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Are AA meetings a good way to meet people?

bistre fanboi
Great way to meet people and get their phone numbers
Awkward razzmatazz dysfunction whorehouse
i creampied some prole AA girl couple times that was a mi...
Fragrant Reading Party Bawdyhouse
Sounds like a rousing success if you knowwhaimsayin
Awkward razzmatazz dysfunction whorehouse
im gay
Dull dragon
Never a mistake..you'd regret if you didn't
Cocky chest-beating roommate quadroon
is NA better for this sort of thing?
bipolar turquoise laser beams selfie
Cocky chest-beating roommate quadroon
I think NA meetings usually have a smaller crowd than Aa, so...
Curious Green Crotch Gas Station
are your intentions honorable?
Awkward razzmatazz dysfunction whorehouse
You can fix her
Motley piazza
Do the next right thing...in her anus.
Floppy Orchid Rehab Wagecucks
(Chuck Palahunik)
beady-eyed hot trailer park

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 10th, 2022 7:39 PM
Author: bistre fanboi


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Date: July 6th, 2024 9:10 PM
Author: Awkward razzmatazz dysfunction whorehouse

Great way to meet people and get their phone numbers


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Date: July 6th, 2024 9:15 PM
Author: Fragrant Reading Party Bawdyhouse

i creampied some prole AA girl couple times

that was a mistake, multiple


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Date: July 7th, 2024 8:48 PM
Author: Awkward razzmatazz dysfunction whorehouse

Sounds like a rousing success if you knowwhaimsayin


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Date: July 7th, 2024 9:04 PM
Author: Dull dragon

im gay


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Date: July 7th, 2024 9:07 PM
Author: Cocky chest-beating roommate quadroon

Never a mistake..you'd regret if you didn't


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Date: July 7th, 2024 9:05 PM
Author: bipolar turquoise laser beams selfie

is NA better for this sort of thing?


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Date: July 7th, 2024 9:08 PM
Author: Cocky chest-beating roommate quadroon


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Date: July 7th, 2024 9:10 PM
Author: Curious Green Crotch Gas Station

I think NA meetings usually have a smaller crowd than Aa, so Probably fewer women to go around.


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Date: July 7th, 2024 9:11 PM
Author: Awkward razzmatazz dysfunction whorehouse

are your intentions honorable?


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Date: July 7th, 2024 9:51 PM
Author: Motley piazza

You can fix her


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Date: July 7th, 2024 10:43 PM
Author: Floppy Orchid Rehab Wagecucks

Do the next right thing...in her anus.


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Date: July 7th, 2024 10:47 PM
Author: beady-eyed hot trailer park

(Chuck Palahunik)
