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I thought I met my soulmate, but then I learned about her Eat-Pray-Love past.

I used to have (non-paid) casual sex frequently. I had a nea...
Infuriating low-t mother
can someone read the whole poast and tell me if op is jjc
floppy incel hospital
Skimmed it but sounds like a beefy spic popped his dream gir...
Wonderful Fortuitous Meteor
violent puce menage hunting ground
Nighttime crystalline dog poop
vibrant persian
Stout cholos of the bort rejoicing
multi-colored nubile ratface rehab
Nice work DVP/DTP
Gold glittery regret
this is some Proust level density here man
Grizzly federal house son of senegal
Fighting Death Wish
Grizzly federal house son of senegal
cobalt internet-worthy home double fault
Trip Circlehead Corn Cake
pale geriatric point tank
pungent transparent selfie stock car
OP if you want XO to succeed you need to stop writing things...
Learning disabled set karate
I am not reading this.
Slimy light goal in life mood
This is scholarship 180
violent puce menage hunting ground
Thank you. Did you read the full post? Also, as I understand...
Infuriating low-t mother
Yes I read it all. Yes I am an Analyst. You?
violent puce menage hunting ground
I am a VP. I need a serious win considering what this girl...
Infuriating low-t mother
It'll come. This is just part of your journey.
violent puce menage hunting ground
coral histrionic shrine people who are hurt
violent puce menage hunting ground
Oh, I am very well aware of these comics and thought of them...
Infuriating low-t mother
I'm 23. I am witnessing this first hand.
violent puce menage hunting ground
fuck my ass
Infuriating low-t mother
I'm 24 and I'm still thoroughly enjoying defiling hoes
Curious nofapping ceo
if you want marriage find a young churchgoing 5 or 6 and be ...
Nighttime crystalline dog poop
I really need my bros to weigh in on this.
Infuriating low-t mother
Why did she say the darker the better? Are you dark? Did you...
180 athletic conference spot
I don't remember what it was in reference to. Not at all. I ...
Infuriating low-t mother
Date a plain, boring girl or church girl and you'll get the ...
180 athletic conference spot
This is a modern phenomena. Very soon even those plain, bori...
Infuriating low-t mother
lol no one wants to fuck a plain and boring church girl bro ...
Diverse coldplay fan lodge
You're trading away immense value for nothing. There are in...
Infuriating low-t mother
I am so confused. Did he think she was a virgin until that c...
bateful national
Infuriating low-t mother
heady chapel newt
(Limp-wristed beta male wishingwellmo)
multi-colored nubile ratface rehab
Curious nofapping ceo
Lol remember when american males were alphas
Curious nofapping ceo
She sounds great you should marry her. You are making a mou...
vivacious senate fat ankles
Curious nofapping ceo
Infuriating low-t mother

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:10 AM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

I used to have (non-paid) casual sex frequently. I had a near death experience, became religious, and changed my views on most major topics. I was convinced recently that I had met my soulmate. Talking to her was like looking in to the mirror. I never felt the way I did when I first met her or anytime talking to her. I was immediately convinced she was the one, and I told my family and friends as much.

A tall, blonde, skinny WASP from New England and New York City, she was deeply intelligent, mannered and nuanced. She graduated from a T-30 with a philosophy major a couple years back. She did not have much of a career, but that was to my liking. Her father had attended a rival college to my own, both being Ivy League. I imagine our parents would have been mutually proud. As an adolescent, I had imagined her exact form and nature countless times with each throw of a coin in to wishing wells. They were always the same three yearnings: college, job and wife. I now have the first two, and I thought I just might have found the third. As an adolescent, I witnessed her closest analogue, my high school crush, teenage Paris Hilton. Nevertheless, I was certain, that the real deal would substitute Hollywood with character.

She had a classic, dignified non-chalance that had me hooked. Her personality seemed admirable, but I knew I needed to learn more. For two years she had entirely refrained from alcohol, and she had never had any narcotic forays (allegedly) save a short coke stint her Senior year of college, which precipitated the reason behind my primary cause for concern: she is intimately involved with a local AA chapter. I have witnessed the types that frequent those meetings and I have gotten a sense of the general atmosphere itself, finding it both unbecoming and troubling. Maybe it is a good thing she got the help she needed, but I am playing the odds here. I wondered if she was sexually involved with any of the members, perhaps one of the older ones who I know often develop relationships through the various AA power structures. Her having issues with her father played no small part in that worry.

She discussed with me her wilder college years. She was apparently a staple at the more exclusive nightclubs in the city for practically all four years of study. I was not entirely shocked to hear this and can surmise the colossal amount of attention she must have commanded as a young, statuesque blond. She possessed dangerously piercing eyes of green, blue and gray shades that caused light hitting them to shimmer and dance. She is the type that seldom fails to paralyze her prey with little more than a gaze. She explained her heavy alcohol usage during this time, and it made me painfully ponder again how many strange cocks had slithered around defiling her.

