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LOL @ this story abt Trump WH struggling to find staff, recruiting at job fairs

Trump White House recruits at a Hill job fair amid staff exo...
charismatic weed whacker
"Perhaps most prominently, the position of communicatio...
plum parlor
scarlet home
Im shocked
Cerise trailer park jewess
fiercely-loyal deer antler kitty
fake news. you can't get hired, I know two people with preft...
well-lubricated glittery theater therapy
Lmfaooooo Promoted six times and then fired: Inside a 24-...
charismatic weed whacker
well-lubricated glittery theater therapy
charismatic weed whacker
Sad. After he won, Trump had literally tens of thousands of ...
Floppy coral selfie
The Swamp Cretans don't want to do work draining the swamp? ...
bateful son of senegal haunted graveyard
I think they don't want to work for a corrupt WH that is mir...
charismatic weed whacker
They were happy to work for Reagan - who had the most crimin...
contagious elite indian lodge
charismatic weed whacker
charismatic weed whacker
Traditionally White House staffers lower than the upper eche...
Sick cuckold
Date: June 18th, 2018 6:31 PM Author: Mance Rayder (/s/ Man...
charismatic weed whacker
(1) trump doesn't defend his supporters -- he only cares abo...
Underhanded legal warrant mood
cr if you have talent or money its better to run for office
hideous ruddy stage coffee pot
Red kitty cat
Most the former WH employees the article talks about though ...
contagious elite indian lodge
Cyan Ticket Booth Jap
Underhanded legal warrant mood
There's a serious problem here, but I don't think it's reall...
federal boltzmann stag film
Underhanded legal warrant mood
It's entirely because of incompetence in the hiring process....
dun dopamine
^ this.
federal boltzmann stag film
Sure, its "entirely" because Kushner is allegedly ...
charismatic weed whacker
charismatic weed whacker

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:06 PM
Author: charismatic weed whacker

Trump White House recruits at a Hill job fair amid staff exodus

The White House – which has been having trouble filling positions as it bleeds staffers – is now trying to find recruits at a conservative job fair on the Hill.

“Interested in a job at the White House?” is the subject line of an email that was blasted out widely to Republicans on the Hill late Wednesday advertising the upcoming event.

It promises that “representatives from across the Trump administration will be there to meet job seekers of every experience level.” A person familiar with the planning said that Johnny DeStefano, who oversees the White House personnel department, and Sean Doocey, a deputy assistant to the president for presidential personnel, are expected to be on hand, among other officials from the West Wing.

The flyer lists positions open in the White House as well as a handful of government agencies including Defense, Interior, Commerce, Homeland Security, Health & Human Services, NASA, Energy, and Treasury.

“There are positions currently open and we are looking for the most competent conservatives to recommend,” the flyer, shared with POLITICO, reads.

Recriting at a job fair is seen as an unusual step for a White House to take. Typically jobs in the executive branch are coveted career-making opportunities.

The Trump White House, however, has had difficulty bringing new people in as staffers have resigned amid ongoing chaos and a crackdown on security clearances – or, more recently, been fired as part of a purge of people accused of leaking information to reporters.

The departures have hollowed out the ranks of lower-level staffers, with dozens departing from various policy offices as well as the press and communications shops.

Perhaps most prominently, the position of communications director has sat vacant since Hope Hicks departed in March – but that post is not expected to be filled at the Friday job fair.



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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:07 PM
Author: plum parlor

"Perhaps most prominently, the position of communications director has sat vacant since Hope Hicks departed in March – but that post is not expected to be filled at the Friday job fair."


"ZING! Good one, Aiyden," the mincing homosexual unpaid gender-nonconformist millennial 'staff' writer chuckled to zherself as zhe typed that.


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Date: June 18th, 2018 10:36 PM
Author: scarlet home


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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:07 PM
Author: Cerise trailer park jewess

Im shocked


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Date: June 18th, 2018 9:13 PM
Author: fiercely-loyal deer antler kitty


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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:07 PM
Author: well-lubricated glittery theater therapy

fake news. you can't get hired, I know two people with preftigious backgrounds that have been dinged


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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:10 PM
Author: charismatic weed whacker


Promoted six times and then fired: Inside a 24-year-old political appointee’s wild ride in Trump’s Washington

He was one of the fastest-rising political appointees of the Trump administration, an unpaid campaign intern with no professional experience who soared into a top job with a six-figure salary at the White House’s drug policy office. But on Jan. 14, in the hours after a front-page Washington Post story cast doubt on his ­résumé and qualifications, ­24-year-old Taylor Weyeneth was feeling vulnerable.

“Can I ask you what the plan is for me now,” Weyeneth texted the White House official who had ­promoted him.

“You’re fine. No action required,” Sean Doocey, then the deputy director of the Office of Presidential Personnel, wrote back. “It is garbage journalism by a garbage newspaper.”

Two months later, Weyeneth was gone — demoted, told not to speak publicly and finally fired as the political fallout spread.

This is the inside account of a political appointee’s time in Trump’s Washington. It’s the story of a young operative whose central qualification was loyalty and whose responsibilities included furnishing the White House with intelligence about career employees at a time when the administration distrusts the standing bureaucracy to an unusual degree.

