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welcome to cave diving - the world's deadliest sport

In Hernando County, Florida, there is a small lake. Really m...
Galvanic Maroon Box Office
Galvanic Maroon Box Office
Galvanic Maroon Box Office
Galvanic Maroon Box Office
In Texas, a beautiful diving spot known as Jacob's Well has ...
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Date: February 25th, 2018 3:49 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office

In Hernando County, Florida, there is a small lake. Really more of a pond. Lots of people scuba dive in the pond, there's a scuba shop right there. And at the bottom of the pond is the entrance to a massive, underwater cave. The cave has never been fully explored or mapped.

At the entrance to the cave, scuba divers see this sign:


It's necessary: a bit more than one person per year dies while scuba diving in that cave. Already, in January of 2018, a 50 year old man from Delaware died scuba diving in that cave. In 2017, a man and his teenage son died while trying out their Christmas present (new scuba gear) in the cave.

You see, a typical scuba class doesn't teach you the skills you need to dive inside of a cave. Even the classes you have to take to become a SCUBA INSTRUCTOR do not teach you the skills you need to dive in a cave.

To dive in a cave, you need to obtain a four part certificate that teaches you, in stages, the basic skills you need to survive in a cave. Only at the very end do you become qualified to dive inside of a cave. Each stage takes a lot of time, and a lot of money too.

But people are impatient. They think they can just go into a cave without all that training. Many of them go into a cave, realize that they no longer can see natural sunlight, panic, and get lost. Others don't know how to swim without kicking up silt from the cave bottom: they create "blackout conditions", panic, and get lost. Others find the labyrinthine cave confusing - and so they panic and get lost. Still others don't have the correct mixture of gas in their tank for cave diving: they become disoriented from gas, they panic, and get lost. Others hear that cave divers use lines to retrace their steps, so they try to do that: and the line runs out, the line gets tangled up, they panic, and get lost.

In any event death comes the same way to all of these: unable to find a cave exit in time, they run out of oxygen and they die. A very common trend in finding cave diving victim bodies that that the body is curled up near a small fissure in the cave: in their dying moments, untrained cave divers delude themselves into thinking that some small crack in the side of the cave is big enough for them to fit through and escape.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 3:53 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office



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Date: February 25th, 2018 3:54 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office



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Date: February 25th, 2018 3:54 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office



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Date: February 25th, 2018 3:55 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office

In Texas, a beautiful diving spot known as Jacob's Well has developed a reputation as one of the most dangerous places to dive in the country. Although alluring, at least eight divers have lost their lives in Jacob's Well, with perhaps the worst being young Richard Patton. The Southwest Texas State University student was looking for a way to move from chamber to chamber in the cave, and ended up getting stuck in a false chimney that looked like a way out.

In parts of this underwater cave system, the floors are covered in fine gravel or silt and if a flipper so much as brushes the surface, the stirred-up sediment completely obscures a diver's vision, effectively blinding them.

Free-diver Diego Adame recorded his terrifying near-drowning in the caves, after he lost a flipper and had to jettison his weight belt in a dash for the surface.

Don Dibble, a nearby dive shop owner who is usually the one to pull the remains of dead divers out of the cave, attempted to seal of the depths of the well by installing a gate to stop people from going too deep. Shortly after, he found the gate destroyed with a note saying "You can't keep us out." Although extremely dangerous, it seems the cave is too alluring to stay away.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 3:58 PM
Author: Racy aqua office skinny woman

i love the springs out in redneck fl.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 5:05 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office


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Date: February 25th, 2018 6:44 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office


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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:54 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office


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Date: February 26th, 2018 12:10 AM
Author: Thriller Dopamine

Stuff wypipo like


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Date: March 22nd, 2018 10:16 PM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office


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Date: March 22nd, 2018 10:18 PM
Author: tantric national dingle berry

Death drive


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Date: March 22nd, 2018 10:36 PM
Author: fragrant umber lodge

Why not just put reflective arrows everywhere


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Date: July 8th, 2018 12:06 AM
Author: Galvanic Maroon Box Office

bump for Thai soccer team


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Date: July 8th, 2018 12:23 AM
Author: primrose menage

friend of mine lost his dad last year to a diving accident. sucks.


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Date: July 8th, 2018 12:38 AM
Author: Puce School Cafeteria Travel Guidebook

What about wingsuits?


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Date: July 8th, 2018 12:40 AM
Author: electric incel step-uncle's house

What’s the point? Anything cool been found in a cave underwater before
