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Thinking of quitting GC and pursuing PhD Econ

Talk me out of it bros I'd have to go back and retake mat...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
Protip: you’re not smart enough You can’t just snap your ...
hateful claret church building ape
I thought about doing this myself. I talked with several wel...
Beta Affirmative Action Brunch
What kind of problems? they prob have no idea what the pract...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
I have strings of emails with them describing why I don't li...
Beta Affirmative Action Brunch
law is also super high stress at many places i doubt econ...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
maybe, but I basically came to the conclusion that I was hop...
Beta Affirmative Action Brunch
yeah, id on't know i don't like the practice of law if...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
Same. I legit enjoy reading Econ blogs in a fundamentally mo...
Beta Affirmative Action Brunch
See my Q below please. I don't think you know what you're ge...
Green high-end point
Yeah, maybe. It might be the same shit, but with numbers.
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
thinking of quitting GC to devote my life to the study of GC...
grizzly aphrodisiac generalized bond
offensive hot temple gaming laptop
Cruel-hearted senate
Hilarious Spot Love Of Her Life
Laughsome lodge clown
Mind-boggling Turquoise Boistinker Twinkling Uncleanness
Copper black woman
Emerald Stirring Stock Car Goyim
trip misanthropic depressive
Dead native
racy genital piercing
Bisexual laser beams
Pink locale
zombie-like rusted voyeur hell
Drunken charcoal gaping dragon
chestnut plaza halford
hateful claret church building ape
age? current job? dumb if you'd need to spend time and mo...
comical business firm
lawyer late 20s to early 30s i majored in math and eco...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
ug and ls tier? if you didn't get great grades in your ec...
comical business firm
T 15 undergrad, T 14 law school I was lazy as hell in und...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
you would not get into a great program your best shot wou...
comical business firm
even if I retook everything and got a 4.0? and then did rese...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
nobody gives a shit man, it's way too competitive. only way ...
comical business firm
Consigning this. Though it seems he just wants to do industr...
Green high-end point
some ok mid-level program would give him a spot for being a ...
comical business firm
I actually know one guy who pulled this off almost perfectly...
Green high-end point
You would absolutely not get into a decent Ph.D. program
Gay rehab quadroon
If I get straight As the second time around, I might Bigl...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
If you get a 4.0 in your post bacc AND you have some good re...
Gay rehab quadroon
So the fact that I went to a top undergrad and top law schoo...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
Most of that, no. You are admitted to PhD programs based on ...
Green high-end point
What about working for the Fed? Is it hard to cop?
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
Yes but I think school dependent. Check the placements for t...
Green high-end point
chances are he will end up looking at placements for schools...
comical business firm
Go to whatever USWNR ranks 50-60 and look at their placement...
Green high-end point
Fwiw i know someone who switched from biglaw to top 5 phd in...
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
comical business firm
Is top tier econ much harder than say history to get into?
Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry
I don't know how to get into history programs, but I know th...
Green high-end point
comical business firm
yes t3 in any field can be "hard" to get into i...
comical business firm
Note also he's still ducking my question about his math back...
Green high-end point
Tell me all the upper level math classes you took as an unde...
Green high-end point
the real analysis thing is flame but he's fucked anyways
comical business firm
Yes, but I want to give him space to craft this flame/see ex...
Green high-end point
comical business firm
180 moniker
Pink locale
Why not study Hapa Science? Or Autism Theory?
Mind-boggling Turquoise Boistinker Twinkling Uncleanness
What was your grade in real analysis?
Green high-end point
spend time on EJMR
Provocative sadistic lay
carnelian international law enforcement agency
brutal thread
useless half-breed
I did this (well not econ because why). Will report results ...
Mischievous Theatre
out the subject
erotic iridescent legal warrant
bschool phd
Mischievous Theatre

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:01 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

Talk me out of it bros

I'd have to go back and retake math/econ classes since I don't remember much. This time, I'd actually have to work hard to get straight As. Then spend the next 5 years after that getting a PhD econ - goal is to work for the Fed or become an Econ prof - CR?

Hopefully, I'd never have to GC again


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Date: November 6th, 2017 1:09 AM
Author: hateful claret church building ape

Protip: you’re not smart enough

You can’t just snap your fingers and get s PhD esp in an insanely competitive field like Econ.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:03 AM
Author: Beta Affirmative Action Brunch

I thought about doing this myself. I talked with several well known econ profs and they all advised me not to do it, that econ has its own problems and that I should just focus on the law.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:03 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

What kind of problems? they prob have no idea what the practice of law entails

also Econ PhDs are one of the few PhDs that still have high employment rates and can get a job in industry if they need to (my last resort)


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:06 AM
Author: Beta Affirmative Action Brunch

I have strings of emails with them describing why I don't like law (mostly grunt work and meaningless) and their responses of "well, get used to the same," and advising me to find my own niche in law that will be meaningful, that it isn't worth the opportunity cost of 5+ years, etc.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:08 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

law is also super high stress at many places

i doubt econ is - there is no real liability for fucking up analyses unless you work for the fed


