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We are living in a late-stage decadent, rudderless period that precedes collapse

No national unity, just people trying to climb over everyone...
mewling chestnut brethren senate
floppy garrison
wonderful garnet goal in life volcanic crater
Shivering red codepig
Yeh, I think a post-apocalyptic world will suit me better th...
Green racy friendly grandma theatre
Alcoholic Flushed Lodge
Opaque Church Sound Barrier
*boots up fallout 4*
Stirring navy hall
Multi-colored hairy legs
Submissive step-uncle's house legend
A valueless, soulless technocracy with a vast gulf between a...
Pink talented bawdyhouse internal respiration
plenty of national unity. the only people who don't have na...
At-the-ready Crackhouse
This is a painfully low-IQ response
mewling chestnut brethren senate
Oh sure, millions of flyover state proles happily wandering ...
At-the-ready Crackhouse
I don't know when you started your adderall prescription, bu...
mewling chestnut brethren senate
Hint: Your thesis is bullshit.
At-the-ready Crackhouse
Proles are embracing obesity and drug addiction in record nu...
mewling chestnut brethren senate
Yawn. See any defects in your methodology?
At-the-ready Crackhouse
Idiotic Office Macaca
Nationalism is dead. Globalist capitalism rules the day and...
fantasy-prone ruby chapel
Oh sure, millions of flyover state proles happily wandering ...
At-the-ready Crackhouse
kill yourself, idiot
crystalline french church building idea he suggested
wonderful garnet goal in life volcanic crater
Oh sure, millions of flyover state proles wandering the eart...
At-the-ready Crackhouse
Credited response move family to Faroe islands?
ocher violent native shitlib
"This has been in the form of a population replacement...
Fuchsia Cruise Ship National Security Agency
Sounds like a Jew paradise
Judgmental organic girlfriend
I really like it here
charismatic generalized bond
Their ideal is to “get on in life,” i.e., to make money and ...
orange fragrant skinny woman
what year was this published
At-the-ready Crackhouse
1957 or so
orange fragrant skinny woman
an example of a hedonistic society is, in a modern context, ...
Aggressive laughsome pit fortuitous meteor
Culture in Crisis: The Visionary Theories of Pitirim Sorokin...
Aggressive laughsome pit fortuitous meteor
chill 1940s stuff. couldn't have any methodological errors ...
At-the-ready Crackhouse
Read it and learn something for once, retard
Aggressive laughsome pit fortuitous meteor
Sociology from that time period was seriously fucked up yo. ...
At-the-ready Crackhouse
buy crypto
vivacious whorehouse
Cruel-hearted bull headed brunch useless brakes
Top 10 post
Magical sanctuary

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:48 PM
Author: mewling chestnut brethren senate

No national unity, just people trying to climb over everyone else to the top of the human pyramid. Exploding inequality, spiritual emptiness, complete lack of purpose. This will end badly.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:58 PM
Author: floppy garrison


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:00 PM
Author: wonderful garnet goal in life volcanic crater


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:50 PM
Author: Shivering red codepig



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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:52 PM
Author: Green racy friendly grandma theatre

Yeh, I think a post-apocalyptic world will suit me better than whatever you call this current state


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:53 PM
Author: Alcoholic Flushed Lodge


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:54 PM
Author: Opaque Church Sound Barrier


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:54 PM
Author: Stirring navy hall

*boots up fallout 4*


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:12 PM
Author: Multi-colored hairy legs


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:28 PM
Author: Submissive step-uncle's house legend



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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:53 PM
Author: Pink talented bawdyhouse internal respiration

A valueless, soulless technocracy with a vast gulf between an ever shrinking elite and vast, widespread poverty. Middle class hollowed out.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:53 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

plenty of national unity. the only people who don't have national unity as a group are the billionaires

But everyone likes to pretend they think like billionaires do so yeah


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:55 PM
Author: mewling chestnut brethren senate

This is a painfully low-IQ response


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:59 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

Oh sure, millions of flyover state proles happily wandering the earth, nation to nation ...


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:00 PM
Author: mewling chestnut brethren senate

I don't know when you started your adderall prescription, but it is a really bad combination with your retard-level mental capacities.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:02 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

Hint: Your thesis is bullshit.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:04 PM
Author: mewling chestnut brethren senate

Proles are embracing obesity and drug addiction in record numbers because of existential emptiness. HTH you fucking moron.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 5:58 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

Yawn. See any defects in your methodology?


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:54 PM
Author: Idiotic Office Macaca


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:55 PM
Author: fantasy-prone ruby chapel

Nationalism is dead. Globalist capitalism rules the day and globalist socialism will succeed it.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 12:59 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

Oh sure, millions of flyover state proles happily wandering the earth, nation to nation ...


