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We should have bad relations with Canada/Europe and good relations with Russia?

This is the Trump agenda for some reason?
Louis Poasteur
If the relations were any worse with Russia you would be dea...
.- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .
Counterpoint: Russia has an economy smaller than Florida and...
Louis Poasteur
Counterpoint: as horrible as the Russian economy is supposed...
Die Hard 2: Die Harder
Yes, Russians with even a few bucks want to get the fuck out...
Louis Poasteur
Russia not only fought a 3 year war of attrition against the...
.- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .
A 3 year war of attrition against a country that is the frac...
So we should be friendly with all the crazy countries with n...
Hawk Taulia Tagovailoa
Friendly is a bit of an overstatement but we can maybe try n...
.- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .
Oh, You Travel?
"If relations were any worse, you'd be dead right now!&...
Maybe 120,000 Russians died in this war max. When the histor...
.- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .
you pay unattractive women to fuck you
We all have to help the uglyabled.
.- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .
I'm not going to fuck your wife if that's what you're gettin...
It's not mutually exclusive. We should have fair and appropr...
Fucking Fuckface
Nation states aren’t people, this perspective is child...
Motivated BJ Penn
This is a massive change in USA foreign policy and the oppos...
Not sure if you noticed, but the post WW II order is disinte...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
"Not sure if you noticed, but the post WW II order is d...
This is such a shitlib disingenuous talking point. Its irrel...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
What major competitor is rising vis a vis the US? Russia? Ru...
Louis Poasteur
“China is Japan 2.0. Its population is declining&helli...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
They're dying, man. Their population is declining. They have...
Louis Poasteur
First you assured us they would turn into a democratic capit...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
I'm a conservative, retard. A conservative watching Trump at...
Louis Poasteur
Amen. Especially this: "The only threat would be if a T...
And when did I say anything about revolution, you histrionic...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
Cons have so little confidence in America. It’s pathet...
It takes a lot of confidence in America to do the kind of th...
So its your position that America can continue to engage eve...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
Trump isn't "risking alienating Europe", he's dire...
Louis Poasteur
They are the past. Europe is a museum, not an economy or nat...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
watching globalists spergout with these increasingly despera...
Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine
If Trump hasn’t lost in 2020 the US would still be in ...
you sound exactly like someone comparing sports franchises w...
Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine
Is anything I said false? I’m not sure why your pantie...
Fuck, didnt realize this was Obeezy.
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
i gotta stay out of politics threads while my adderall is ki...
Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine
Got it, so everything I said is true and you support Trump w...
trump did not get of afghanistan as he promised. i give cred...
Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine
I’m so glad you can admit your god emperor continued t...
you are a really dishonest person and probably are jewish
Its Obeezy. Don’t engage.
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
Am I so dishonest that I pretend I am anti war while support...
yes to your first question. you are a very dishonest person.
the last people who want a forever war are Ukrainians. But &...
mountain cat
Canada and Europe are conquered colonies, we don't have &quo...
Ass Sunstein
Ass Sunstein
male ass
Not entirely sure how good the relationship with the EU/Can ...
Charles Tyrwhitt Dad
"American farmers" means massive corporate outfits...
Louis Poasteur
how come everyone involved is so impatient? if all parties g...
almost like the whole thing is a massive grift operation
I've wondered this too. Who is Putin's replacement? Is there...
Charles Tyrwhitt Dad
He isn't a strongman and virtually the entire Russian state ...
.- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .
It took nearly a century last time before the russia's moder...
no one gives a shit about russia you weird fag
It really cant think clearly and just randomly chimed in wit...
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
we're going to have even better relations in the end. thi...
Bill Laimbeer circa 1990
it's 180 how libs run here to confirm "yes, if it was u...
Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine
It’s also 180 how you worship Donald “I love for...
yes and slapping tariffs on everything in the world will mak...
This is such a dumb democrat thinking. For example, NATO...
(Joe Rogan School of International Affairs grad)
“By weakening Europe we strengthen western civilizatio...

