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Basquiat seems overrated

aquamarine cerebral lettuce
aquamarine cerebral lettuce
explain. i watched two documentaries recently, but they were...
Chrome box office
I'm not an art expert, but nothing about Basquiat's work mak...
aquamarine cerebral lettuce
that's some nice use of a color palette that became pretty p...
Adventurous Home Rigor
e.g., https://juiceboxinteractive.com/app/uploads/2018/06/Co...
Adventurous Home Rigor
Not sure Basquiat is responsible for that or in any way rela...
aquamarine cerebral lettuce
uh, i'm trying to say that i don't know when he drew that, b...
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a nigger with AIDS? overrated?
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He was no Keith Haring.
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some of his paintings are ok but the political stuff is pret...
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aquamarine cerebral lettuce
people who paint in that modern post-impressionist style do ...
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He fucked prime Madonna.
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like di caprio would pay $800K for overrated shlock.
Galvanic Brass Hominid Main People
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Clear Chapel Affirmative Action
Vigorous Parlour Puppy
I don't think his stuff isn't 'art' but it isn't to my taste...
Vigorous Parlour Puppy
aquamarine cerebral lettuce

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Date: April 22nd, 2021 2:09 PM
Author: aquamarine cerebral lettuce


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:03 PM
Author: aquamarine cerebral lettuce


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:09 PM
Author: Chrome box office

explain. i watched two documentaries recently, but they were more about the party scene surrounding him than the art. i don't disagree he may have been overrated however. in pretty much the exact same way warhol himself was a bit overrated. i also have no clue what i'm talking about and couldn't name a single one of either of their paintings. i'm also retarded and gay


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:19 PM
Author: aquamarine cerebral lettuce

I'm not an art expert, but nothing about Basquiat's work makes me pause and think. There's no interesting juxtaposition, no weird play between colors, no abstract strokes that seem open to interpretation.

Maybe he was just in the right place at the right time and got to introduce the "legitimate" art world to street art and graffiti. Most of it seems like juvenile doodles with little consistency or theme.

I know "my toddler could draw that!" is the criticism of the old fart collecting Kinkades, but come on: https://christies.shorthandstories.com/Jean-Michel-Basquiat-untitled/assets/WkgYLYUp86/shorthand_batch-basquiat-2560x3931.jpeg

Doesn't seem like top tier blue chip art.


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:20 PM
Author: Adventurous Home Rigor

that's some nice use of a color palette that became pretty popular in the years after his death (early 90s).

wonder if it filtered down from his art to the mainstream, or if he was tapping the same zeitgeist from which that palette filtered into the mainstream.


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:23 PM
Author: Adventurous Home Rigor

e.g., https://juiceboxinteractive.com/app/uploads/2018/06/Colors-of-the-1990s-Collage.jpg



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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:25 PM
Author: aquamarine cerebral lettuce

Not sure Basquiat is responsible for that or in any way related to it, to be fair.


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:28 PM
Author: Adventurous Home Rigor

uh, i'm trying to say that i don't know when he drew that, but it seems to hit on a color palette that became popular after his death. that may have something to do with his success and increasing reputation in the 90s.


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:18 PM
Author: electric water buffalo stock car

rate the film starring Jeffrey Wright


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:19 PM
Author: Adventurous Home Rigor

a nigger with AIDS? overrated?


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:24 PM
Author: Curious Canary Pit New Version

He was no Keith Haring.


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:30 PM
Author: Chocolate bawdyhouse

some of his paintings are ok but the political stuff is pretty hacky

it's been described as crayon drawings of bad police cars w RACISM scrawled across them


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:30 PM
Author: aquamarine cerebral lettuce


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:53 PM
Author: electric water buffalo stock car

people who paint in that modern post-impressionist style do not impress me because there's so little technical skill on display


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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:54 PM
Author: Multi-colored Elite Filthpig Legend



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Date: April 22nd, 2021 3:56 PM
Author: soul-stirring church

He fucked prime Madonna.


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Date: April 26th, 2021 12:49 PM
Author: aquamarine cerebral lettuce



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Date: April 26th, 2021 12:51 PM
Author: transparent stead

this makes me feel better about my fake computer money being worth something


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Date: April 26th, 2021 5:41 PM
Author: aquamarine cerebral lettuce


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Date: April 26th, 2021 12:52 PM
Author: Galvanic Brass Hominid Main People

like di caprio would pay $800K for overrated shlock.


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Date: April 26th, 2021 12:53 PM
Author: Clear Chapel Affirmative Action


Black. Gay-willing. Desperate. Graffiti. NYC. 80s.

Any hyper-exclusive all-white domain, like for example fine art, is primo territory for tokenism unlike anything you can dream of. And tokens dont have to be talentless, but they do have to be black.

Basquiat being black (and the french kind of black) and doing a "black" street art... he was really the perfect guy for the moment.

More credit to him.


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Date: September 10th, 2024 8:21 AM
Author: Clear Chapel Affirmative Action


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Date: April 26th, 2021 12:57 PM
Author: Vigorous Parlour Puppy


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Date: April 26th, 2021 1:18 PM
Author: Vigorous Parlour Puppy

I don't think his stuff isn't 'art' but it isn't to my taste at all


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Date: September 10th, 2024 6:49 AM
Author: aquamarine cerebral lettuce
