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xo brehs - how has TT impacted ur views of turdskin kind?

i knew a bunch of turdy bros growing up since i was a nerd a...
nighttime menage toilet seat
i dont even talk abt turds that much, mostly id impact ppl's...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
growing up i thought all turds were apu from the corner stor...
Lake rigor
all minorities have inner hate of whitey but they dont expre...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
i dunno, one of my good friends from college is brown and he...
Lake rigor
is he con or lib? i am guessing con
nighttime menage toilet seat
i don't talk politics but we call each other faggot and shit...
Lake rigor
Any intelligent minority in America who does not shield thei...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
him associating with whites has gotten him much further in l...
Lake rigor
lol that is just some subjective fucking view.. all humans s...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
goddamn tommyboy carrying the banner of united mumbai front,...
Trip Sepia Resort Stain
nighttime menage toilet seat
Trip Sepia Resort Stain
nighttime menage toilet seat
Trip Sepia Resort Stain
he has the best of both worlds -- close knit indian family a...
Lake rigor
lol, u dont know how anyone thinks deep down. i knew white w...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
lol he's from fucking new jersey. he has indian friends too,...
Lake rigor
my rantings of america have nothing to do with my race actua...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
we went on a trip to vietnam and japan our senior year of co...
Lake rigor
lollll wtf are u even talking abt, all i was saying is that ...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
how has he been oppressed by whitey? he has a white girlfrie...
Lake rigor
lol u are creating a mythical creature that doesnt exist.. t...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
(guy who kisses white ass in a foreign society to succeed)
Trip Sepia Resort Stain
maybe in the past but nowadays i literally extort (mean lega...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
lol if anything, he has white people kissing his ass for a j...
Lake rigor
TT is in a league of his own, you can't put him in the same ...
Supple crackhouse cumskin
no changes, nothing TT doesnt say that two black/white/brown...
spectacular charcoal nowag
stfu turdboy
nighttime menage toilet seat
lol like white dudes dont bitch about black/mexican people a...
spectacular charcoal nowag
this, 90% of white posts on XO are abt nigs, beaners, etc bu...
multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut
Razzle-dazzle know-it-all ratface house
Titillating national coffee pot

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Date: July 30th, 2015 8:48 PM
Author: nighttime menage toilet seat

i knew a bunch of turdy bros growing up since i was a nerd and so were they. they were all pretty 175. just wondering how TT (and his pathetic imitators like PP and rasquach) have impacted your views of turds in america?


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Date: July 30th, 2015 8:51 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

i dont even talk abt turds that much, mostly id impact ppl's views of AZNgirls and WHITE DEVILS


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Date: July 30th, 2015 8:53 PM
Author: Lake rigor

growing up i thought all turds were apu from the corner store. but in university, i met a good number of fratty indian guys who now have pretty CR lives. they didn't seem as obsessed with race as TT though, something obviously went haywire with him. he credits it to repressive parents and growing up with only AZNs, which makes sense


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Date: July 30th, 2015 8:54 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

all minorities have inner hate of whitey but they dont express it or acknowledge it cause they conform to white expectations of society... most turd-american guys just want to get dat JERB and will suck white dick, though not as blatantly and slavishly as subhuman AZNS


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:00 PM
Author: Lake rigor

i dunno, one of my good friends from college is brown and he doesn't have your racial animus. why would he? he makes paper, has a girlfriend, and a family that loves him.

i don't see how your approach of social isolation and aversion to whites would make him happy.


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:01 PM
Author: nighttime menage toilet seat

is he con or lib? i am guessing con


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:06 PM
Author: Lake rigor

i don't talk politics but we call each other faggot and shit when talking trash. so he's a con in my book


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:05 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

Any intelligent minority in America who does not shield their true views of whites would have my views. Most minorities though subsconsciously or even consciously prevent themselves from being honest abt American racism.


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:09 PM
Author: Lake rigor

him associating with whites has gotten him much further in life than if he were in india dealing with indians.

anyway, it's one thing to build relationship with white people to get ahead in your career, but this guy has no ulterior reason to be friends with me and the rest of our group from college. yet he comes out and has a good time with us. probably a much better time than if he went to the temple and danced around in a circle holding sticks with the nowigs.


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:13 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

lol that is just some subjective fucking view.. all humans shld grow up arnd their own race, there simply is no fucking substitute for that in any fucking way

lol at ur shit second para, go fuck urself whitey


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:20 PM
Author: Trip Sepia Resort Stain

goddamn tommyboy carrying the banner of united mumbai front, pwning souls ITT


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:27 PM
Author: nighttime menage toilet seat



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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:27 PM
Author: Trip Sepia Resort Stain



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Date: July 30th, 2015 10:05 PM
Author: nighttime menage toilet seat



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Date: July 30th, 2015 10:05 PM
Author: Trip Sepia Resort Stain



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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:22 PM
Author: Lake rigor

he has the best of both worlds -- close knit indian family and the freedoms afforded to western lifestyles. you would suggest that this guy abandon his happiness and his expansive network of friends just so he could sulk alone in a San Francisco studio and hate on white boogeymen?


