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Why are Sri Lankans more CIVILIED than Pajeet Indians?

Is it simply just because of Buddhism? I think but also they...
AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance
I assume because of Buddhism and lack of muslim influence n...
i follow some hotties on IG and its amazing how nice the cou...
AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance
have you been? it's really nice, I mean it's still obviously...
yea a few times, its way better than india but i still detec...
AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance
that said, their civil war was really fucking savage, althou...
i know barely anything abt it but seems it was the tamils be...
AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance
I don't know much either but that's the impression I get too...
More genteel mercantile colonialism by arabs and the Dutch. ...
So we looked at the data
everything ive seen abt dutch colonization from indonesia is...
AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance

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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:36 PM
Author: AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance

Is it simply just because of Buddhism? I think but also they had Civil War and that instilled discipline and also killed off a lot of the trash. India shld have had a big civil war in 70's and killed like 50m PAJEETS


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:49 PM
Author: libclubber (🍑 Pronouns: Ausländer/Raus döp dödö döp)

I assume because of Buddhism and lack of muslim influence

nice country, Sri Lanka


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:51 PM
Author: AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance

i follow some hotties on IG and its amazing how nice the country looks, not just the beaches but they have interior areas that are like forests and some look like african safari areas and some birdshit went to an area that is patterned after an english village

veddy kooky country, to bad they have pajeet tamils in north, those furks look like nigga shit. singalese are pretty good looking


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:52 PM
Author: libclubber (🍑 Pronouns: Ausländer/Raus döp dödö döp)

have you been? it's really nice, I mean it's still obviously South Asian and all that, but a very chill version of that


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Date: June 30th, 2024 2:25 PM
Author: AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance

yea a few times, its way better than india but i still detected some pajeet attitudes from ppl, like once a fly got in my JUICE during the free breakfast, actually it was like 15 flies inside it and i asked for a new one. they ended up charging me for an extra JUICE when i checked out but never told me before

then i wrote a bad review and the pajeet front desk dood found my phone number and started texting me like U BENCHOD BLOODY BASTARD FURK SHIT DICK BITCH


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:50 PM
Author: libclubber (🍑 Pronouns: Ausländer/Raus döp dödö döp)

that said, their civil war was really fucking savage, although it seems the Tamils (Hindus?) were especially nasty savages


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:51 PM
Author: AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance

i know barely anything abt it but seems it was the tamils being assholes, the retards literalyl cld have gone back to tamil nadu. wtf is wrong with pajeets


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:53 PM
Author: libclubber (🍑 Pronouns: Ausländer/Raus döp dödö döp)

I don't know much either but that's the impression I get too, and the Tamils seem to have invented the modern version of suicide bombing


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Date: June 30th, 2024 1:53 PM
Author: So we looked at the data

More genteel mercantile colonialism by arabs and the Dutch. Tea/coffee plantations aren't as brutal as sugarcane, rubber, or mining. The British period was not as disruptive as in India because the society had already spent hundreds of years adapting to colonization.

Theravada buddhism isn't dysgenic because most monks and nuns only do it for 5-10 years and then go have families.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 2:26 PM
Author: AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance

everything ive seen abt dutch colonization from indonesia is that they were brutal benchod bitches and prob worse than brits