Weyeneth recently agreed to a request from The Post to talk about his experiences in the administration and the unusual circumstances that enabled him to climb through the ranks and into the White House. He provided emails, texts and other documents to back up his account.

In just over a year, Weyeneth received six promotions in the campaign and administration. They culminated with his appointment as deputy chief of staff at the Office of National Drug Control Policy, where he oversaw veteran employees and helped steer an operation that was supposed to lead the fight against the opioid epidemic.

“This is more than I ever dreamed of,” Weyeneth recalled thinking, even as he worried about a possible backlash over his lack of qualifications: “Have I reached too far? Is public opinion going to take over? Is this going to become an article?”



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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:12 PM
Author: well-lubricated glittery theater therapy



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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:21 PM
Author: charismatic weed whacker


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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:23 PM
Author: Floppy coral selfie

Sad. After he won, Trump had literally tens of thousands of mid-level corporate lawyers sending resumes to greatagain.gov

now he can't hire anyone. This is what he gets for showing zero loyalty to his staff.


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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:30 PM
Author: bateful son of senegal haunted graveyard

The Swamp Cretans don't want to do work draining the swamp?

No surprises here!

Will be a great team filled with (real) Americans at long last!


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Date: June 17th, 2018 9:42 PM
Author: charismatic weed whacker

I think they don't want to work for a corrupt WH that is mired in criminal investigations. The people they would replace have racked up tens of thousands to millions of dollars in legal fees


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Date: June 18th, 2018 6:37 PM
Author: contagious elite indian lodge

They were happy to work for Reagan - who had the most criminal and scandal-plagued administration in history. Manafort built his career as a conduit to foreign dictators for Reagan.


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Date: June 18th, 2018 8:55 AM
Author: charismatic weed whacker


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Date: June 18th, 2018 6:28 PM
Author: charismatic weed whacker


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Date: June 18th, 2018 6:31 PM
Author: Sick cuckold

Traditionally White House staffers lower than the upper echelon get filled by the kids of rich donors. I doubt the people Trump is trying to attract via a Hill job fair are any less capable.


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Date: June 18th, 2018 11:48 PM
Author: charismatic weed whacker

Date: June 18th, 2018 6:31 PM

Author: Mance Rayder (/s/ Mance Rayder)

Traditionally White House staffers lower than the upper echelon get filled by the kids of rich donors.


complete and utter flame


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Date: June 18th, 2018 6:42 PM
Author: Underhanded legal warrant mood

(1) trump doesn't defend his supporters -- he only cares about counter-punching when he's personally attacked. see: squelching of free speech on twitter (trump says nothing), trump supporters attacked at rallies (trump says nothing), trump supporters purged from NSC (trump does nothing). so you're on your own.

(2) trump prefers an adversarial environment pitting staffers against each other which leads to plenty of leaks and infighting

(3) the people responsible for filling admin jobs are GOPe and they hate actual trump supporters and ding them from jobs

(4) career democrats slowwalk security clearance approval for trump supporters

(5) job options are limited when you exit because the swamp hates nationalists

because of these reasons yes its very hard to get a job as a trump supporter within the administration, hard to keep one, and your job prospects are much more limited than if you were in any other admin


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Date: June 18th, 2018 6:44 PM
Author: hideous ruddy stage coffee pot

cr if you have talent or money its better to run for office


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Date: June 18th, 2018 6:54 PM
Author: Red kitty cat


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Date: June 18th, 2018 6:55 PM
Author: contagious elite indian lodge

Most the former WH employees the article talks about though aren't Trump people, they're the 2nd rate establishment hacks who joined the administration - and they're having trouble.


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Date: June 18th, 2018 9:10 PM
Author: Cyan Ticket Booth Jap


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Date: June 18th, 2018 9:06 PM
Author: Underhanded legal warrant mood


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Date: June 19th, 2018 1:37 PM
Author: federal boltzmann stag film

There's a serious problem here, but I don't think it's really a lack of candidates. They simply haven't placed a high priority on choosing or pushing through the willing candidates that exist.

There are qualified Trumpmos who want positions but can't break in because they don't have the kind of Hill staffer and/or lobbyist backgrounds that the GOPe people running the Personnel Office (which is also massively understaffed and run by junior, inexperienced people itself) seem to favor. It's less a real shortage than a disconnect.

Maybe CPI can help push some people through, but the fact that their career fair is literally being held in a Congressional office building should tell you what you need to know.


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Date: June 19th, 2018 1:45 PM
Author: Underhanded legal warrant mood


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Date: June 19th, 2018 1:47 PM
Author: dun dopamine

It's entirely because of incompetence in the hiring process. Among other things, the personnel office should have far more people working in it than it does, but apparently Kushner (not flame) wanted to run it "like a business" with very few staffers and it's caused a permanent clusterfuck.


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Date: June 19th, 2018 2:14 PM
Author: federal boltzmann stag film

^ this.


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Date: June 23rd, 2018 9:30 AM
Author: charismatic weed whacker

Sure, its "entirely" because Kushner is allegedly making a conscious decision to not staff the office. It has nothing to do with the fact that everyone who works for Trump ends up diminished or indicted


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Date: July 14th, 2018 1:14 PM
Author: charismatic weed whacker
