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The UK is so fucked holy shit

For some reason my YouTube feed has been infused with Englis...
Oh, you travel?
the long and short is that post-recession austerity measures...
Oh, you travel?
i'm tickled pink that my summoning charm worked
100% on the money here
Going asian basically giving up
average income in Mississippi is higher than in the UK
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
they are waving in immigrants and paying fealty to lib cause...
Their new public finances consist of subsidizing barbaric gr...
Nothing indiscriminately murdering hordes of brown people ca...
slam dunk
the head of the conservative party is a nigerian and benefic...
so hilarous that the big euro country with the most filthy m...
AZNgirl POTUS Removing Birth Right for AZNmen

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Date: January 23rd, 2025 6:06 AM
Author: .,.,.;;,;.,..,:,,:,...,:::,...,:,.,.;.:...:.,:.::,


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 8:08 AM
Author: Oh, you travel? ( )

For some reason my YouTube feed has been infused with Englishmen and Scots making “the UK is a dystopia” vlogs and planning their escape. What the hell happened? Btw they talk about their salaries and they are SO poor, like cowshit poor.


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 11:41 AM
Author: Greetings

the long and short is that post-recession austerity measures, covid, and brexit skullfucked the country

it's not as bad as a dystopia, but there are some serious problems, especially around health care bc of austerity (HCWs had their salaries cut and deflated, leading to a labor shortage, and their salaries still rise slower than inflation) plus brexit led to an evisceration of transportation (tons of drivers were polish, and they had to leave the country, so now moving things around the country is much more expensive and slow)

also for a parliamentary system, they have similar political outcomes as we do: the head of the LABOUR party has eight figure net worth, and the rapetile party is a murderer's row of pinheads that is now run by a nigerian who is a citizen bc of birth tourism like how the head of the rapetile party in the US is an illegal immigrant from south africa

i'll say one thing about the UK and europe that xo severely underestimates is how 180 it feels to know you'll never be rich, but no one else you know will be either, so you can just chill with your homies instead of responding to thank. emails at 12:30am so you don't get chewed out the next morning by a 4'5" unterfuhrer; having a society that actively shits on strivers is incredible bc most people only strive to impress other ppl, not bc they actually wanna oh you travel 24/7


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 11:46 AM
Author: Oh, you travel? ( )


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 12:31 PM
Author: Greetings

i'm tickled pink that my summoning charm worked


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 12:32 PM
Author: Going asian basically giving up

100% on the money here


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 11:41 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)

average income in Mississippi is higher than in the UK


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 12:58 PM
Author: .,.,.;;,;.,..,:,,:,...,:::,...,:,.,.;.:...:.,:.::,

they are waving in immigrants and paying fealty to lib causes and they have NO ONE to step in and put a stop to the bullshit a la trump. nor can they due to their parliamentary structure, the party machines broker everything. by law the king can no longer unilaterally dissolve parliament so that's out of the question too. for such a country the only hope is someone like trump inserting himself by sheer force of will and it cannot happen there. they will just gradually crumble until things get violent.

the only remaining hope is for someone to create a new party like reform uk or ukip but that is a much steeper battle than taking over an existing party like trump did.


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 11:28 AM
Author: ChadGPT-5

Their new public finances consist of subsidizing barbaric groups that are not compatible with modern society, very sad to see its plunder/rape.


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 11:29 AM
Author: slam dunk

Nothing indiscriminately murdering hordes of brown people can't fix.


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 11:42 AM
Author: Greetings

the head of the conservative party is a nigerian and beneficiary of birth tourism, previous one was indian, and two before that was an American

can't make it up


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Date: January 23rd, 2025 11:34 AM
Author: AZNgirl POTUS Removing Birth Right for AZNmen

so hilarous that the big euro country with the most filthy muzzie trash, france, actually isn't as furked as UK or germany. france at least built nuke plants so it doesnt have the disasterous energy issues of naziland

and even though they do like 6% budget deficit to support their BS welfare state it seems their public finances arent as furked as UK

macron also was actually able to build a little tech industry, even even have some faggot AI comp
