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Those Ukrainian tanks? Defected to RUSSIA lol!!!

arousing abusive bawdyhouse
arousing abusive bawdyhouse
Western Ukraine should want the eastern part to leave. It's ...
Blathering Chrome Point Double Fault
REMINDER: Russia is playing no part in this!
rebellious effete forum therapy

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Date: April 16th, 2014 1:08 PM
Author: arousing abusive bawdyhouse


DONETSK, Ukraine — Tensions escalated in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday, with pro-Russian gunmen storming City Hall in the sprawling city of Donetsk and a cluster of Ukrainian troops meant to be restoring order in the region apparently defecting to the side of separatists.

The events signaled a challenge ahead for the pro-Western Ukrainian government on the second day of its campaign to quell the restive east and came as Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that Ukraine was on the verge “of a civil war.”


A column of armored vehicles flying Russian flags drove into an eastern Ukrainian city controlled by pro-Russia demonstrators Wednesday, dampening the central government's hopes to re-establish control.

A column of armored vehicles flying Russian flags drove into an eastern Ukrainian city controlled by pro-Russia demonstrators Wednesday, dampening the central government's hopes to re-establish control.

(The Washington Post)

A line of combat vehicles flying Russian flags rolled Wednesday morning into Slovyansk, a city of 120,000 where separatists have set up roadblocks since Saturday. One soldier named Andrei, speaking to the Associated Press, identified the men as part of the 25th Brigade of Ukraine’s airborne forces that had switched to the side of pro-Russian forces. The troops, in green camouflage and packing automatic weapons and grenade launchers, received a warm welcome from local separatists, AP said.


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Date: April 16th, 2014 1:21 PM
Author: arousing abusive bawdyhouse


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Date: April 16th, 2014 1:24 PM
Author: Blathering Chrome Point Double Fault

Western Ukraine should want the eastern part to leave. It's not a viable country as is, the western part would be poor but at least a cohesive entity.


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Date: April 16th, 2014 2:12 PM
Author: rebellious effete forum therapy

REMINDER: Russia is playing no part in this!