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:09 AM
Author: Beta Affirmative Action Brunch

maybe, but I basically came to the conclusion that I was hoping to hide from the world for several years doing "scholarship" and that I'd end up in the same place after I graduated from a program unless maybe I could stay in academia (which is a lot less certain than getting a job in industry)

and inhouse law is not stressful. it's just kind of dumb. which academia econ is probably the same.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:20 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

yeah, id on't know

i don't like the practice of law

if i were you, maybe i'd just stack cash and start a business

substantively, i liked math/econ much more than law though. i regret going into this profession daily.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:25 AM
Author: Beta Affirmative Action Brunch

Same. I legit enjoy reading Econ blogs in a fundamentally more satisfying way that I don't enjoy reading law blogs. At the same time, however, I recognize that a day job in econ is not going to be the same as reading about the most interesting issues in Econ, in the same way that a day job in law is not the same as reading Volokh Conspiracy.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:28 AM
Author: Green high-end point

See my Q below please. I don't think you know what you're getting into.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:33 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

Yeah, maybe. It might be the same shit, but with numbers.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:03 AM
Author: grizzly aphrodisiac generalized bond

thinking of quitting GC to devote my life to the study of GC (xo poa


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:04 AM
Author: offensive hot temple gaming laptop


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:09 AM
Author: Cruel-hearted senate


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:09 AM
Author: Hilarious Spot Love Of Her Life


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:20 AM
Author: Laughsome lodge clown


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:21 AM
Author: Mind-boggling Turquoise Boistinker Twinkling Uncleanness


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:24 AM
Author: Copper black woman


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:56 AM
Author: Emerald Stirring Stock Car Goyim


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Date: October 19th, 2017 1:01 AM
Author: trip misanthropic depressive


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Date: October 19th, 2017 2:12 AM
Author: Dead native


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Date: October 19th, 2017 5:49 AM
Author: racy genital piercing


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Date: November 5th, 2017 1:53 AM
Author: Bisexual laser beams


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Date: November 5th, 2017 1:59 AM
Author: Pink locale


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Date: November 5th, 2017 3:38 AM
Author: zombie-like rusted voyeur hell


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Date: November 5th, 2017 5:37 AM
Author: Drunken charcoal gaping dragon


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Date: November 5th, 2017 5:41 AM
Author: chestnut plaza halford


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Date: November 6th, 2017 1:08 AM
Author: hateful claret church building ape


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:12 AM
Author: comical business firm

age? current job?

dumb if you'd need to spend time and money to go back and take math classes. if that's the case you're probably not getting into a t15-20. even dumber if you're not just a few years out of college.

and if you're not in a t15 your chances of getting a decent academic gig are not great.

would ultimately be spending 6-8 years + lost income to go back to industry.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:18 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry


late 20s to early 30s

i majored in math and econ, but forgot a ton of my classes and also didn't do that great in my econ classes due to laziness (got As in my math classes). i'd have to retake everything and get a 4.0.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:21 AM
Author: comical business firm

ug and ls tier?

if you didn't get great grades in your econ classes the first time around then retaking them won't automatically "make up" for that, admissions is too competitive at top schools


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:23 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

T 15 undergrad, T 14 law school

I was lazy as hell in undergrad. basically didn't study. I pretty much just half assed everything. Still graduated with like a 3.8 GPA (but not great in econ)

When I did study, I'd get As though


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:26 AM
Author: comical business firm

you would not get into a great program

your best shot would be if you were able to show demonstrated interest in research since law school. like RAing for an econ prof during law school or having a law + econ publication since graduating. absent that your application would look more like a guy taking a flier at a profession change (which it would be) rather than a good potential researcher. adcoms don't like that.

as it stands i doubt you'd get top 15-20


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:27 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

even if I retook everything and got a 4.0? and then did research for an econ prof while retaking?

fwiw, my undergrad was pretty rigorous for a school that isn't Caltech/MIT...i mean there wasn't much grade inflation and everything was curved to a B-


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:36 AM
Author: comical business firm

nobody gives a shit man, it's way too competitive. only way you get into chymps is if you have close to infallible grades and good research history, and good recs obviously. and if you're not in chymps + berkeley and northwestern (maybe nyu and penn too if we're generous) you really have a poor shot at getting a job as a prof.

can't just gloss over poor past grades at these places. definitely not with just one-off classes at least. a full-time masters might help a little but lol @ doing that when you're already in law, and it would just solidify you in the higher mid-tier rather than get you further.

they *will* see you as a job-switcher and not a potential researcher, and they won't like it.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:39 AM
Author: Green high-end point

Consigning this. Though it seems he just wants to do industry, in which case most any PhD granting institution should work if he can network and sell himself.