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 4th, 2025 6:48 AM
Author: Louis Poasteur

This is the Trump agenda for some reason?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 6:51 AM
Author: .- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .

If the relations were any worse with Russia you would be dead right now. Taking shit to the brink of lobbing nukes is retarded and the revisionist Eurocuck losers who drove us to the edge of WW3 because they wanted to avenge their literal Nazi grandpas (and that's exactly what this is for the Krauts and Balts and other assorted Euro filth) need to be made to pay a price. Canada is governed by literal Banderite Hohol emigres too. Fuck them all dead. America owes these losers nothing.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 6:52 AM
Author: Louis Poasteur

Counterpoint: Russia has an economy smaller than Florida and the last nuke it built is 45 years old and probably doesn't work


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Date: March 4th, 2025 6:55 AM
Author: Die Hard 2: Die Harder

Counterpoint: as horrible as the Russian economy is supposedly doing when you travel around the world you run into Russians on vacations in pricey places. Not so many Euros


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Date: March 4th, 2025 6:57 AM
Author: Louis Poasteur

Yes, Russians with even a few bucks want to get the fuck out and nobody wants to vacation in Russia.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 6:55 AM
Author: .- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .

Russia not only fought a 3 year war of attrition against the collective West but won that war. Even with full US and EU aid the Ukrop animals were losing, losing decisively and are at most 18 months from full state collapse no matter what the US gives them short of sending a million men to fight for them.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:38 AM
Author: ...,....,,........

A 3 year war of attrition against a country that is the fraction of its size?



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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:01 AM
Author: Hawk Taulia Tagovailoa (High Constitutional Moment)

So we should be friendly with all the crazy countries with nukes and hostile to all the modern western countries?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:07 AM
Author: .- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .

Friendly is a bit of an overstatement but we can maybe try not staging coups on their borders and trying to intentionally destabilize their regimes in a bid to accomplish fuck knows what except line the pockets of defense contractors and re-litigate the centuries old ethnic grievances of butt hurt emigre groups in the US. All the anti-Russia shit has squat to do with Putin who was basically a libtard Europhile until 2014 and everything to do with some kike and/or hohol wanting to avenge grandpa's rape by Stalin 80 years ago and nevermind that Stalin was a Georgian and nobody in Russia gave two fucks about America until we started doing all this shit.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:43 AM
Author: Oh, You Travel? ( )


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:45 PM
Author: MASE


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:12 AM
Author: '"'"'"''"

"If relations were any worse, you'd be dead right now!" he threatened as Russia's 500,000th soldier died trying to recapture Kursk from the poorest nation in Europe.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:17 AM
Author: .- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .

Maybe 120,000 Russians died in this war max. When the histories are written we are going to learn that Ivan killed over 1.5 million Ukrainians and thousand and thousands of NATO volunteers including hundreds of Americans.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:37 AM
Author: .,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

you pay unattractive women to fuck you


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:38 AM
Author: .- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .

We all have to help the uglyabled.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:38 AM
Author: .,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

I'm not going to fuck your wife if that's what you're getting at


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:01 AM
Author: Fucking Fuckface

It's not mutually exclusive. We should have fair and appropriate relationships with everyone. And to be clear about Mexico in particular, they've been getting away with murder for a long time and must be dealt with.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:22 AM
Author: Motivated BJ Penn

Nation states aren’t people, this perspective is childish and retarded. A global hegemony managed with any degree of competence will behave assertively with respect to its two extremely weak neighbors and expend some degree of effort compromising when dealing with a moderately powerful overseas rival. Countries don’t form friendships or experience hurt feelings, the issue is that you’re confused because your progressive education has rotted your brain.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:30 AM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

This is a massive change in USA foreign policy and the opposite of the approach we took during our peak - 1945 to 2000, approximately.

Seems like an unwise move when the existing world order has been so beneficial to the US. But I’m sure the orange reality tv star has a deep and thorough grasp on history and has a very clear and attainable final goal that will benefit us all just as enormously as decades of US hegemony did.



