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PSA: Mexicans grow you food, build your roads, clean your streets, wash your car

self-absorbed travel guidebook
No street cleaning on my block. We have to clean it ourselve...
Glittery filthpig box office

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Date: November 19th, 2017 11:10 AM
Author: self-absorbed travel guidebook


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Date: November 19th, 2017 11:30 AM
Author: Glittery filthpig box office

No street cleaning on my block. We have to clean it ourselves. Plus side is I never have to move my car.

I'm also a Jew and would NEVER pay for a car wash. I have a friend from HS who owns a car wash and I get my car washed for free.

I also never pay for haircuts cause I have an aunt with a salon.

LOL at goys who pay for shit.