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:00 PM
Author: crystalline french church building idea he suggested

kill yourself, idiot


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:01 PM
Author: wonderful garnet goal in life volcanic crater


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:01 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

Oh sure, millions of flyover state proles wandering the earth, nation to nation, rudderless, lost in anomie, w a certain ..je ne sais quoi.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:02 PM
Author: ocher violent native shitlib

Credited response move family to Faroe islands?


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:17 PM
Author: Fuchsia Cruise Ship National Security Agency

"This has been in the form of a population replacement as young Faroese women leave and are replaced with Asian/Pacific brides."

Asian women traveling to the ends of the earth to find their HANDSOMEs



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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:02 PM
Author: Judgmental organic girlfriend

Sounds like a Jew paradise


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:03 PM
Author: charismatic generalized bond

I really like it here


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Date: January 17th, 2018 1:19 PM
Author: orange fragrant skinny woman

Their ideal is to “get on in life,” i.e., to make money and to “be happy,” which means: to enjoy tasty food, fine clothing, lodgings provided with the latest commodities; and, in addition to that, as often as possible, a little drink, a little light music, a little sport, a little love-making. Maybe, they call themselves Christians — or Hindus, or anything else. But whatever religion they might profess, their faith is skin-deep. Nothing, absolutely nothing more-than-personal — and, a fortiori, more-than-human, — interests them. The one thing they all pray for, when they pray at all, is “peace”; not the unassailable, inner peace of the Best (of which they have not the foggiest experience), but peace in the sense of absence of war; the indefinite prolongation of a “status quo” which allows them to think of to-morrow’s little pleasure without the fear of to-day’s deadly danger; peace, thanks to which they will, undisturbed, — so they hope — be able to go on rotting in the midst of that increasing comfort, which technical progress secures them; peace, thanks to which they expect to remain (or gradually to become) happy — in the manner pigs are happy, when they have plenty to eat and clean straw to lie upon.

Accelerated technical progress is, along with accelerated human degeneracy, an all-important feature of the advanced Dark Age.

It is — or seems to be — the “triumph of man” over Nature. And it is interpreted and exalted as such by the sub-men, all the more proud of it that they have nothing else — no real, living culture; no disinterested work or knowledge-to be proud of. It is — or seems to be — the “proof” of man’s superiority over all other sentient beings; the “proof” of his superiority en bloc, regardless of race, for... a Negro can drive a motorcar, can’t he? And there are very clever Jewish doctors. It forwards or strengthens the age-old superstition of “man,” which lies at the root of all decay. It is, or seems to be, the way to universal “happiness”; the ideal of those increasing millions — and soon, milliards — who have no ideal. In fact, it helps the ruling powers of the Dark Age, the skilful agents of the forces of disintegration, to keep the millions under their control. For, paradoxical as this may sound, masses who can read and write are easier to enslave than masses who cannot, and nothing is so easy to subdue and to keep down as masses who consider their wireless and television sets and cinema shows as indispensable necessities of life. (The modern men “against Time” know that, as well as the men “in Time.” Only they do not dispose of the inexhaustible financial resources of the latter.)

Technical progress, in all fields in which it does not automatically imply cruelty towards man or beast (or plant)1, is not a bad thing in itself. Actually, it is not it that makes the Dark Age. What makes the Dark Age is the fall of all but an extreme minority of men to the level of a brainless (and heartless) herd, and, at the same time, their endless increase in number. And technical progress is a curse only inasmuch as it is the most powerful instrument in the hands of all those who, directly or indirectly, encourage that indiscriminate increase and, consequently, forward that herd-mentality (even if they do not explicitly intend to); in the hands of the doctors who keep the weak and deficient and mongrels alive, and do nothing to prevent further such ones from being born: in the hands of the politicians “in Time” who, precisely because they all share — like the doctors — the age-old superstition of “man” and of man’s individual “happiness” at any cost, are opposed to any systematic selection in view of the survival and welfare of the healthiest, let alone to systematic racial selection also, in view of the survival and rule of an all-round biological human aristocracy.

As I said above, technical progress and its wonders could just as easily be put to the service of a decidedly “life-centred” philosophy “against Time”; of an aristocratic doctrine of personal and racial quality, such as National Socialism, if only the exponents of such a doctrine could maintain themselves in power in this advanced Age of Gloom — which they cannot.