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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:41 AM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

Not sure if you noticed, but the post WW II order is disintegrating regardless of what the US does. The Dems plan seems to be to just stick their head in the sand and pretend its 1990.

The US doesnt have the ability to take on Russia, China, and Iran simultaneously. We cant afford to antagonize all 3 at once. Of the 3, China is the biggest threat by far. Logic dictates that you then dial down the Rivalry with Russia in order to focus on the Pacific and Russia. In order to do that, we have to risk alienating some of our traditional allies in Europe. This is a smart move because Europe will not be be able or willing to assist us in any meaningful way in the Pacific when war comes.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:33 AM
Author: LathamTouchedMe

"Not sure if you noticed, but the post WW II order is disintegrating regardless of what the US does. The Dems plan seems to be to just stick their head in the sand and pretend its 1990."

There's actually less conflict and bloodshed now than at pretty much any time in the post WW2 period. We just have twitter now. The trumpmos desperate desire for revolution is just so mind-bogglingly stupid.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:43 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

This is such a shitlib disingenuous talking point. Its irrelevant that there are fewer small-scale domestic and regional conflicts in Africa and the Balkans.

It’s undeniably true that U.S. power vis-a-vis its major competitors is lower now than it was 30 years ago and is not trending in a positive direction. Our economy and nation can no longer support full throated U.S. engagement in all global theaters. A rational person recognizes this and acts accordingly. You, however, suffer from TDS and so can’t think rationally.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:51 PM
Author: Louis Poasteur

What major competitor is rising vis a vis the US? Russia? Russia is extremely weak and Trump wants to strengthen Russia if anything. China? China is Japan 2.0. Its population is declining, it has no natural allies besides Laos and Mongolia and it loses its best young people to western universities and companies. It's been in the midst of major economic problems for several years.

The US has (had) around 50 major economies as allies with which to wage conventional or economic war. This alliance rules (ruled) the world. There are no external threats to it. The only threat would be if a Trojan horse were to invade and sabotage the alliance and destroy its cohesiveness from the inside.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:54 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

“China is Japan 2.0. Its population is declining…”

Lol at this shitlib handwaving away of inconvenient problems.

China is vastly different than Japan with much more ambitious goals. Chink demographic problems arent the same as Western demographic problems because they have a different social safety net and can tolerate living with a lower standard of living for a lot longer without revolting.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:59 PM
Author: Louis Poasteur

They're dying, man. Their population is declining. They have no allies. They have no global cultural influence. They do not attract talented immigrants. They took our shittiest manufacturing jobs that nobody here wants to do while we developed Silicon Valley. The only hope China even has to be marginally influential and not end up as a larger Brazil would be for the Western alliance that rules the world to inexplicably implode from the inside.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:38 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

First you assured us they would turn into a democratic capitalist responsible world partner if only we helped them.

Now youre assuring us they will collapse and we dont need to worry about them.

Sorry if I dont believe a goddamn thing the shitlib national security establishment tells me.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:57 PM
Author: Louis Poasteur

I'm a conservative, retard. A conservative watching Trump attempt to destroy the very alliance that prevents China from even sniffing any global power or influence. If you think China is a threat then severing ties with your allies is even stupider but stupid is Trump's specialty.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 5:15 PM
Author: LathamTouchedMe

Amen. Especially this: "The only threat would be if a Trojan horse were to invade and sabotage the alliance and destroy its cohesiveness from the inside."


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:45 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

And when did I say anything about revolution, you histrionic faggot?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:49 PM
Author: MASE


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Date: March 4th, 2025 1:05 PM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

Cons have so little confidence in America. It’s pathetic what cowards you are.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 1:07 PM
Author: MASE

It takes a lot of confidence in America to do the kind of things Trump is doing actually.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:36 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

So its your position that America can continue to engage everyone everywhere all at once? Got it


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Date: March 4th, 2025 1:07 PM
Author: Louis Poasteur

Trump isn't "risking alienating Europe", he's directly and actively alienating them. He said the EU was created to "rip off the US" and other antagonistic gibberish


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:39 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

They are the past. Europe is a museum, not an economy or national security power. Asia is the future


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:28 AM
Author: Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine (gunneratttt)

watching globalists spergout with these increasingly desperate justifications for foreverwar is great. it's almost as good as libs glitching out.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:31 AM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

If Trump hasn’t lost in 2020 the US would still be in the actual forever war in Afghanistan.

