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if you arent unironically calling yourself a nazi now, you are insane

if trump supporters are going to get called nazis for nothin...
Racy Unhinged Cruise Ship
the alt-right was doing a good job of convincing normies whe...
Shivering site stock car
i dont buy it. only the freaks and the idiots used to be ful...
Racy Unhinged Cruise Ship
why the fuck do we have to double down on "Hitler was a...
Shivering site stock car
hitler became a moron when all the chips starting falling. h...
Racy Unhinged Cruise Ship

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Date: June 22nd, 2018 4:47 PM
Author: Racy Unhinged Cruise Ship

if trump supporters are going to get called nazis for nothing, might as well just go full nazi? libs will still call you the same thing if you start rounding up jews and blacks and killing them at will. its still nazi. or if you merely want borders in your country, you are a nazi. whats the point of not being nazi at this point? iv been saying hail hitler for years now, but i wasnt kidding. once you oppose a single dem talking point, you might as well put a swastika tattoo on your forehead. i already sensed this like 5+ years ago, and here we are. they are willing to call you, a fellow citizen who just wants to live in peace, a fucking nazi, aka satan. if you arent paying attention, you might just end up being burned alive and called a witch. oh how did this happen, i just wanted borders. lol, bitch, should have called hitler your spiritual father. now look at you, burning, calling for forgiveness as dems throw gasoline on your head and yell burn nazi burn.


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Date: June 22nd, 2018 4:51 PM
Author: Shivering site stock car

the alt-right was doing a good job of convincing normies when they were just LARPing as over-the-top Nazis online to piss off SJWs, but they shot themselves in the foot with shit like Charlottesville where the /pol/ Nazis who were 100% unironic showed themselves


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Date: June 22nd, 2018 4:54 PM
Author: Racy Unhinged Cruise Ship

i dont buy it. only the freaks and the idiots used to be full on nazi. i used to think those people were losers. and they are and were. but these days, if you arent a full on nazi praising hitler as the savior of your race and godhead on this earth, i dont know what to tell you...

look man, hitler was the boogie man and anyone taht still followed him was a moron. now, hitler stands for peace and justice and if you dont praise him you are the moron. times change.


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Date: June 22nd, 2018 4:57 PM
Author: Shivering site stock car

why the fuck do we have to double down on "Hitler was actually the good guy" instead of "Hitler was a moron but for somewhat different reasons from what shitlibs say"?


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Date: June 22nd, 2018 4:58 PM
Author: Racy Unhinged Cruise Ship

hitler became a moron when all the chips starting falling. he broke. but he started out as the good guy.
