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Why are reptiles so incensed about weed, suspensions and tattoos

Weren't they ever teenage boys? Who cares if Trayvon was ...
sick frozen generalized bond
(shitlib who doesnt seem to get that the issue is that the p...
Fishy Pit
Those things don't make you a bad kid. Why can't a pot smok...
sick frozen generalized bond
I love when these shitlibs try to project their own experien...
Brass trip marketing idea
do you realize how many white collar professionals out there...
Seedy gay wizard feces
lol it's not just the pot smoking. it's the whole package: b...
Red Electric School Cafeteria Cuckoldry
the 10 day suspension IMO is the biggest item. maybe it's ch...
transparent cerebral space
it's probably just the culmination of shit he had done above...
Red Electric School Cafeteria Cuckoldry
Dude, nobody's saying, "I'm glad the little bastard is ...
transparent cerebral space
they are either retarded or willfully ignoring the point. pr...
Fishy Pit
How do we know he would hurt a fly? Pot smokers aren't usua...
sick frozen generalized bond
the 10 day suspension the pics
transparent cerebral space
according to his friend's twitter, he swung on a bus driver ...
Red Electric School Cafeteria Cuckoldry
heat rocks, shedding, and weed don't go well together
Seedy gay wizard feces
lolwut, are you slow? reptiles were all losers in HS, none o...
Histrionic meetinghouse
Probably. I just don't want to believe that EVERYONE on thi...
sick frozen generalized bond
lol, give it up, dude. ur boy Tray was a thug. u'd either cr...
Wonderful umber gas station toaster
Dood, you can't assume everyone on the board is a chickenshi...
sick frozen generalized bond
Fragrant Bat-shit-crazy Indian Lodge
(pumo agreeing with himself on his other pumo account)
Wonderful umber gas station toaster
Wonderful umber gas station toaster
pretty much
Fragrant Bat-shit-crazy Indian Lodge
People (libs) desperately wanted Zimmerman to be white and M...
Primrose bespoke hall
as a conservative i almost wish that this was the case so at...
Red Electric School Cafeteria Cuckoldry
because the entire narrative and media induced outrage and c...
Self-centered fantasy-prone legal warrant casino
Jesus Christ. You shitlibs are fucking dense as fuck. Th...
rough-skinned liquid oxygen
Wonderful umber gas station toaster
The fact that someone would even have to ask this shows that...
120 Days of Diaper
So reptiles have been mad about these things for 13 years an...
Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:01 PM
Author: sick frozen generalized bond

Weren't they ever teenage boys?

Who cares if Trayvon was high? I was high 90% of the time in high school. Doesn't mean someone should have murdered me.



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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:02 PM
Author: Fishy Pit

(shitlib who doesnt seem to get that the issue is that the portrayal of mr. martin as a straight-laced sweetheart who aspired to become a pilot or engineer (ROFL!!) is utter garbage and was peddled by the shitlib press who are just fine starting a race war if it fits their preferred narrative)


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:03 PM
Author: sick frozen generalized bond

Those things don't make you a bad kid. Why can't a pot smoker want to become a pilot?


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:04 PM
Author: Brass trip marketing idea

I love when these shitlibs try to project their own experiences onto some aspiring gang-banger from the hood. Like they're the same as Trayvon because they used to smoke pot.

These are the same guys who say "If somebody had done that at MY high school, he would've gotten his ass kicked" well into their 30s btw.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:06 PM
Author: Seedy gay wizard feces

do you realize how many white collar professionals out there who secretely and regularly smoke pot?


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:09 PM
Author: Red Electric School Cafeteria Cuckoldry

lol it's not just the pot smoking. it's the whole package: bad and dumb student, tattoos, smokes weed, deals weed, steals jewelry, breaks into lockers with screwdrivers, has tattoos, swung on a bus driver, speaks ghetto thug, suspended multiple times, spray painted WHAT THE FUCK on lockers, takes pics of himself posing with gang symbols and flipping cameras off. does this sound like a dude headed for a white collar job?