Dont forget republicans gave us both Afghanistan and Iraq, while you pretend to be anti-war.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:39 AM
Author: Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine (gunneratttt)

you sound exactly like someone comparing sports franchises with championship wins from decades ago.

both parties supported iraq and afghanistan overwhelmingly.

trump wanted to get out of afghanistan. i give biden all the credit in the world for actually doing it despite both parties trying to hamstring him. in 2021 i would have probably have voted biden over trump since trump's first term was a disaster and biden seemed like an actual moderate who would get us out of wars. but then he got steamrolled by the buttplug mafia...

see obeezy, not everyone thinks politics is about a "teams" wins and losses. i was very happy for biden's early accomplishments, most notably finally pulling the plug on afghanistan. unlike you i like it when good things happen for america and don't base my opinions on the letter next to their name on MSNBC.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:41 AM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

Is anything I said false? I’m not sure why your panties are so twisted by me pointing out the simple fact that the GOP started two forever wars, and Donald broke his promise to end one of them and Biden had to fix Trump’s broken promise.

This is just historical record and factual. I don’t know why it triggered you so badly. You okay?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:42 AM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

Fuck, didnt realize this was Obeezy.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:43 AM
Author: Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine (gunneratttt)

i gotta stay out of politics threads while my adderall is kicking in otherwise i do foolish things like engage obeezy in good faith


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:51 AM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

Got it, so everything I said is true and you support Trump who broke his promise to end one of the GOP forever wars and no you pretend to be anti war.

So glad we have all that on the record now. Boy.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:56 AM
Author: Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine (gunneratttt)

trump did not get of afghanistan as he promised. i give credit to biden for doing it.

the democrats wanted to escalate our involvement in ukraine, trump wanted to reduce it and push for peace. thus far he has made good on that, and i give him credit for it.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:50 AM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

I’m so glad you can admit your god emperor continued the GOP forever war in Afghanistan despite his promises to end it.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:45 AM
Author: .,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

you are a really dishonest person and probably are jewish


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:49 AM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

Its Obeezy. Don’t engage.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:52 AM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

Am I so dishonest that I pretend I am anti war while supporting a candidate who broke a promise to end a forever war started by that candidates own political party?

Or is it just Gunner who is *that* dishonest? Mmmmmm bitch boi?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:14 AM
Author: .,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

yes to your first question. you are a very dishonest person.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:29 AM
Author: mountain cat

the last people who want a forever war are Ukrainians. But "peace" being defined as complete surrender with zero territorial guarantees is much worse.

Your counter argument I assume is going to be "i understand the Ukrainian perspective, but this is not our problem. I'm not OK with indefinitely providing military aid to Ukraine."

That's a rational argument to make but there are consequences to abandoning and betraying your allies. You're a smart guy, gunner, so I'm assuming you've accounted for those consequences in your analysis and conclusions on this issue.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:46 AM
Author: Ass Sunstein

Canada and Europe are conquered colonies, we don't have "relations" with them. Russia and China are actual countries that we need to get along with.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:53 AM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;



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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:56 AM
Author: Ass Sunstein



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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:02 AM
Author: .,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,



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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:56 AM
Author: male ass



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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:04 AM
Author: Charles Tyrwhitt Dad

Not entirely sure how good the relationship with the EU/Can ever was. The existing tariffs was already unequal and to favor their entities over the US, we went along with it for the longest times. Good example is the EU has much higher tariffs on American cars. And the EU plays games with its protectionist market and protected industries, it's difficult for American farmers to sell to the EU, so while not directly called tariffs there are economic policies that are de facto tariffs. It's why we have a trade deficit with the EU.

