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Girls: How much pooping goes on in law school bathrooms?

Is it pretty common for women to unload in school bathrooms?...
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
my sister is utterly unable to defecate in any toilet that i...
Ruby macaca toilet seat
So does she stink it up pretty bad when she finally goes aft...
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
What the hell is wrong with you?
Cerise medicated national security agency
This is a matter that appeals to my prurient interests, hth
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
James Joyce was a pervert who was obsessed with women's shit...
Lascivious Metal People Who Are Hurt
drunken voyeur
I'm interested in this question.
unholy impertinent kitty kitchen
apparently a lot
Histrionic associate
180 thread ty
Umber Boyish Regret Library
At my law school, there was a guy who would talk to stall ne...
Cerise medicated national security agency
at boot camp there were no doors on the stalls and we would ...
drunken voyeur
is it normal to get an erection from this thought
Histrionic associate
i didnt get an erection for the whole 3 months, so i would s...
drunken voyeur
I concur.
Cerise medicated national security agency
We weren't allowed to use the urinals, and we were only allo...
orchid lay
sorry i made you uncomfortable all those times
Umber Boyish Regret Library
rofl what school.
Crusty orchestra pit
sometimes i sneak into the ladies room to do it. just for th...
Supple pistol center
Cerise medicated national security agency
Galvanic impressive abode electric furnace
i would put a lot of fiber one in whatever i drank during cl...
Umber Boyish Regret Library
Come on, lets get some female input here...Also, I wonder if...
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
there were some ghetto hoodrat chicks talking about farting ...
drunken voyeur
Black? I'm not really turned on by black chicks.
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
bespoke windowlicker wagecucks
Wait, the thought of that enormous "Precious" girl...
Red Senate
I can get turned on by some chicks farting that I wouldn't w...
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
I don't know, the raw power of her sewage disposal must be s...
Red Senate
after she steals a bucket of chicken mmmmmm
Umber Boyish Regret Library
adventurous azure keepsake machete
omg 180
twisted misanthropic parlour
1. We have the ability to do it more stealthily as we have ...
Galvanic impressive abode electric furnace
Aren't those two kind of contradictory? Do most try to shit ...
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
Most try to do it stealthily, but when they don't get away w...
Galvanic impressive abode electric furnace
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
*patiently waits for J.'s response*
Umber Boyish Regret Library
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
More specifically, is it common for girls to take dumps duri...
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
it's possible man
concupiscible sexy stage shitlib
But is it LIKELY?
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
you need strategically placed cams to check
concupiscible sexy stage shitlib
One of these days....
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
you know, i think before you claimed you were into farts exc...
concupiscible sexy stage shitlib
Nah man, I am into pooping as well. But I'm not into eating/...
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
i think that's a revision man
concupiscible sexy stage shitlib
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
did you get me there? lol, i guess so, i guess so
concupiscible sexy stage shitlib
ITT: no female posters.
brindle pit
That's the problem
Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office
the mohammed of xo topics
avocado arousing striped hyena volcanic crater
i have the impression that there's not a lot of away-from-ho...
Overrated Step-uncle's House Dopamine
hairraiser wild bbw rehab

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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:10 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

Is it pretty common for women to unload in school bathrooms? Or is it rare to walk in and find someone dropping a deuce?


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:51 PM
Author: Ruby macaca toilet seat

my sister is utterly unable to defecate in any toilet that isnt one of the ones at her house.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:53 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

So does she stink it up pretty bad when she finally goes after holding it in?


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:11 PM
Author: Cerise medicated national security agency

What the hell is wrong with you?


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:12 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

This is a matter that appeals to my prurient interests, hth


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:18 PM
Author: Lascivious Metal People Who Are Hurt

James Joyce was a pervert who was obsessed with women's shit and fart habits.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:13 PM
Author: drunken voyeur


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:13 PM
Author: unholy impertinent kitty kitchen

I'm interested in this question.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:16 PM
Author: Histrionic associate

apparently a lot


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:17 PM
Author: Umber Boyish Regret Library

180 thread ty


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:17 PM
Author: Cerise medicated national security agency

At my law school, there was a guy who would talk to stall neighbors while dropping a load.

