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The FEDS are neutral, they don't judge you (jack frost)

Thanks for the lulz, jackass!
carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit
I wasn't talking about the federal government, I was talking...
sexy church
Please cite some examples
carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit
The example of the family is perfect. If you are financially...
sexy church
However, the state will judge you for not liking gays becaus...
carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit
You would still be free to dislike gays in your private life...
sexy church
Sorry bro, I just remembered that tussling with idiots isn't...
carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit
I'm financially dependent on my familial relationships! SAVE...
startled pozpig
"Don't worry, we won't judge you! Please BE and DO wha...
carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit

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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:19 PM
Author: carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit

Thanks for the lulz, jackass!


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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:20 PM
Author: sexy church

I wasn't talking about the federal government, I was talking about the idea of a neutral government. In our case the federal government does make all sorts of judgements about how we live our private lives, but it is still less judgmental than the social institutions that conservatives would like to see take over its role.


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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:24 PM
Author: carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit

Please cite some examples


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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:28 PM
Author: sexy church

The example of the family is perfect. If you are financially dependent on your familial relationships and will face true destitution if you want to leave your spouse or offend their parents then you are not as "free" as you would be in a situation where that isn't the case. Or maybe you want to be gay but know that all the heavily Christian employers in your area will refuse to hire you-the state corrects for this by controlling business relationships and making discrimination impossible, which makes it easier for each individual person to live as they see fit in their private life.


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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:29 PM
Author: carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit

However, the state will judge you for not liking gays because of your belief system. So now you are just as un-free.


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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:33 PM
Author: sexy church

You would still be free to dislike gays in your private life though, and I think that is a relevant point. When the state forces neutrality in the economy it greatly increases the personal liberty of the average person by making it impossible for private beliefs about how people live to be used to threaten them with economic ruin.

I supported Eich being forced out of Mozilla because we live in a world in which workers have few protections, gays can't marry, and conservatives are using private means to advance their cause. That is also how we had to fight virulent racism in the 60s. That doesn't mean that is the best way to handle this sort of thing though. In my ideal society it would be legally impossible to fire anyone personal behavior or views, and such behavior couldn't become truly political because campaign contributions would be limited.


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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:36 PM
Author: carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit

Sorry bro, I just remembered that tussling with idiots isn't good for you. Take care.


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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:43 PM
Author: startled pozpig

I'm financially dependent on my familial relationships! SAVE ME GOVERNMENT!


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Date: April 15th, 2014 1:44 PM
Author: carmine nofapping keepsake machete hissy fit

"Don't worry, we won't judge you! Please BE and DO whatever you PLEASE!!!" -Government