The reason why they cannot is not that there exist electric trains and electric irons, radios and television sets, aeroplanes and washing machines and “electronic brains” and all manner of major and minor commodities, products of technical skill, but that the overwhelming majority of mankind in this Age — the more and more numerous and duller and duller herd of all races, in process of general bastardisation, — is against any and every aristocratic wisdom. The reason is that the millions and millions — soon milliards — of sub-men feel themselves threatened in their dream of pig-like “happiness,” nay, in their no less pig-like existence, by whoever embodies such a wisdom “against Time.” The reason is that the increasingly powerful agents of the death-forces, natural leaders of this Age, use radio, cinema, television, and all technical means that money can secure, to excite the unthinking herd against the Best, while doing everything they cart, through the advertisement of more and more wonderful commodities, to keep the average man’s slumbering mind away from higher things — away from every aspiration “against Time”; away from every aggressive criticism of the fundamental Dark Age dogmas and, in general, away from all impersonal problems... until its slumber ends in the definitive sleep of death.

It is not — surely not! — technical progress as such which so deeply shocks Kalki’s future compagnons at arms (or the fathers of such ones), those natural aristocrats of the youngest human race, whom I have described as “the Best.” It is the glaring disparity between the perfection of modern technical achievements considered as “means” and the worthlessness of the ends to the service of which they are put; it is the contrast between that wonderful Aryan intelligence, which stands and shines behind practically every discovery of modern science, every invention of modern technique, and the steadily increasing degeneracy of the sub-human multitudes who enjoy the products of its creative ingenuity in daily life, as a matter of course, nay, who, through their misuse of them, are sinking lower and lower into that brainless and soulless “happiness” — I repeat: that pig-like “happiness” — which is the ideal of our times.

That ideal is the one forwarded, under one form or another, more and more unmistakably in the course of centuries, by all typical Dark Age leaders “in Time,” in particular, by that most efficient of all agents of the Dark Powers during the last two thousand four hundred years (at least) and specially during the last three or four hundred years: the international Jew.

The advanced Dark Age of this present Time-cycle is the reign of the Jew — of the negative element; of the reverser of eternal values for the sake of “human” ones, and, finally, for that of his own, selfish interests; the reign of the “destroyer of culture,” as Adolf Hitler so rightly pointed out; of the age-old “ferment of disintegration.” It is natural that “ferments of disintegration” should become more and more active — more and more alive — as a Time-cycle nears its end.

And “Kalki” will be nearer to and more intimately connected with the latest great Man “against Time,” Adolf Hitler, than with any of the many former ones. For He — the last One — is, as I said in the beginning of this study, none other than the One of Whom the Führer spoke when, with that unfailing cosmic intuition that raises him so high above the cleverest of Dark Age politicians, he told Hans Grimm, in 1928: “I know that Somebody must come forth and meet our situation. I have sought him. I have found him nowhere; and therefore I have taken upon myself to do the preparatory work, only the most urgent preparatory work. For that much I know: I am not He. And I know also what is lacking in me.”

He is that One. And He will, in the midst of the most hopeless circumstances, continue the old, — the perennial — Struggle against the downward stream of Time — the Struggle which the disaster of 1945 has apparently, but only apparently, interrupted — and bring it to a victorious end for a few myriads of years; make Adolf Hitler’s dream, through means that were yet unthinkable during (or before) the Second World war, a glaring reality for a few myriads of years.

The means cannot be foretold, for things will have changed, by then. Things are changing — and the science of war, progressing, — every day. One point is, however, as a main feature of every recurring “great End,” beyond doubt: “Kalki” will act with unprecedented ruthlessness. Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine Cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the luke-warm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardised, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or in character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen Ages.

Kalki will lead them, through the flames of the great End, into the sunshine of the new Golden Age.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:03 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

what year was this published


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:08 PM
Author: orange fragrant skinny woman

1957 or so


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Date: January 17th, 2018 5:57 PM
Author: Aggressive laughsome pit fortuitous meteor

an example of a hedonistic society is, in a modern context, the globally predominant (after the collapse of the bipolar division of the world in the late 1980’s of the 20th century) model of liberal democracy. This model is a synonym for Atlanticist civilization, with the idea of liberalism as its paradigm and its practical formulation. In this model of society, hedonism and consumerism represent the paradigm for citizens. The highest possible goal is a more or less conscious, i.e., ideologized, tendency towards comfort and enjoyment in the individual lives of citizens.



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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:00 PM
Author: Aggressive laughsome pit fortuitous meteor

Culture in Crisis: The Visionary Theories of Pitirim Sorokin



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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:04 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

chill 1940s stuff. couldn't have any methodological errors in it, could it.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:15 PM
Author: Aggressive laughsome pit fortuitous meteor

Read it and learn something for once, retard


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:27 PM
Author: At-the-ready Crackhouse

Sociology from that time period was seriously fucked up yo. Lots of global theories, not enough data collection. It's a standard critique of the field at that time. Retard.


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:04 PM
Author: vivacious whorehouse

buy crypto


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:13 PM
Author: Cruel-hearted bull headed brunch useless brakes


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Date: January 17th, 2018 6:24 PM
Author: Magical sanctuary

Top 10 post
