MPM is useless if gunneratttt can’t win. He was by far the best poster in 2024
| MASE | 12/25/24 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 12/25/24 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 12/25/24 | | MASE | 12/25/24 | | Associate Y | 12/25/24 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 12/25/24 | | sealclubber | 12/25/24 | | Associate Y | 12/25/24 | | sealclubber | 12/25/24 | | Associate Y | 12/25/24 | | sealclubber | 12/25/24 | | Associate Y | 12/25/24 | | lex | 12/25/24 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 12/25/24 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: December 25th, 2024 3:34 PM Author: Associate Y (gunneratttt)
(guy who "disappeared" when MPM appeared to be off, now megapoasting on christmas)
(guy who thinks gunneratttt isn't just going to crown himself MPM champ)
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