | | medicated chapel hominid | 01/21/15 | | concupiscible set | 01/21/15 | | Flushed wonderful senate laser beams | 01/21/15 | | razzle national | 01/22/15 | | poppy excitant pistol | 01/26/15 | | fragrant startling liquid oxygen ticket booth | 01/26/15 | | concupiscible set | 07/13/23 | | concupiscible set | 08/27/23 | | concupiscible set | 04/07/24 | | concupiscible set | 04/07/24 | | concupiscible set | 04/07/24 | | concupiscible set | 04/28/24 | | concupiscible set | 05/29/24 | | concupiscible set | 05/29/24 | | concupiscible set | 05/29/24 | | concupiscible set | 05/30/24 | | concupiscible set | 05/30/24 | | concupiscible set | 07/01/24 | | concupiscible set | 07/05/24 | | concupiscible set | 02/05/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/26/25 | | concupiscible set | 08/28/23 | | concupiscible set | 07/05/24 | | impressive stubborn stage masturbator | 07/13/23 | | concupiscible set | 08/28/23 | | Titillating Base | 08/31/23 | | concupiscible set | 08/31/23 | | impressive stubborn stage masturbator | 08/31/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/07/23 | | heady space faggotry | 11/07/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/07/23 | | heady space faggotry | 11/07/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/07/23 | | heady space faggotry | 11/07/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/07/23 | | heady space faggotry | 11/07/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/07/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/07/23 | | concupiscible set | 07/05/24 | | nighttime place of business becky | 11/07/23 | | aggressive orchid giraffe | 11/07/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/07/23 | | deep plaza | 11/25/23 | | fragrant startling liquid oxygen ticket booth | 11/25/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/26/23 | | very tactful dashing tattoo | 11/26/23 | | concupiscible set | 11/29/23 | | concupiscible set | 12/10/23 | | concupiscible set | 12/10/23 | | concupiscible set | 12/26/23 | | concupiscible set | 12/26/23 | | concupiscible set | 01/01/24 | | concupiscible set | 01/11/24 | | impressive stubborn stage masturbator | 01/11/24 | | concupiscible set | 01/11/24 | | impressive stubborn stage masturbator | 01/11/24 | | concupiscible set | 01/11/24 | | concupiscible set | 01/11/24 | | concupiscible set | 01/23/24 | | adulterous brunch | 01/24/24 | | concupiscible set | 04/17/24 | | concupiscible set | 04/17/24 | | concupiscible set | 04/17/24 | | fragrant startling liquid oxygen ticket booth | 05/30/24 | | concupiscible set | 07/05/24 | | concupiscible set | 07/18/24 | | concupiscible set | 07/25/24 | | concupiscible set | 07/25/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | concupiscible set | 08/12/24 | | 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concupiscible set | 01/27/25 | | Twinkling cuckold | 01/27/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/27/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/28/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/29/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/29/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/29/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/30/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/30/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/30/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/03/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/03/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/06/25 | | concupiscible set | 01/31/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/03/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/04/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/09/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/09/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/10/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/11/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/12/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/16/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/16/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/17/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/19/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/17/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/18/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/19/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/17/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/17/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/18/25 | | concupiscible set | 02/20/25 | | concupiscible set | 03/03/25 | | concupiscible set | 03/03/25 | | concupiscible set | 03/04/25 | | concupiscible set | 03/04/25 | | nyuug | 03/11/25 | | nyuug | 03/11/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: January 21st, 2015 11:45 PM Author: medicated chapel hominid
2 NOWAGS who literally had to flee the country to get their dick wet are now experts when it comes to women
Date: January 21st, 2015 11:56 PM Author: concupiscible set
they don't call it the world's oldest profession for no reason, shrewmo
im guessing pretty much all of congress has fucked a pro
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2788553&forum_id=2#27162403) |
Date: November 7th, 2023 8:12 PM Author: concupiscible set
lmao i said none of the conquests i discussed on xoxo were pros. so i actually fucked 1500 non pro girls
never denied fucking pros and never posted about pros. actually discussed a $2000 handjob i didnt pay for which got zero interest so i stopped after that:
Date: November 25th, 2023 1:51 AM Author: fragrant startling liquid oxygen ticket booth
they furking are its just US birdshits are so beta and indoctrinated but ive hung arnd british birdshits and they just openly say they furk whores, its NBD in europe which is why its the whore capital of the world even big euro city has huge open whoredom usually esp in germany
aussies are the same way, not a huge deal
its just US beta birdshit "men"
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2788553&forum_id=2#47096001) |
Date: November 26th, 2023 10:46 PM Author: very tactful dashing tattoo
There's a CVS with a big parking where I've seen whores approaching asian guys in parked cars. Asian doods would pull up and sit in their cars, and an asian lady wearing sunglasses in a big white lexus SUV would stare at them from a few cars away. I assume she was giving orders to the bitches, because these big tit bitches would come out to meet the asian doods at their cars.
The ladies would not get in the cars at first. Instead the guys had to get out of the car and do business while standing there. That's how I could tell they were all asian. One dood was trying to cop a feel WHILE negotiating with this big tit latina, and she just ended the convo and walked off.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2788553&forum_id=2#47103012) |
Date: November 27th, 2024 7:43 AM Author: Garnet spectacular pocket flask Subject: Magna RX Pills USA Buy Magna RX Male Enhancement - Poerkan
Magna RX Male Supplement is a good quality and 100% natural herbal remedy for sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and has no side effects on human health.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2788553&forum_id=2#48386254) |
Date: January 15th, 2025 5:46 PM Author: Insane iridescent hunting ground elastic band
white men don't pay $1500 for a white girl to meet up, derptard. that john is obviously an azn/pajeet like u
keep tryin
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2788553&forum_id=2#48555939) |
Date: February 17th, 2025 7:50 PM Author: concupiscible set
now fucktarded cumskins FLIPFLOP and claim fucking prostitutes is NORMAL for whites:
Date: February 17th, 2025 7:49 PM
Author: "'''''"'""'''"'"'
All races pay for sex. But it's mostly undesirable dudes who can't find a woman who's attracted to them for their physical appearance and personality
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=2788553&forum_id=2#48669863) |