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My Review Of THE BRUTALIST - Film Is A Warning Against US Jewish Assimilation

i have no idea what this film was supposed to be about and n...
I thought this was clearly the best movie from this past osc...
Ponchito Bojado
yes, there is definitely a theme that toth is tolerated and ...
Maybe Van Buren was gay, the guy was a little snooty, never ...
Ponchito Bojado
good analysis. add in the dotter's line about this building ...
They imply they found his body in the column room if the mem...
Ponchito Bojado

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Date: March 6th, 2025 10:16 AM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,

i have no idea what this film was supposed to be about and no review mentions my theory, but i think the entire film is really a screed about the dangers of US jewish assimilation. it's not about an architect or a holocaust survivor or an artsy film. that's all cover for a movie that very subtly is full of cautions about the dangers of assimilation.

i think the whole van buren construction project is a metaphor for toth losing his jewish identity and rebuilding his identity as an assimilated US goy. he's building some huge church where the centerpiece is a giant shiny cross in the middle. his wife writes a letter saying that toth is so obsessed with the construction project that he's stopped going to shul. he's not just working on some random project -- he's literally building a masterpiece church.

and there's the dramatic scene with toth in shul on yom kippur with the congregation chanting the powerful melody of the vidui (confession of the sins) and toth banging on his chest, juxtaposed with scenes of the construction. this is to obviously show the struggle that toth is facing as he loses his jewish identity and his faith in hashem by assimilating in the US and engaging in idol worship, and how he feels guilty about it.

relatedly, there's the scene where the niece and her new husband announce that they're going to make aliyah in israel and try to get toth and wife to come with them. toth reacts very negatively to the prospect of jews in israel, doesn't care about his jewish identity, and cares more about his work in the US. this scene shows how jewish assimilation is tempting yet toxic.

there's also the bit about toth's cousin marries a shikse and has anglicized his name, and the shikse tells a huge lie that toth made a move on her, and the cousin sides with his shikse wife and kicks toth out. an assimilated jew is destroying his own flesh and blood, with the help of goyim trying to break up the tribe.

relatedly, van buren's fat jew lawyer marries a shikse, and converts to catholicism. the lawyer demonstrates jewish guilt with his assimilation by trying to help toth get his family to come to the US

all this stuff, to me, adds up to a movie about the horrors of assimilation. i could be totally hallucinating, particularly this director is a goy (with some distant jewish roots according to "early life" on wiki), but maybe i'm totally on to something.

if this movie isn't about assimilation, i have no idea what else it is about.

overall, this movie was beyond bizarre. i really don't get the point. it seems like one of those faggy artsy movies with no purpose other than for the director to jerk himself off about how artsy he is in the hopes that other insiders also jerk him off for being artsy.

the acting was phenomenal. brody certainly delivered an amazing performance, and his oscar is well deserved.

the movie is very long, but it's naturally broken up into two acts of 1:40 each and watching two separate 1:40 movies is way better than watching some almost 3 hr film all in one shot.

the second act was very bizarre. the first act had a lot of plot development, and the second act left a lot of stuff totally mysterious which was really annoying. it wasn't clear how van buren became a fag, or what happened to him, or how the wife died.

it is also very bizarre that the movie made no mention of toth being a holocaust survivor until the epilogue. throughout the movie, it wasn't clear if he was a refuge / escapee or actually had been in camps, and it's weird they buried that until the end for no reason.

this is the second "oscar bait" film i've seen this season (after anora), and i have to say that anora was actually a better film.


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Date: March 6th, 2025 11:19 AM
Author: Ponchito Bojado

I thought this was clearly the best movie from this past oscar season and clearly should have been the big winner over Anora which I didn't care for. The movie was pretty clear that Toth was a Buchenwald survivor from early on, and they underlined the point in the banquet scene during the conversation between Toth and Van Buren's lawyer. In the epilogue it's revealed that the reason Toth was so obsessed about the dimensions of the Van Buren memorial is that he was recreating sections of the camps in the building. So even while building a monstrosity of a presbyterian church/gymnasium/theater/community center he was still including something central to his Jewishness and experience during the war. This is a part of what is hinted at by showing him at temple juxtaposed against the construction process

A lot of the movie comes down to the line from Van Buren's son about how Toth is tolerated, not liked, and to that point I think the whole thing with VanBuren in Italy was more about power and subordination than sexuality. Toth could be more talented and capable than anyone, he could cross oceans and make his way from sleeping in shelters and shoveling coal to high society but ultimately, he's gonna end up on the bottom. I think they tried to make a similar point by including Toth's black contractor friend in so much of the movie and sort of showing their parallel experience. It was a great movie and worth another watch, but I don't know when I'll have another 4 hours to commit to it


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Date: March 6th, 2025 12:00 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,

yes, there is definitely a theme that toth is tolerated and not liked and he's never gonna be part of elite society no matter how successful he is as an architect.

this would further support my point that this film is about jewish assimilation. US goyim have never liked jews and never allowed them to be part of their elite wasp society. jews were the bankers and lawyers for the blue bloods, and jews were used for their intellectual horsepower. but jews are never truly going to be fully respected.

i see your point about the rape being about power/subordination. but was van buren not a fag then? just bros helping brows?


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Date: March 6th, 2025 12:25 PM
Author: Ponchito Bojado

Maybe Van Buren was gay, the guy was a little snooty, never remarried or dated, etc. killed self in shame at the end. But the timing is what matters. He spent the whole movie insulting Toth, literally throwing coins at him and then goes to Europe where he speaks fluent Italian and is respected and connected artist. He gets attention from women and it’s the only time in the movie Van Buren sees him coming close to enjoying himself. Van Buren kinda just has to follow him around and stand off to the side and he hates it. It’s kind of a call back to the conversation in the first half about architecture, where Toth sees it as art and Van Buren can only see the buildings and the bottom line. He spent the whole project trying to nickel and dime everything and then is standing at on a mountainside looking at white marble, talking to war hero quarry masters and shit and I think he was embarrassed by it. And I can’t think of anything that’ll kill your vibe faster than a dick up the ass.


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Date: March 6th, 2025 12:29 PM
Author: ...,,..;...,,..,..,...,,,;..,

good analysis. add in the dotter's line about this building to van buren being like renovating a kitchen.

you think it is obvious he killed himself in shame? that's the most likely reading and what i would assume, but it's lame they didn't close that out.

why didn't they close out the chapter about the wife about her illness and how she died and if she ever got better?


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Date: March 6th, 2025 12:43 PM
Author: Ponchito Bojado

They imply they found his body in the column room if the memorial at the end. The movie never wraps up the wife’s illness but maybe that’s the point. She suffered from what happened to the end and never fully recovered. They also never tied up Toth’s heroin addiction
