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Bernie going down the Russia conspiracy theory rabbit hole, very sad.

frum cream spot
what a joke people who supported this old socialist kook...
hyperventilating wrinkle
:D you aren't a blindly dogmatic or stupid or treasonous rep...
thriller athletic conference goal in life
because "collusion with Russia to rig the election"...
frum cream spot
thriller athletic conference goal in life
Their frantic revisionism would be striking if it weren’t so...
flesh hissy fit
misanthropic impressive jew locus
electric lodge mexican
you realize collusion has been proven, right? now we're just...
Duck-like bossy property sex offender
Link to section of Title 18 that deals with "collusion&...
thriller athletic conference goal in life
where did i say or imply that collusion was part of title 18...
Duck-like bossy property sex offender
What the fuck does it matter if it isn't a crime? And where ...
thriller athletic conference goal in life
Because that is literally the stated objective of the invest...
Idiotic Heaven
That must be why Mueller staffed his team with collusion spe...
thriller athletic conference goal in life
That must be why the investigation started before Mueller. ...
Idiotic Heaven
There is no grand 'deep state' conspiracy defending the US. ...
Idiotic Heaven
Imagine how mentally ill you’d need to be to believe that an...
flesh hissy fit
Lol at this you stupid fucking slav. No, it's not a conspira...
thriller athletic conference goal in life
Lol lol
exciting blathering orchestra pit messiness
thriller athletic conference goal in life
LMAO if you really think this investigation is some kind of ...
Idiotic Heaven
Why does a wooky live in Endor?
thriller athletic conference goal in life
as precisely and concisely as you can, define the collusion....
Startling Autistic Water Buffalo Telephone
thriller athletic conference goal in life
contagious hyperactive digit ratio
Trump had the Russians hack the election so he could win. Wh...
flesh hissy fit
120 of him
electric lodge mexican

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Date: February 24th, 2018 12:37 PM
Author: frum cream spot



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Date: February 24th, 2018 12:40 PM
Author: hyperventilating wrinkle

what a joke

people who supported this old socialist kook were naive tards


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Date: February 24th, 2018 12:44 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life

:D you aren't a blindly dogmatic or stupid or treasonous reptile so I'm interested in whether you disagree with this on narrow grounds like I do -- because "collusion with Russia to rig the election" is a joke allegation -- or whether you are entirely opposed to the Mueller probe and don't think there's any reason to investigate whether the Russians own this retard and his family


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Date: February 24th, 2018 12:55 PM
Author: frum cream spot

because "collusion with Russia to rig the election" is a joke allegation




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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:22 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life



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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:24 PM
Author: flesh hissy fit

Their frantic revisionism would be striking if it weren’t so predictable


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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:25 PM
Author: misanthropic impressive jew locus


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Date: February 24th, 2018 5:58 PM
Author: electric lodge mexican


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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:26 PM
Author: Duck-like bossy property sex offender

you realize collusion has been proven, right? now we're just waiting to see what mueller uncovers wrt Trump's finances. should be interesting!


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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:32 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life

Link to section of Title 18 that deals with "collusion" you fucking idiot. Have you ever thought about why Trump tries to use that word 7 times in each sentence about Russia? Lmao at this fucking idiocracy, this country deserves this reality TV freak show traitor if he can use elementary behavioral psychology like that to get his haters focused on a completely illusory crime instead of the fact that he is owned by Russian banks


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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:36 PM
Author: Duck-like bossy property sex offender

where did i say or imply that collusion was part of title 18?


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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:43 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life

What the fuck does it matter if it isn't a crime? And where are you looking to show that it has been "proven"? Is it like a common law crime or something? A restatement?


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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:49 PM
Author: Idiotic Heaven

Because that is literally the stated objective of the investigation, to investigate a 'non-crime'.

There would be no Russia investigation without the DNC email leaks, period. That's when it started.


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Date: February 24th, 2018 5:42 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life

That must be why Mueller staffed his team with collusion specialists instead of money laundering and counterespionage and mob lawyers


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Date: February 24th, 2018 6:00 PM
Author: Idiotic Heaven

That must be why the investigation started before Mueller.

You believe that the Russian email hacking had no impact on the election and that Hillary would've lost anyway, but the reality is that without said hacking, there would've been no investigation.

The investigation exists because of HER.


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Date: February 24th, 2018 6:14 PM
Author: Idiotic Heaven

There is no grand 'deep state' conspiracy defending the US. No one could've predicted that Franken would effectuate a Sessions recusal and that Trump would've appointed Rosenstein.

SHE funded the Steele dossier, it was HER campaign's hacked emails that launched the entire investigation.


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Date: February 24th, 2018 11:05 PM
Author: flesh hissy fit

Imagine how mentally ill you’d need to be to believe that and side with the FBI


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Date: February 25th, 2018 5:11 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life

Lol at this you stupid fucking slav. No, it's not a conspiracy, it's the nation's law enforcement and counterespionage agencies fulfilling their missions.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 5:12 PM
Author: exciting blathering orchestra pit messiness

Lol lol


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Date: February 25th, 2018 5:36 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life



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Date: February 24th, 2018 3:55 PM
Author: Idiotic Heaven

LMAO if you really think this investigation is some kind of deep state conspiracy on the part of the 'intelligence' agencies 'resisting' the President. If the 'Intelligence' Community was remotely competent, Comey would've never been allowed to pull his little stunt.

How would the 'Deep State' know that Franken would cause Sessions to recuse, and that Trump was going to appoint an institutionalist like Rosenstein for DAG instead of a crony?

You don't gamble like that when the stakes are that high.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 6:27 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life

Why does a wooky live in Endor?


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Date: February 24th, 2018 4:35 PM
Author: Startling Autistic Water Buffalo Telephone

as precisely and concisely as you can, define the collusion. give us the who what when where in two sentences.


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Date: February 24th, 2018 10:58 PM
Author: thriller athletic conference goal in life


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Date: February 24th, 2018 11:03 PM
Author: contagious hyperactive digit ratio


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Date: February 24th, 2018 11:03 PM
Author: flesh hissy fit

Trump had the Russians hack the election so he could win. What don’t you understand?


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Date: February 24th, 2018 5:58 PM
Author: electric lodge mexican

120 of him
