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Dealer fuck up cost me 100bb in poker game tonight.

pretty frustrating when their one job is to manage/control t...
big-titted amethyst native tank
Stop gambling, you degenerate.
haunting shimmering lay cuckoldry
why does this still seem like gambling to you? it's a skill...
big-titted amethyst native tank
Up-to-no-good bossy windowlicker
whoa. don't out me bro.
big-titted amethyst native tank
mewling affirmative action
it was the last hand before the dealers changed. she was bu...
big-titted amethyst native tank
speak louder/more coherently. this one is on you i think.
Indigo Indian Lodge
i understand that technically, but the issue i have with thi...
big-titted amethyst native tank
its not about being louder. the other guy surely heard it ev...
Heady mahogany alpha laser beams
*folds second nuts to you*
big-titted amethyst native tank
just do it every single time bro. you must be a retard to do...
Heady mahogany alpha laser beams
i feel you. my issue is how people perceive that, whether o...
big-titted amethyst native tank
outnumbered mad cow disease point
call pit boss
chrome preventive strike really tough guy
yeah, i talked to the two that were working. mostly because...
big-titted amethyst native tank
there is no pit boss in poker. assume you mean floor floo...
Heady mahogany alpha laser beams
did she muck your cards cuz you werent protecting?
Awkward Orchestra Pit
this would be a player error
Indigo Indian Lodge
what's a bb
primrose appetizing toilet seat
big blind
Indigo Indian Lodge
what happened
Indigo Indian Lodge
if you are going bitch about it then you should tell us what...
Heady mahogany alpha laser beams
Poor job by dealer and you didn't deserve your fate but prot...
disgusting diverse famous landscape painting
unfortunately cr.
big-titted amethyst native tank
It's happened to me before and it blows. At least I got a l...
disgusting diverse famous landscape painting
the time to do it is before the action leaves you. if you ar...
Heady mahogany alpha laser beams
Thanks for listening to me gripe, bros.
big-titted amethyst native tank

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:09 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

pretty frustrating when their one job is to manage/control the poker game in front of them.

then had audacity to shift blame away from herself to me.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:10 AM
Author: haunting shimmering lay cuckoldry

Stop gambling, you degenerate.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:11 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

why does this still seem like gambling to you? it's a skill game.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:11 AM
Author: Up-to-no-good bossy windowlicker



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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:11 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

whoa. don't out me bro.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:11 AM
Author: mewling affirmative action



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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:22 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

it was the last hand before the dealers changed. she was bullshitting with the incoming dealer behind her while dealing out the hand. I was heads up and first to act in the hand, sitting in the #2 seat. #1 was away from the table, so i'm unobstructed to the dealer.

she dealt the river, and I verbally declared all-in, and she didn't say "all-in" or throw out the all-in token, so I repeated "all-in" and took the big chips off the top of my stack and place them in front of me.

villain placed chips in front of him, but not enough to match even what I placed out there.

I tabled my hand, he stared at the board like a retard, and then mucked.

dealer had him match my chips and then started pushing the pot, when I was like, "hey! hey. hey. this is all-in."

she got defensive because I pointed out that she wasn't paying attention to the hand and was too busy talking to someone behind her. she went from, "I didn't hear you" to "you didn't bet enough to put him all in" to "why didn't you push your whole stack out?" etc. I said, "verbal is binding, I don't need to push out my whole stack, and you know that. I declared all in, he called by putting chips out, and I have him covered. all that money should be coming to me."

in short, i need to expect the worst out of people and should push 600bb out in front of me next time if i want to be all in.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:24 AM
Author: Indigo Indian Lodge

speak louder/more coherently. this one is on you i think.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:27 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

i understand that technically, but the issue i have with this is that she should have been focused on the game.

one of THE MOST reliable live tells is when a player makes a point of getting the dealer's attention before declaring all-in. i was trying to avoid that.

but yeah, lesson learned.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:27 AM
Author: Heady mahogany alpha laser beams

its not about being louder. the other guy surely heard it even in this instance but did an angle shoot so it doesnt matter if he screamed it out

but its still your mistake because you didn't make sure that the dealer acknowledged the all in. you either stop the action and make sure she announces it or grab the all in button your self

I first look at the dealer and announce all in and wait for the dealer to acknowledge it before i even move my chips


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:28 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

*folds second nuts to you*


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:30 AM
Author: Heady mahogany alpha laser beams

just do it every single time bro. you must be a retard to do this only when you have nuts

i know you are a very good poker player so i am sure you understand what i am talking about


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:33 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

i feel you. my issue is how people perceive that, whether or not i do it every time.

but yeah, ultimately it's on me one way or another to make it happen.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:39 AM
Author: outnumbered mad cow disease point


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:24 AM
Author: chrome preventive strike really tough guy

call pit boss


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:28 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

yeah, i talked to the two that were working. mostly because i was pissed that she tried to blame me, when she was the one not paying attention. shit happens, if she would have apologized and taken responsibility i would have shrugged it off.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:31 AM
Author: Heady mahogany alpha laser beams

there is no pit boss in poker. assume you mean floor

floor is not going to help since this was a verbal all in and the dealer is going to claim ignorance


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:14 AM
Author: Awkward Orchestra Pit

did she muck your cards cuz you werent protecting?


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:21 AM
Author: Indigo Indian Lodge

this would be a player error


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:14 AM
Author: primrose appetizing toilet seat

what's a bb


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:21 AM
Author: Indigo Indian Lodge

big blind


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:21 AM
Author: Indigo Indian Lodge

what happened


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:21 AM
Author: Heady mahogany alpha laser beams

if you are going bitch about it then you should tell us what happened so we can tell you who is at fault


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:31 AM
Author: disgusting diverse famous landscape painting

Poor job by dealer and you didn't deserve your fate but protect your hand in the future. If you're making an all-in bet and you think you're called, make sure there's no room for confusion before you table your hand.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:36 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

unfortunately cr.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:41 AM
Author: disgusting diverse famous landscape painting

It's happened to me before and it blows. At least I got a little long term ev out of it because it made me a lot more careful.

Dealers will fuck up and other players will pull BS angles. Lord of trashy people in these games.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:41 AM
Author: Heady mahogany alpha laser beams

the time to do it is before the action leaves you. if you are going to do it after the player has called you then you are pretty much telling him you have him beat and giving him an opportunity to angle shoot


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 12:44 AM
Author: big-titted amethyst native tank

Thanks for listening to me gripe, bros.