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:26 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

lol, u dont know how anyone thinks deep down. i knew white washed indian americna guys who pretend to fit in ala bobby jindal but maybe not as self hating as jindal. u dont know how they feel inside, in a lot of cases ppl have no fucking choice. indians moreso than nowags grow up in all white places cause their parents are docs or engineers who speak english and move to fucking south dakota or arizona or georgia or some retard shithole white place (most of the US).. you grow up in a all white fucking town, whatt fucking choice do you have? u act and pretend to be white, ive seen indian american guys get so good at that, you sorta have to think twice abt if they are really indian. there was some indian sellout in LS who was like a top officer of the federalist society and had all white friends and denied he was full indian and shit.. so i mean god knows what ppl think inside, i just know its pretty obvious thatt growing up as an outsider in any culture is generally a negative experience


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:32 PM
Author: Lake rigor

lol he's from fucking new jersey. he has indian friends too, he's not self-hating. you rail on america all the time for not having community, and yet here you are criticizing a brown guy who actually manages to find one. he's legitimately happy, believe me. there is no shot he'd trade his life for someone in india or even someone who barricades himself from entire swaths of people like you do.

nowhere in your rant did you suggest an alternative. just red herrings pointing to insane fucks like bobby jindal.


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:34 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

my rantings of america have nothing to do with my race actually, its cause i traveled so much abroad and for so long i realized all of america's flaws whereas some dumbass turd who probably has only been to india and western europe doesnt realize how truly TTT this shithole nation is


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:37 PM
Author: Lake rigor

we went on a trip to vietnam and japan our senior year of college. he's not clamoring to hie to pattaya lol. is that seriously your alternative for him? give up all his family, all his friends, and move to south america or southeast asia, where he'd be even MORE an outsider than he is in america?

outside of india, anglo countries are the ONLY places that would give an opportunity for a brown guy to fit in.


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:40 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

lollll wtf are u even talking abt, all i was saying is that he prob has some whitey hate deep down but just never developed it, he repressed it.. no one is saying everyone has to live abroad and move to pattaya, but if a minority is not honesty abt whitey and american racism then he is just a slave mentally to whitey, so fuck ppl like that.. most minorities in america are like that, tehy all know what is going on in this unfair white bullshit society but they repress it cause that is white whitey demands


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:46 PM
Author: Lake rigor

how has he been oppressed by whitey? he has a white girlfriend, manages a team of white employees, and enjoys the spoils of opportunity available in a majority white country.

you just want him to blindly hate instead of actually being a good, sociable person who is well regarded by everyone he knows. if he died tomorrow, scores of people would be devastated. could you say the same about yourself? you've imposed yourself in this box whereby you think everyone is out to get you, so no wonder it's been a self-fulfilling prophecy.


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:47 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

lol u are creating a mythical creature that doesnt exist.. the fact he has to kiss white ass in a foreign society to suceed is byitself pathetic and sad, humans were not meant to do that, dood wld be happier arnd turds


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:48 PM
Author: Trip Sepia Resort Stain

(guy who kisses white ass in a foreign society to succeed)


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:51 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

maybe in the past but nowadays i literally extort (mean legally take) money from cumskin corporations


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:49 PM
Author: Lake rigor

lol if anything, he has white people kissing his ass for a job. but whatever, you're a lost cause


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Date: July 30th, 2015 8:54 PM
Author: Supple crackhouse cumskin

TT is in a league of his own, you can't put him in the same sentence as Rasqie


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Date: July 30th, 2015 8:57 PM
Author: spectacular charcoal nowag

no changes, nothing TT doesnt say that two black/white/brown/asian/jewish guys alone in a room wouldn't say


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Date: July 30th, 2015 9:01 PM
Author: nighttime menage toilet seat

stfu turdboy


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Date: July 30th, 2015 11:26 PM
Author: spectacular charcoal nowag

lol like white dudes dont bitch about black/mexican people all the time


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Date: July 30th, 2015 11:32 PM
Author: multi-colored internal respiration juggernaut

this, 90% of white posts on XO are abt nigs, beaners, etc but if a non-white bitches abt whites its a cardinal sin.. ditto with amerikkka, all foxnews and conturds do is bitch abt nigs and mexicans


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Date: October 17th, 2017 7:46 PM
Author: Razzle-dazzle know-it-all ratface house


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Date: June 19th, 2018 3:47 PM
Author: Titillating national coffee pot
