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PROTIP: McCarthyism was actually good

Russia was a real threat and commies were trying to actively...
Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth
The shitlib historians ignore that there were commies in the...
Narrow-minded Site Potus
Soul-stirring mother
indigo razzmatazz forum
Sable puppy shrine
Diverse Hideous Old Irish Cottage
(this is intentional)
Ivory bawdyhouse party of the first part
McCarthyism wasn't good, if only because it made Hollywood a...
aphrodisiac crusty sex offender
"When you try to tell a child they can't do something, ...
Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth
Cr. That’s why there’s so many Christian, conser...
Aromatic candlestick maker orchestra pit
Flushed Juggernaut
It would be better to say that being suspicious of communist...
vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit
(Guy who takes the constitution seriously)
Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth
Some parts of it. I think the limitations on search and seiz...
vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit
Metadata is just as useful as spying on your home if not mor...
Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth
It's about how invasive it is and what sort of techniques ar...
vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit
sounds beta
Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth
"The problem with the Red Scare is that people got labe...
coral cuck dog poop
That's funny coming from a libertarian. I thought you guys w...
vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit
Sure, but the distinction is nonexistent for totalitarian st...
coral cuck dog poop
What makes you think I want to ban opposition to gay marriag...
vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderati...
indigo razzmatazz forum
That must be why Barry Goldwater said we should nukes in Asi...
vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit
MLK would totally agree with the second part
indigo razzmatazz forum
U would know batshit insane weirdos
Soul-stirring mother
indigo razzmatazz forum
wonderful useless background story
nubile razzle-dazzle parlour degenerate
Ivory bawdyhouse party of the first part
Too many ex commies have infiltrated deep state to purge out...
Marvelous partner roommate
Yes. Unfortunately McCarthy himself was somewhat of a clown....
maize gaped station
really surprised I wasn’t OP in this thread
rambunctious kitty friendly grandma
TRUMP cheeks

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 28th, 2014 6:21 PM
Author: Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth

Russia was a real threat and commies were trying to actively sabotage the US. We could use another Red Scare to purge the Marxists from our nation.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 6:27 PM
Author: Narrow-minded Site Potus

The shitlib historians ignore that there were commies in the government and other positions of power and influence and Joe got them out.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:20 PM
Author: Soul-stirring mother



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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:33 PM
Author: indigo razzmatazz forum


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Date: December 27th, 2020 11:36 PM
Author: Sable puppy shrine


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Date: December 27th, 2020 11:37 PM
Author: Diverse Hideous Old Irish Cottage


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Date: December 28th, 2020 12:41 AM
Author: Ivory bawdyhouse party of the first part

(this is intentional)


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Date: March 28th, 2014 6:27 PM
Author: aphrodisiac crusty sex offender

McCarthyism wasn't good, if only because it made Hollywood a bastion of shitlibism.

Protip: When you try to tell someone they can't do something, it usually makes them want to do it even more.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 6:31 PM
Author: Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth

"When you try to tell a child they can't do something, it usually makes them want to do it even more."



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Date: December 28th, 2020 12:30 AM
Author: Aromatic candlestick maker orchestra pit

Cr. That’s why there’s so many Christian, conservative movies being pumped out of Hollywood


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Date: December 28th, 2020 12:31 AM
Author: Flushed Juggernaut


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:25 PM
Author: vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit

It would be better to say that being suspicious of communists was good. The problem with the Red Scare is that people got labeled as communists and had their lives destroyed for arbitrary and unfair reasons. Additionally, a lot of the things the government was doing were clearly unconstitutional under the 4th amendment.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:25 PM
Author: Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth

(Guy who takes the constitution seriously)


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:26 PM
Author: vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit

Some parts of it. I think the limitations on search and seizure make sense as long as we aren't talking about "metadata" and are actually talking about spying on people's homes and shit.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:28 PM
Author: Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth

Metadata is just as useful as spying on your home if not more so, but that's besides the point. Anyone who argues from a constitutional perspective is a fool.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:32 PM
Author: vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit

It's about how invasive it is and what sort of techniques are used by the agents in question. Most metadata isn't accessed by anyone even if it is collected, so it's a real stretch to say that the government is doing something evil.

I think it's stupid to assume that the constitution should never be changed, but it's also stupid to assume that there is no reason to want the government to follow the law. The constitution is a legal document, and ignoring is similar to ignoring a federal statute. I'd also be uncomfortable with Obama blatantly ignoring laws passed by the current Congress.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:38 PM
Author: Ruddy Property Scourge Upon The Earth

sounds beta


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:34 PM
Author: coral cuck dog poop

"The problem with the Red Scare is that people got labeled as communists and had their lives destroyed for arbitrary and unfair reasons"

This might be true, but it is dogshit coming from the mouth of someone who was all "nbd" when another guys career and potentially life is being ruined for giving $1K to a majority position 5 years ago.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:37 PM
Author: vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit

That's funny coming from a libertarian. I thought you guys were all about making big distinctions between government activity and private activity.

In any case, there is no question that he donated money to support prop 8. This isn't a comparable situation.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:39 PM
Author: coral cuck dog poop

Sure, but the distinction is nonexistent for totalitarian statists like you. Which is what is relevant here.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:40 PM
Author: vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit

What makes you think I want to ban opposition to gay marriage? I don't.

You're just mad that your position makes no sense.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:34 PM
Author: indigo razzmatazz forum

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:37 PM
Author: vigorous tan wagecucks hissy fit

That must be why Barry Goldwater said we should nukes in Asia.

he was a batshit insane weirdo.


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:38 PM
Author: indigo razzmatazz forum

MLK would totally agree with the second part


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:43 PM
Author: Soul-stirring mother

U would know batshit insane weirdos


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Date: March 6th, 2021 9:10 AM
Author: indigo razzmatazz forum


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Date: March 28th, 2014 7:44 PM
Author: wonderful useless background story



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Date: December 27th, 2020 11:36 PM
Author: nubile razzle-dazzle parlour degenerate


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Date: December 27th, 2020 11:43 PM
Author: Ivory bawdyhouse party of the first part


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Date: December 28th, 2020 12:43 AM
Author: Marvelous partner roommate

Too many ex commies have infiltrated deep state to purge out, best hope is to somehow self identify them and goade them out of power. good luck with that


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Date: December 28th, 2020 6:14 AM
Author: maize gaped station

Yes. Unfortunately McCarthy himself was somewhat of a clown. A trump like situation


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Date: December 28th, 2020 6:29 AM
Author: rambunctious kitty friendly grandma

really surprised I wasn’t OP in this thread


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Date: January 19th, 2025 7:07 AM
Author: TRUMP cheeks (✅🍑)