Then is the politics of NATO. The EU countries were able to have lavish welfare states in part by not living up to their NATO obligations, which was something every American president complained about and the response by the other countries was to always shrug and laugh it off.

And in recent decades has been the EU's unofficial war against American big tech companies, regularly issuing enormous fines over trivial matters. The EU even forced Ireland to sue and fine Google. Add to that the entire EU censorship complex, which is another platform of their wars against American big tech.

This is a separate issue from Russia, which I do not like nor trust at all, but the collective experience is enough to tell you that when you're the world's richest and most dynamic and innovative country - by a huge margin - you really don't have friends in the world, just friendly acquaintances.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:55 PM
Author: Louis Poasteur

"American farmers" means massive corporate outfits like Cargill and Monsanto. Agricultural protectionism and quotas is why Canada and Europe still have relatively small family farms growing large proportions of their food, and why their food doesn't contain nearly as many chemicals and toxins. Of course they wouldn't want cheap Monsanto slop dumped on their economies and put their family farms out of business


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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:11 AM
Author: tats

how come everyone involved is so impatient? if all parties genuinely believed their system of governance was the best, wouldn't it be more fitting that they would let the tides of time erode other empires into dust?

putin croaks and suddenly russia plunges into disorder. their gains in ukraine would end up like alexanders conquests. pay the piper for these small woundings and then when the pendulum tilts the other way, infiltrate and fragment russia into 20 -stans.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:13 AM
Author: .,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

almost like the whole thing is a massive grift operation


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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:20 AM
Author: Charles Tyrwhitt Dad

I've wondered this too. Who is Putin's replacement? Is there a will for a similar strongman to slide into his place and maintain the status quo?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:24 AM
Author: .- .-. . .-. . .--. - .. .-.. .

He isn't a strongman and virtually the entire Russian state elite is to his right.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:55 AM
Author: LathamTouchedMe

It took nearly a century last time before the russia's modern imperial project fell apart and not before a lot of damage was done. You're right that in the long run it won't last.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:56 AM
Author: .,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,

no one gives a shit about russia you weird fag


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:46 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

It really cant think clearly and just randomly chimed in with nonsensical TPs


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Date: March 4th, 2025 11:29 AM
Author: Bill Laimbeer circa 1990

we're going to have even better relations in the end.

this is tough love. Trump is smacking his bitch up to enforce boundaries and expectations. they throw a fit in the moment, but in the end, they're better behaved and everyone is happier.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:52 PM
Author: Trump Did Nothing Wrong when he abandoned Ukraine (gunneratttt)

it's 180 how libs run here to confirm "yes, if it was up to us we'd be exactly like canada."

never forget that this is lib's wet dream.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 5:09 PM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

It’s also 180 how you worship Donald “I love forever wars and would never have withdrawn from Afghanistan and vigorously supported the invasion of Iraq” Trump.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 5:54 PM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

yes and slapping tariffs on everything in the world will make stocks go up and inflation down!


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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:33 PM
Author: ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,

This is such a dumb democrat thinking.

For example, NATO countries are our friends. But if you're at dinner with your friends, and the bill comes, do you go "Wow Steve is just such a great guy we love Steve we're just going to keep paying the bill ad talk about how great Steve is." Or do you go, "Hey Steve, quit being an ass and pay your whole share."

Same thing with Russia. If you bump into a guy at a bar and his beer spills, and he starts screaming at you, do you go "You're a fucking idiot and evil and I hate you." Or do you go, "Sorry bud - it was my bad. Let's get another round together."

Sometimes you have to be tough on your friends, and sometimes you have to be kind to your enemies. A literal 5th grader cuold understand this but libs are too stupid. "We stood tough to Putin on the Ukraine and said we might let Ukraine into Nato! Good thing we were tough!" Well, great, now 1 million men are dead and we have no plan where to go next. But we 'stood tough'.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:34 PM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

(Joe Rogan School of International Affairs grad)


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Date: March 4th, 2025 9:33 PM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;

“By weakening Europe we strengthen western civilization,” the trumpmo mused.