Once while conversing in bedroom talk, the specifics alluding me, she appeared to remark in an off-handed tone, "The darker, the better!" Taken aback, I wondered if she had suffered a Freudian slip. I would be lying if I told you that I was not haunted from time to time after that point by an image of an oversized and menacing dark purple and black negroid appendage that would produce immediate nausea and anxiety. You can imagine how I had become doubly concerned following suspicions that her prior lover was a tall and handsome Arab employed in the arts. I was envious of his stature, if nothing else, as she was very tall, and I was only her height or so, and visually I felt lacking in the physically imposing department relative to her (thought being women desire more strongly men that can physically subdue them with ease). I should work out. It felt a little cheapened that my years of schooling, high performance, sacrifice of social life, and significant achievements had more or less concluded with my car being parked in the same garage as an Arab schmuck. I am a Banker, I told myself.

I soon thereafter asked her if we were going to get married, and she told me that she thought so. She purchased a classic book for me on the individual's psychic journey through life, telling me it reminded her of me. I noticed in the book two primary characters, star crossed lovers of sorts, that seemed to closely resemble the ebbs and flows of my life with her. This was a fairytale, I thought. I paraded her around the neighborhood that morning and we went for a walk in the Park. I took her to one of the nicest bars in the City, and we sat in the same seat Paul McCartney was sitting in with his fiance the weekend prior. I had finally arrived. I refrain from sex before marriage now, but I saw a legitimate marriage opportunity here. Intercourse with her was more pleasurable than any other woman I have ever experienced by far. Her shape and texture was divine. She was extremely orgasmic. And then, basically, my worst fears came true.

We got upon the topic of high school, and she described her general experiences. Against her parents' wishes, especially her father's, she volunteered to visit South America for relief work, teaching or something or other. I am nearly always wary of women that travel to far off and brutish locales under the guise of charity. I asked where she stayed, and she told me it was with a local family. She was 16 years old at the time. She admitted to making the "mistake" of deciding to visit a local bar one night with a male neighbhor who was more than double her age. She told me she became extremely intoxicated over the course of the night. She told me that he took her home that night and raped her. She told me he took her virginity. That is how she lost her virginity. She said she did not tell anyone, but visited a doctor for STD testing upon arrival home. I do not remember much after that point because my memory sort of just blacked out afterwards. It did not register at first, but then it sunk in, and in an instant I knew it was all over, forever. I could not help but imagine some dark, dirty, old, indigenous farm hand ruffian with a belly and disgusting uncut large member violating the girl I have been dreaming about since I was a little boy throwing coins in to the wishing wells. I kept visualizing how that scene might have appeared if I were a fly on the wall. Did she want that to happen all along? Was she scoping him out from the very beginning? Was she in to it? How proud was that savage that he got to do that with a girl like her? I bet she orgasmed. I'm not even sure about how I feel regarding my emotions on this issue. I was and am still livid, and disgusted. I feel it is unfair for him to have had her so young given the amount I am willing to dedicate for her now (my life). She proudly went on other "study abroads" subsequently.

My heart was eviscerated.

I don't care what you think about casual sex. We could have kept it like the old days and maintained real whores for that. Now we are making whoredom the default for all women. The hymen exists for a reason. Chastity is extremely important for pair bonding, love and therefore all things good in the world. The current dating market can not support women and certainly not men that are reaching for higher ideals. It will eat you up and spit you out if you do. The "free market" in dating elicits the tragedy of the commons and completely destroys incentive structures. We are incentivized to make decisions that lead to the destruction of happy, healthy, empathetic, benevolent societies. Being a player and practicing hypergamy are prerequisites now. When I need sex ASAP, I will hire (and there are better options than escorts). For my wife, I'm going the religion route.

Obviously, Chad and hot girls have it the best. But ultimately we need everyone to play by the rules.


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:11 AM
Author: floppy incel hospital

can someone read the whole poast and tell me if op is jjc


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:14 AM
Author: Wonderful Fortuitous Meteor

Skimmed it but sounds like a beefy spic popped his dream girl's cherry and she called it RAPE


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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:13 AM
Author: violent puce menage hunting ground



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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:43 AM
Author: Nighttime crystalline dog poop


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Date: May 29th, 2017 11:50 AM
Author: vibrant persian


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Date: May 30th, 2017 3:59 PM
Author: multi-colored nubile ratface rehab

Stout cholos of the bort rejoicing


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:17 AM
Author: Gold glittery regret

Nice work DVP/DTP


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:20 AM
Author: Grizzly federal house son of senegal

this is some Proust level density here man


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:28 AM
Author: Fighting Death Wish



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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:33 AM
Author: Grizzly federal house son of senegal



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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:36 AM
Author: cobalt internet-worthy home double fault


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:38 AM
Author: Trip Circlehead Corn Cake


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Date: May 29th, 2017 11:56 AM
Author: pale geriatric point tank


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:19 PM
Author: pungent transparent selfie stock car


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:36 AM
Author: Learning disabled set karate

OP if you want XO to succeed you need to stop writing things that make poasters want to kill themselves

I know a girl like this, but instead of wanting to marry me she is marrying some nigger she met on one of her trips to the third world, why go on knowing you've been bested by some smelly savage chimp...