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:10 PM
Author: transparent cerebral space

the 10 day suspension IMO is the biggest item. maybe it's changed but back when I was in school, you got one week for *VERY* serious shit.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:13 PM
Author: Red Electric School Cafeteria Cuckoldry

it's probably just the culmination of shit he had done above. apparently they had investigated him before for stealing jewelry and breaking into lockers but only warned him or some shit because the proof wasn't conclusive. also he attacked a bus driver. them finding weed on him was probably the last straw.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:04 PM
Author: transparent cerebral space

Dude, nobody's saying, "I'm glad the little bastard is dead." The idea is, the media has been disingenuous in portraying him as someone who wouldn't hurt a fly.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:04 PM
Author: Fishy Pit

they are either retarded or willfully ignoring the point. probably both.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:05 PM
Author: sick frozen generalized bond

How do we know he would hurt a fly? Pot smokers aren't usually violent guys.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:06 PM
Author: transparent cerebral space

the 10 day suspension

the pics


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:11 PM
Author: Red Electric School Cafeteria Cuckoldry

according to his friend's twitter, he swung on a bus driver just a few days prior to his death


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:05 PM
Author: Seedy gay wizard feces

heat rocks, shedding, and weed don't go well together


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:07 PM
Author: Histrionic meetinghouse

lolwut, are you slow? reptiles were all losers in HS, none of them smoked weed or got laid.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:17 PM
Author: sick frozen generalized bond

Probably. I just don't want to believe that EVERYONE on this site is a loser.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:22 PM
Author: Wonderful umber gas station toaster

lol, give it up, dude. ur boy Tray was a thug. u'd either cross the street if u saw him or get mugged


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:36 PM
Author: sick frozen generalized bond

Dood, you can't assume everyone on the board is a chickenshit nasally aspie manlet just because you are. I don't cross the street out of fear of skinny little boys.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:47 PM
Author: Fragrant Bat-shit-crazy Indian Lodge



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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:51 PM
Author: Wonderful umber gas station toaster

(pumo agreeing with himself on his other pumo account)


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:51 PM
Author: Wonderful umber gas station toaster



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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:47 PM
Author: Fragrant Bat-shit-crazy Indian Lodge

pretty much


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:08 PM
Author: Primrose bespoke hall

People (libs) desperately wanted Zimmerman to be white and Martin to have been an angelic kid. Just like for the few hours after the Tucson shooting before it was clear what happened, people (libs) desperately wanted the shooter to have been a right wing nut who was inspired by Sarah Palin's crosshair map instead of just a babbling schizo.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:20 PM
Author: Red Electric School Cafeteria Cuckoldry

as a conservative i almost wish that this was the case so at least i would be hearing something reasonable when i read the news. as it is, i get to keep seeing distorted facts as media desperately tries to keep the story on point.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:24 PM
Author: Self-centered fantasy-prone legal warrant casino

because the entire narrative and media induced outrage and calls for arrest hinge on whether Zimmerman 1) started the fight or 2) intentionally shot Martin for no reason.

Each of these thing that we find out about Martin degrades the media's portrayal of the kid as a saint and makes it just possible that he acted like lots of punkass kids would act when followed by a douchebag - he flipped out and decided to beat Zimmerman's ass for the insult.

That doesn't mean he was a hardened criminal or a bad person. Lots of kids, especially from that environment lash out with violence at minimal or moderate provocation. Unfortunately this got him killed, if that's in fact what happened.

When you have no evidence as to who STARTED the fight, except Zimmerman's testimony, you end up relying on bullshit circumstantial evidence like the character of the parties - at least when it comes to making an informed mob opinion.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:50 PM
Author: rough-skinned liquid oxygen

Jesus Christ. You shitlibs are fucking dense as fuck.

This has nothing to do with weed or tattoos but the likelihood Tray was the kind of punk who could have tried to "keep it real" by jumping some nosy spic.

Hint: all the evidence says he was.


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Date: March 27th, 2012 1:53 PM
Author: Wonderful umber gas station toaster



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Date: January 11th, 2025 4:29 PM
Author: zesty



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Date: January 11th, 2025 5:01 PM
Author: 120 Days of Diaper

The fact that someone would even have to ask this shows that we are plummeting into a world-historic dark age of ignorance and regression


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Date: January 11th, 2025 5:05 PM
Author: Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband

So reptiles have been mad about these things for 13 years and have only lost ground. 180 fuck shitcons and all their fucking lost causes