He was unpopular.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:20 PM
Author: drunken voyeur

at boot camp there were no doors on the stalls and we would sit across from each other while pooping and talk


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:26 PM
Author: Histrionic associate

is it normal to get an erection from this thought


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:27 PM
Author: drunken voyeur

i didnt get an erection for the whole 3 months, so i would say that this makes you ghey


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:47 PM
Author: Cerise medicated national security agency

I concur.


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:14 PM
Author: orchid lay

We weren't allowed to use the urinals, and we were only allowed to use like 5 out of the 20 stalls. Not fun.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:21 PM
Author: Umber Boyish Regret Library

sorry i made you uncomfortable all those times


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:22 PM
Author: Crusty orchestra pit

rofl what school.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:23 PM
Author: Supple pistol center

sometimes i sneak into the ladies room to do it. just for the thrill.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:25 PM
Author: Cerise medicated national security agency



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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:24 PM
Author: Galvanic impressive abode electric furnace



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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:26 PM
Author: Umber Boyish Regret Library

i would put a lot of fiber one in whatever i drank during class so i could guarantee dropping a good load at least two or three times on any given school day


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:36 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

Come on, lets get some female input here...Also, I wonder if more pooping goes on at T14s or TTTs. I wish there was some way to study this without getting arrested.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:36 PM
Author: drunken voyeur

there were some ghetto hoodrat chicks talking about farting while i was ordering a sandwich at the deli an hour ago


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:37 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

Black? I'm not really turned on by black chicks.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:38 PM
Author: bespoke windowlicker wagecucks


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:40 PM
Author: Red Senate

Wait, the thought of that enormous "Precious" girl spewing a gassy shitstorm does nothing for you?


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:42 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

I can get turned on by some chicks farting that I wouldn't want to actually fuck, but yeah, that's way over the line


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:44 PM
Author: Red Senate

I don't know, the raw power of her sewage disposal must be something to behold. I, for one, am hard just thinking about it.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:42 PM
Author: Umber Boyish Regret Library

after she steals a bucket of chicken mmmmmm


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:18 PM
Author: adventurous azure keepsake machete



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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:22 PM
Author: twisted misanthropic parlour

omg 180


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:37 PM
Author: Galvanic impressive abode electric furnace

1. We have the ability to do it more stealthily as we have to sit for any kind of evacuation.

2. Women aren't as demure when we know there are not men around to keep our behavior in check.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:39 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

Aren't those two kind of contradictory? Do most try to shit stealthily, or are there a fair amount that will just let rip, farting and everything?


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:49 PM
Author: Galvanic impressive abode electric furnace

Most try to do it stealthily, but when they don't get away with it, it's sophomoric fun.


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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:50 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office



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Date: March 26th, 2010 1:48 PM
Author: Umber Boyish Regret Library

*patiently waits for J.'s response*


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Date: April 10th, 2010 2:13 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:10 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

More specifically, is it common for girls to take dumps during class? Today in one of my classes this jewish-looking girl was gone for ~10 minutes and didn't take anything with her. Chances she was taking the opportunity to drop a nasty deuce while bathroom traffic was relatively low?


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:11 PM
Author: concupiscible sexy stage shitlib

it's possible man


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:13 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

But is it LIKELY?


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:15 PM
Author: concupiscible sexy stage shitlib

you need strategically placed cams to check


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:17 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

One of these days....


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:19 PM
Author: concupiscible sexy stage shitlib

you know, i think before you claimed you were into farts exclusively, rather than farts with shit. you've revised your schtick


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:21 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

Nah man, I am into pooping as well. But I'm not into eating/touching/pooping in strange places. I just like too see girls pooping on a toilet.


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:22 PM
Author: concupiscible sexy stage shitlib

i think that's a revision man


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:24 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office



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Date: April 15th, 2010 9:11 PM
Author: concupiscible sexy stage shitlib

did you get me there? lol, i guess so, i guess so


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:15 PM
Author: brindle pit

ITT: no female posters.


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:17 PM
Author: Bistre Out-of-control Idea He Suggested Office

That's the problem


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Date: April 15th, 2010 8:18 PM
Author: avocado arousing striped hyena volcanic crater

the mohammed of xo topics


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Date: April 15th, 2010 9:09 PM
Author: Overrated Step-uncle's House Dopamine

i have the impression that there's not a lot of away-from-home female crapping


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Date: November 23rd, 2011 1:35 AM
Author: hairraiser wild bbw rehab