Seems like a very sub-optimal use of time though. You could do it but like ... why? The picture you're painting in your head is pure fantasy. You'd just be grinding through regressions instead of briefs. And you're paying 5+ years of opportunity cost and (for a masters) tuition to do so.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:42 AM
Author: comical business firm

some ok mid-level program would give him a spot for being a decently well-educated lawyer looking to do government-related stuff but they would not even give him full $$$ because again they'd see him as someone switching industries (and as someone with some money already) rather than as a potential researcher.

and not working towards academia would defeat the purpose for him. even if he got this spot he'd have very poor chances at academia.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:45 AM
Author: Green high-end point

I actually know one guy who pulled this off almost perfectly and got lucky and landed at a mid-level LAC. So that's your absolute best outcome, OP.

Anyway, this is just him fantasizing aloud. But I like to play along.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:21 AM
Author: Gay rehab quadroon

You would absolutely not get into a decent Ph.D. program


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:23 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

If I get straight As the second time around, I might

Biglaw beats a work ethic into you

In retrospect, undergrad was really fucking easy and if you worked like 1/200th the amount of time you put into biglaw, you'd get a 4.0


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:31 AM
Author: Gay rehab quadroon

If you get a 4.0 in your post bacc AND you have some good research AND 180 recs from professors then maybe you could get into ur big state program.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:31 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

So the fact that I went to a top undergrad and top law school and worked in biglaw means nothing in academia?

I swear at least a quarter of the guys who taught me in undergrad were career changers and they ended up in a top tier program.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:35 AM
Author: Green high-end point

Most of that, no. You are admitted to PhD programs based on your potential to do good economic research. The name of your undergrad and the fact you went law school don't help you there. It's a nice story and demonstrates good work ethic, but that's not enough.

I know an ex-military bro who made a similar switch to academia and the person you're replying to is roughly correct about what you'd have to do. Though you could probably do marginally better than big state U if you plan correctly.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:36 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

What about working for the Fed? Is it hard to cop?


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:40 AM
Author: Green high-end point

Yes but I think school dependent. Check the placements for the schools you'd be applying to. You'll see what grads end up doing.

Doing this would actually be very helpful in adjusting your expectations.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:43 AM
Author: comical business firm

chances are he will end up looking at placements for schools by which he will be rejected


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:46 AM
Author: Green high-end point

Go to whatever USWNR ranks 50-60 and look at their placements OP.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:48 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

Fwiw i know someone who switched from biglaw to top 5 phd in a non econ field. Is your advice tailored to econ and/or my grades?


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:49 AM
Author: comical business firm



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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:49 AM
Author: Bonkers Narrow-minded Area Faggotry

Is top tier econ much harder than say history to get into?


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:52 AM
Author: Green high-end point

I don't know how to get into history programs, but I know the formula for Econ and you don't fit it. Your best shot is a decent mid-ranked program.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:53 AM
Author: comical business firm


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:53 AM
Author: comical business firm


t3 in any field can be "hard" to get into in the sense that if you don't have a near-perfect shit then you'll be a reach at that level

but econ is much more competitive. one of the few academic fields outside of the hard sciences that has good professional prospects if you don't get academia. if you're super smart and "good at philosophy" you might still not want to take the gamble of trying for academia in philosophy by doing a phd. many more people take that gamble in econ.

the culture is very different from that of a humanities/soft social science program. it's not like other departments which are full of people who just "shunned" gc like you're describing. it's full of people who strove really heard specifically for econ and who would be ok with using it as a platform to move into gc work.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:55 AM
Author: Green high-end point

Note also he's still ducking my question about his math background.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:50 AM
Author: Green high-end point

Tell me all the upper level math classes you took as an undergrad and the grades you got. Real analysis in particular.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:54 AM
Author: comical business firm

the real analysis thing is flame but he's fucked anyways


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:56 AM
Author: Green high-end point

Yes, but I want to give him space to craft this flame/see exactly how fucked he is.


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:59 AM
Author: comical business firm



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Date: November 5th, 2017 2:01 AM
Author: Pink locale

180 moniker


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:21 AM
Author: Mind-boggling Turquoise Boistinker Twinkling Uncleanness

Why not study Hapa Science? Or Autism Theory?


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Date: October 19th, 2017 12:22 AM
Author: Green high-end point

What was your grade in real analysis?


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Date: October 19th, 2017 1:01 AM
Author: Provocative sadistic lay

spend time on EJMR


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Date: November 5th, 2017 4:05 PM
Author: carnelian international law enforcement agency


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Date: November 5th, 2017 1:47 AM
Author: useless half-breed

brutal thread


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Date: November 5th, 2017 4:04 PM
Author: Mischievous Theatre

I did this (well not econ because why). Will report results once I graduate.


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Date: November 5th, 2017 4:06 PM
Author: erotic iridescent legal warrant

out the subject


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Date: November 6th, 2017 1:05 AM
Author: Mischievous Theatre

bschool phd
