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The "twist-boat" conformation of a cyclohexane molecule

lol, chemistry is gay
gay space
Fuck you.
Floppy sickened address shitlib
gay doesn't mean BAD, it just means the subject is a bit que...
gay space
masturbating to ladyboys is not gay, dude.
Lascivious legend fanboi
bro how do you feel about this hyperconjugation diagram? ...
gay space
that h next to empty p is ripe for the plucking.
Drab alpha
gay space
twist boats, flips, and newman projections of cyclohexane, a...
Drab alpha
Floppy sickened address shitlib
if you have poor penmanship you will never get all the poin...
Drab alpha
Were you allowed to take in you're organic chemistry set to ...
Floppy sickened address shitlib
yes, but i didn't buy one and that was a mistake because it ...
Drab alpha
i found a lot of shit impenetrable until i watched a simple ...
gay space
agreed after a year of it, but at first when you have all so...
Drab alpha
I am so glad your posting again man. This just makes my day.
Floppy sickened address shitlib
Drab alpha
180. I miss doing that shit. I still remember the order of t...
Floppy sickened address shitlib
i was driven to despair the first semester. i had to teach m...
Drab alpha
It's really that one class that makes complete sense when yo...
Floppy sickened address shitlib
yeah. those were tough under time.
Drab alpha
Thats how they basically separate all the As from Bs and Cs ...
Floppy sickened address shitlib
gay space
some kind of lawn chair master man
whoopsy flamingo

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 21st, 2013 4:52 AM
Author: gay space

lol, chemistry is gay


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Date: February 21st, 2013 4:54 AM
Author: Floppy sickened address shitlib

Fuck you.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 4:57 AM
Author: gay space

gay doesn't mean BAD, it just means the subject is a bit queer.

think about it - what are you really doing when you look at the twist boat? if you're anything like me, you're rubbing your penis and masturbating to ladyboys. and that's pretty gay.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 4:59 AM
Author: Lascivious legend fanboi

masturbating to ladyboys is not gay, dude.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:05 AM
Author: gay space

bro how do you feel about this hyperconjugation diagram?



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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:11 AM
Author: Drab alpha

that h next to empty p is ripe for the plucking.


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Date: May 31st, 2013 3:12 AM
Author: gay space


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:01 AM
Author: Drab alpha

twist boats, flips, and newman projections of cyclohexane, and newman projections of flips: gay. ladyboys: not gay.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:02 AM
Author: Floppy sickened address shitlib



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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:03 AM
Author: Drab alpha

if you have poor penmanship you will never get all the points, and that's gay. and we haven't even discussed chair forms.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:04 AM
Author: Floppy sickened address shitlib

Were you allowed to take in you're organic chemistry set to the exams?


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:05 AM
Author: Drab alpha

yes, but i didn't buy one and that was a mistake because it took me months to understand that it was really kinda easy. we got this for free and that's what i used http://www.cambridgesoft.com/Ensemble_for_Biology/ChemBioOffice/Default.aspx. but i couldn't understand at first the whole 3D nature of the thing.

my test were like this with a group on each spot on both carbons http://www.knowledgebin.org/kb/images/1/subjects/chemistry/stereochemistry-2_files/19.gif


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:06 AM
Author: gay space

i found a lot of shit impenetrable until i watched a simple animation of what the fuck they were even talking about, and then it seemed so obvious.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:08 AM
Author: Drab alpha

agreed after a year of it, but at first when you have all sorts of groups on the different positions and you are under time pressure it's harder than a logic game.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:12 AM
Author: Floppy sickened address shitlib

I am so glad your posting again man. This just makes my day.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:12 AM
Author: Drab alpha



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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:11 AM
Author: Floppy sickened address shitlib

180. I miss doing that shit. I still remember the order of topics in organic chem II and shit


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:12 AM
Author: Drab alpha

i was driven to despair the first semester. i had to teach myself how to handwrite neatly.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:15 AM
Author: Floppy sickened address shitlib

It's really that one class that makes complete sense when your finally through with it.

You had to retrosyntheses and shit right?


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:18 AM
Author: Drab alpha

yeah. those were tough under time.


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Date: February 21st, 2013 5:21 AM
Author: Floppy sickened address shitlib

Thats how they basically separate all the As from Bs and Cs and shit.

What other books in mythology should I check out/steal from the internet? I have another week off before my next rotation


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Date: February 21st, 2013 4:34 PM
Author: gay space



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Date: March 17th, 2025 4:55 AM
Author: ,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,,..,..,.,,..,.,,.


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Date: March 17th, 2025 5:09 AM
Author: whoopsy flamingo

some kind of lawn chair master man
