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Look at this "Public Safety" rhetoric re: white flags over the

Brooklyn bridge. How did shitlibs let it get this far out of...
alcoholic crotch voyeur
alcoholic crotch voyeur
? if they could get up there to do this, well ...
Motley House-broken Garrison

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Date: July 22nd, 2014 5:09 PM
Author: alcoholic crotch voyeur

Brooklyn bridge. How did shitlibs let it get this far out of control.

The public safety of our city is of paramount importance, particularly our landmarks and bridges that are already known to be high-risk targets,” he said. “We will not surrender our public safety to anyone, at any time. Political and social expression, whatever its message may be, has a place in our society, but not at the expense of others’ security.”

Public Advocate Letitia James also issued a statement, saying the incident “raises serious concerns about our safety as a city.”

“I am deeply concerned that security protocols may have been breached. It is imperative that the New York Police Department review security procedures for our bridges and tunnels,” she said.



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Date: July 22nd, 2014 5:21 PM
Author: alcoholic crotch voyeur


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Date: July 22nd, 2014 5:22 PM
Author: Motley House-broken Garrison


if they could get up there to do this, well ...
