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Any books out there help with being effective deals associate?

I ended up coasting my first two years at my firm. I literal...
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Venus in Furs; it helps cultivate the right mindset.
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Date: October 21st, 2014 12:06 AM
Author: hairraiser national security agency pistol

I ended up coasting my first two years at my firm. I literally fell through the cracks. I mean I'm sure it's cause I sucked and I definitely was happy to let the vacay ride and do shit when I wasn't getting work. But not exaggerating in that my first year I billed 600 hours and my second 400. All very low level shit.

Was eventually inevitably shitcanned. But firm is solid and I got an offer at another as deals associate. Capital markets fund formation and m&a. Never even touched last two. Was on four securities offerings total. Is there anything I can do to be unscrewed? If I actually try and pay attention and don't suck can I get up to speed pretty quickly?

Ideally I want two types of resources: 1) lawyer-focused with conduct/reap of deals 2) banker focused so I understand the fucking jargon (bonus would also explain economics/business sense of deal.

Please help. Know this is ridiculous but I have a month and am so screwed...


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Date: October 21st, 2014 12:07 AM
Author: free-loading lodge

Venus in Furs; it helps cultivate the right mindset.