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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:04 AM
Author: Slimy light goal in life mood

I am not reading this.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 29th, 2017 1:13 AM
Author: violent puce menage hunting ground

This is scholarship 180


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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:25 AM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

Thank you. Did you read the full post? Also, as I understand it, you're another Banker on this board?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 29th, 2017 1:27 AM
Author: violent puce menage hunting ground

Yes I read it all. Yes I am an Analyst. You?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 29th, 2017 1:40 AM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

I am a VP.

I need a serious win considering what this girl pulled on me.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 29th, 2017 1:42 AM
Author: violent puce menage hunting ground

It'll come. This is just part of your journey.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 29th, 2017 1:35 AM
Author: coral histrionic shrine people who are hurt



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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:36 AM
Author: violent puce menage hunting ground


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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:46 AM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

Oh, I am very well aware of these comics and thought of them frequently during the roughly 12 hours that I spent intermittently writing and editing my poast in between doing other work.

She is two years out of college, so about 24. I approximate that as being the upper limit for guys 30 and below. Going closer to 22 and expecting marriage track women in MFH is not easy. Every single girl wants to experience her inner whore.

They come to this city and they just can NOT WAIT one bit to start spreading those legs all day long.

The absolutely NEED this CUM FIESTA asap upon arrival.


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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:47 AM
Author: violent puce menage hunting ground

I'm 23. I am witnessing this first hand.


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Date: May 29th, 2017 2:01 AM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

fuck my ass


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Date: May 30th, 2017 4:01 PM
Author: Curious nofapping ceo

I'm 24 and I'm still thoroughly enjoying defiling hoes


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Date: May 29th, 2017 2:00 AM
Author: Nighttime crystalline dog poop

if you want marriage find a young churchgoing 5 or 6 and be done with it


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

I really need my bros to weigh in on this.


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:24 PM
Author: 180 athletic conference spot

Why did she say the darker the better? Are you dark? Did you ask her how her rape experience affected her?


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:27 PM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

I don't remember what it was in reference to. Not at all. I couldn't really bare to hear anything more about it. She said ever since then she was always extremely careful about who she was around and just how drunk she got. But then she also said she spent college in a drunken stupor.


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:50 PM
Author: 180 athletic conference spot

Date a plain, boring girl or church girl and you'll get the purity you so desire. Don't expect the hot godless blonde chick with worldly views to not have explored sex.


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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:16 PM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

This is a modern phenomena. Very soon even those plain, boring church girls will not exist. In the near past, all women upheld chastity. We fucked it up for ourselves, in the end.


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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:18 PM
Author: Diverse coldplay fan lodge

lol no one wants to fuck a plain and boring church girl bro they're horrible at sex

at a minimum you want a girl who has had sex with 5-10 different dudes before you because she's experienced so the sex will be better


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Date: May 29th, 2017 1:32 PM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother

You're trading away immense value for nothing.

There are innumerable benefits to having a chaste wife.

If you want crazy, hot sex get a real whore. People get better at sex with experience. Your wife will be great at sex after a couple years. Guys like you are the reason behind the fucked up dating scene in America right now.


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Date: May 29th, 2017 12:35 PM
Author: bateful national

I am so confused. Did he think she was a virgin until that conversation? Because the alleged hottie with a body who was into clubbing and AA does not sound lile she was claiming to be a virgin. And if she wasnt a virgin then why did this one incident matter so much?


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Date: May 30th, 2017 3:01 PM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother


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Date: May 30th, 2017 3:03 PM
Author: heady chapel newt


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Date: May 30th, 2017 3:58 PM
Author: multi-colored nubile ratface rehab

(Limp-wristed beta male wishingwellmo)


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Date: May 30th, 2017 4:01 PM
Author: Curious nofapping ceo


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Date: May 30th, 2017 4:02 PM
Author: Curious nofapping ceo

Lol remember when american males were alphas


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Date: May 30th, 2017 4:10 PM
Author: vivacious senate fat ankles

She sounds great you should marry her. You are making a mountain out of an anthill and acting histrionic, which is good toxic xo style, but realistically come the fuck on.


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Date: May 30th, 2017 4:10 PM
Author: Curious nofapping ceo


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Date: June 3rd, 2017 2:21 PM
Author: Infuriating low-t mother
